Johnny Manziel

Don, the site for some reason does not allow me to respond to your quotes, probably because they are so full of crap (kidding!) but let me address what I think was your main point-that Manziel is a drunk or alcoholic.

I don't know that his stint at a rehab facility is proof of that. Rehab stays for celebrities are ritual moral cleansing displays, that attempt to rehabilitate the public image more then the body. Modern society has a female like fetish for these mostly phony displays of public contrition at the hands of mental health care charlatans in the same way previous generations insisted upon religious conversions to repair bad moral character.

As you well know, the "drunk" label is thrown around mercilessly against white athletes (including the guy in your avatar-who even embraced it, despite being the best at his sport while seemingly a raging alcoholic) so I'm somewhat skeptical of how bad a drunk he is.

I think what bugs me most about this controversy is the whole idea that the NFL is some kind of role model machine that needs to ensure it's players aren't out giving people the idea that they are less then model citizens. That of course is ridiculous. With players involved in video taped spousal abuse, guns going off in night clubs, Pac Man Jones type escapades, murderers going free, pictures of a guy having fun in a night club on his bye week seem laughable by comparison.

Yes I know it's all racial, Matt Jones can't drink a beer but Lawrence Taylor can be a well known coke abusing whore monger/hall of famer. It's not just that the double standard is so egregious, it's that it's so silly. No one who follows the game in any manner, and that includes young kids, thinks these guys are decent people. In fact the attraction of the NFL has become that it is a sort of reality show based on 'thug life'. NFL popularity goes up with each new scandal, and as with the rest of society there doesn't appear to be any reason for some old fashion morality to be returning.

I'd like to see the rigid racial stereotypes of all white players as hard working, clean living, Christian soldiers, and all black players being aggressive, thug alphas, be changed, because one of the tenets of the caste system is that white guys are not man enough to be the bad asses the NFL wants. I remember the days when there were plenty of white guys that were, frankly, hyper aggressive jerks, that were highly successful. That's when the league was much more racially balanced and I think the reason was that white players could also be high testosterone borderline psycho's. Until a hard drinking/partying white player is successful you will continue to have the extreme racial divide in the NFL with few whites.

Name a single current white NFL player with a reputation as a partier in the manner of a Namath, Stabler, Bobby Lane, John Riggins, etc.

Not my main point at all. The key word is "priorities." Mantle, Namath, Stabler, Bobby Layne, Riggins and the others proved it on the field of play. Manziel has not. Doesn't matter whether he's an alcoholic or not, though he likely is. Trying to be Bobby Layne without portfolio = punk, as Thrashen's post above well illustrates.

Blaming his screw-ups on "the system" reminds me of blacks who never admit any black can do wrong, it's always "the Man" holding him down. The fact is, White men are held to double standards in all walks of life. If someone signs you as their employee for millions of dollars along with the fan adulation and promotional bucks that go along with it, with the proviso that you keep your nose clean and work hard, if you decide to blatantly defy your employer and continue partying, I have zero sympathy. Yeh, it'd be great if it was still like it was in the 1950s, but again the difference is that Manziel has accomplished nothing to speak of on the field of play to back up his preferred lifestyle, and has thrown away a great opportunity that most White kids would give anything to have.
I'm going to say I am disappointed in Manziel because he did not take advantage of the opportunity and is unaware of the spotlight on him - wish he would of kept a low profile and stayed out of the spotlight. With that said he did nothing wrong and isn't the loose cannon he is being portrayed to be in the media that are doing their best to rip him down. To go out on your Bye Week and drink alcohol should not be a punisable offense and it seems to have in no way shape or form impacted his improvements and approach to being a starting quarterback.

It's the same treatment Tebow got. Tebow acted like a saint off the field, was a model citizen and was still torn down and pushed out of the league. Manziel on the other hand goes out and drinks some and it is totally unrelated to his job yet he is punished for it. Basically it's damned if you, damned if you don't.
I can't stand the "wigger" culture anymore than anyone here, but I see this "wigger" type "culture" being marketed and promoted by the Caste media almost as much of a hypocrisy as the commercials for alcohol are.

With how much the White youth from about the past twenty years or so has been incessantly indoctrinated with how "cool" ghetto/thug "culture" is, it any real wonder why many turn out like Johnny has? BSPN and their antics being one of the main culprits of this, especially over the past ten years.

I have young and not-so-young nieces and nephews and sons of friends being castigated, threatened, and demeaned in school because they aren't "black enough"...all from other White students! The pressure to conform is great.

I think comparing someone like Johnny in this day-and-age to other White greats from the past is really like apples and oranges. Back then, at least they got the opportunity to succeed.

Although Manziel and Tebow don't really have the same physical profile, they are both considered "dual threat" quarterbacks. I guess it doesn't matter if you are a "party animal" like Johnny supposedly is or a religious "Saint" like Tebow supposedly is, getting a true opportunity to excel is not going to be allowed if you exhibit an athletic prowess that may be a threat to the "black athletic superiority" narrative of the Caste media.
I'm going to say I am disappointed in Manziel because he did not take advantage of the opportunity and is unaware of the spotlight on him - wish he would of kept a low profile and stayed out of the spotlight. With that said he did nothing wrong and isn't the loose cannon he is being portrayed to be in the media that are doing their best to rip him down. To go out on your Bye Week and drink alcohol should not be a punisable offense and it seems to have in no way shape or form impacted his improvements and approach to being a starting quarterback.

It's the same treatment Tebow got. Tebow acted like a saint off the field, was a model citizen and was still torn down and pushed out of the league. Manziel on the other hand goes out and drinks some and it is totally unrelated to his job yet he is punished for it. Basically it's damned if you, damned if you don't.
Wow, without reading your post first, I basically made the same point in the last paragraph in mine.
Manziel does look like an idiot trying too hard to be cool or be a "somebody" in that video posted by Thrashen. Its a shame he can't stay out of the public eye to get his drink on. No doubt he is on the bubble of staying in the NFL according to the PTB. Negroes can commit manslaughter, cause innocents to be paralyzed, be an accessory to murder (Ray Lewis) but let a potential White star act like Manziel in the video and its out of the league mosh gosh.
So pretty much just because there was a leaked video of Manziel drinking he is now 3rd on the depth chart?? Im pretty sure there are numerous affletes who have a drink all the time but for some reason when a white athlete does it it means he's pretty much banished from the NFL.. I might stick solely to Baseball this coming year :help:
Manziel reminds me of the stereotypical wiggers I went to High School with. I know he's young and ignorant but it's pretty sickening watching a great white athlete make a fool of himself with his constant negro worship.

Agreed. I had no idea Manziel was a total wigger. I will never pull for him again. Period.
However, it's a shame that Whites are held to a different standard before they're shown the door. Blacks can literally get away with murder and violent thuggish crimes and are welcomed right back on the field and cheered on by the dumbest Whites in the history of mankind.
Unless there's more to the story than is being reported, demoting Manziel for drinking and dancing one night is absurd. If there is nothing more to the story then Browns head coach Mike Pettine deserves to be fired for his decision making.

I went on a Browns fan site, Dawgs by Nature, and a lot of Browns fans are angry with the seemingly irrational benching of Johnny Manziel.

Also, many of them are sick of the incompetence of "Affirmative Action" general manager Ray Farmer and believe he should be fired.
Unless there's more to the story than is being reported, demoting Manziel for drinking and dancing one night is absurd. If there is nothing more to the story then Browns head coach Mike Pettine deserves to be fired for his decision making.

I went on a Browns fan site, Dawgs by Nature, and a lot of Browns fans are angry with the seemingly irrational benching of Johnny Manziel.

Also, many of them are sick of the incompetence of "Affirmative Action" general manager Ray Farmer and believe he should be fired.

I suspect Manziel wasn't demoted only "for drinking and dancing one night."
Clearly, Manziel is completely in the right here. He played poorly last season, by his own admission was more interested in partying than learning a very difficult position to master, went to rehab for alcoholism, began drinking again, got in enough of a problem with his girlfriend on a day he was drinking that a cop pulled his vehicle over, was named starter for the rest of the season even though Josh McCown was playing well, and continued partying with his black and wigger friends and lied about it to his coach. As an American he has the right to do what he wants, when he wants.

There's no other possible explanation for his demotion other than he's being persecuted for being White. The best evidence of that is that he was passed on the depth chart by two black quarterbacks, Josh McCown and Austin Davis. Additionally, the decision to demote Manziel is supported by black teammates such as Joe Thomas and Brian Hartline.

Because there is a Caste System, we know White athletes can never be wrong, never have character defects. Persecution is always the reason when a White athlete fails or has a setback.
I think Manziel is a wigger ****** and over a year ago on here I said I don't like him. But what's happening to him is complete bull****. I think you some of you guys have no idea how common it is for pro athletes to go out to clubs during the season. I know for a fact that NBA players will go out to a club the night before a playoff game and they won't here a word of criticism about it. Manziel is being held to a much higher standard and judged unfairly because of his race and athletic ability . He doesn't have a history of bad behavior. He's not an alcoholic either. Going out and partying as a 21 year old is one of the most normal things you can do in Amerika 2.0 . And if you have fame and woman are throwing themselves at you constantly you're going to out to clubs often. We also don't even know the official reason he went to rehab. I think it was clearly a PR move to satisfy the DWF. Manziel's only mistake is being naive and thinking that he lives in a color blind society where all people are treated fairly, he doesn't realize that the deck is stacked against him and that he needs to follow a different set of rules. Just cause your black buddies can do certain things doesn't mean you can.
Clearly, Manziel is completely in the right here. He played poorly last season, by his own admission was more interested in partying than learning a very difficult position to master, went to rehab for alcoholism, began drinking again, got in enough of a problem with his girlfriend on a day he was drinking that a cop pulled his vehicle over, was named starter for the rest of the season even though Josh McCown was playing well, and continued partying with his black and wigger friends and lied about it to his coach. As an American he has the right to do what he wants, when he wants.

There's no other possible explanation for his demotion other than he's being persecuted for being White. The best evidence of that is that he was passed on the depth chart by two black quarterbacks, Josh McCown and Austin Davis. Additionally, the decision to demote Manziel is supported by black teammates such as Joe Thomas and Brian Hartline.

Because there is a Caste System, we know White athletes can never be wrong, never have character defects. Persecution is always the reason when a White athlete fails or has a setback.
Don, not saying its right, but the Browns are hooking their hat that Manziel lied about the video and when it was shot. Also, the Browns say Manziel attempted to get his negro and wigger friends to lie for him as well. Its seems to the Browns the coverup is worse than the act. For the lying, he should get demoted for one game, then back to being the starter.
Don, not saying its right, but the Browns are hooking their hat that Manziel lied about the video and when it was shot. Also, the Browns say Manziel attempted to get his negro and wigger friends to lie for him as well. Its seems to the Browns the coverup is worse than the act. For the lying, he should get demoted for one game, then back to being the starter.

We don't know how many incidents there's been. But from the night he was drafted, strutting across the stage doing his "give me the money" wigger act with his fingers, Manziel's done just about everything wrong.

He's a screw-up, he just proved it again. If I was the owner or head coach, I probably would have done the same thing in demoting him and would be looking toward the draft or free agency for a new quarterback.
Haters gonna hate.

I'm not going to throw Manziel under the bus because a) he's not a superstar yet-so he has to be a boyscout, and b) he acts like every other white guy his age growing up in amerika 2.0 which is dominated by black culture 24-7.

A black 1st round QB could rape a white girl during a church service and not lose their starting spot, so screw the double standard.

I think "he's a good kid", with a room brightening smile and just needs some proper mentorship for him to become a great QB. Anyone that disagrees is raciiiiiiiist.
Clearly, Manziel is completely in the right here. He played poorly last season, by his own admission was more interested in partying than learning a very difficult position to master, went to rehab for alcoholism, began drinking again, got in enough of a problem with his girlfriend on a day he was drinking that a cop pulled his vehicle over, was named starter for the rest of the season even though Josh McCown was playing well, and continued partying with his black and wigger friends and lied about it to his coach. As an American he has the right to do what he wants, when he wants.

There's no other possible explanation for his demotion other than he's being persecuted for being White. The best evidence of that is that he was passed on the depth chart by two black quarterbacks, Josh McCown and Austin Davis. Additionally, the decision to demote Manziel is supported by black teammates such as Joe Thomas and Brian Hartline.

Because there is a Caste System, we know White athletes can never be wrong, never have character defects. Persecution is always the reason when a White athlete fails or has a setback.

With all due respect Don is it fair to say he played poorly last season ? I think he only played in 1.5 games and we all remember his first start where he was essentially sabotaged by his OC. They kept making him throw on third and long just like what happened with Tebow. Plus since when are rookies judged on their first career start in the league. Winston threw 4 int his first start and received very little criticism.

And does Manziel really need to spend all of his time studying in order to master the position ? Low IQ blacks like newton, Wilson, and mcnabb were able to master the position enough to become franchise quarterbacks and receive hundred million dollar contracts. Based on his wonderlic score Manziel actually is intelligent and what he has been doing this year has worked, as evidenced by his great game against the steelers 2 weeks ago.

He also didn't get pulled over by a cop. He and his drunk girlfriend were arguing on the side of the road and a cop pulled up to see what was going on because someone called 911. Manziel wasn't drunk or abusive so the cop just let them go.

i also don't think it matters that he's being replaced by a white quarterback. Neither Mccown or Davis are threats to the caste system in any shape or form. McCown is a 36 year old career back up and journey man, and Austin Davis was undrafted, already cut a few times and totally written off already. Neither of those two will probably be on a roster in a few years. It would be different if Manziel were benched in favor of a young white qb who has a legit shot to become a great qb. Remember how upset we all were when Lovie Smith benched Glennon for McCown before the season started even though Glennon played great his rookie year ? That was the caste system at work. Even White pocket passers aren't safe. The league doesn't want any more tom Brady's or Peyton Mannings any more than they want another Peyton Hillis. That's why I say just on account of his age that Mccown is caste approved
With all due respect Don is it fair to say he played poorly last season ? I think he only played in 1.5 games and we all remember his first start where he was essentially sabotaged by his OC. They kept making him throw on third and long just like what happened with Tebow. Plus since when are rookies judged on their first career start in the league. Winston threw 4 int his first start and received very little criticism.

And does Manziel really need to spend all of his time studying in order to master the position ? Low IQ blacks like newton, Wilson, and mcnabb were able to master the position enough to become franchise quarterbacks and receive hundred million dollar contracts. Based on his wonderlic score Manziel actually is intelligent and what he has been doing this year has worked, as evidenced by his great game against the steelers 2 weeks ago.

He also didn't get pulled over by a cop. He and his drunk girlfriend were arguing on the side of the road and a cop pulled up to see what was going on because someone called 911. Manziel wasn't drunk or abusive so the cop just let them go.

i also don't think it matters that he's being replaced by a white quarterback. Neither Mccown or Davis are threats to the caste system in any shape or form. McCown is a 36 year old career back up and journey man, and Austin Davis was undrafted, already cut a few times and totally written off already. Neither of those two will probably be on a roster in a few years. It would be different if Manziel were benched in favor of a young white qb who has a legit shot to become a great qb. Remember how upset we all were when Lovie Smith benched Glennon for McCown before the season started even though Glennon played great his rookie year ? That was the caste system at work. Even White pocket passers aren't safe. The league doesn't want any more tom Brady's or Peyton Mannings any more than they want another Peyton Hillis. That's why I say just on account of his age that Mccown is caste approved

He has played decently this year in his three starts. Certainly better than last season where those couple of games were a disaster. One thing is for sure though, Manziel is very immature. I would guess he has somewhat of a right to be as he's very young at only 23 but he needs to make a decision and now. Does he want his career or end up on the scrap heap like Matt Jones? If he wants to have some beers why doesn't he do it in the privacy of his own home. Why hang out with buffoons like Drake and stay in the public eye?
Jameis Winston rapes a woman (allegedly), steals crab legs (admittedly), and stands on a table in a public place shouting "I'm gonna **** her, right in the pussy." And, he is rewarded with a number 2 overall pick, immediately named starter without competition, and unquestioned support from his coach and the media even when he throws 4 picks. Compare that to Manziel's career and tell me there's not a double standard.
Clearly, Manziel is completely in the right here. He played poorly last season, by his own admission was more interested in partying than learning a very difficult position to master, went to rehab for alcoholism, began drinking again, got in enough of a problem with his girlfriend on a day he was drinking that a cop pulled his vehicle over, was named starter for the rest of the season even though Josh McCown was playing well, and continued partying with his black and wigger friends and lied about it to his coach. As an American he has the right to do what he wants, when he wants.

There's no other possible explanation for his demotion other than he's being persecuted for being White. The best evidence of that is that he was passed on the depth chart by two black quarterbacks, Josh McCown and Austin Davis. Additionally, the decision to demote Manziel is supported by black teammates such as Joe Thomas and Brian Hartline.

Because there is a Caste System, we know White athletes can never be wrong, never have character defects. Persecution is always the reason when a White athlete fails or has a setback.

I suspect this is sarcasm.
Unless there's more to the story than is being reported, demoting Manziel for drinking and dancing one night is absurd.

There was more to the story. Reports are that Manziel lied to the Browns.

For the lying, he should get demoted for one game, then back to being the starter.

This sounds reasonable. Benching him for the season or getting rid of him off the team are sanctions that are too severe.

I'd like to point out that Josh Gordon lied to the Browns before they drafted him. When the Browns found out about it they did nothing. The media didn't make a big deal about it.
Idk if hes a wigger or not but he is an incredible white talent..Yes he is making way too many mistakes but you can't deny his talent..I will root for him until the end.
McCown is out for the year, clevelands season is over - you would think Pettine would want to see what he has in Manziel moving forward and getting him some experience. I guess he would rather punish Manziel for going out to a bar on his bye week because he has named Austin Davis the starting qb.

It's not a teachable moment anymore - Manziel did nothing wrong - nothing illegal and is being punished by his asinine coach who is not
allowing Manziel to develop at all on the field. It's childish at this point - sure Manziel could of been a choir boy but instead he was being a 22 year old and doing what they typically do. The hypocrisy and sheer stupidity of keeping him on the bench is astounding and will end up costing the Browns wins and money.
McCown is out for the year, clevelands season is over - you would think Pettine would want to see what he has in Manziel moving forward and getting him some experience. I guess he would rather punish Manziel for going out to a bar on his bye week because he has named Austin Davis the starting qb.

It's not a teachable moment anymore - Manziel did nothing wrong - nothing illegal and is being punished by his asinine coach who is not
allowing Manziel to develop at all on the field. It's childish at this point - sure Manziel could of been a choir boy but instead he was being a 22 year old and doing what they typically do. The hypocrisy and sheer stupidity of keeping him on the bench is astounding and will end up costing the Browns wins and money.

I agree with both of you. I will also continue to root for him. As far as the Browns Organization, they have been idiots for decades now and they wonder why they haven't been good since Bernie Kosar was a qb 20 plus years ago. They have bad ownership, coaches, scouts, etc. Even the fans are delusional. If I was at a Browns Home Game and I'm a season ticket holder I would be getting the crowd to chant..."WE want Johnny Football". Let this stupid city and team now who should be playing. Manziel needs to get out of there soon.
The Cowboys need to start grooming a successor to Tony Romo -- who may now be in sharp decline due to the several serious injuries he's sustained in recent years -- and it may be Johnny Football. They don't have anyone now so Dallas might be a very good landing spot for him, maybe the only one left given the biases against White running QBs and Manziel's own self-inflicted wounds:

ESPN's Adam Schefter reports the Cowboys could have interest in Johnny Manziel if the quarterback became available this offseason. Owner Jerry Jones talked about the decision to pass on Manziel while discussing the Cowboys' backup quarterback woes on a radio program this week. Jones wanted to draft Manziel at the time, but he was overruled by other people in the draft room. If Manziel becomes available for free or somewhere close to it this offseason, it would not be surprising if Jerry made the move. Manziel will back up Austin Davis this week with Josh McCown done for the year.
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