Hall of Famer
"Snow blossoms into a brave young woman determined to save her country from the queen. She's not going to cook and clean and wait for Mr. Right to come galloping long. She's mounting her own Occupy Kingdom movement and speaking truth to power."
"Mirror Mirror" makes its heroine a more liberated, empowered young woman. But will it be the fairest Snow White of them all? We're still betting on Uncle Walt.
The original “Snow White and Seven Dwarves” film (circa 1937), like several other famous Disney movies, was inspired by a Brothers Grimm fairy tale entitled: “Schneewittchen und die sieben Zwerge”. This German folktale (which was read to me as a child many times), is far more violent than the Disney film, but the main elements of the original story (jealous stepmother, magic mirror, poison apple, glass coffin, accommodating dwarves, etc.) remain fully intact. For instance, in the original Brothers Grimm story, I remember the evil stepmother attempting to murder Snow White (while she was living in the dwarves’ cabin) on three different occasions, not merely once like in the Disney film. Also, in the folktale, the seven dwarves didn’t have individual names, and the evil stepmother died at Snow White’s wedding to the prince, not from being crushed by a boulder.
Recently, my wife and I had the great pleasure of viewing the “digitally remastered” version of the 1937 film on TV. The stunning artwork was far lovelier than that which I had remembered from my childhood. The captivating plot of this wondrous Disney film adaptation is outshined only by the penetrating gift of gentle femininity, which is effortlessly exuded by the exquisite “Snow White” character. She’s so innocent when contrasted against her vile stepmother, so playful and hard-working, so shy and compassionate, so polite and sweet, so ladylike and maternal, so dependent upon a man for love and security, yet able to fill his weaknesses with her own womanly talents. She is the utter antithesis of the fundamentally abhorrent, degenerate, white hell-harpies that have since inherited her deoxyribonucleic acid.
Today, the images contained within the 1937 film paint with the forbidden colors of today’s ever-greying realm…a dead sexuality long since raided of its emotive treasures. In the opening scene, a young woman is seen angelically singing as she performs her daily chores. Compare this to modern “women” (slovenly, lazy, miserable, etc.)…

CAPTION: Opening Scene of “Snow White”
While cleaning, she begins signing and encounters a prince…

CAPTION: Young White Love
The young woman is shown picking flowers while happily frolicking in a field near the castle. The huntsman (seen the background), who has been tasked by her evil stepmother with murdering Snow White, realizes that he is incapable of harming such purity. Today’s “women,” of course, have been so utterly bastardized that they’d certainly find no solace in a quiet afternoon of harvesting wild florae...

CAPTION: Snow White Mesmerizes the Huntsman
When the huntsman spares her life, and tells her to run away, she is seen frightened by the forest, by the animals, by the world without a man to protect her. Meanwhile, here in the “Neo Dark Ages,” all of the “women” portrayed in modern films are smashing testicles, kicking ass, and fearlessly assuming the “leadership” role whenever placed in precarious situtations…

CAPTION: Snow White, Frightened By the Forest
Following the scene in which she is frightened and fleeing in the forest, she is seen crying. Of course, this natural female emotion is rarely shown in modern cinema…

CAPTION: Crying Like a Little Girl (Which Is a Good Thing)
The scene in which Snow White first discovers the dwarves’ cabin in the woods has always stuck with me. Particularly, when she looks over the home (which she believes is inhabited by 7 children) and discovers it to be very unclean, saying: “Why, they've never swept this room! You’d think their mother would…well, maybe they have no mother? Then, they’re orphans. That’s too bad. I know! We’ll clean the house and surprise them!” Thus begins the famous “Whistle While You Work” song/scene in which she is shown cleaning, doing laundry, dishes, cooking, and baking. These innate female talents are currently laying dormant amongst modern hermaphrodites (sorry, “women”)…

CAPTION: Woman Merrily Cleaning For Men

CAPTION: Breathtaking Baker
While living with the dwarves, she tells/sings them a story about her prince charming… “Well, once there was a princess. And she fell in love. Oh, it was very easy. Anyone could see that the prince was charming. The only one for me. There's nobody like him...anywhere at all. He was so romantic, I could not resist. Some day, my prince will come. Some day we’ll meet again. And away in his castle, we’ll go. To be happy forever, I know. Some day when spring is here, we’ll find our love anew. Some day when my dreams come true.”
When the evil stepmother discovers that Snow White is still alive, she disguises herself (with a potion) as an old hag, a façade which closely resembles a stereotypical “ugly Jew face,” the opposite of Snow White…

CAPTION: Shylock-Nosed Hag Attempts to Extinguish White Beauty
When Snow White falls under the coma of the poison apple, those around her experience a deep mourning. And the world so loved her because she was all that was good in womanhood…because she deserved to be loved. Modern women are loud and crude, senseless and ignorant, mean and malicious, materialistic and intoxicated, sad and numb. They deserve no such grieving in life, nor in death…

CAPTION: A Genuine Female Soul
Riding through the woods, the prince comes upon the earthen mound which bares her glass coffin. In a moment of true masculinity, he awakens his beloved Snow White with a single kiss, and they are married...

CAPTION: Saved by Her Prince
Today, New-Age films such as “Mirror, Mirror” provide a modern bite of the proverbial “Poison Apple,” eagerly swallowed by all the future gold-diggers, pornstars, prostitutes, hookers, strippers, divorcees, career women, female chauvinists, child support recipients, and mothers of interracial children.
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