JP Morgan Funded NYPD Mass Arrests Over 700 Peaceful Occupy Wall Street Protesters

"Because we're paying for it - and we're paying for their endless mass murdering wars for Wall Street and Israhel too, and we'll pay in blood when all their wars finally come back home to roost, and we're paying for the approx. hundred million US taxpayers money per day that goes straight to Israhel, and we're paying for the government Wall Street bailouts too, and we're paying for all the tax loopholes for the super- wealthy too, and we're paying for the government sponsored immigration invasion too, and we're paying for the zio-looting of Wall Street too, and we're paying for the government mandated integration and welfare forced breeding programs for blacks, and we're paying for the zio-Federal reserve Bank too, and we're even paying for the zionist owned mass media that's destroying us and that you're parroting."

But the OWS people want more immigration (as long as it is non-white), more welfare/handouts for blacks, more affirmative action and more anti-white racism.

CEOs giving themselves huge pay raises is less of a problem that the anti-white racism of OWS.

OWS people hate you and your skin color.
Come WW, we are only supposed to worry about what teachers make not government supported billionaire bankers - because they earned it.

I have no idea what the true idealogy of OWS and I'm sure the neolibs along with media are pushing for another high-jacking but something sure is f-ed up on Wall Street. At least some factions of the OWS movement are protesting the FED - an idea that was totally abandon by the those who high-jacked the Tea Party.
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Come WW, we are only supposed to worry about what teachers make not government supported billionaire bankers - because they earned it.

I have no idea what the true idealogy of OWS and I'm sure the neolibs along with media and pushing for another high-jacking but something sure is f-ed up on Wall Street. At least some factions of the OWS movement are protesting the FED - an idea that was totally abandon by the those who high-jacked the Tea Party.

There's no such thing as a "true ideology of OWS", though the corporate media hired talking heads try to portray all of them - from military veterans to union members to commies to fascists to retired police officers to everything else - as "no good leftist hippies" - and there's nothing stopping more people on our side from getting off their fat asses in front of their talmudvisions and going down there too!

This country now needs a revolution a million times more than it did in '76!

Arab Spring comes to the USSA! Walk like an Egyptian!

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"and there's nothing stopping more people on our side from getting off their fat asses in front of their talmudvisions and going down there too!"

Why join people who hate us? You might as well march with the NAACP or Al Sharpton.

More welfare, more black quarterbacks, more amnesties, more blaming whitey.
I think that some of you fellers might be basing your antipathy to the people - overwhelmingly White - who are brave enough to go out on the street to challenge the parasitic occupational government - the occupational government that is systematically trashing our nation and civilization and race! - an incipient revolution and you're ringing your hands and supporting the status quo! - based on what you see on your tv sets (kill your f'ing tv!!!

Those manipulative and malevolent sons of bitches will always select the scroungiest most spaced out specimens to interview and highlight in order to try to disparage us, to disparage anyone who dares to speak out against the  occupational government.  They did the same with our massive anti-war demonstrations, before Z O G sneak attacked the peaceful nation of Iraq.  I remember how they gave more air time to the two pro-war ******** down the block than they did to 100,000 antiwar demonstrators. Of course the Judeo-Bolshevik "old left" is always trying to undermine and co-opt revolutions, and they can do that because decent people are parked on their fat asses in front of their tv sets sitting there slack jawed soaking up the bullcrap from the hired talking heads.

Do they show you these guys on your talmudvision?


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