Joe Biden's America

I can’t take an article serious from someone who still claims to be a Democrat. They are the antithesis of everything I stand for which is Christianity, nuclear family, our Bill of Rights and Constitution, life begins at conception, rugged individualism, only two genders, etc.

I’m no fan of Republican Inc. (Which is most of them), but at this juncture anyone voting and claiming to be a Democrat is a fool. It is a line in the sand I have drawn.
Firstly that is a great article and one that I wish I saw more about a group that is mostly ignored.

Secondly, I agree that modern Democratic party symbolizes EVERYTHING I hate. However, I know many old school Democrats from working class communities that we have A LOT in common with. And many of them are now politically homeless. If the GOP really had their game on point then they would be appealing to the working class but, alas we get Lyndsey Graham GOP.
What pray tell is the material difference between Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer ?

Does anyone think either of these people represent anyone’s interests but those that line their family’s pockets?

I hate Biden and his crooked kid as much as the next guy but let’s be honest. Both of these party’s care not at all about what we want. If they did, Gay marriage and a host of other corrosive ideas would never have happened.
He knows he had to lie. Just to say there was a difference would go against the whole "no difference" agenda. He deserved to be laughed at. The whole woke crowd needs to be laughed at, scorned and derided 24/7.
Canada just took control over their internet similar to China and North Korea. These leaders want complete control everywhere. We
are in big trouble people. Interesting times we live in indeed!
Canada just took control over their internet similar to China and North Korea. These leaders want complete control everywhere. We
are in big trouble people. Interesting times we live in indeed!
That's scary bro, but not surprising. Link for details? Thanks in advance.
Another major "accident" regarding our food supplies. These things just happen (just like thousands of healthy people falling over dead):
Seems there is a lot of sabotage going on re: these explosions and fires. Just catch ONE of those pricks and he'll lead you to the whole rat's nest that is paying these people.
The UN Agenda 2030 is what puppets like our president and countless other leaders around the world following. It will lead to
a One World Govt, One World Religion and One World Currency. It's doubtful it can be stopped until God decides it's time to judge
humanity. We must fight this but it is unlikely that humanity can succeed as once it's a cashless society with a social credit score to buy
or sell we are doomed. They will have total control. I think for those of us against it you need to be in the country and off the grid as much
as possible. Easier said than done. Even then they will eventually try to round people up if this dictators have their way.


'Don't demonize them': Chicago's new mayor-elect says it's 'not constructive' to vilify group of rowdy teens that torched cars in rampage organized on social media - but condemned the chaotic takeover​

Sure, why not. The important thing is to mollycoddle them, give them keys to the city, send sociologists to record their dreams, wants, and aspirations.
The UN Agenda 2030 is what puppets like our president and countless other leaders around the world following. It will lead to
a One World Govt, One World Religion and One World Currency. It's doubtful it can be stopped until God decides it's time to judge
humanity. We must fight this but it is unlikely that humanity can succeed as once it's a cashless society with a social credit score to buy
or sell we are doomed. They will have total control. I think for those of us against it you need to be in the country and off the grid as much
as possible. Easier said than done. Even then they will eventually try to round people up if this dictators have their way.

My sentiments exactly brother.
I didn't know if this was the right thread to put this in, but here it is. This is Joe's America.

30 years ago today, April 19th 1993. Our satanic government burned to death White Christians and their children in Waco. I wasn't awake back when this happened. We should never forget who and what they are that would have them do such a thing to innocent White Christian people and their children. These people have no conscience and they would do it to us again in a heartbeat:
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Now Biden today signed a executive order to move us to the final steps of the ESG or Social Credit Score. Communism in America.

Well....I won't even score an "F" as hated as I am going to be by the power-mad freaks in high places. Maybe I'll get a "G" or "H-" or something worthy of my ouster from respectable wokers and other looneys and puppets. I guess I'll just plan on being a Lone Ranger without a soul with me. I won't doubt it's coming. Come what may, boys. Come what may.
American Freedom News