Hollywood Pushes Liberal Agenda

Disney leaning towards making Elsa, the lead female children's cartoon character in "Frozen", a lesbian in the highly anticipated "Frozen 2". And that "Frozen" was just a metaphor for her not wanting to "come out of the closet" and admit that she's really attracted to girls, not boys.


Now your six-year-old daughter can be propagandized with an "alternative" lifestyle while in her formative years when you take her to see this movie; and if you don't take her, then you're just a "homophobe" like you are a "racist" for not wanting to see "The Black Panther". I have a feeling Rotten Tomatoes will give this a 100% "Fresh" rating.

Pure evil at work.

I'd love to have all the Disney Corporate leaders simultaneously in my presence just once, to lay on them the harshest, most condemnatory rebuke and unsheited hell on them pronouncing them damned sons and daughters of their father the devil and that their damnation will justified and that I will delight in it in the spirit of Psalm 58:10 " The righteous ones shall rejoice when they see the vengeance of the Lord. They shall bathe their feet in the blood of the wicked".

And yes, I will rejoice in that day.
CBS (Communist Broadcasting Station) new pilot TV show: White Dad Widowed After Cop Kills His Black Husband

So much said in just that brief synopsis
Disney leaning towards making Elsa, the lead female children's cartoon character in "Frozen", a lesbian in the highly anticipated "Frozen 2". And that "Frozen" was just a metaphor for her not wanting to "come out of the closet" and admit that she's really attracted to girls, not boys.


Now your six-year-old daughter can be propagandized with an "alternative" lifestyle while in her formative years when you take her to see this movie; and if you don't take her, then you're just a "homophobe" like you are a "racist" for not wanting to see "The Black Panther". I have a feeling Rotten Tomatoes will give this a 100% "Fresh" rating.

Par for the course for the tribesmen controlled (“post Walt”) Disney. Filthy propagandists.
Tribesman flamers and slot lickers are the ones writing all those pathetic scripts.
The bottom line is that “Hellyweird” has been, is & will continue to churn out utter garbage...worthy of the land fill.
ShowTime has a new show called "Who is America?" featuring (((Sacha Baron Cohen))), who basically goes around the country mocking conservative American views and values (surprise, surprise).

They promoted the hell out of it, but was only able to garner an audience of about 337,000. He feuded with Sarah Palin after he played the role of a disabled vet.

Then, he got owned by this Gun Shop Owner in Riverside, CA, who sniffed out his B.S. right away. He was pretending to be a ridiculously-looking Hungarian immigrant (of course - (((they))) just had to mock the country that is the standing the strongest against immigration and promoting Christianity and classic European values).

Some great comments in the comment section as well.
Cohen's last movie, The Brothers Grimsby, was one of the biggest flops of all time at the box office, continuing a downward trend for his "comedies," yet like a bad penny he keeps turning up and getting lots of free publicity from his brethren for his latest subversive crap. The supposedly conservative Drudge Report was running banner headlines on a daily basis for "Who is America?" in an attempt to build the audience.

Like Drudge, Cohen is a homosexual Zionist, whose mission in life would seem to be demeaning Whites and Christians. His Borat character was a great example of how Jews also have free rein to portray eastern Europeans and people from the "stans" in the worst light possible, much as they love to hate Arabs. Amazing how we're all supposed to learn the lessons of the Holocaust, yet Jews are openly racist against Whites and Arabs and never get called out for it. Cohen's also obsessed with male genitalia, which feature prominently in just about everything he's done since the days of Ali G, which I admit was clever and funny for its time. Everything since has been pure commie crap.
Cohen's last movie, The Brothers Grimsby, was one of the biggest flops of all time at the box office, continuing a downward trend for his "comedies," yet like a bad penny he keeps turning up and getting lots of free publicity from his brethren for his latest subversive crap. The supposedly conservative Drudge Report was running banner headlines on a daily basis for "Who is America?" in an attempt to build the audience.

Like Drudge, Cohen is a homosexual Zionist, whose mission in life would seem to be demeaning Whites and Christians. His Borat character was a great example of how Jews also have free rein to portray eastern Europeans and people from the "stans" in the worst light possible, much as they love to hate Arabs. Amazing how we're all supposed to learn the lessons of the Holocaust, yet Jews are openly racist against Whites and Arabs and never get called out for it. Cohen's also obsessed with male genitalia, which feature prominently in just about everything he's done since the days of Ali G, which I admit was clever and funny for its time. Everything since has been pure commie crap.

The arrogance and hypocrisy of Jews is without limit.
First a black female slayer in the "Buffy..." reboot from CW, and now from CW the first Transgender Rights Activist as the first Trans TV Superhero.

Also, from the same network, CW, an upcoming TV Superhero series,"Batwoman", where the lead character will be a Lesbian Jew.
Greg Berlanti, the executive producer/showrunner for the CW DC franchises is a activist flamer.
Greg Berlanti, the executive producer/showrunner for the CW DC franchises is a activist flamer.

He should be “in” flames...& one day will be. :devil:
The show Supergirl after a season of relative normalcy, is now going to have a transgender character that we be a hero of some sort. It's a guy who thinks he's a woman and insists everyone else sees him that way too. What the role and level of sickening deviancy will be is yet to be seen. And they wonder why ratings are plummeting.
Anyone catch this new CultMarxist beauty coming out soon?

The propaganda begins at 1:15, and particularly exposes itself at 1:22....also worth noting is the scene at 2:01. They're really going overdrive with the miscegenation agitprop, and this film in particular is obviously aimed at white women given the theme of the plot (cute little dogs).
Anyone catch this new CultMarxist beauty coming out soon?

The propaganda begins at 1:15, and particularly exposes itself at 1:22....also worth noting is the scene at 2:01. They're really going overdrive with the miscegenation agitprop, and this film in particular is obviously aimed at white women given the theme of the plot (cute little dogs).

All involved with this travesty need to be “fed to” the dogs!
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These are actually worse than "Liberal Agenda", more like Satanic or ped0 agenda, although, I guess they could be considered the same these days:

Disney products:


See reflection in mug:
Next Terminator Movie Coming Out in November 2019

Next Terminator Movie Coming Out in November 2019


Sheez! Hellyweird is killing itself trotting out this never ending deluge of predictable, uncreative cultmarx crapola. These films are as “realistic” as the stale, overplayed ‘superhero’ genre & as “entertaining” as watching paint dry. NO real man (or anyone above a room temp level IQ) could be paid to go sit through that rot!
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