White_Savage said:
A five to TEN point difference in average I.Q. is large. (A fifteen point difference is just plain huge.) The uncertainty factor by the way, comes from difficulty in defining what a "Hispanic" is. All Hispanics who choose to do so can define themselves as "White" for Official purposes, and many Hispanics actually are mostly White.
The disparity in Hispanic-Black crime rates is even larger than the I.Q. disparity.
Once again, let me see if I can put this in terms you can understand. As I pointed out earlier, the difference between the fastest Black and the fastest White who ever lived is only 2%. Since all Olympic Athletes train as hard as humanly possible, we can assume this difference results mostly from genetic potential. 2% difference causes the 100 meters event to be almost entirely Black. But you will argue the 15% difference in White and Afro-American I.Q.s or the 30% difference between Whites and Africans has no signifigance. Absurdity!
"If this logic holds true,then the Aboriginees are every bit,if not,more intelligent than whites.Life in the Outback must be quite harsh,considering that the temperature is always high and that 9 out of the worlds 10 most poisonous snakes live there,not to mention all the scorpions and poisonous spiders."
And yet all evidence gathered on the Australian Aborigines shows them to be less intelligent than even Blacks. You hit on the KEY without even knowing it, when you pointed out that "the temperature was always high". IOW, it was a mostly STATIC enviroment. Just like in Africa, traditional knowledge (what to eat, where to find water, what snakes to avoid, etc) was suffecient. There was less need for the continual invention of new techniques, to apply the innovatively, or to make long term plans much beyond finding food, water, and shelter for that day.
"But you certainly were no better than them."
Of course we were better than them. "What is Good in life? To kill your enemies, drive them into the sea, and hear the lamentations of the women"-Genghis Khan. Meanwhile, though Christian Whites, like all other peoples, have bowed to the need and desire for conquest, their has also always at least been a moral debate in Christian White society over this. Whereas for all other societies, to take what you could from the alien was good, period.
For every tale of cruelty you can tell, I can show how Whites-relative to the rest of the world-were kinder.
The fact that it was actually illegal to murder your own slaves in the South, is by itself a huge difference between how the Christian White and the rest of the world treated it's chattel. Or consider the fact that religious Whites sought to save the souls even of those they enslaved-it may seem crazy today, but they truly believed they were at least insuring them a blissful afterlife. The fact that the Blacks survived and thrived as a race at all, as a small minority in bondage in an alien land, is without precedent, mostly the result of Whites being relatively tender-hearted. And look at White people today. No other race, and I mean none, is as self-loathing and non-ethnocentric as Whites, no other race bleeds from the heart so much for all manner of people and even animals.
"And you are correct,white people did do a lot to free slaves.Yet at the same time,they did try to legally persecute them after that."
White people did EVERYTHING to free the slaves, don't you mean?
And if you actually study the Post-Civil War period in detail, you learn that Jim Crow laws, the formation of the Ku Klux, etc, were the DIRECT result of cruel and arbitrary rule of the Reconstruction government, and of Blacks being allowed to run amock (ala Los Angeles or New Orleans) and literally get away with murder.
"But wither way,we are on a better path to racial peace right now since most whites are no longer educated to look down upon everybody else the way you do."
We are not on any path to racial peace. Los Angeles, New Orleans, this looks like peace to you? More White Americans were killed by Black criminals in the 20th century than were killed by enemy combatants in 20th century wars. The only thing we are on the road towards is White racial extinction.
As far as education goes, I was weaned on the same kind mass racial equalitarian propaganda most Americans are. I am by inclination a Classical Liberal/Libertarian, and can honestly say I've met people of all shades I've liked. Thus I believed in racial equality for half my life. But, always being objective, my own observations and the vast body of gathered evidence forced me to change my mind. It's not like I'm some some sort of ignorant backwoodsman. I hold a BS in History from the University of Texas, which itself strives to inundate it's students with all manner of Left propaganda. I am working on my Masters, and also qualify for MENSA membership. So I think I'm just SLIGHTLY more qualified than a High School Freshman to apply the principles of logic and speak authoritatively of race in a historical context.
When you consider that the three major races arose and evolved independently for millenia, it is almost inconcievable that they would be exactly equal in every respect. Breeds of dogs and other domestic animals, most of which have only originated in the last few centuries, are well known to vary greatly in innate physical abilities, intelligence, and temperament. Yet the races, with millenia of divergence, are expected to be interchangeable? And the inevitable practical conclusion of what I have learned is that even though there are have been great Black individuals, Blacks in mass groups make Western civilization more dangerous and less civil wherever they are found. The only thing which I believe can provide racial peace at all is for the races to stake out their own territory for themselves and stay out of each other's hair. People will more or less do this anyway voluntariy, but the Leftist decries it as evil, and seeks all kinds of ways to prevent Whites from isolating themselves from non-Whites...no matter how dangerous those non-Whites may prove to the person, property, or culture of Whites.
" But you will argue the 15% difference in White and Afro-American I.Q.s or the 30% difference between Whites and Africans has no signifigance. Absurdity!"
My argument actually is not all that absurd.In all reality,what I say could easily be true because the fact is blacks as a race have been abused for 400 years.This abuse ended 40 years ago,and therefore it is logical to assume that this abuse could be a major reason as to why black culture is the way it is.
Native African I.q.s are low because of a lack of funding in their schools,and often times,a complete lack of schools altogether.If you were to actually visit africa,you would find that kids there are actually studious,and would really like to learn.Whenever there is a school around,they go through many many hardships to get to it because they honestly do value their education.
However despite all this their I.Q.s will remain low due to a lack of educational funding.All I am saying is that if the african countries stabilized and stopped fighting,and eventually got their economies back into a respectable state,then african students could easily raise their I.Q.s to a respectable level.
"And yet all evidence gathered on the Australian Aborigines shows them to be less intelligent than even Blacks. You hit on the KEY without even knowing it, when you pointed out that "the temperature was always high". IOW, it was a mostly STATIC enviroment. Just like in Africa, traditional knowledge (what to eat, where to find water, what snakes to avoid, etc) was suffecient. There was less need for the continual invention of new techniques, to apply the innovatively, or to make long term plans much beyond finding food, water, and shelter for that day"
What is stopping somebody from assuming that europeans did not know instinctively what to avoid and how to avoid it,and that they did not know where to get food?
"There was less need for the continual invention of new techniques, to apply the innovatively, or to make long term plans much beyond finding food, water, and shelter for that day"
I doubt that.Regardless of where it is,a harsh climate will always recquire invention of new techniques and innovations to survive.To say that the europeans,who lived in a climate that wasnt even as harsh as you make it sound,had these traits,but the aboriginees lacked them is just plain stupid.
Furthermore,if the aboriginees arent enough,then how does one explain the eskimos?Their climate was undoubtedly harsher than that of the europeans,considering it was never really warmer than 20 degrees out,and that there was oviously a lack of food up there.
and what about the asians?The chinese environment couldnt really have been any harsher than africas,and in some cases it was actually a much more tolerable environment.It certainly wasnt any worse than the european climate,so how do we explain their higher intelligences.
Thats easy:culture.Asian culture,which preaches large amounts of studying and hard work,is the reason for the asians higher i.q.,not their environment.
"We are not on any path to racial peace. Los Angeles, New Orleans, this looks like peace to you? More White Americans were killed by Black criminals in the 20th century than were killed by enemy combatants in 20th century wars. The only thing we are on the road towards is White racial extinction"
The reason I say we are on a better path to racial peace is because of the fact that whites are no longer educated to think of themselves as superior to others.
As for that stat you provide about white americans being killed,even if it were true,the reason for it are simple:jim crow laws,and post slavery issues could easily have been a catalyst for these actions.
Also,the reason I doubt that stat is because it seems to be a bit of an overexaggeration.There a LOT of whites killed in those 20th century wars,and I highly doubt that blacks could match those types of numbers.
Furthermore,you are forgetting that in a jim crow south,it was often the blacks who were being killed,and there were many,many lynchings that went unpunished,and many white murderers who got away.
I highly doubt that in a society where blacks were restricted to the point that they could not even whistle to a white girl,that black murderers could exceed the totals of white murderers.
"And the inevitable practical conclusion of what I have learned is that even though there are have been great Black individuals, Blacks in mass groups make Western civilization more dangerous and less civil wherever they are found."
Nobody would doubt this conclusion,had blacks not had 400 years of abuse to contend with.The fact is that people can make a valid argument against this conclusion because blacks have traditionally been the minority subject to oppression.Had they been brought here on equal terms,and still been acting up,then maybe you would have a point.But the fact is,the oppression only ended 40 years ago,and therfore it is still perfectly logical to assume that the effects of it still leave a major mark on black culture as a whole today.
"The only thing which I believe can provide racial peace at all is for the races to stake out their own territory for themselves and stay out of each other's hair."
Yes,that would have solved a few problems.In fact,we wouldnt even be arguing about this today had your ancestors left the africans alone in their own environment,or if they had arranged to bring africans over to the americas on equal terms using civil methods,istead of stuffing them into cargo holds like sardines and shipping them there.
Edited by: Futuregohan30