JP Morgan Funded NYPD Mass Arrests Over 700 Peaceful Occupy Wall Street Protesters

The fake right and the left will always co-opt these protests and make it about their neolib or neocon agendas - if they are allowed to. What the real anti-bankerster and real tea partiers need to do is beat the crap out of the co-opters and send them home. BTW, has the tea-party ever protested at a Fed bank? Just asking.
Is this really the only dialog going on here about this?
You guys bitch about the MSM in sports all day long, and then you will swallow their load when its the news? Did you tickle the balls as well? WhatThe****?
Tare down the system? Who gives a **** if they do not agree with you 100%? It's a ****ing vehicle, get in and take a ride. How many of you posters out there have ever stood up to anyone anywhere for your beliefs? You want them to protest the FED, get off your ****ing ass and go do it your damn self. Do you want your congressman to go protest for you? You say you want change; yet you all are trying to find anyway to excuse your pathetic apathy. You say they are leftist, commies, and damn liberals. Then get your ass out there and change their young minds. You want others to change the world for you while you sit and watch. There is real change coming, you think this protest is going to slow down? Nope it will not; it's the catalyst for martial law.
Where will you be when the Military is deployed on American soil?
Will you be ok with it then too because; hey they are all just leftist, commies, and liberals right?
Stop with the ****ing apathy and do something.
-November 5
yeah agreed, like I said before in this thread, I support them, I don't care what their views are, this isn't 1969 and Nixon's not coming, so stir it up goofballs, bring the whole thing down and I'll drink a toast to every freak in the crowd.

check this link out-I'm sure you will agree with much of it--[h=1]Radicals for the System[/h][h=2]The phony Left and phony Right shadowbox at Occupy Wall Street[/h]The great strength of the Left is that it constitutes both the system and the only permissible alternative. This country, and the West, is governed by the power of international finance and the unholy conglomerate of big business and big government controlled by those hostile to us. Together they undermine national sovereignty, fund the destruction of traditional values, bankroll the hard Left, hollow out the conservative movement into a pointless defense of corruption and privilege, and push open borders and the dispossession of our people. They are the enemy of any real conservatism and the small business owners and workers that make up any real right wing movement. Yet incredibly, once again, we find ourselves in a situation where the Left has co-opted the call for change, even in a society where they hold all the levers of power. Also, on cue, the American Right (such as it is) is rallying to defend the status quo, to argue in defense of the kleptocrats that are destroying them.
"... this country is governed by an economic oligarchy that is deeply hostile to the American people.."
Very interesting Jax, I will be passing that around. It was a very well articulated piece. And at the same time a dire warning.
I for one will not just sit here and let my fellow young Americans be duped. I'm going to edit that article a little and print/pass it out tonight; thanks for that.
When I say edit, I mean to make it more concise and to the point. Not to edit the content. The youth have a short attention span.
Hey bro, I am active in the TEA Party. When we protest we want nothing other than a return to core values of the constitution and big government out of the way.

We did not go out defecating on police cars, speaking incoherent socialists/communists/welfare from cradle to grave mantras.

Yeah the banks are in bed with alot of the politicians, that is why there was an civil uprising last Nov 2010, even with the MSM in the pockets of the libs/demos/BO.

Yeah, I can't wait for the 1st deep freeze of the year to silence these micreants and misguided youth at least for 4 o 5 months. I know they will be back in the spring stronger and backed by BO and the dems.

The stage will be set for a battle for the America. Alot of us at that point will need to get involved in the street and money contributions.
I don't care what their views are, this isn't 1969 and Nixon's not coming, so stir it up goofballs, bring the whole thing down and I'll drink a toast to every freak in the crowd.

They're not trying to bring anything down.
They're trying to prop it up.

Once Obama is re-elected, these paid faux-testers will happily disperse back to their dorm rooms and urban slums. These worts don't actually want anything. They were dispatched by the machine to draw eyes.
The media plays along. Wall Street plays along. Obama plays along. And everybody's attention is diverted.

I'm censoring my last statement because Big Sis is always watching.
I don't get the "permit to protest" mentality. Is that in the constitution too?

I'm all for this type of thing, I hope they get ugly. Stuff won't change until the heat is put on the people in control. I don't care what their politics is, they won't be deciding if the rich get taxed or what to do with the FedReserve, they are just going to throw a monkey wrench in a system that deserves it. The system pays more attention to lefties anyway, if it was conservative white guys they would be calling them racist. Let the wackos kick open the door, they're the only ones with the guts to do it, it's not like anyone here is going to go out and do it (me included).

I want blacks rioting, and commies looting, and kids burning stuff. That's what starts a revolution, not debating philosophies on the internet.

This story is getting little coverage in the MSM. Those stupid jew hypocrites, they can blanket cover a protest in Cairo but can't hardly spare a camera team for NYC. I had a clueless white women ask me today if I knew what was going on in NYC, she said she had to go to a website of a paper in England to find out details about it (she obviously wasn't into all of the alternative info websites that we know about). tick..tick.tick
Right!! I couldn't care less who knocks the giant off the mountain. If its hippies, commies, blacks or liberals. Once the ball comes loose its anybodys game.....
...We did not go out defecating on police cars, speaking incoherent socialists/communists/welfare from cradle to grave mantras.

Yeah the banks are in bed with alot of the politicians, that is why there was an civil uprising last Nov 2010, even with the MSM in the pockets of the libs/demos/BO.

Yeah, I can't wait for the 1st deep freeze of the year to silence these micreants and misguided youth at least for 4 o 5 months. I know they will be back in the spring stronger and backed by BO and the dems.....
Again you miss the whole point; are you rehashing your talking points from your no spin sources? While I applaud your active involvement in the Tea Party, you guys did nothing. Changed nothing, who are you going to support to bring about your sated goals? Michele Bachmann? Good for you keep supporting your military industrial complex that send white Americans to die in unconstitutional/undeclared wars. If you were actually out there you would know that the majority of the protesters are not Obama supporters, they are not Democrats they are people who are fed up with the system. All of it. The "active Tea Party members" should be trying to find common ground to stand on. Your movement was co-opted by the republicans, I won't let the same happen to mine!
-November 5
Right!! I couldn't care less who knocks the giant off the mountain. If its hippies, commies, blacks or liberals. Once the ball comes loose its anybodys game.....
Agreed 100% if the oligarchy lives through this we may not get a second chance!
They're not trying to bring anything down.
They're trying to prop it up.

Once Obama is re-elected, these paid faux-testers will happily disperse back to their dorm rooms and urban slums. These worts don't actually want anything. They were dispatched by the machine to draw eyes.
The media plays along. Wall Street plays along. Obama plays along. And everybody's attention is diverted.

I'm censoring my last statement because Big Sis is always watching.
Draw eyes from what? You think that there will even be an election this year? Martial law is whats coming that is why the Occupy movement is being portrayed in all Media(Fox,CNN,MSNBC,HLN,ect.) as a disorganized mob. I can tell you that the large majority of what you have dubbed "faux-testers" are not paid to do anything. You say these "worts" don't want anything? Get your head out of the ****ing dirt.
Again I ask you
Where will you be when the Military is deployed on American soil?
Will you be ok with it then too because; hey they are all just leftist, commies, and liberals right?
Schaafc said:
Is this really the only dialog going on here about this?
You guys bitch about the MSM in sports all day long, and then you will swallow their load when its the news? Did you tickle the balls as well? WhatThe****?
Tare down the system? Who gives a **** if they do not agree with you 100%? It's a ****ing vehicle, get in and take a ride. How many of you posters out there have ever stood up to anyone anywhere for your beliefs? You want them to protest the FED, get off your ****ing ass and go do it your damn self. Do you want your congressman to go protest for you? You say you want change; yet you all are trying to find anyway to excuse your pathetic apathy. You say they are leftist, commies, and damn liberals. Then get your ass out there and change their young minds. You want others to change the world for you while you sit and watch. There is real change coming, you think this protest is going to slow down? Nope it will not; it's the catalyst for martial law.
Where will you be when the Military is deployed on American soil?
Will you be ok with it then too because; hey they are all just leftist, commies, and liberals right?
Stop with the ****ing apathy and do something.
-November 5

Schaafc said:
Draw eyes from what? You think that there will even be an election this year? Martial law is whats coming that is why the Occupy movement is being portrayed in all Media(Fox,CNN,MSNBC,HLN,ect.) as a disorganized mob. I can tell you that the large majority of what you have dubbed "faux-testers" are not paid to do anything. You say these "worts" don't want anything? Get your head out of the ****ing dirt.
Again I ask you
Where will you be when the Military is deployed on American soil?
Will you be ok with it then too because; hey they are all just leftist, commies, and liberals right?

How many obscenities can one newbie discharge in a mere handful of posts? Those eloquent “F words,†that comprehensive ridicule, and those silly references to fellatio truly inspired me…to think even less of your ignoble prattling.

And what are you doing to aid this diverse gaggle of gays, effeminate city boys, Zionists, Marxists, communists, hippies, female chauvinists, socialists, jobless handout-seekers, non-whites, negro-lovers, anti-white “conservatives†and other assorted Jew-tools?

Fortunately, I live about six hours away from the “Big Festering Apple.†Even if I didn’t, I’d never walk among this racially-oblivious collection of anti-white twits…









I did find one protestor worthy of respect, though. Notice all the “white people†holding crude signs that disagree with him. Their signs read “asshole,†“wrong,†and “this guy doesn’t represent O.W.S.†How ironic that the only intelligent person in the crowd appears to be part Negro…






Here is your OWS. Wall Street is less evil than these pathetic losers:

"By now, I’m sure most of you have heard about Occupy Wall Street. Inspired by Adbuster’s call for action in July, protesters have occupied Zuccotti Park near Wall Street in New York City since September 17th. {snip}

Occupy Wall Street’s General Assembly operates under a revolutionary “progressive stack.†A normal “stack†means those who wish to speak get in line. A progressive stack encourages women and traditionally marginalized groups speak before men, especially white men. This is something that has been in place since the beginning, it is necessary, and it is important.
“Step up, step back†was a common phrase of the first week, encouraging white men to acknowledge the privilege they have lived in their entire lives and to step back from continually speaking. This progressive stack has been inspiring and mind-boggling in its effectiveness. {snip}

Hopefully The Occupied Wall Street Journal will abide by the zeitgeist of this movement, which is radical inclusivity. Anything claiming to represent the General Assembly should be subject to the same governing principles, which would include a progressive stack. If this is a revolution of white men, it will not succeed.

In the words of Kevin Alvarez, a Latino blogger and activist who has been occupying wall street for over a week now:

“Without the voices of the disenfranchised people of color, lgbtq, differently abled, and other marginalized groups then this will become a revolution of those with privilege against those with privilege. There is a difference between revolutionary change and just being allowed access to the power, status, and wealth of the dominant culture. And Occupy Wall Street should not be co-opted by those seeking a watered down version of this systematically murderous economic and political system.â€
I did find one protestor worthy of respect, though. Notice all the “white people” holding crude signs that disagree with him. Their signs read “*******,” “wrong,” and “this guy doesn’t represent O.W.S.” How ironic that the only intelligent person in the crowd appears to be part Negro…

Here's an amazing video of a female L.A. school teacher, who was fired for anti-semitic comments. Unlike creepy little white males who cry and beg for forgiveness, when they fail to toe the line, this lady is not backing down:


PS: Notice the white ding-bat/short-skirted slut (weather woman?) at the end of the video, upset that the black woman was even allowed to speak...I guess the comment about Jews being 'kicked out of 109 countries', must have set off this bimbo?

PS 2X: Here is a Faux News L.A. newslink: What's amazing is it seems like the vast majority of the comments are anti-Jewish and the Faux News neo-cons have not deleted them!!
How many obscenities can one newbie discharge in a mere handful of posts? Those eloquent “F words,†that comprehensive ridicule, and those silly references to fellatio truly inspired me…to think even less of your ignoble prattling.

And what are you doing to aid this diverse gaggle of gays, effeminate city boys, Zionists, Marxists, communists, hippies, female chauvinists, socialists, jobless handout-seekers, non-whites, negro-lovers, anti-white “conservatives†and other assorted Jew-tools?

Fortunately, I live about six hours away from the “Big Festering Apple.†Even if I didn’t, I’d never walk among this racially-oblivious collection of anti-white twits…

Did you think eloquence and your acceptance and approval was my end goal?
I'm sorry you are so pathetically short sighted.

"The New American Patriot will be neither left nor right, just a freeman fighting for liberty. … Soon there will be millions in this country of every political persuasion confronting the police state in streets throughout America. … Wake up and smell the tear gas. Freedom is calling its sons and daughters."
— "New World Order," Beam
Great find Truthteller. It's absolutely amazes me the way that media pundits bend over backwards for the chosen. When they defend the jews they never engage in fact; it's simply that old ad homonym attack of anti-Semitism. That they defend zionist jews with trepidation in their voice makes the debacle that much more eerie. We truly have been occupied - the masses psychologically and economically. Hate speech? Please. Since when is pointing out a patent truth hateful?
Again you miss the whole point; are you rehashing your talking points from your no spin sources? While I applaud your active involvement in the Tea Party, you guys did nothing. Changed nothing, who are you going to support to bring about your sated goals? Michele Bachmann? Good for you keep supporting your military industrial complex that send white Americans to die in unconstitutional/undeclared wars. If you were actually out there you would know that the majority of the protesters are not Obama supporters, they are not Democrats they are people who are fed up with the system. All of it. The "active Tea Party members" should be trying to find common ground to stand on. Your movement was co-opted by the republicans, I won't let the same happen to mine!
-November 5
No, I am not missing any point. I am not rehashing talking points. What I have stated is what I believe. WTF, did you count the total number of self described TEA members elected to congress in 11/2010? We stopped BO in his tracks on spending another 1/2 trillion dollars. Most/all of those OWS malcontents are libs/socialist/communists/freedom haters/BO supports/ code pink man haters/ drug hypes/ criminals/ DWFs?/losers. I was not co-opted by any party. Get that in your head! Schaafc or what ever your "real" posting name is here at CF, go down there and rub elbows with deadenders, losers, libs and paid hands by the SEIUs pricks. You should lead a protest in front of the White House with your soilders of marxism/socialism/wimps and closet homos and wave pennants inscribed with "Schaafc" and state I am here to lead the revolution against capitalism and damnit people used to like me.
No, I am not missing any point. I am not rehashing talking points. What I have stated is what I believe. WTF, did you count the total number of self described TEA members elected to congress in 11/2010? We stopped BO in his tracks on spending another 1/2 trillion dollars. Most/all of those OWS malcontents are libs/socialist/communists/freedom haters/BO supports/ code pink man haters/ drug hypes/ criminals/ DWFs?/losers. I was not co-opted by any party. Get that in your head! Schaafc or what ever your "real" posting name is here at CF, go down there and rub elbows with deadenders, losers, libs and paid hands by the SEIUs pricks. You should lead a protest in front of the White House with your soilders of marxism/socialism/wimps and closet homos and wave pennants inscribed with "Schaafc" and state I am here to lead the revolution against capitalism and damnit people used to like me.

Westside, I suspect this is another of Mattgianone aka drunkblackfans logins that he created before being banned on the other ones. I could be wrong but it's certainly one of our former "buddies" again. Pay no attention to him, he's obviously just here to stir up trouble.
Westside, I suspect this is another of Mattgianone aka drunkblackfans logins that he created before being banned on the other ones. I could be wrong but it's certainly one of our former "buddies" again. Pay no attention to him, he's obviously just here to stir up trouble.

WA 33, your right, it is another poster here. But I suspect its one other than the ones you mentioned. I believe he is currently active under another name. It is a suspecion only, I could be wrong. But I have a feeling who it is.

Based on his disrespect and flipant remarks I have a good hunch on who it is.
Here's an amazing video of a female L.A. school teacher, who was fired for anti-semitic comments. Unlike creepy little white males who cry and beg for forgiveness, when they fail to toe the line, this lady is not backing down:



That brave woman is black on the outside and white on the inside! She reminds me of brave congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. Too many physically and mentally obese white people are now white on the outside and black, or "rainbow colored", on the inside.

Shame that the white race has sunk so low that we have to admire brave Negroes - that Black Marine who confronted the coppers at the OWS yesterday too. They interviewed two retired White Marines there too. OK, I take back some of the bad things that I've said about Marines over the years.
Schaafc said:
Did you think eloquence and your acceptance and approval was my end goal?

Yes, I do think that. Why would anyone post on an internet forum if they didn’t care about being “accepted” by that particular group (unless they’re trolling, which I don’t believe you are)? If you didn’t care about our “approval,” then why are you badgering us into taking time away from our families, jobs, and other responsibilities in order to drive countless hours to “Hell Hole, USA” so that we may hold crude cardboard signs (smeared with clichés) alongside this naïve, grubby kaleidoscope of anti-white losers? You know, that group that isn’t actually protesting any of the myriad of white-destroying race crimes occurring in this nation on a secondly basis. In fact, when the ultra-pertinent issue of race (in this case, Zionist Bank-ster Jews) is actually mentioned by certain protestors at O.W.S., the nearby herd animals can only summon their natural instinct to mock, degrade, and insult.

Schaafc said:
I'm sorry you are so pathetically short sighted.

So I’m “pathetically short sighted” because I don’t believe that this lame, timid, sloppy, yawn-inducing “protest” (managed by anti-white / race-neutral leadership) will help to build a better future for white children? I’m “sorry” that you didn’t answer my question, which was a simple inquiry…“what have you done to help?”
I disagree with Thrashen here. This totally corrupt talmudic occupational government that is inexorably destroying our race and civilization as well as peace on this planet needs to be overthrown. The creatures that have seized control of this country are the worlds worst enemies of the white race. It is already projected that - because of the non-white immigration invasion and forced breeding program for non-whites called welfare - that the white race will be a minority here in only a few decades. Similar treason is going on in western Europe.

No, you're not going to see clean cut white fatties out protesting. They're sitting slack jawed in front of their tv sets drinking beer and eating junk food, watching sports and gay and jewish comedy shows and the zionews on tv, soaking up the bull**** about the next big mock election, getting fattened up for the slaughter.

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