JP Morgan Funded NYPD Mass Arrests Over 700 Peaceful Occupy Wall Street Protesters

This totally corrupt talmudic occupational government that is inexorably destroying our race and civilization as well as peace on this planet needs to be overthrown.
However, the people protesting are NOT asking that our current corrupt government be changed. They are instead advocating for the EXPANSION of it. The vast majority are Marxists, advocating the abolishment of capitalism and to have a full-fledged statist (dictatorship, for all intents and purposes) form of government installed. If that's what you think would be a swell system, werewolf, then we are not in agreement.
Schaafc is also on the side of the protesters, stating that he is against the police state. Well, I don't want to break it to you, but a Marxist regime IS a police state, where nothing belongs to you, everything to the government. That's a way to stick it to those bourgeois rich people!!
I’m “sorry†that you didn’t answer my question, which was a simple inquiry…“what have you done to help?â€
You are right about that, I did overlook your question. What I have done; is attempt to inform the indoctrinated young white men within the movement. To try and open their eyes if you wil so the their idealistic/active nature can/will not be subverted. That has been my only goal from the beginning. While you write off them as "...gays, effeminate city boys, Zionists, Marxists, communists, hippies, female chauvinists, socialists, jobless handout-seekers, non-whites, negro-lovers, anti-white “conservatives†and other assorted Jew-tools"
I would rather try and awaken them. Not all white men have had the fortune to be born to white loving/German speaking parents Thrash. I my self was not, and I know damn well that there are many many more that are ready to be awakened. I do not at all advocate you driving to NYC no matter how far you are living; rather research it at a local level and try and stop your brethren from falling into the MSM trap.

Yes, I do think that. Why would anyone post on an internet forum if they didn’t care about being “accepted†by that particular group (unless they’re trolling, which I don’t believe you are)? If you didn’t care about our “approval,†then why are you badgering us into taking time away from our families, jobs, and other responsibilities in order to drive countless hours to “Hell Hole, USA†so that we may hold crude cardboard signs (smeared with clichés) alongside this naïve, grubby kaleidoscope of anti-white losers? You know, that group that isn’t actually protesting any of the myriad of white-destroying race crimes occurring in this nation on a secondly basis. In fact, when the ultra-pertinent issue of race (in this case, Zionist Bank-ster Jews) is actually mentioned by certain protestors at O.W.S., the nearby herd animals can only summon their natural instinct to mock, degrade, and insult.

I think I answered this fairly comprehensively above. Your right I do care about the opinions of people on this forum; I started lurking here in 2005 most of you Thrashen,FootballDad,WA33,Westside and of course Don, and Jimmy helped open my eyes. And for clarification Westside, WA33 I have owned other names on this site chris8812. I have nothing to hide!

Now let me again pose my question to all of you who have questioned my love for my race, and my sincerity of intent.

Where will you be when the Military is deployed on American soil?
Will you be ok with it then too because; hey they are all just leftist, commies, and liberals right?
Schaafc is also on the side of the protesters, stating that he is against the police state. Well, I don't want to break it to you, but a Marxist regime IS a police state, where nothing belongs to you, everything to the government. That's a way to stick it to those bourgeois rich people!!

1. I would love to see one place where I advocated a Marxist regime.
2. I know what a police state is FootballDad, and we are living in one.
3. I'm on the side of change; I do not agree with anyone that is Anti-White or Communist. However if it is a white man, regardless of my preconceived notions about his indoctrination; I will attempt to instill some pride in his race.
Great find Truthteller. It's absolutely amazes me the way that media pundits bend over backwards for the chosen. When they defend the jews they never engage in fact; it's simply that old ad homonym attack of anti-Semitism. That they defend zionist jews with trepidation in their voice makes the debacle that much more eerie. We truly have been occupied - the masses psychologically and economically. Hate speech? Please. Since when is pointing out a patent truth hateful?

Alpha, just did a quick google search on the ding-bat that wanted to take the mic' away from the protester. Here name is Liz Habib, I believe, and she does/did sports and weather....Irony here is 'Habib' seems to be an Arab name. Shows you how much power one, small group has in America when even an Arab-American lady quakes in her boots at the thought of free speech that might offend the 'choosen people'. Obviously she must be aware of the Rick Sanchez saga over at CNN...Here's another Youtube link, in which the black woman refuses to get rid of her sign. Notice how scared the wench from Occupy LA gets when the black woman raises her voice and wont remove her sign?!

That brave woman is black on the outside and white on the inside! She reminds me of brave congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. Too many physically and mentally obese white people are now white on the outside and black, or "rainbow colored", on the inside.

WW, here are two proud white woman doing the same thing in Orlando, even handing out fliers. I know the blue-eyed brunette (aka TeutonicWarriorChick), in particular, has been very outspoken on Youtube videos, but the tatted red-head also seems to be very aggressive:

Note: Audio does not start until, about, the 20 second mark:
WW, here are two proud white woman doing the same thing in Orlando, even handing out fliers. I know the blue-eyed brunette (aka TeutonicWarriorChick), in particular, has been very outspoken on Youtube videos, but the tatted red-head also seems to be very aggressive:

Note: Audio does not start until, about, the 20 second mark:

1. I would love to see one place where I advocated a Marxist regime.
2. I know what a police state is FootballDad, and we are living in one.
3. I'm on the side of change; I do not agree with anyone that is Anti-White or Communist. However if it is a white man, regardless of my preconceived notions about his indoctrination; I will attempt to instill some pride in his race.
That's all well and good, except this thread is specifically about the OWS movement, which is a terribly misguided movement made up mostly of communist sympathizers. I spoke to a couple of these folks at the Kansas City version, and they, to the man, were hard-core statists. You were supportive of the message of these folks, so there you are.
Is this really the only dialog going on here about this?
You guys bitch about the MSM in sports all day long, and then you will swallow their load when its the news? Did you tickle the balls as well? WhatThe****?
Tare down the system? Who gives a **** if they do not agree with you 100%? It's a ****ing vehicle, get in and take a ride. How many of you posters out there have ever stood up to anyone anywhere for your beliefs? You want them to protest the FED, get off your ****ing ass and go do it your damn self. Do you want your congressman to go protest for you? You say you want change; yet you all are trying to find anyway to excuse your pathetic apathy. You say they are leftist, commies, and damn liberals. Then get your ass out there and change their young minds. You want others to change the world for you while you sit and watch. There is real change coming, you think this protest is going to slow down? Nope it will not; it's the catalyst for martial law.
Where will you be when the Military is deployed on American soil?
Will you be ok with it then too because; hey they are all just leftist, commies, and liberals right?
Stop with the ****ing apathy and do something.
-November 5
"...You were supportive of the message of these folks, so there you are."
Listen I'm really not trying to stir this pot anymore then it has been already; but I can't just let you make false statements about my words.
I advocate and support their action alone; never did I say that I believed or supported their message.
I advocate and support their action alone; never did I say that I believed or supported their message.
Curious statement. How can the message be separated from the action? And what is the action without the message?
She also goes by WhiteSavageChick too. Her videos are great. If more white women -and men - were like her we wouldn't have this problem. The genius of Zionism is that they get all the sheeple to protect them. It still amazes me. If the bankster criminals were Italian, English, or Irish, would they be free from blame? Would you be anti-Celtic? Anti- Anglo Saxon? Anti-Mediterreranain? I always use that little piece of counter logic to persuade friends and family on the fence.
Curious statement. How can the message be separated from the action? And what is the action without the message?
You are confusing two things.
1. Dissatisfaction with the MSM, government, international banking cartels(we know to be Zionist) i.e. the catalysis for the demonstrations .(I support)
2. The stated outcome some within the group desire i.e. their message.(I disagree)
And as for the action without the message; as I have said many times in this thread. It is an opening for change, a vehicle if you will.
She also goes by WhiteSavageChick too. Her videos are great. If more white women -and men - were like her we wouldn't have this problem. The genius of Zionism is that they get all the sheeple to protect them. It still amazes me. If the bankster criminals were Italian, English, or Irish, would they be free from blame? Would you be anti-Celtic? Anti- Anglo Saxon? Anti-Mediterreranain? I always use that little piece of counter logic to persuade friends and family on the fence.
Excellent point that I'll have to use when I get hit with the "anti-smite" remarks. Also, I wish you'd post more often as they are always gems. :beer:
Schaafc said:
You are right about that, I did overlook your question. What I have done; is attempt to inform the indoctrinated young white men within the movement. To try and open their eyes if you wil so the their idealistic/active nature can/will not be subverted. That has been my only goal from the beginning. While you write off them as "...gays, effeminate city boys, Zionists, Marxists, communists, hippies, female chauvinists, socialists, jobless handout-seekers, non-whites, negro-lovers, anti-white “conservativesâ€￾ and other assorted Jew-tools"
I would rather try and awaken them. Not all white men have had the fortune to be born to white loving/German speaking parents Thrash. I my self was not, and I know damn well that there are many many more that are ready to be awakened. I do not at all advocate you driving to NYC no matter how far you are living; rather research it at a local level and try and stop your brethren from falling into the MSM trap.

Thanks for the response. I remember your posts as “Chris8812.â€￾ You posted a lot on college football and basketball. Sorry if I came off as a jerk, but your first few posts in this thread were a tad insulting to the group, haha.

WW, here are two proud white woman doing the same thing in Orlando, even handing out fliers. I know the blue-eyed brunette (aka TeutonicWarriorChick), in particular, has been very outspoken on Youtube videos, but the tatted red-head also seems to be very aggressive:

Note: Audio does not start until, about, the 20 second mark:

Great girls! They've got more balls than 99% of men. I know a girl just like that - and she even looks a lot like tatted rh! I just sent her the Youtube link.

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Thanks for the response. I remember your posts as “Chris8812.â€￾ You posted a lot on college football and basketball. Sorry if I came off as a jerk, but your first few posts in this thread were a tad insulting to the group, haha.
No worries brother; I am a passionate person and when I get hyped about something, I can come off as more then just a jerk sometimes.
I want to more then anything find some like minded people to band together with in the days we all know are ahead.
My worry is that at some point and time there will be a violent surge in the Protesters demonstrations; and that martial law will be enacted. But it won't be billed as martial law it will be called "The preservation of Public Spaces Act" or some such misleading title; and due to the polarization of Right V. Left the conservatives will be cheering as the militarized branches of your local PD clear out civilians. And lets be honest here; left wingers don't have the guns, the guts, or the individuality to be legitimately dangerous to the establishment. I feel that if this keeps playing out the way it is then it will be conservatives who end up cheer leading on the sidelines while martial law is imposed. This frightens me for the future of my family, and brethren, and it enrages me to no end.
"And lets be honest here; left wingers don't have the guns, the guts, or the individuality to be legitimately dangerous to the establishment."

Because they are the establishment.
Soon the deep freeze will force these miscreants back to their nests. We won't have to hear from there rancid traps at least until April. How I long for a deep freeze thinking about New York while CA is around 78 degrees. The winter in the east can't come soon enough.
"And lets be honest here; left wingers don't have the guns, the guts, or the individuality to be legitimately dangerous to the establishment."

Because they are the establishment.
Are you suggesting that the right is not?
By the right I mean the politicians. Not the people that hold conservative beliefs.
"And lets be honest here; left wingers don't have the guns, the guts, or the individuality to be legitimately dangerous to the establishment."

Because they are the establishment.
The extreme left has been probably more dangerous to society, than anything on the extreme right. It seems like the extreme left largely have been able to (in the past) avoid police infiltration of their cells before they robbed banks or murdered policemen, politicians and businessmen. These protesters are largely disaffected but aren't extremists or they would take violent action against whatever symbol of society they feel is unjust.
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Trying to put labels like "left wing" on this is sheer bull**** and a controlled ziomedia trick to try to ridicule people who have had enough of the corrupt occupational government and its scam elections and crooked politicians and greedy plutocrats on Wall Street sucking the country dry, reducing the USA to a third world hell hole, war after war for Israhel and Wall Street, wars without end....
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Soon the deep freeze will force these miscreants back to their nests. We won't have to hear from there rancid traps at least until April. How I long for a deep freeze thinking about New York while CA is around 78 degrees. The winter in the east can't come soon enough.

Westside, there are plenty in Oakland as well. :) I guess you just can't get away from them.
CEO pay soars while workers' pay stalls
By Matt Krantz and Barbara Hansen, USA TODAY
CEOs didn’t have to cry poor for long.

The heads of the nation’s top companies got the biggest raises in recent memory last year after taking a hiatus during the recession.
At a time most employees can barely remember their last substantial raise, median CEO pay jumped 27% in 2010


Bank executives get multimillion-dollar bonuses
By Andre Damon
9 February 2010

Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan announced multi-million-dollar year-end payouts for their chief executives on Friday.
Lloyd Blankfein, head of Goldman Sachs, received a $9 million bonus, while Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase & Co, received $16 million...


The CEO of Target Got A 23 Million Dollar Bonus, And I Got A Five Cent Raise


When's the last time you had a 224 percent raise? Don't laugh. That's what American Express CEO Henry Golub got last year!

Do Fannie, Freddie CEOs Deserve Big Bonuses?

Posted by Gerri Willis | November 01, 2011


FOX business news:

Yesterday I told you about Eugene Isenberg - the former CEO, but current chairman of Nabors Industries. He received a $100 million bonus just for switching jobs - despite his company's stock dropping by nearly 20 percent this year. Isenberg was one of many CEOs with similar stories.

It's bad enough shareholders are being forced to pay for failure - but now it turns out it's not just shareholders, but taxpayers!

A new report from Politico shows Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- the companies that bear responsibility for the mortgage meltdown -- have approved nearly $13 million in bonuses! That's broken down to about six and a half million for each company. That despite the fact taxpayers have given these federally backed mortgage giants $169 billion dollars in two years! So who gets what?
The outgoing CEO of Freddie Mac Ed Haldeman- who made nearly a million dollars in base salary last year - is taking home nearly two and a half million dollars in bonuses.
Fannie Mae's CEO Michael Williams is getting the same.
So how can these companies backstopped by us - as taxpayers - defend this?...

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and on the other hand:

Poorest poor in US hits new record: 1 in 15 people

An American who lost his job begs for his family on a street corner in Miami, Florida. The ranks of America's poor have climbed to a record high, according to new census data. (AP)


Published: Nov 3, 2011 20:28 Updated: Nov 3, 2011 20:51

WASHINGTON: The ranks of America’s poorest poor have climbed to a record high — 1 in 15 people — spread widely across metropolitan areas as the housing bust pushed many inner-city poor into suburbs and other outlying places and shriveled jobs and income.
New census data paint a stark portrait of the nation’s haves and have-nots at a time when unemployment remains persistently high. It comes a week before the government plans to release first-ever economic data that will show more Hispanics, elderly and working-age poor have fallen into poverty.
In all, the numbers underscore the breadth and scope by which the downturn has reached further into mainstream America.
“There now really is no unaffected group, except maybe the very top income earners,â€￾...
What the hell do I care what some CEO is making? You want our fine government setting salaries for people too???

Fine, a CEO makes a lot of money, good for him, I'm sure he'll spend it on stuff like anyone else and create jobs for other people.

Most people are in bad shape because their credit is upside down or their house value has plummeted. Isn't that their fault for borrowing too much? Why feel bad for people that spent money they didn't have and now are in bad shape because they can't pay it back.

I agree that government policy is responsible for the loss of manufacturing jobs and govt debt and money inflation but that is not the fault of CEO's. What are you some kind of commie? You want the komissars to set wage scales??

I'd trade higher salaries for CEO's in exchange for less goverment, that would help the most people.
What the hell do I care what some CEO is making? ...

Because we're paying for it - and we're paying for their endless mass murdering wars for Wall Street and Israhel too, and we'll pay in blood when all their wars finally come back home to roost, and we're paying for the approx. hundred million US taxpayers money per day that goes straight to Israhel, and we're paying for the government Wall Street bailouts too, and we're paying for all the tax loopholes for the super- wealthy too, and we're paying for the government sponsored immigration invasion too, and we're paying for the zio-looting of Wall Street too, and we're paying for the government mandated integration and welfare forced breeding programs for blacks, and we're paying for the zio-Federal reserve Bank too, and we're even paying for the zionist owned mass media that's destroying us and that you're parroting.

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Because we're paying for it - and we're paying for their endless mass murdering wars for Wall Street and Israhel too, and we'll pay in blood when all their wars finally come back home to roost, and we're paying for the approx. hundred million US taxpayers money per day that goes straight to Israhel, and we're paying for the government Wall Street bailouts too, and we're paying for all the tax loopholes for the super- wealthy too, and we're paying for the government sponsored immigration invasion too, and we're paying for the zio-looting of Wall Street too, and we're paying for the government mandated integration and welfare forced breeding programs for blacks, and we're paying for the zio-Federal reserve Bank too, and we're even paying for the zionist owned mass media that's destroying us and that you're parroting.

Put down your crack pipe and think for a minute. How are CEO's waging war? How are they sending tax money anywhere? What do they have to do with the Federal Reserve? ir "zio-looting"?! What is a "tax loophole" anyway? It's not the govt's money so anything people keep is just keeping more of their own money. Stop sounding like a far left commie or go out and join your clueless buddies occupying Wall St.
American Freedom News