Joe Biden's America

Of course I don't want you to leave. You've been a stalwart since day one. Come on, you're a lot tougher than that.

But that video was misleading. On the day Carlson was fired and all of the internet, at least all the non-leftist sites I check, are up in arms and mad as hell at Fox News over the loss of the closest thing to an honest voice we had on corporate media, I see a video on CF that attributes a belief to Tucker Carlson that the video itself makes clear he didn't say, the title of which is designed purely to make him look bad. I object to that kind of thing on principle.

We can go back and forth and back and forth but that's not productive so let's end it here.

Tough yes. Alpha Male yes. A cuck oh Hell No. Never will I cuck to anyone and never will I bow a knee to anyone outside of my Lord & Savior. We are all frustrated and tempers are flariing everywhere. I just felt you wouldn't stop with your attacks and they seemed personal. I said I
still support Tucker Carlson. I believe he will become even more popular now and he will have more freedom. I just know that we all make mistakes and say and do things that we shouldn't sometimes. It's human nature. I just know that as great as Tucker is he is still human. I just did not like or support what he said. I could understand if he said he doesn't want the KKK speaking for him or something like that. It's just came out wrong but yes those click bait titles on all platforms are not right but it's just like lame stream media. If your not an independent thinker these days your in trouble. Thanks for clearing it up. I just give you the utmost respect.
Where in that video does Tucker say "Whites have no right to exist as a group"? He doesn't. What he says is that he rejects any politicians who say they speak for all Whites. You can agree or disagree with that statement (personally there's a helluva lot of White people who I don't want "speaking for me") but as with other Bitchute videos I've seen posted on CF, the title of it has nothing to do with the actual content.

Carlson pushed the boundaries as a truthteller on corporate media as far as he could and has a large and fervent following as a result. He's the only reason a lot of people, myself included, ever turned on Fox News. If he said he was "speaking for Whites" he would have never had a show to begin with. So many people still just sit back with their purity tests that can never be met by the very few public figures who stick their necks out instead of trying to understand the situation we're in and how we must be very savvy and practical if we're to make any headway in combating it. Carlson's following is overwhelmingly White, and that's the pertinent point. The purists should appreciate that a lot of unbalanced leftists would like to see harm befall him and many would do it themselves if they had the opportunity.

This country has gone irreversibly non-White, the "spark" predicted by so many for so long that was supposed to occur and instantly unite Whites into a disciplined counter-revolutionary force never happened and we have to deal with how things actually are, not how we wish they were. I look forward to seeing what Tucker does next as he's a courageous man and very important leader -- not of all Whites but of everyone who cherishes the Historic American Nation and its values and ways of life -- who's still in his prime years. Joe Rogan became more popular going the independent route and hopefully Carlson does something like that too.
Well said, Don. This post echoes my sentiments precisely.
I mostly like what Carlson says. He seems closer to an ideal in terms of what people from America 1.0 still want, but there are some things he's said and done that make one look askance at him. He's stated that he thought Joe Biden was a very nice man. It is VERY hard to accept that statement, glancing at the man's history.

His Wiki entry says he tried to join the CIA but failed. If I were in charge of the CIA I would see him as a very valuable asset, and the fact is if he were part of the CIA, would it be in his best interest to say he joined? He reminds me somewhat of this guy, who was a Hollywood actor who also tried to join the CIA.............

Smith claimed he wasn't able to, and this was a guy who spoke fluent Russian.

Here is a video of Carlson eating bugs and saying he might as well get used to "our future". I don't see where he says that in this version of the video, but I saw another where that wasn't cut out. That bothered me. That doesn't have to be anybody's future. It's certainly not going to be Gates' or Soros' future.

So again, lots of people can be admired but be very cautious. Very few in the media say anything about the government's version of 911, Carlson totally pro government there. He seems to have less baggage than just about anyone else in the media, but there are always, as with everyone, questions.
When I heard that Tucker Carlson had been viciously and unceremoniously fired by Fox on behalf of the cancel culture crowd, I came here thinking I'd find a sympathetic audience, but instead there are all these ridiculous Tucker-bashing comments about how he's supposedly a secret anti-white who said white people had no right to exist as a group (a blatantly false claim as shown by Don), and now he's being portrayed as some kind of Klaus Schwab "eat ze bugs" villain who's a secret CIA agent who loves Biden?

THIS is why we're out of power. Because we keep attacking our own over stupid little disagreements, most of which are fake anyway. THIS is why the libtards are in power. They may be fanatical, hate-filled, dishonest, hypocritical, violent, and full of crap, but they win because THEY DON'T CUCK. They don't bash their own. We do. They believe in, and practice, NO ENEMIES TO THE LEFT. It's time we started practicing NO ENEMIES TO THE RIGHT. If you disagree with a fellow right-winger, maybe state calmly and rationally where your disagreement is, and then reitierate that you believe his heart is in the right place and that libtards are the real enemy, rather than peddling "he beez a secret CIA agent" conspiracies?

Have the bashers even watched Tucker's show? I have. He's said time and again (correctly) that Biden is a horrible president who's leading America to ruin. I don't know where this "he beez a nice guy" rumor started. Even if it's true, a guy can certainly come off as "nice" while being utter crap as a politician. I know lots of guys who say they'd happily have a beer with Bill Clinton but never vote for him.

Chocolate covered bugs? Chocolate can make almost anything taste good. So Tucker likes the taste of chocolate. That definitely makes him Klaus Schwab 2.0. And the supposed "might as well get used to our future" is conveniently left out of the video.

Wikipedia says he tried to join the CIA! That's 100% proof right there that he's a secret CIA agent who fooled us all! Because Wikipedia, a known biased, anti-white site that can be edited by anyone, is 100% accurate about everything! And every secret CIA agent always makes sure that his connections to the CIA are mentioned, rather than scrubbing them completely.

9/11. Tucker thinks that brown people murdered a bunch of white people. I don't claim to know the exact truth about what happened that day, but brown people killing white people because of anti-white hate is certainly plausible. To me. I guess if someone thinks that brown people are as pure as the driven snow and would never, ever murder white people, I can see why they might be mad at Tucker.

The most hilarious irony is that Tucker is being bashed for supposedly saying that Biden is a "nice guy." Meanwhile, this thread is titled "Joe Biden's America," yet in these last couple of pages there's a lot of bashing of Tucker Carlson but no criticism of Biden.

Do I agree with Tucker Carlson 100% of the time? No.

Do I think Tucker Carlson has done more than 99.99% of America to promote our cause? Yes.

Do I think Tucker Carlson has done more for us than anyone bashing him on this thread? HELL YES.
I haven’t watched FOX News in a decade or more. However, I have seen plenty of Tucker Carlson. His affiliation with FOX is irrelevant to me. However, people like my parents will keep watching FOX news and miss out.
When I heard that Tucker Carlson had been viciously and unceremoniously fired by Fox on behalf of the cancel culture crowd, I came here thinking I'd find a sympathetic audience, but instead there are all these ridiculous Tucker-bashing comments about how he's supposedly a secret anti-white who said white people had no right to exist as a group (a blatantly false claim as shown by Don), and now he's being portrayed as some kind of Klaus Schwab "eat ze bugs" villain who's a secret CIA agent who loves Biden?

THIS is why we're out of power. Because we keep attacking our own over stupid little disagreements, most of which are fake anyway. THIS is why the libtards are in power. They may be fanatical, hate-filled, dishonest, hypocritical, violent, and full of crap, but they win because THEY DON'T CUCK. They don't bash their own. We do. They believe in, and practice, NO ENEMIES TO THE LEFT. It's time we started practicing NO ENEMIES TO THE RIGHT. If you disagree with a fellow right-winger, maybe state calmly and rationally where your disagreement is, and then reitierate that you believe his heart is in the right place and that libtards are the real enemy, rather than peddling "he beez a secret CIA agent" conspiracies?

Have the bashers even watched Tucker's show? I have. He's said time and again (correctly) that Biden is a horrible president who's leading America to ruin. I don't know where this "he beez a nice guy" rumor started. Even if it's true, a guy can certainly come off as "nice" while being utter crap as a politician. I know lots of guys who say they'd happily have a beer with Bill Clinton but never vote for him.

Chocolate covered bugs? Chocolate can make almost anything taste good. So Tucker likes the taste of chocolate. That definitely makes him Klaus Schwab 2.0. And the supposed "might as well get used to our future" is conveniently left out of the video.

Wikipedia says he tried to join the CIA! That's 100% proof right there that he's a secret CIA agent who fooled us all! Because Wikipedia, a known biased, anti-white site that can be edited by anyone, is 100% accurate about everything! And every secret CIA agent always makes sure that his connections to the CIA are mentioned, rather than scrubbing them completely.

9/11. Tucker thinks that brown people murdered a bunch of white people. I don't claim to know the exact truth about what happened that day, but brown people killing white people because of anti-white hate is certainly plausible. To me. I guess if someone thinks that brown people are as pure as the driven snow and would never, ever murder white people, I can see why they might be mad at Tucker.

The most hilarious irony is that Tucker is being bashed for supposedly saying that Biden is a "nice guy." Meanwhile, this thread is titled "Joe Biden's America," yet in these last couple of pages there's a lot of bashing of Tucker Carlson but no criticism of Biden.

Do I agree with Tucker Carlson 100% of the time? No.

Do I think Tucker Carlson has done more than 99.99% of America to promote our cause? Yes.

Do I think Tucker Carlson has done more for us than anyone bashing him on this thread? HELL YES.
You nailed it, except you left out that the hallmark characteristic of the useless, paranoid, stupidly racist right is that not only do they tear everyone down, they do nothing productive. Activism to them is like a vampire seeing a cross. My God, someone on the left might find out their real name if they leave the comfort of their computer. The horror of something like that happening! It's quite a combination.

I've spent a lot of time over the past several years, for many years actually, encouraging, preaching, advocating that unless those that do all the anonymous writing and criticizing get off the sidelines and start becoming active in their local communities, this country is lost. Yet it always falls on deaf ears, even now when the danger level couldn't be higher. Most on our side are still content to remain in their comfort zones, with some so out of touch with reality that every person who does stand up for the Historic American Nation and begins reaching an audience can count on anonymously being branded as a Jew, or a CIA agent, or a queer, or some other label designed purely to tear him down. Throw in the trolls, paid and otherwise, and you have a toxic stew of a "movement" that has zero influence and whose idea of "gaining power" is to see who can be the most hardcore on the internet while doing nothing in real life.

I know I'm blunt at times, but I don't care at this stage of my life and at this stage of my country's existence who I offend. Get off your ass and be part of the solution instead of always complaining and tearing down those who are still trying to help America. I would be willing to bet Tucker Carlson can't even count the number of death threats he's received, not to mention he's enemy number one of the PTB and has been under tremendous attack for years. He's gone after the elites and their criminality and hypocrisy more effectively than anyone else. In fact no one else on corporate TV has the courage and integrity to even try. He's an invaluable asset and talent.

There's three groups of people in this country. There's the very small number of actual elites or power brokers, there's the very large group of ignorant dumbed down masses who don't know how to think for themselves, and then there's those who know what's going on but refuse to even attempt to organize effectively or do anything at all. The latter group may be relatively small in number but it's more than large enough to get the job done. But it still consists of 99% internet philosophers, keyboard generals, and of course critics. I always go back and forth, but overall I'd say this group is the worst of the three because it willfully refuses to do anything but criticize in the face of their country's ongoing destruction. The wonderful White race, at least as presently comprised in the USA, is its own worst enemy, not Jews or Blacks or those who have been successfully dumbed down. And they'll never change, count on it.
Couldn't agree more with both of your assessments Don. I'm also guilty as charged and can always do more . As a huge Tucker fan, to say that I'm disappointed with him not having the platform on at least a semblance of MSM/ national cable news stage is a big disappointment. However, this may propel, unchain him and the actual truth sayers to bigger and bolder national influence. For reference, I came across a couple of theories regarding him leaving Fox News. One of which is in this article below. If true, I really couldn't imagine Tucker and team being dense enough to hire this person or , more than likely, an internal Fox network plant for the specific purpose of building a case to have him removed.

So Tucker didn’t kiss enough Grossberg ass?! Sounds like grounds for firing no doubt.
I haven’t watched FOX News in a decade or more. However, I have seen plenty of Tucker Carlson. His affiliation with FOX is irrelevant to me. However, people like my parents will keep watching FOX news and miss out.
Yes, and that is why this is terrible news. He was reaching the normie conservatives and giving them good ideas and talking points. Now the normie-cons will be getting brainwashed exclusively by neocons like the Irish blowhard and even worse conservative inc gatekeepers.

I heard that Tucker might be sidelined for a year or more as his still under contract and being paid. I think he can do interviews but he wouldn’t be able to join another network or set up his own. Not good.
Tucker Carlson was a National Treasure. His nightly hugely popular show reached millions of people who had the chance to be
"red-pilled". I regret that I did not watch him more often. I almost never disagreed and was heartened to hear someone, only this one person, speak the truth on national TV. And now he is gone. Hopefully he resurfaces somewhere where his message can still get out. But let's face it, no matter where he goes he will not have the reach he had on Fox. I had kidded myself that he was untouchable due to his tremendous popularity but as we see more and more, the powers-that-be don't care about money they care about power. Along with the loss of Rush Limbaugh not so long ago this is a tough loss.
When I heard that Tucker Carlson had been viciously and unceremoniously fired by Fox on behalf of the cancel culture crowd, I came here thinking I'd find a sympathetic audience, but instead there are all these ridiculous Tucker-bashing comments about how he's supposedly a secret anti-white who said white people had no right to exist as a group (a blatantly false claim as shown by Don), and now he's being portrayed as some kind of Klaus Schwab "eat ze bugs" villain who's a secret CIA agent who loves Biden?

THIS is why we're out of power. Because we keep attacking our own over stupid little disagreements, most of which are fake anyway. THIS is why the libtards are in power. They may be fanatical, hate-filled, dishonest, hypocritical, violent, and full of crap, but they win because THEY DON'T CUCK. They don't bash their own. We do. They believe in, and practice, NO ENEMIES TO THE LEFT. It's time we started practicing NO ENEMIES TO THE RIGHT. If you disagree with a fellow right-winger, maybe state calmly and rationally where your disagreement is, and then reitierate that you believe his heart is in the right place and that libtards are the real enemy, rather than peddling "he beez a secret CIA agent" conspiracies?

Have the bashers even watched Tucker's show? I have. He's said time and again (correctly) that Biden is a horrible president who's leading America to ruin. I don't know where this "he beez a nice guy" rumor started. Even if it's true, a guy can certainly come off as "nice" while being utter crap as a politician. I know lots of guys who say they'd happily have a beer with Bill Clinton but never vote for him.

Chocolate covered bugs? Chocolate can make almost anything taste good. So Tucker likes the taste of chocolate. That definitely makes him Klaus Schwab 2.0. And the supposed "might as well get used to our future" is conveniently left out of the video.

Wikipedia says he tried to join the CIA! That's 100% proof right there that he's a secret CIA agent who fooled us all! Because Wikipedia, a known biased, anti-white site that can be edited by anyone, is 100% accurate about everything! And every secret CIA agent always makes sure that his connections to the CIA are mentioned, rather than scrubbing them completely.

9/11. Tucker thinks that brown people murdered a bunch of white people. I don't claim to know the exact truth about what happened that day, but brown people killing white people because of anti-white hate is certainly plausible. To me. I guess if someone thinks that brown people are as pure as the driven snow and would never, ever murder white people, I can see why they might be mad at Tucker.

The most hilarious irony is that Tucker is being bashed for supposedly saying that Biden is a "nice guy." Meanwhile, this thread is titled "Joe Biden's America," yet in these last couple of pages there's a lot of bashing of Tucker Carlson but no criticism of Biden.

Do I agree with Tucker Carlson 100% of the time? No.

Do I think Tucker Carlson has done more than 99.99% of America to promote our cause? Yes.

Do I think Tucker Carlson has done more for us than anyone bashing him on this thread? HELL YES.
I can honestly say I agree with this post; the reason the Right/Conservatives/Whites keep losing the cultural and political wars is because we don’t circle our wagons and realize the existential enemy is the Marxists who have completely taken over the Democrat (and media and Hollywood) Party. They have infiltrated our government and public offices at every level from federal down to local town… all while we bicker and bash each other over small differences in opinions about some facets of life/politics, etc.
I don't idolize anyone. One reason we are where we are as a country is sports, hollywood, music, politics, etc. etc. This is
a very good interview with Dr Shiva and Owen Benjamin. Dr Shiva is one of the smartest guys I've listened to. He calls
out Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson Robert F. Kennedy JR. and a few others in this interview and backs it up with proof on his website of emails he sent
to these guys and they stayed quiet. Worth a listen. No I won't idolize Owen or Dr Shiva but I try to see things from every angle.

Last edited:
I don't idolize anyone. One reason we are where we are as a country is sports, hollywood, music, politics, etc. etc. This is
a very good interview with Dr Shiva and Owen Benjamin. Dr Shiva is one of the smartest guys I've listened to. He calls
out Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson Robert Kennedy and a few others in this interview and backs it up with proof on his website of emails he sent
to these guys and they stayed quiet
. Worth a listen. No I won't idolize Owen or Dr Shiva but I try to see things from every angle.

That's the extent of his "proof" in a nearly three hour long video? Wow, impressive. I've received many emails from people I don't like or agree with and just don't waste my time answering them. If Caste Football had 3 or 4 million daily readers I'd be extremely well known and would have an army of enemies accusing me of everything under the sun. It goes with the territory, especially on the internet which is filled with trolls and losers who get off spreading bs about people far more accomplished than they'll ever be.

WL, I really wish you'd lay off Tucker, but of course that's up to you. He's an American hero and Fox News is the devil here but if you want to keep getting pushback, go ahead. But Warhawk and Gator Dad (and me) are right about not attacking those on our side.
That's the extent of his "proof" in a nearly three hour long video? Wow, impressive. I've received many emails from people I don't like or agree with and just don't waste my time answering them. If Caste Football had 3 or 4 million daily readers I'd be extremely well known and would have an army of enemies accusing me of everything under the sun. It goes with the territory, especially on the internet which is filled with trolls and losers who get off spreading bs about people far more accomplished than they'll ever be.

WL, I really wish you'd lay off Tucker, but of course that's up to you. He's an American hero and Fox News is the devil here but if you want to keep getting pushback, go ahead. But Warhawk and Gator Dad (and me) are right about not attacking those on our side.

Above that I posted a positive video. Again I don't have heros or idols. There are sports stars I follow and like alot but even then I'm
not gonna go buy there jersey or hang posters on my wall even if I were young. I don't dislike Tucker but you didn't even listen to
this podcast. Shiva sued in a lawsuit. He wanted it people to know about the lawsuit. He emailed both Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson and
they ignorred him. To be fair Fucker was held done by Fox as to what he can and cannot do. Musk could have done it easily but didn't.

I've watched Tuckers Carlson hundreds of times. You don't know me. I like him but I can still have complaints about him or anyone else.
Again it's dangerous to put guys on a pedestal. Fox News is trash. They proved it by calling the AZ state too early in 2020 and there
are countless things they have done to prove it. Independent Media is the best and that is why they want it censored or gone.
Above that I posted a positive video. Again I don't have heros or idols. There are sports stars I follow and like alot but even then I'm
not gonna go buy there jersey or hang posters on my wall even if I were young. I don't dislike Tucker but you didn't even listen to
this podcast. Shiva sued in a lawsuit. He wanted it people to know about the lawsuit. He emailed both Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson and
they ignorred him. To be fair Fucker was held done by Fox as to what he can and cannot do. Musk could have done it easily but didn't.

I've watched Tuckers Carlson hundreds of times. You don't know me. I like him but I can still have complaints about him or anyone else.
Again it's dangerous to put guys on a pedestal. Fox News is trash. They proved it by calling the AZ state too early in 2020 and there
are countless things they have done to prove it. Independent Media is the best and that is why they want it censored or gone.
I don't have three hours to listen to a video by someone named Shiva I've never heard of, whose "proof" is that Tucker didn't respond to his emails. I don't put Tucker or anyone else on a pedestal either. I just happen to recognize his great amount of talent and courage and how important he is to this country at this moment in history. I don't know what you're trying to accomplish by posting the same things over and over again about Carlson. Again, please drop it.
Robert Kennedy Jr. is actually running against Biden in the 2024 Democratic primary. Of course he's never going to be allowed to win because the liberal machine has decided that Biden is the man and anyone straying off the plantation by going against St. Joseph is a traitor. There was a good video calling out MSNBC for claiming that Biden is "unopposed" in the Dem primaries when that is blatantly false, a Goebbels-level "Big Lie."

Liberals are sheep...brain-dead followers. Conservatives are cats. Always want to do our own thing and can't work together. Neither is healthy.
Above that I posted a positive video. Again I don't have heros or idols. There are sports stars I follow and like alot but even then I'm
not gonna go buy there jersey or hang posters on my wall even if I were young. I don't dislike Tucker but you didn't even listen to
this podcast. Shiva sued in a lawsuit. He wanted it people to know about the lawsuit. He emailed both Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson and
they ignorred him. To be fair Fucker was held done by Fox as to what he can and cannot do. Musk could have done it easily but didn't.

I've watched Tuckers Carlson hundreds of times. You don't know me. I like him but I can still have complaints about him or anyone else.
Again it's dangerous to put guys on a pedestal. Fox News is trash. They proved it by calling the AZ state too early in 2020 and there
are countless things they have done to prove it. Independent Media is the best and that is why they want it censored or gone.
Of course Fox News is trash, they fired Tucker.
Robert Kennedy Jr. is actually running against Biden in the 2024 Democratic primary. Of course he's never going to be allowed to win because the liberal machine has decided that Biden is the man and anyone straying off the plantation by going against St. Joseph is a traitor. There was a good video calling out MSNBC for claiming that Biden is "unopposed" in the Dem primaries when that is blatantly false, a Goebbels-level "Big Lie."

Liberals are sheep...brain-dead followers. Conservatives are cats. Always want to do our own thing and can't work together. Neither is healthy.
I like RFK Jr and have a lot of respect for him. He was one of the sanest voices during the COVID lockdown power grab and generally has been a warrior against the evil Big Pharma. If his campaign could gain any traction, I might even change my party affiliation to vote in NY state’s closed primary.
Well guys, the "anti-hate speech" bill passed in Fla. and has been signed by Desantis. I will try to get a link. Sorry, I am very busy. This is the beginning of the end or the beginning of a new beginning of something totally UN-America in its essence...

I will be adding two Bible verses to my signature in hopes of stirring the pot against the usual suspects.
Well guys, the "anti-hate speech" bill passed in Fla. and has been signed by Desantis. I will try to get a link. Sorry, I am very busy. This is the beginning of the end or the beginning of a new beginning of something totally UN-America in its essence...

I will be adding two Bible verses to my signature in hopes of stirring the pot against the usual suspects.
What a joke.
What a joke.
Bucky, I was halfway joking about adding bible verses to my sig aimed at doing any good... I hope you realize that among friends. It's important to bring some levity to this crazy situation. This is however, some serious heavy-handedness on DeSantis' part.
American Freedom News