Joe Biden's America

OUTRAGEOUS: FDNY Firefighters Who Booed Tyrant AG Letitia James Ordered to Surrender or Risk Being Hunted Down — Will Face Punishment and Reeducation​

Home of the formerly free. Merica.

OUTRAGEOUS: FDNY Firefighters Who Booed Tyrant AG Letitia James Ordered to Surrender or Risk Being Hunted Down — Will Face Punishment and Reeducation​

I’ve known a fair amount of FDNY guys in my life and frankly they are as arrogant an overpaid on average as other government employees at this point.

Just like the nypd they are all in on the public unions and supporting the regime until it bites them back.

While I agree it’s insane that they should be hunted down for this, I think the act of it happening will hopefully open some eyes.

I can’t help but feel schadenfreude when I read stuff like this
The feminist and communist subversives (same thing really) have really done a number on women of all ages:

Nearly 30% of Gen Z women identify as LGBTQ, Gallup survey finds​

Of the endless black on White attacks that have been videotaped, this one is as difficult as any to watch, nothing short of attempted murder and now the White girl will likely be a vegetable for life if she even lives:

BREAKING: Kaylee suffered severe brain damage… fighting for her life… family launches GoFundMe

Of the endless black on White attacks that have been videotaped, this one is as difficult as any to watch, nothing short of attempted murder and now the White girl will likely be a vegetable for life if she even lives:

BREAKING: Kaylee suffered severe brain damage… fighting for her life… family launches GoFundMe

This was horrible to watch. As some of you know I used to be an AP in a majority black school. One of the items that my boss, a black woman, tasked me with was to ensure that the few white kids that we had did not get, her words, hood winked by the black students. She was particularly concerned about the young white girls because, again her words, she didnt want to see them turned into wiggers. Our school was extremely rural and high poverty with little to no roll models white or black. This fight looked like these girls met up instead of that white girl getting jumped and if so this crap could have been totally avoided.
Of the endless black on White attacks that have been videotaped, this one is as difficult as any to watch, nothing short of attempted murder and now the White girl will likely be a vegetable for life if she even lives:

BREAKING: Kaylee suffered severe brain damage… fighting for her life… family launches GoFundMe

The sheer amount of blacks condoning the attack on social media blows my mind. Anti white racism is at an all time high now.
The sheer amount of blacks condoning the attack on social media blows my mind. Anti white racism is at an all time high now.
I just wish that at least there was some form of backlash, maybe some revenge attack, just anything resembling some form of backlash would do at this point, but I hear nothing about any form of justice happening and it just gives me such whiplash
Of the endless black on White attacks that have been videotaped, this one is as difficult as any to watch, nothing short of attempted murder and now the White girl will likely be a vegetable for life if she even lives:

BREAKING: Kaylee suffered severe brain damage… fighting for her life… family launches GoFundMe

Don, while I agree that I found this difficult to watch, I felt differently about this video than some of the other anti White videos I have seen.

Fom what I have read about this situation she was a willing participant who was in that life and bite off more than she could chew on.. harder for me to watch are videos of innocent older Whites just minding their business and then getting assaulted.

Still think the bigger girl needs to get charged but, this wasn't a random attack.
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That kid was fighting a primitive, brutal savage. I don't mean to be flip over a terribly serious problem, but this did bring to my mind this...

Don, while I agree that I found this difficult to watch, I felt differently about this video than some of the other anti White videos I have seen.

Likely because, from everything I have read about this situation she was a willing participant who was in that life and bit off more than she could chew on.. harder for me to watch are videos of innocent older Whites just minding their business and then getting assaulted.

Still think the bigger girl needs to get charged but, this wasn't a random attack.
She may have been but I hear that school is like 97 percent black. She has to fight to survive and being one of the few white kids in that school must be torture. At least the other obese black girl seemed like she tried to help. I have heard she died but I am not sure if that is true, anything less than attempted murder is unacceptable.
That kid was fighting a primitive, brutal savage. I don't mean to be flip over a terribly serious problem, but this did bring to my mind this...

I highly doubt a 100 pound white girl in an all black school was the instigator against a black girl twice her size. She had to fight to defend her honor.
That’s about as frustrating a read can get. No more slow boil, they’ve turned up the heat. It’s outright replacement. Vote Harder ‘24.

They’re doing this in KY as well. And everywhere else.
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I agree. Trump will get 100mm votes this time.

Problem is Biden will get 340mm

If you wonder how those totals are possible in a country of 340mm, well the answer is….

No one cares what we wonder.
If normies still can’t see the American regime is evil, has been evil, well we don’t need em.
Seems pretty obvious that this was calculated to take away from Easter by the (((usual suspects))).

The idea clearly isn’t Biden’s, he’s just doing what he is told
American Freedom News