Hollywood Pushes Liberal Agenda

Yup, very disappointed in Akroyd. What a cuck. Maybe he thinks (((Hollywood))) will now throw him a crumb by making such a pandering statement?

Anyway, here's a very good rebuttal to (((Twitter's))) decision to ban Milo:

Spot on!
I was watching the Talmudvision and it didn't take more than 5 mins to see some hardcore Marxist programming. Check out this trailer for a new Fox (aren't they supposed to be the conservative ones) series.

So to recap, a negress becomes the first female to pitch in the major league. Never mind the fact that the vast majority of male baseball pitchers and female softball pitchers are White. The evil, bad guy teammate of course is White. And lastly, they call this "a true story...on the verge of happening". Based on what? A girl doing well in the little league against boys who haven't hit puberty yet. I looked it up and the fastest pitch recorded by a woman was around 70mph. A "screwball" would hardly be enough to get out professional hitters. In fact, the best female pitcher would probably get killed by any college team and many high school teams as well.

Just more liberal fantasy coming out of (((Hollywood))).
Almost all baseball movies are ridiculous. A 12 year old pitcher(Rookie of the Year), a 12 year old manager(Little Big League) a 38 year old suddenly throwing almost 100 mph(The Rookie) and plenty of other fantasy based baseball movies. My one question about this movie, what took it so long to be made?
Almost all baseball movies are ridiculous. A 12 year old pitcher(Rookie of the Year), a 12 year old manager(Little Big League) a 38 year old suddenly throwing almost 100 mph(The Rookie) and plenty of other fantasy based baseball movies. My one question about this movie, what took it so long to be made?
I get your point but the agenda is so heavy handed now. I've seen the movies you've mentioned and most of those including Angels in the Outfield (not mentioned) were kids movies. They were all feel good, family films. This new series (not a movie) has an agenda.

The female must be black. The villain must be White. This must happen in the near future as we continue to tear down the oppressive, White, patriarchal walls of society. This may come off as fantasy to you and many others but I'm sure the creators of this intend to make it reality. This is hardcore programming wrapped in a feel good baseball show.

In the current year, it feels like everything has an agenda. Maybe it's just age, cynisism and more awareness than ever but it's really hard for me to enjoy anything in our zeitgeist.
I didn't realize this was a TV series. That is surprising. I thought it was a movie. I guess they got the idea from that girl Little League pitcher(who was black). I understand your point of the agenda these networks have and I agree. I'm just not sure they thought this one up as much as they took a real life moment and spun it into a series. Wasn't there also a movie about an Indian player that was taken from the real life story of the Pirates drafting 2 Indian players? MLB also has the agenda that you speak of.
I've been seeing a preview for an upcoming film called "Live by Night," starring Ben Affleck. In the previews, the movie appears to be set in the 1920's and the premise involves alcohol prohibition and bootlegging. In a 30-second spot that played on TV the other day, Affleck's character is seen kissing and having sex with a black woman (played by Zoe Saldana), presumably his cinematic "love interest." Sure, it's better than the all-too-familiar alternative, but equally disgusting nonetheless...


Saldana is no stranger to race-mixing, as the actress has exclusively dated white men throughout her life and is currently married to an Italian artist...


Like almost all elitist Hollywood types, Affleck is a hardcore Democrat who has held fundraisers for man-hating, white-loathing, pro-LGBT, pro-BLM pond scum such as Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren. He also endorsed Hillary Clinton...how'd that work out, dumbass? He also dated the hispanic actress/signer, Jennifer Lopez, about a decade ago.
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I've been seeing a preview for an upcoming film called "Live by Night," starring Ben Affleck. In the previews, the movie appears to be set in the 1920's and the premise involves alcohol prohibition and bootlegging. In a 30-second spot that played on TV the other day, Affleck's character is seen kissing and having sex with a black woman (played by Zoe Saldana), presumably his cinematic "love interest." Sure, it's better than the all-too-familiar alternative, but equally disgusting nonetheless...


Saldana is no stranger to race-mixing, as the actress has exclusively dated white men throughout her life and is currently married to an Italian artist...
I find her ugly, and she has no talent as an actress.

If that continues it will be some of the greatest news in the history of mankind.
Nothing, absolutely nothing has been more destructive to us than the US mass media in all its' forms, with Hellywood being the pipeline and purveyor of the collective destruction of minds and souls. Truly evil individuals control it from top to bottom.
An upcoming remake of "Lord of the Flies" (based on the 1954 novel and 1963 film) is being planned, but with an all-female cast. It'll surely bomb even harder than their pathetic all-female "Ghostbusters" remake...


Caste System: An all-black football team is "diverse" and an all-white team is "racist."

Hollywood: An all-female cast is "progressive" and an all-male cast is "sexist."
An upcoming remake of "Lord of the Flies" (based on the 1954 novel and 1963 film) is being planned, but with an all-female cast. It'll surely bomb even harder than their pathetic all-female "Ghostbusters" remake...


Caste System: An all-black football team is "diverse" and an all-white team is "racist."

Hollywood: An all-female cast is "progressive" and an all-male cast is "sexist."

Actually, a 40% white football team, like New England or Green Bay, is "racist".
The new Star Trek Discovery TV series to debut show's first "Gay" character. White, of course.

"The new Trek series will reportedly feature war-like Klingon warriors in later episodes, as an allegory for racist Trump supporters."
The new Star Trek Discovery TV series to debut show's first "Gay" character. White, of course.

"The new Trek series will reportedly feature war-like Klingon warriors in later episodes, as an allegory for racist Trump supporters."

I've seen better "entertainment" in the bottom a toilet bowl.

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Lots of comments after the article

TV Is An Endless Sewage Stream Of Anti-White Male Poison

September 29, 2017 by CH

Commenter Ralph Stanley ventures into the bowels of the poz factory known as TV and returns with tales of horror to make any White man’s blood curdle.

I was watching the Comedy Central show, “Broad City”, with my wife last night and we got into a huge fight about it (we don’t agree on politics). The whole show is basically two Jewish girls having: (i) gay sex; (ii) interracial sex; (iii) doing lots of drugs and basically trash talking white guys. They even had a scene with an elderly white lady in a sex shop buying a massive black dildo. Previous seasons weren’t nearly as obnoxious. It’s horrible to think this is the **** women are watching. To my knowledge she is also watching a Netflix show about trannies. And don’t get me started on “Master of None”, which is another white guy bashing “comedy” with plenty sassy gay friends.

The commercials offered no relief: a show about tennis player Bill Jean King, some anti-white comedians, a “comedy” show about “the resistance” against Trump, and a preview of a weird fantasy movie with lesbian overtones. It was ******* relentless. I’m no prude but enough is enough. In fairness, we don’t watch Narcos or Westworld together.

Making matters worse, she flipped to Youtube afterwards and saw I had been watching a documentary on a Belgian Nazi sympathizer. What can I say? After being exposed to modern tv your brain needs a dose of Fash to right itself.

**** tests abound and you don’t always pass them.

“she flipped to Youtube afterwards and saw I had been watching a documentary on a Belgian Nazi sympathizer” — this line is instantly iconic. I laughed audibly. It reads like it could be the epitaph on modern American marriage.

One benefit of the abject pozification of TV is that I watch a lot less of it, mostly out of a sense of preserving my dignity. What kind of man enjoys getting pissed in the face over and over by degenerate mutants who hate him and his kind? I’m no masochist.

They hate us White men. What’s clearer is that their hate is an echo of their envy and thwarted desire. It’s 100% shitlib psychological projection and sour grapes.

You can take away one uplifting message from their venomous effluvia: the louder these cunts shriek about the bad White man, the more intensely they desire the White man’s approval. Some even want the White man’s dick. But they will never have it, because they’re ugly, inside and out. The White man’s standards and general excellence are what drive them to the plush comfort of babbling insanity.

Not sure really where to post this, so I'm putting it here since he's been responsible for much of the title of this thread:

(((Harvey Weinstein))) accused of decades-long sexual harassments. Karma served.
A new superhero movie, "Black Panther," is set for release in theaters this February (black history month).


Quotes from the article...

"As the father of two little black boys I’m super excited to have a superhero that looks like them on screen," said Glen Greezy of New York City, who along with more than 900 of his friends on Facebook, plan to hit Times Square and see the movie together on opening weekend. "Other super heroes are great and I see their movies too, but something about having a black man as the main character in a superhero movie is extra appealing."

I thought that "race doesn't exist," that we are all members of the "human race," and that America was "post-racial." I guess not. Blacks still identify with other blacks. Hispanics still identify with other Hispanics. Asians still identify with other Asians. Arabs still identify with other Arabs. However, whites are forced to identify with everyone EXCEPT for other whites. In fact, whites are taught that their race doesn't even exist.

"What is significant now, however, is that this age of convergence of film franchises with social media, a black superhero movie with an almost all-black cast conveys power, that we have arrived. It’s evolution," said Christopher Chambers, a Georgetown University media studies professor."

An all-black cast is "diverse," an all-white cast is "racist." Gotcha.

"Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, the minds behind Spider-Man, the Fantastic Four and other Marvel comics, the Black Panther holds a unique position in comic book history. While not the first black comic book hero — the first black character to headline his own comic book was Dell Comics’ Western hero and gunfighter Lobo in 1965 — the Black Panther is considered the first black superhero, introduced as a supporting character in Fantastic Four in 1966 and later featured in his own book."

I often wonder if these Leftists ever stop to think of how condescending they being are towards the groups they allege to care about. "The first black to," "The first woman to," "The first LGBTQ to," "The first Muslim to," "The first handicapped person to," etc. It's essentially the equivalent of saying: "Wow, you were the only one in your pathetic group of easily-subjugated little weaklings to actually accomplish something! We're so proud of you, little baby!"


CAPTION: Da Blakk Pantha - Heez Da Kang Uv Afrika!
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Are there any White male superheroes at all anymore? From watching commercials for various movies they seem to have gone the way of the White cornerback and running back.
Are there any White male superheroes at all anymore? From watching commercials for various movies they seem to have gone the way of the White cornerback and running back.
I don't mind them making a movie about a black superhero who started out as a black superhero. And the mostly black cast is more in line with the comic canon. If people go see it, great. I don't see it being a blockbuster anymore than the comic book was extra-popular.
As for white superheroes, fortunately they haven't been able to change them significantly. Superman is Henry Cavill, Batman is Ben Affleck, Wonder Woman is Gal Gadot, Spiderman is Tom Holland, Iron Man is Robert Downey Jr. All white or perceived so. Only Aquaman became an islander and the DCEU Flash became...something.
I have no problem with The Black Panther having an all-Negro cast. What I don't like is having Negroes play white characters in historical movies.

But even if the movie is not well-made and does poorly at the box office, Hollywood's Cultural Marxists will likely give it an Oscar or two.

Last year Moonlight, a movie about a homosexual with an all-black cast, won the Oscar for Best Picture even though it was the second-lowest grossing Best Picture winner of all time.

I won't be going to see The Black Panther.
I don't mind them making a movie about a black superhero who started out as a black superhero. And the mostly black cast is more in line with the comic canon. If people go see it, great. I don't see it being a blockbuster anymore than the comic book was extra-popular.
As for white superheroes, fortunately they haven't been able to change them significantly. Superman is Henry Cavill, Batman is Ben Affleck, Wonder Woman is Gal Gadot, Spiderman is Tom Holland, Iron Man is Robert Downey Jr. All white or perceived so. Only Aquaman became an islander and the DCEU Flash became...something.

The overall trend is starkly clear however.

The End of White Celebrity

Disney leaning towards making Elsa, the lead female children's cartoon character in "Frozen", a lesbian in the highly anticipated "Frozen 2". And that "Frozen" was just a metaphor for her not wanting to "come out of the closet" and admit that she's really attracted to girls, not boys.


Now your six-year-old daughter can be propagandized with an "alternative" lifestyle while in her formative years when you take her to see this movie; and if you don't take her, then you're just a "homophobe" like you are a "racist" for not wanting to see "The Black Panther". I have a feeling Rotten Tomatoes will give this a 100% "Fresh" rating.
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