Hollywood Pushes Liberal Agenda

In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit." Judges 21:25.

As Thrashen stated there's nothing wrong with stating the truth. Eastwood said in his GQ interview, let everyone live the life they want. That's of course a libertarian view and it's a big problem as we've seen everyone living how they want over the past 40-50 years and we're suffering the consequences.

When everyone becomes their own authority and acts on their own opinions of what's right and wrong, it produces horrendous results, which is what we see happening to this once great country!

In this case the breakdown of the traditional marriage, one man and one woman, we have Clint Eastwood as the spokesman for the way a family should live. Really?

The breakdown of traditional family values and the breakdown of marriage between one man and one woman is destroying this country!

No matter what kind of character Eastwood plays in the movies, his true colors come out in real life which is right where Hollywood wants him whether he claims to be a Republican or not.

"The way of the FOOL seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice." Proverbs 12:15.
Very good information posted with regard to Eastwood's "family values."

It's not hard to surmise that Eastwood, along with other rich and famous celebrities have essentially sold their soul, as evidenced by the agenda they continue to perpetuate (on and off the screen).

P.S. I never thought Sandra Locke was good looking!
It's not hard to surmise that Eastwood, along with other rich and famous celebrities have essentially sold their soul, as evidenced by the agenda they continue to perpetuate (on and off the screen).

Yup...nail, meet hammer.

Mel Gibson told Jim Caviezel, the actor who played Christ in his film "The Passion of the Christ", (paraphrasing) "You'll never find work in this town (Hollywood) again", for accepting the role to play Christ in his film...and he hasn't...anything significant, at least. Gibson himself has been banned from the Hollywood system and has had to finance and distribute his own films or play roles in indie film ever since his brush up with the Kosher mafia.

Sandra Bullock had to pay penance to the same crowd after her fling with "Neo Nazi" Jesse James by adopting a black baby. Forgiven, she was once again allowed to carry on with a limited career, eventually nominated for her role in the movie "Gravity". Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were proactive about this, so that's why they constructed their "family" the way they did...and were well-rewarded with many opportunities and countless shekel.

There are many examples of actors and actresses that have either adopted black babies (Charize Theron and Sean Pean), Tom Cruise or publicly support or finance your typical array of CultMarx causes to continue or further their careers.

Hoping for continued opportunities in Hollywood

Engaging in miscegenation is another one. Perhaps this is the advice that Tom Cruise gave to his former-wife-turned-current-mudshark, Katie Holmes, so she would at least have an opportunity to stay relevant in this Satanic system?

I'm guessing that if you spoke to Clint Eastwood circa 1976 about "Gay Marriage" or some of these other manufactured social engineering causes, he might have given you a dirty look, spit tobacco in your face, and asked you to "Whistle Dixie", I don't know. California was still pretty conservative back then. "Gay" marriage was a fringe issue for freaks that no one in the mainstream took seriously...it probably never even entered their consciousness.

His capitulation on these issues as he got older was what probably allowed him to get the opportunities that he did to continue directing and acting well into his golden years. Sold his soul? ...pretty much.

There are no "good values" in Hollywood anymore and haven't been for many, many years. There's no way you could make it in that town these days without selling your soul for shekels...
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In the new superhero movie Suicide Squad, Will Smith plays the main character Deadshot. In the comic book deadshot was a white guy. This is the second time Smith has taken a white role.
Welcome aboard!

There’s nothing wrong with telling the truth about a white person, especially when it’s factual and not clouded by personal opinion or conjecture. Here are some unassailable facts about Clint Eastwood’s social/political leanings. Please refute them at your earliest convenience…

1) Eastwood directed the 2014 film “American Sniper,†which featured the following line…


2) Eastwood is a prodigious adulterer, heartless womanizer, and creator of multiple bastard children who he never supported as a father…

3) Eastwood in an avid supporter of gay marriage…

4) Eastwood financially supported the “Equal Rights Amendment,†a radical, female-chauvinist constitutional amendment penned by hardcore feminists…

5) Eastwood is pro-choice…

Yes, I will disparage a guy who needlessly champions interracial sex (between a black male and white female) in the films he directs, cheats on every woman he’s ever met and leaves her to raise his children alone, supports gay marriage, is pro-choice on abortion, financially supports the soul-rotting notion of feminism, is an atheist, and stated that he liked the fact that Obama is the first multi-racial president. I’m not suggesting the guy isn’t a talented actor or director (I really liked his film “The Changelingâ€), but as a person, he has some major social/political flaws. If someone wants to think of him as Josey Wales, The Man With No Name, The Stranger, or “Dirty†Harry Callahan, that’s probably for the best…


Great analysis! I admit I've enjoyed many an Eastwood flick, but for the most part consider Eastwood's mainstream image just that, an image. He's no pro-white conservative. Eastwood even said that Michael Moore was right when asked about Moore's remarks about Chris Kyle.
Heretic: Looks like Charlize Theron was paid off in spades (no pun intended) for her adoption choice:

Why ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ is the feminist picture of the year

I guess the new 'Mad Max' movie is rife with radical Feminist B.S. Looks like I won't be seeing it. <end>

I have heard that too but the discussion on it at unz.com (Steve Sailer) of people who have seen it don't think it's any more go grrl film making then usual. It is a post apocalyptic world so the women left should be from the aggressive end of the spectrum. For example it's not as bad as the dreck made recently with Scarlett -kicks every guys ass- Johansson.
I won't be watching MAD MAXINE either. Just getting too old and tired of the endless B.S. out of HebrewWood contstantly portraying fantasy stud chicks, all knowing negros (insert Morgan Freeman here), sentiant brown people, noble yellow men and so on.
Did anyone catch the season premier of the new 60s-themed show "Aquarius" on NBC last night?

What I thought was going to be an ok/entertaining portrayal of late 1960s LA quickly transformed into a cultural Marxist filth fest. On the lighter end, the sex scenes were quite explicit and something which a few years back wouldn't have been acceptable on prime time. Then came the revelation that one of the two white masculine characters on the show - the young, blonde, tough-guy detective seen in the trailer above - has a black girlfriend and a mulatto child. Duchovny's character's son is furthermore a deserter from Vietnam (Bergdahl anyone??), and a prominent white politician is showed in a full kiss with Charles Manson (full fledged endorsement of homos). There were a ton of other minor things I could point out, but my overall point is that this show is straight garbage. Surprisingly, one of the executive producers is named Marty Adelstein.....
I guess this post could've equally gone under "Ubiquitous Man Hating", but since it's also a movie, I'll drop it in here:

Chris Hemsworth Joins 'Ghostbusters' Reboot as Receptionist

"The Australian action star will give a male update to a role played by Annie Potts in the 1984 original, Variety reports, continuing the gender reversal theme for Paul Feig's comedy starring Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Leslie Jones and Kate McKinnon as the all-female ghost hunting crew."

From the director's (Paul Feig's) biography on IMDB:
"Paul's father was of Ashkenazi Jewish descent (from Hungary and Romania). Paul's mother had British ancestry."



Who could've guessed? :doh:
The new Ghostbusters movie is an SJW love-fest, with an all-female protagonist cast. All of them are ugly and/or fat and include a stereotypical fat ghetto black female. Utterly horrific. The good news is that it's getting flamed. Check out the likes/dislikes and the comments flaming it on YouTube:

As an indicator of how bad things are right now, I remember going to the original one back in 1984 and thought it was OK, but not great (heck, not long before that, I was used to watching films like "The Empire Strikes Back", "Raiders of the Lost Arc", "Excalibur", "Superman II", etc. that had a classic aura about them, including the film score, acting, etc.) However, 1984 was the year I really started noticing a change in the culture. Even the song in the original film was like early hip-hop and I remember it being a turn-off for me.

All of that being said, when you compare the one from 1984 to the new one, it's a damned masterpiece...that's the indicator of how bad things have become today.
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As Leonardfan pointed out, the whining coming from the Social Justice Warrior ******* is that the re-make isn't diverse enough!

the adage "give 'em an inch, and they'll take a mile" comes to mind ...
The latest controversy is that the black character in the new Ghostbusters is not a scientist but "knows the streets"
I saw that, too. But that's reality, and of their own doing. When blacks say that studying, getting good grades in school and being smart is "acting White" (a racist phrase that rarely gets called out), they are then, by pure logic, advocating that ignorance should be the default mindset of blacks. You aren't going to be creating too many black scientists with that mentality...but since when do the SJW give a damn about reality? And since when are blacks held accountable for their behavior and life choices? Are they not subject to the same free will as every other race?
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I was researching the new movie Deadpool to see what it was all about. It's rated 'R', has a 8.5 rating on IMDB and has been smashing records for rated 'R' movies.

Anyway, I read a comment by some SJW a couple weeks ago on some site who said it was too White, so I thought it might be worth checking out. So, I was reading the forums at IMDB and someone mentioned a scene about "pegging" in it. I didn't know if they were trolling or not, so I researched it more, and sure enough, I confirmed there's a graphic scene in the movie where the main White protagonist, Ryan Reynolds, well, not exactly sure how to phrase this..."gets it in the rear" by his girlfriend. I then read another blog post by some SJW White female (is there any other kind of younger White female in the Western world these days?), that praised the movie, not just because of that scene, which she described as "deeply satisfying because it’s extremely sexually progressive", as well as a "montage" scene that "includes International Women’s Day".

She also states about the movie:
"That’s the other great part of Deadpool, though. The female characters are on the exact same footing and playing field as the men. There are no damsels in distress. Wade is completely wrong about Vanessa’s inability to love him with his new face and body. Give her some credit, Mr. Pool. She was fine when she was with you, and she's gotten along fine without you. Her life doesn’t revolve around you looking like Ryan Reynolds. Build a bridge and get over yourself."

and in conclusion, she writes:
"Ryan Reynolds shows his bare butt, which should be the source of a thousand discussions about the end of hypermasculine heteronormativity and implied sexual power dynamics. The female characters rock."


Sadly, this mind-rot by our Kosher social and psychological engineers and overlords is being pushed all around the world.

So, it looks like I'm going to have to scratch that film off of my list as well. I feel like I'm becoming more and more of an anachronism with each passing day...
Very, very rarely do I ever go to a movie. I don't want to give the creators, producers, anti-White, anti-Christ, social engineers a moment of my time, my mind, and much less my money. I do everything in my power to oppose them at every turn. They (Hollywood/mass media/academia Jews) are the enemy of our very souls. Just look at the mind-rot of the demonic feminist who you quoted in your post. There would NEVER be a mentality such as that, much less such a shameless worldview if not for the multi-tentacled evil forces at work.


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This IS part of the total agenda of the snakes. To destroy Whites, and all that is White. Our women, our history, our heritage, our successes, anything, everything White. There is no end to their completely vile and demonic hatred for us. They ruin and destroy every society and morals wherever they go. No wonder Hitler wanted them all out of Germany. There will be no rest and no end to this as long as they have a place in the power structures of this once great nation. TV is TalmudVision. Period. End of story.
I don't know or care about the remake of Ghostbusters other than it's a feminist version (surprise, surprise) with an all-female cast and therefore I hope it doesn't meet expectations at the box office.

Apparently Lisa Jones, who is one of the stars of the movie, is receiving some "racist" tweets (and, just as so many "hate crimes" are hoaxes perpetrated by blacks, Jews and feminists, who knows if the racist tweets are even legit), which caused Dan Aykroyd to spring to her defense. I'll admit that I've always like Aykroyd as an actor and especially as a comic, but he's just another kneejerk Hollywood liberal. This is pretty sad and ignorant stuff, even for a White liberal:

As for the haters, Aykroyd said, "These people, they're insignificant gnats, they're losers, they have no lives of their own, they can probably barely pay for the wifi they're using."

He added, "I would say you're looking at obese white men between 50 and 60 who are active Klan members or member of the Aryan Nation and there are millions of them.

"I'm afraid to say that that contingency will be voting for the republican ticket, pretty much that's what the statistics are indicating, that there's a lot of white racist hatred out there that's going to channel into a support for the republican ticket, maybe in the false belief that these people share their views," he continued.

"I don't think that Trump and [vice presidential nominee Mike] Pence are as racist as the people who attacked Leslie Jones, I really don't. Trump may be saying some things to go that way to get some votes but – well I don't know."

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I don't know or care about the remake of Ghostbusters other than it's a feminist version (surprise, surprise) with an all-female cast and therefore I hope it doesn't meet expectations at the box office.

Apparently Lisa Jones, who is one of the stars of the movie, is receiving some "racist" tweets (and, just as so many "hate crimes" are hoaxes perpetrated by blacks, Jews and feminists, who knows if the racist tweets are even legit), which caused Dan Aykroyd to spring to her defense. I'll admit that I've always like Aykroyd as an actor and especially as a comic, but he's just another kneejerk Hollywood liberal. This is pretty sad and ignorant stuff, even for a White liberal:

As for the haters, Aykroyd said, "These people, they're insignificant gnats, they're losers, they have no lives of their own, they can probably barely pay for the wifi they're using."

He added, "I would say you're looking at obese white men between 50 and 60 who are active Klan members or member of the Aryan Nation and there are millions of them.

"I'm afraid to say that that contingency will be voting for the republican ticket, pretty much that's what the statistics are indicating, that there's a lot of white racist hatred out there that's going to channel into a support for the republican ticket, maybe in the false belief that these people share their views," he continued.

"I don't think that Trump and [vice presidential nominee Mike] Pence are as racist as the people who attacked Leslie Jones, I really don't. Trump may be saying some things to go that way to get some votes but – well I don't know."


Just a quick correction, Don. Here name is actually Leslie Jones and she complained she was compared to an ape among other things. She apparently a terrible actress and the movie Ghostbusters is probably the worst movie of the year so far. She is the typical token black, four female actress and one just has to be black. As for Dan Akroyd, I as well like him as an actor but I have lost all respect for him.
Twitter suspended Milo for calling actress Leslie Jones"barely literate." Lol.

Dan Akoryd sounds like a nut.
Breitbarts Milo Yiannopoulos is really good at snark. His take down of the movie and that black actress is pretty good. Worth a read. For what it's worth he's a flaming ****** that likes black guys. So yeah he's disgusting.

Teenage Boys With Tits: Here’s My Problem With Ghostbusters


The overarching problem with Ghostbusters is that the script is a greater abomination to God than any of the demons and ghosts in the franchise. I’m sure they could have done a worse job, but they’d have to study Tobin’s Spirit Guide to summon a script from an even deeper circle of Hell.

Mostly, it’s a lack of intelligence. In the original movie, the bad guys weren’t actually the ghosts — everybody loves Slimer and the Marshmallow Man. No, the bad guys were the clueless bureaucrats in the government, who set off a supernatural crisis through bumbling and red tape.

In this film, by contrast, the enemy is all men, while the government ends up playing dad. Every man in the movie is a combination of malevolent and moronic. The chick ‘busters shame the mayor so much they end up getting government funding at the end. Like all feminists, they can only survive by sucking on the teat of Big Government.

It’s time to start again, with a movie that has integrity. So here are my suggestions for a fresh, true-to-life feminist reboot of the franchise.

1) The film should open with a team of competent male Ghostbusters coordinating their fire and deploying equipment in a businesslike manner. Their prey appears to be a screaming banshee, a nightmare specter intent on dooming all around her to death.

It turns out to be a terrible mistake: the screaming banshee is one of our female leads, angry at a restaurant server for using the wrong pronouns. She sues the Ghostbusters, taking over their whole operation, and then hires her friends to be the new Ghostbusters.

2) The Ghostbusters determine the best course is an all-female team, to secure lucrative government subsidies and Title IX certification. Like the military, they have problems finding women who can pass their rigorous testing, so they are forced to relax the physical standards for potential employees.

As a result, the two gals who aren’t beasts of burden are unable to carry their heavy proton packs into battle, and use cute motorized scooters to transport them. These are known as Ecto-2 and Ecto-3, and are each worth a cool million in merchandising.

3) Crossing the streams is not only allowed, it is encouraged. It is also renamed to ‘scissoring the streams’, blatant pandering to the film’s heavily lesbian core demographic. (I’m using the word “heavily” on purpose.)

4) An early mission for the new team will be a disturbance at a health food store. An obese female ghost is tearing the place apart, upset she can’t find anything tasty to eat. Maybe she is worried she will be late to the ghostly JC Penney sale. Anyway, she is being lectured in the health food store by the ghost of Dr. Atkins who wants her to shed weight.

The Ghostbusters capture Dr. Atkins while scolding him that “Ghosts can be healthy at any size.” The girls point the portly poltergeist toward the nearest pizza shop and try to give her a high five on the way out, but the ghost is so large she slimes them all.

5) Every Ghostbusters movie needs a scene where all the captured ghosts are released on an unsuspecting city. Our fiendishly clever antagonist will organize all the ghosts in containment to identify as living people.

The Ghostbusters face a tsunami of bad press accusing them of bigotry towards the trans-living, resulting in them releasing the apprehended apparitions to wreak havoc once again.

6) The happy memory that turns into a monster will be of comfort to the ladies. That’s right, they have to fight a giant tub of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. To make matters worse, they won’t have their equipment to fight it, since they accused their male secretary (Brad Pitt in a cameo) of mansplaining when he suggested their put their proton packs on the charger.

They have to take this ice cream down the old fashioned way, with big spoons, crying, romantic comedies streaming on their smartphones.

7) In the final act we meet the real enemy of the female Ghostbusters— their parents’ dead hopes and dreams. Will the phantasmagorical manifestation of pure disappointment at the lack of grandchildren be too great for our stunning and brave womyn to overcome?

Will they finally show daddy, through piercings, pretension and proton packs that they don’t care what he thinks anyways? This is the sort of dramatic tension that is needed to make a successful summer tent-pole movie.
Twitter suspended Milo for calling actress Leslie Jones"barely literate." Lol.

Dan Akoryd sounds like a nut.
Yup, very disappointed in Akroyd. What a cuck. Maybe he thinks (((Hollywood))) will now throw him a crumb by making such a pandering statement?

Anyway, here's a very good rebuttal to (((Twitter's))) decision to ban Milo:
American Freedom News