Joe Biden's America

Our country worships sciencetism, wokism and blackism along with countless other things. Even in Africa and all around the world blacks do
not have it as easy as they have here in America. Yet it is never enough! It's called get a job and work for what you want. You will have a sense
of pride far more than when its' just given to you. Look at kids who are spoiled. It ruins them.
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Just another way to keep us at each other’s throats while extracting even more of our wealth.

Assume for a moment that reparations happen… so we think that blacks would get 100 percent of the money taken from the tax base? Or would a fair amount of it be siphoned off before reaching their hands?

I think we all can see why this is desirable for some politicians to champion this most disgusting cause. Even if you thought reparations were a good idea(and I think it’s insane), how could u decide who pays and who receives at this point?? Answer - the same people who brought you the post office, the dmv, endless wars and covid lockdowns will decide
This short video done back in 2020 tells who runs things and how they do it. A must watch guys.

I like the way this guy refers to the threatening tranny as "Sparklefarts"! I gotta use that for these satanic freaks.
No surprise. It was only a matter of time. Now Fox pretty much has silenced any dissent. Will Normies ever wake up? Probably not.

True. Tucker pushed the envelope alot further than the network wanted. That being said. Behind the scenes he is happy about the mass
immigration. There is a short intefview he did on another channel saying he wants nothing to do with rights for white people or stopping the
great replacement. He said he looks forward to the browning of society. That's only because he gets rich to think that way and like all
the other rich powerful people they live in gated mansions and ard never deal with what us normal people do.
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Yet another example of this demonic dirtbag exemplifying who and what he is. If anyone ever advocates for peds or the act around me, it's not going to go well, at all:
True. Tucker pushed the envelope alot further than the network wanted. That being said. Behind the scenes he is happy about the mass
immigration. There is a short intefview he did on another channel saying he wants nothing to do with rights for white people or stopping the
great replacement. He said he looks forward to the browning of society. That's only because he gets rich to think that way and like all
the other rich powerful people they live in gated mansions and ard never deal with what us normal people do.

Where in that video does Tucker say "Whites have no right to exist as a group"? He doesn't. What he says is that he rejects any politicians who say they speak for all Whites. You can agree or disagree with that statement (personally there's a helluva lot of White people who I don't want "speaking for me") but as with other Bitchute videos I've seen posted on CF, the title of it has nothing to do with the actual content.

Carlson pushed the boundaries as a truthteller on corporate media as far as he could and has a large and fervent following as a result. He's the only reason a lot of people, myself included, ever turned on Fox News. If he said he was "speaking for Whites" he would have never had a show to begin with. So many people still just sit back with their purity tests that can never be met by the very few public figures who stick their necks out instead of trying to understand the situation we're in and how we must be very savvy and practical if we're to make any headway in combating it. Carlson's following is overwhelmingly White, and that's the pertinent point. The purists should appreciate that a lot of unbalanced leftists would like to see harm befall him and many would do it themselves if they had the opportunity.

This country has gone irreversibly non-White, the "spark" predicted by so many for so long that was supposed to occur and instantly unite Whites into a disciplined counter-revolutionary force never happened and we have to deal with how things actually are, not how we wish they were. I look forward to seeing what Tucker does next as he's a courageous man and very important leader -- not of all Whites but of everyone who cherishes the Historic American Nation and its values and ways of life -- who's still in his prime years. Joe Rogan became more popular going the independent route and hopefully Carlson does something like that too.
Where in that video does Tucker say "Whites have no right to exist as a group"? He doesn't. What he says is that he rejects any politicians who say they speak for all Whites. You can agree or disagree with that statement (personally there's a helluva lot of White people who I don't want "speaking for me") but as with other Bitchute videos I've seen posted on CF, the title of it has nothing to do with the actual content.

Carlson pushed the boundaries as a truthteller on corporate media as far as he could and has a large and fervent following as a result. He's the only reason a lot of people, myself included, ever turned on Fox News. If he said he was "speaking for Whites" he would have never had a show to begin with. So many people still just sit back with their purity tests that can never be met by the very few public figures who stick their necks out instead of trying to understand the situation we're in and how we must be very savvy and practical if we're to make any headway in combating it. Carlson's following is overwhelmingly White, and that's the pertinent point. The purists should appreciate that a lot of unbalanced leftists would like to see harm befall him and many would do it themselves if they had the opportunity.

This country has gone irreversibly non-White, the "spark" predicted by so many for so long that was supposed to occur and instantly unite Whites into a disciplined counter-revolutionary force never happened and we have to deal with how things actually are, not how we wish they were. I look forward to seeing what Tucker does next as he's a courageous man and very important leader -- not of all Whites but of everyone who cherishes the Historic American Nation and its values and ways of life -- who's still in his prime years. Joe Rogan became more popular going the independent route and hopefully Carlson does something like that too.

I agree he has done more good than bad. However I understand there are guidelines he has to go to in order to be in the media world
unless he goes to the independent media. Even then it may be impossible in the near future. Andrew Torba of Gab posted how wrong it
was for him to say that. Other leaders have too. It's not just a bitchute video. He can think those things but he came off as very anti white
whether you want to admit that or not. Nothing personal against you. Many agree with me and he could have kept that to himself.

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I agree he has done more good than bad. However I understand there are guidelines he has to go to in order to be in the media world
unless he goes to the independent media. Even then it may be impossible in the near future. Andrew Torba of Gab posted how wrong it
was for him to say that. Other leaders have too. It's not just a bitchute video. He can think those things but he came off as very anti white
whether you want to admit that or not. Nothing personal against you. Many agree with me and he could have kept that to himself.

Tucker's talking about himself personally, he won't let anyone automatically speak for him just because he claims to speak for all Whites. Not an unreasonable opinion at all. Again, he doesn't say Whites don't have the right to exist, not even close. Did you even listen to it before posting it here?

The reality is that those who do claim to speak for all Whites had many years, at least two generations, to come forth and be effective. They weren't, for a variety of reasons. I knew some of those would-be White leaders and no, they didn't and don't automatically speak for me either.

Tucker has never claimed to be something he's not. Because he talks about The Great Replacement some people try to fit him into roles and beliefs he's never said he has. He speaks truth to those in power, whatever their background, and something that the White purists never get is that those in power are indeed a "diverse" lot. Are all the participants at WEF meetings Jews? Most aren't. Tucker was/is over the target in a way the kneejerk Jew haters never will be and aren't capable of. But he'll never satisfy the predictable keyboard critics unless he dons a swastika armband and is seen at a cross burning. I'll say it again -- those who blindly demonize all Blacks and Jews play right into the hands of those in power who use divide and conquer tactics against all of us, but their thinking is so cult-like and rigid they seem incapable of realizing it.

I admire Andrew Torba, he sees things differently than Tucker on some issues. Doesn't bother me in the least. But like Tucker he's also sticking his neck out and trying to reach lots of people and motivate them to organize in a positive way and that's what it's all about. People who are effective in these very dangerous times deserve our respect and support.
Tucker's talking about himself personally, he won't let anyone automatically speak for him just because he claims to speak for all Whites. Not an unreasonable opinion at all. Again, he doesn't say Whites don't have the right to exist, not even close. Did you even listen to it before posting it here?

The reality is that those who do claim to speak for all Whites had many years, at least two generations, to come forth and be effective. They weren't, for a variety of reasons. I knew some of those would-be White leaders and no, they didn't and don't automatically speak for me either.

Tucker has never claimed to be something he's not. Because he talks about The Great Replacement some people try to fit him into roles and beliefs he's never said he has. He speaks truth to those in power, whatever their background, and something that the White purists never get is that those in power are indeed a "diverse" lot. Are all the participants at WEF meetings Jews? Most aren't. Tucker was/is over the target in a way the kneejerk Jew haters never will be and aren't capable of. But he'll never satisfy the predictable keyboard critics unless he dons a swastika armband and is seen at a cross burning. I'll say it again -- those who blindly demonize all Blacks and Jews play right into the hands of those in power who use divide and conquer tactics against all of us, but their thinking is so cult-like and rigid they seem incapable of realizing it.

I admire Andrew Torba, he sees things differently than Tucker on some issues. Doesn't bother me in the least. But like Tucker he's also sticking his neck out and trying to reach lots of people and motivate them to organize in a positive way and that's what it's all about. People who are effective in these very dangerous times deserve our respect and support.

I can agree to disagree. I've watched Tucker Carlson on and off for years as have many of us on this board. I will still supoort the guy like
I do with Glen Beck on an independent platform while it's still allowed. They are already pushing for digital id for every amercian currently in
our capital. I've read in multiple places that by 2027 there will be no internet for anyone unless you agree to the digital id. They powers that be want total enslavement. We are on a slippery slope to becoming the next CCP, North Korea, etc. etc. They want to enslave the world. Will
they succeed? Only time will tell but in these dangerous times I do believe we need more leaders vocally saying it's ok to be white. Torba
does that and he has my highest praise. Similar to you Don. You have been a warrior for our people for countless decades.

No one is perfect. I just think whites have to stick together now or else we won't survive. We are 10 percent of the worlds population yet they
want to get rid of us! Very dangerous times. White Unity and Cooperation without hating other groups. You never hear me call for getting rid
of anyone. I do think it would be best if we were separate like in the past but other than small communities that is very hard.
I can agree to disagree. I've watched Tucker Carlson on and off for years as have many of us on this board. I will still supoort the guy like
I do with Glen Beck on an independent platform while it's still allowed. They are already pushing for digital id for every amercian currently in
our capital. I've read in multiple places that by 2027 there will be no internet for anyone unless you agree to the digital id.
They powers that be want total enslavement. We are on a slippery slope to becoming the next CCP, North Korea, etc. etc. They want to enslave the world. Will
they succeed? Only time will tell but in these dangerous times I do believe we need more leaders vocally saying it's ok to be white. Torba
does that and he has my highest praise. Similar to you Don. You have been a warrior for our people for countless decades.

No one is perfect. I just think whites have to stick together now or else we won't survive. We are 10 percent of the worlds population yet they
want to get rid of us! Very dangerous times. White Unity and Cooperation without hating other groups. You never hear me call for getting rid
of anyone. I do think it would be best if we were separate like in the past but other than small communities that is very hard.
Tucker has discussed all these important issues and many more on his show, alone among corporate media personalities. Again, just as with that bs video you posted it doesn't seem that you've actually watched him much at all. And he has caught a lot of heat for repeatedly mentioning, again virtually alone, The Great Replacement on numerous occasions. He has been denounced in Congress for doing so, and various powerful figures and groups have called for Fox to fire him and for the advertisers on his show to pull their ads, which some have done. Just the other day AOC demanded he be fired and prohibited from being on TV anymore. During the Summer of St. George Floyd, again alone he was the only prominent media figure calling out BLM and refusing to "take the knee." He has repeatedly attacked CRT and has used the phrase "anti-White" many times when referring to the left. An antifa mob went to his home a few years ago and tried to break down the front door while screaming and yelling. Tucker wasn't there at the time but his wife was. He's taken unbelievable amounts of heat but always stood strong.

No, he has never yelled "White power," but he has done everything else humanly possible to draw attention to the vital issues of the day to a large audience. And yet you post a deliberately misleading video designed to smear him by attributing something to him that he never said. It's a shame some pro-White advocates seem incapable of subtlety or discernment or "reading between the lines." And it's a shame you can't understand that Tucker Carlson has done far more for those who want Whites to stick together and survive than anyone I can think of who currently has a platform when you consider the size of his following. Repeat, anyone.
Tucker has discussed all these important issues and many more on his show, alone among corporate media personalities. Again, just as with that bs video you posted it doesn't seem that you've actually watched him much at all. And he has caught a lot of heat for repeatedly mentioning, again virtually alone, The Great Replacement on numerous occasions. He has been denounced in Congress for doing so, and various powerful figures and groups have called for Fox to fire him and for the advertisers on his show to pull their ads, which some have done. Just the other day AOC demanded he be fired and prohibited from being on TV anymore. During the Summer of St. George Floyd, again alone he was the only prominent media figure calling out BLM and refusing to "take the knee." He has repeatedly attacked CRT and has used the phrase "anti-White" many times when referring to the left. An antifa mob went to his home a few years ago and tried to break down the front door while screaming and yelling. Tucker wasn't there at the time but his wife was. He's taken unbelievable amounts of heat but always stood strong.

No, he has never yelled "White power," but he has done everything else humanly possible to draw attention to the vital issues of the day to a large audience. And yet you post a deliberately misleading video designed to smear him by attributing something to him that he never said. It's a shame some pro-White advocates seem incapable of subtlety or discernment or "reading between the lines." And it's a shame you can't understand that Tucker Carlson has done far more for those who want Whites to stick together and survive than anyone I can think of who currently has a platform when you consider the size of his following. Repeat, anyone.

Why are you attacking me? This video has been posted everywhere including by Torba. It's not misleading when it's his words. No one wants
Tucker to put on a Nazi uniform and yell seig heil. No one wants him to call for the death of anyone. I said he had done more good than bad and I've watched him hundreds of times. I've posted videos of his on my gab. That being said no one is above criticism. I have seen many of
the shows you've said and I want him to continue the fight. I will support him unless he gets into a very anti white stance. I doubt that will happen but you take this the wrong way. Everyone has opinions.
Why are you attacking me? This video has been posted everywhere including by Torba. It's not misleading when it's his words. No one wants
Tucker to put on a Nazi uniform and yell seig heil. No one wants him to call for the death of anyone. I said he had done more good than bad and I've watched him hundreds of times. I've posted videos of his on my gab. That being said no one is above criticism. I have seen many of
the shows you've said and I want him to continue the fight. I will support him unless he gets into a very anti white stance. I doubt that will happen but you take this the wrong way. Everyone has opinions.
Does he say on that video that Whites have no right to exist as a group? A simple yes or no is all I'm asking for.
They threw us a Lemon and canned ghey Don. At least that’s cool.
Your talking about the title of the bitchute video. Many platforms do that to get more people to watch. Yes it's wrong to use
statements like that. I did not say that. He did say anyone supporting the rights of whites he would say f*** y**. When video
platforms do this it's called "Clickbait". I've seen it everywhere fron youtube to rumble to odysee and all social media platorms. I
used to see it on facebook and you see it on gab. It's up to the viewer to listen and then decide what they think.

No he didn't say that but he did add in some things that touched alot of nerves.
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At this point i don’t expect Trump,Bongino, Musk, or Tucker as a savior. We’re on our own. Whites can barely get recognized as an ethnic group. Unless In a negative context.
Your talking about the title of the bitchute video. Many platforms do that to get more people to watch. Yes it's wrong to use
statements like that. I did not say that. He did say anyone supporting the rights of whites he would say f*** y**.

That is where many draw the line. He didn't need to go there.
Of course, I'm talking about the title of the video, which you have made clear you agree with. Why else would you have posted such a dishonest and misleading video.

Since you're incapable of answering my question, I'll do it for you: No, Tucker Carlson did not say Whites have no right to exist as a group. His words over a number of years have made it clear many many times that he doesn't believe that, but again he uses subtlety and trusts that his audience is capable of reading between the lines.
At this point i don’t expect Trump,Bongino, Musk, or Tucker as a savior. We’re on our own. Whites can barely get recognized as an ethnic group. Unless In a negative context.

100 percent brother. The sooner whites realise you can't vote yourself out of this the better. I've been a conservative republican voter for
many decades. All they have done is slow down the wrecking ball a little. They don't have the courage to push back and fight like the liberals
do. The Left/Democrats will cheat, rob, lie, etc, etc. to get their agenda passed regardless of who gets hurt. The Rinos and Cuck Reublicans
are just not ever gonna push back outside of a small handful who will probably not change anything.

Think Local with everything. If you can find semi good local leaders, sheriff, etc. etc. it can help. Mostly think communities where people work
together for change. We have to protect each other. No one is coming to save us. The Q Pschyop is still unreal that people believe in it until
it's too late. They did the same thing in Russia before the Soviet Union. They find out who will fight and use fake leaders to lead them astray along with fake stories that people just want to believe. It's keep them from doing anything. Know 10 people within 5 miles of you that you
can rely on if possible.
Of course, I'm talking about the title of the video, which you have made clear you agree with. Why else would you have posted such a dishonest and misleading video.

Since you're incapable of answering my question, I'll do it for you: No, Tucker Carlson did not say Whites have no right to exist as a group. His words over a number of years have made it clear many many times that he doesn't believe that, but again he uses subtlety and trusts that his audience is capable of reading between the lines.

Do you want me to leave? If I'm not wanted here I can move on.
Of course I don't want you to leave. You've been a stalwart since day one. Come on, you're a lot tougher than that.

But that video was misleading. On the day Carlson was fired and all of the internet, at least all the non-leftist sites I check, are up in arms and mad as hell at Fox News over the loss of the closest thing to an honest voice we had on corporate media, I see a video on CF that attributes a belief to Tucker Carlson that the video itself makes clear he didn't say, the title of which is designed purely to make him look bad. I object to that kind of thing on principle.

We can go back and forth and back and forth but that's not productive so let's end it here.
American Freedom News