Joe Biden's America

Sickening how these leftist Whites think. It’s an unnatural and extremely selfish way of thinking. Ok if you don’t care that your loved one is murdered by negroes, but to want to set them free to harm other humans is reprehensible. To think your feelings trump others public safety is the ultimate selfishness. And these as the same types that would accuse us of endangering others for not taking the deadly, experimental jab.
Sickening how these leftist Whites think. It’s an unnatural and extremely selfish way of thinking. Ok if you don’t care that your loved one is murdered by negroes, but to want to set them free to harm other humans is reprehensible. To think your feelings trump others public safety is the ultimate selfishness. And these as the same types that would accuse us of endangering others for not taking the deadly, experimental jab.
Very spot on brother. It's these people, White leftists, that perpetuate the agenda (conceived and brought forth by a certain other group) against the rest of us. They actually bring harm by allowing harm. Enablers of evil...but they'd never admit it, they'd just judge us. Bizarre...
Yep. He's being shown for who he is for sure. I am thinking that even the Dems are wanting Biden gone, and none too soon. I think they will find a way to move him along, out of the picture. Will we get Chlamydia then, or will she be taken out of the machine too? I don't think they want her either, but she does have a chosenite husband. How convenient, I suppose.
Another tragic shooting at a school, so far 5 dead at Michigan State University, as the country continues to pay the toll for removing religion and self discipline from society. A rootless anything goes, secular, sin loving world gets what it deserves. And these incidents are the payment in blood.

In reading of the horrific tragedy I tried to find out something about the shooter. All I could find was “The suspect has only been identified as a 43-year-old man who was not affiliated with the university.”

I had to go to a UK news source to find “The MSU police force said earlier that it was hunting for a "Black male, shorter in stature" wearing red shoes, a jean jacket and a baseball cap, and released images of the suspect.”

Typical MSM in the US. Would not release information important in apprehending the suspect because of their bizarre ideas about race and reporting.

This ties into the problem. They would rather see people die then be honest. That is the world they have created and we see the results everyday.
Another tragic shooting at a school, so far 5 dead at Michigan State University, as the country continues to pay the toll for removing religion and self discipline from society. A rootless anything goes, secular, sin loving world gets what it deserves. And these incidents are the payment in blood.

In reading of the horrific tragedy I tried to find out something about the shooter. All I could find was “The suspect has only been identified as a 43-year-old man who was not affiliated with the university.”

I had to go to a UK news source to find “The MSU police force said earlier that it was hunting for a "Black male, shorter in stature" wearing red shoes, a jean jacket and a baseball cap, and released images of the suspect.”

Typical MSM in the US. Would not release information important in apprehending the suspect because of their bizarre ideas about race and reporting.

This ties into the problem. They would rather see people die then be honest. That is the world they have created and we see the results everyday.
Great post. Your last paragraph succinctly wraps up everything wrong with society.
It sounds like now that the death total is 3 not 5 but this is still terrible. Media is disappointed about the suspect for the obvious reason I'm sure. However, they will use it to promote the agenda they always do as the gun-grabbers they always are.
It sounds like now that the death total is 3 not 5 but this is still terrible. Media is disappointed about the suspect for the obvious reason I'm sure. However, they will use it to promote the agenda they always do as the gun-grabbers they always are.
Looks like another hoax. MSM already interviewed a “survivor” who also happened to survive the Sandy Hoax shooting…give me a break.
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Since this "Joe Biden's America" thread we can assume that was one of CornPop's bros. Lol.

But seriously, what's good to see is lately some comments sections (the ones allowing comments) are a good sign more White folks are waking up and being a lot more blunt and terse in their statements about bottom-line facts and reality of race and crime. People are being less politically correct and don't care. Even women posters are more frank about the true nature of racial issues.
So in all the talk about gun control to avoid situations like the murders at MSU little do you hear about the way this should have been avoided. The story below from the Washington Free Beacon tells how a Soros financed DA let the dirt bag killer slide on a previous gun charge, basically because he was black. A charge that would have prohibited him from getting a gun. Thus these killings can be laid directly on the former DA Carol Simeon!

Fox was good enough to point this out yesterday but why aren’t they at this bitches house asking her some hard questions? They instead wasted their time sending a reporter to harass that idiot tranny that steals womens luggage at airports. Put some heat on these bastards that are hell bent on wrecking this country!

Michigan State Shooter Had Prior Felony Gun Charge Dismissed By Progressive Prosecutor

Ingham County prosecutor Carol Siemon ended mandatory sentencing for felony firearm charges in the name of ‘race equity’

Josh Christenson
February 14, 2023

A gunman who killed three and wounded five others at Michigan State University on Monday would have been barred from owning a firearm at the time of the shooting had he not had felony gun charges dismissed by a progressive prosecutor.

Anthony McRae was charged in June 2019 with illegally carrying a concealed handgun without a permit, but later had those charges dismissed by the office of Ingham County district attorney Carol Siemon (D.). Her office instead let McRae plead guilty to a lesser misdemeanor gun charge, and he served a little more than a year on probation, which ended May 2021. He initially faced up to five years in prison for the felony charge, the Detroit News reported.

Siemon retired from the district attorney’s office at the start of this year after facing criticism from judges and law enforcement officials for her soft-on-crime policies. The same year that McRae was released, Ingham County sheriff Scott Wriggelsworth pushed East Lansing’s city council “to reconsider her internal felony firearm charging policy,” which he said “does not hold people properly criminally accountable, and increases the likelihood of additional gun violence.”

Siemon made it her office’s official policy in August 2021 to drop mandatory prison sentences for felony firearms charges. She said the sentencing enhancement led to “dramatic racial inequity” and was “not in any way linked to the goal that we share of keeping the public safe.”

Siemon is part of George Soros’s vast public safety network. She has participated in international criminal justice reform junkets with other “reform-minded” prosecutors like Philadelphia’s Larry Krasner (D.), Chicago’s Kim Foxx (D.), and Los Angeles’s George Gascón. She also backed radical San Francisco prosecutor Chesa Boudin (D.) ahead of a recall campaign that eventually ousted him from office last year.
Fox was good enough to point this out yesterday but why aren’t they at this bitches house asking her some hard questions?

Because Fox is controlled opposition. Except for Tucker they are basically worthless. They love that he brings in a big viewership but they probably want to get rid of him.
Wake me when White people start asking what is in it for them. Do they even want whites around and what do they offer them, anyone want to ask that or do we shuffle off to the corners of the internet and tell one another about bad things and then howl at the moon.

Seen decades of this, nothing but failure has resulted. Do they want whites in their public schools and what do they offer them. Do they want whites in the military and what do they offer them. Do they want whites to participate in football and what do they offer them. Continue this line of questioning thru out all of society and all human interactions.

When you meet an anti-white racial bigot get them to say it louder, and then place them and their anti-white racial bigotry about the necks of the "Intergrationists" liberal or conservative.

Integration has failed.
I thought men could have periods too! What is the columnist trying to say? Woods and Thomas can’t identify as woman? What a bigot!!
I thought men could have periods too! What is the columnist trying to say? Woods and Thomas can’t identify as woman? What a bigot!!
Exactly! She should have to resign before the day is over, lol!
American Freedom News