Hines Ward and South Korea

Blacks DO NOT do as well as Whites in school even when they do live in the suburbs. That is just not true. Do you know why Blacks are the only ones in the "inner cities"? All of the Whites get the hell out of there when they encounter Black barbarism. Read the Color of Crime. It's available on www.amren.com. Haven't you heard that all of the standardized tests are "culturally biased" because Blacks and Browns can't seem to do well on them no matter how much money we throw at their schools. "Inner city" schools are not underfunded. They get more federal money than anyone else ,and they pay their teachers more. There is one problem. They can't get many good teachers, White teachers, to work there. There are student loan forgiveness programs for teachers who are willing to walk through metal detectors every day to teach their criminals/students. The problem with Blacks is genetic. Maybe Aids will change this in Africa if it can kill off the most permiscuous 90% of the population.
A five to TEN point difference in average I.Q. is large. (A fifteen point difference is just plain huge.) The uncertainty factor by the way, comes from difficulty in defining what a "Hispanic" is. All Hispanics who choose to do so can define themselves as "White" for Official purposes, and many Hispanics actually are mostly White.

The disparity in Hispanic-Black crime rates is even larger than the I.Q. disparity.

Once again, let me see if I can put this in terms you can understand. As I pointed out earlier, the difference between the fastest Black and the fastest White who ever lived is only 2%. Since all Olympic Athletes train as hard as humanly possible, we can assume this difference results mostly from genetic potential. 2% difference causes the 100 meters event to be almost entirely Black. But you will argue the 15% difference in White and Afro-American I.Q.s or the 30% difference between Whites and Africans has no signifigance. Absurdity!

"If this logic holds true,then the Aboriginees are every bit,if not,more intelligent than whites.Life in the Outback must be quite harsh,considering that the temperature is always high and that 9 out of the worlds 10 most poisonous snakes live there,not to mention all the scorpions and poisonous spiders."

And yet all evidence gathered on the Australian Aborigines shows them to be less intelligent than even Blacks. You hit on the KEY without even knowing it, when you pointed out that "the temperature was always high". IOW, it was a mostly STATIC enviroment. Just like in Africa, traditional knowledge (what to eat, where to find water, what snakes to avoid, etc) was suffecient. There was less need for the continual invention of new techniques, to apply the innovatively, or to make long term plans much beyond finding food, water, and shelter for that day.

"But you certainly were no better than them."

Of course we were better than them. "What is Good in life? To kill your enemies, drive them into the sea, and hear the lamentations of the women"-Genghis Khan. Meanwhile, though Christian Whites, like all other peoples, have bowed to the need and desire for conquest, their has also always at least been a moral debate in Christian White society over this. Whereas for all other societies, to take what you could from the alien was good, period.

For every tale of cruelty you can tell, I can show how Whites-relative to the rest of the world-were kinder.

The fact that it was actually illegal to murder your own slaves in the South, is by itself a huge difference between how the Christian White and the rest of the world treated it's chattel. Or consider the fact that religious Whites sought to save the souls even of those they enslaved-it may seem crazy today, but they truly believed they were at least insuring them a blissful afterlife. The fact that the Blacks survived and thrived as a race at all, as a small minority in bondage in an alien land, is without precedent, mostly the result of Whites being relatively tender-hearted. And look at White people today. No other race, and I mean none, is as self-loathing and non-ethnocentric as Whites, no other race bleeds from the heart so much for all manner of people and even animals.

"And you are correct,white people did do a lot to free slaves.Yet at the same time,they did try to legally persecute them after that."

White people did EVERYTHING to free the slaves, don't you mean?

And if you actually study the Post-Civil War period in detail, you learn that Jim Crow laws, the formation of the Ku Klux, etc, were the DIRECT result of cruel and arbitrary rule of the Reconstruction government, and of Blacks being allowed to run amock (ala Los Angeles or New Orleans) and literally get away with murder.

"But wither way,we are on a better path to racial peace right now since most whites are no longer educated to look down upon everybody else the way you do."

We are not on any path to racial peace. Los Angeles, New Orleans, this looks like peace to you? More White Americans were killed by Black criminals in the 20th century than were killed by enemy combatants in 20th century wars. The only thing we are on the road towards is White racial extinction.

As far as education goes, I was weaned on the same kind mass racial equalitarian propaganda most Americans are. I am by inclination a Classical Liberal/Libertarian, and can honestly say I've met people of all shades I've liked. Thus I believed in racial equality for half my life. But, always being objective, my own observations and the vast body of gathered evidence forced me to change my mind. It's not like I'm some some sort of ignorant backwoodsman. I hold a BS in History from the University of Texas, which itself strives to inundate it's students with all manner of Left propaganda. I am working on my Masters, and also qualify for MENSA membership. So I think I'm just SLIGHTLY more qualified than a High School Freshman to apply the principles of logic and speak authoritatively of race in a historical context.

When you consider that the three major races arose and evolved independently for millenia, it is almost inconcievable that they would be exactly equal in every respect. Breeds of dogs and other domestic animals, most of which have only originated in the last few centuries, are well known to vary greatly in innate physical abilities, intelligence, and temperament. Yet the races, with millenia of divergence, are expected to be interchangeable? And the inevitable practical conclusion of what I have learned is that even though there are have been great Black individuals, Blacks in mass groups make Western civilization more dangerous and less civil wherever they are found. The only thing which I believe can provide racial peace at all is for the races to stake out their own territory for themselves and stay out of each other's hair. People will more or less do this anyway voluntariy, but the Leftist decries it as evil, and seeks all kinds of ways to prevent Whites from isolating themselves from non-Whites...no matter how dangerous those non-Whites may prove to the person, property, or culture of Whites.
KG2422 said:
Blacks DO NOT do as well as Whites in school even when they do live in the suburbs. That is just not true. Do you know why Blacks are the only ones in the "inner cities"? All of the Whites get the hell out of there when they encounter Black barbarism. Read the Color of Crime. It's available on www.amren.com. Haven't you heard that all of the standardized tests are "culturally biased" because Blacks and Browns can't seem to do well on them no matter how much money we throw at their schools. "Inner city" schools are not underfunded. They get more federal money than anyone else ,and they pay their teachers more. There is one problem. They can't get many good teachers, White teachers, to work there. There are student loan forgiveness programs for teachers who are willing to walk through metal detectors every day to teach their criminals/students. The problem with Blacks is genetic. Maybe Aids will change this in Africa if it can kill off the most permiscuous 90% of the population.

"Blacks DO NOT do as well as Whites in school even when they do live in the suburbs."
How about some statistics to prove that?Because from what I have seen,they seem no worse than the white kids up here.

"Inner city" schools are not underfunded. They get more federal money than anyone else ,and they pay their teachers more."
Not true.I have family members who actually work for the state education department,and they have seen this fact first hand.Inner city schools afre not funded as well as suburban schools.
White_Savage said:
A five to TEN point difference in average I.Q. is large. (A fifteen point difference is just plain huge.) The uncertainty factor by the way, comes from difficulty in defining what a "Hispanic" is. All Hispanics who choose to do so can define themselves as "White" for Official purposes, and many Hispanics actually are mostly White.

The disparity in Hispanic-Black crime rates is even larger than the I.Q. disparity.

Once again, let me see if I can put this in terms you can understand. As I pointed out earlier, the difference between the fastest Black and the fastest White who ever lived is only 2%. Since all Olympic Athletes train as hard as humanly possible, we can assume this difference results mostly from genetic potential. 2% difference causes the 100 meters event to be almost entirely Black. But you will argue the 15% difference in White and Afro-American I.Q.s or the 30% difference between Whites and Africans has no signifigance. Absurdity!

"If this logic holds true,then the Aboriginees are every bit,if not,more intelligent than whites.Life in the Outback must be quite harsh,considering that the temperature is always high and that 9 out of the worlds 10 most poisonous snakes live there,not to mention all the scorpions and poisonous spiders."

And yet all evidence gathered on the Australian Aborigines shows them to be less intelligent than even Blacks. You hit on the KEY without even knowing it, when you pointed out that "the temperature was always high". IOW, it was a mostly STATIC enviroment. Just like in Africa, traditional knowledge (what to eat, where to find water, what snakes to avoid, etc) was suffecient. There was less need for the continual invention of new techniques, to apply the innovatively, or to make long term plans much beyond finding food, water, and shelter for that day.

"But you certainly were no better than them."

Of course we were better than them. "What is Good in life? To kill your enemies, drive them into the sea, and hear the lamentations of the women"-Genghis Khan. Meanwhile, though Christian Whites, like all other peoples, have bowed to the need and desire for conquest, their has also always at least been a moral debate in Christian White society over this. Whereas for all other societies, to take what you could from the alien was good, period.

For every tale of cruelty you can tell, I can show how Whites-relative to the rest of the world-were kinder.

The fact that it was actually illegal to murder your own slaves in the South, is by itself a huge difference between how the Christian White and the rest of the world treated it's chattel. Or consider the fact that religious Whites sought to save the souls even of those they enslaved-it may seem crazy today, but they truly believed they were at least insuring them a blissful afterlife. The fact that the Blacks survived and thrived as a race at all, as a small minority in bondage in an alien land, is without precedent, mostly the result of Whites being relatively tender-hearted. And look at White people today. No other race, and I mean none, is as self-loathing and non-ethnocentric as Whites, no other race bleeds from the heart so much for all manner of people and even animals.

"And you are correct,white people did do a lot to free slaves.Yet at the same time,they did try to legally persecute them after that."

White people did EVERYTHING to free the slaves, don't you mean?

And if you actually study the Post-Civil War period in detail, you learn that Jim Crow laws, the formation of the Ku Klux, etc, were the DIRECT result of cruel and arbitrary rule of the Reconstruction government, and of Blacks being allowed to run amock (ala Los Angeles or New Orleans) and literally get away with murder.

"But wither way,we are on a better path to racial peace right now since most whites are no longer educated to look down upon everybody else the way you do."

We are not on any path to racial peace. Los Angeles, New Orleans, this looks like peace to you? More White Americans were killed by Black criminals in the 20th century than were killed by enemy combatants in 20th century wars. The only thing we are on the road towards is White racial extinction.

As far as education goes, I was weaned on the same kind mass racial equalitarian propaganda most Americans are. I am by inclination a Classical Liberal/Libertarian, and can honestly say I've met people of all shades I've liked. Thus I believed in racial equality for half my life. But, always being objective, my own observations and the vast body of gathered evidence forced me to change my mind. It's not like I'm some some sort of ignorant backwoodsman. I hold a BS in History from the University of Texas, which itself strives to inundate it's students with all manner of Left propaganda. I am working on my Masters, and also qualify for MENSA membership. So I think I'm just SLIGHTLY more qualified than a High School Freshman to apply the principles of logic and speak authoritatively of race in a historical context.

When you consider that the three major races arose and evolved independently for millenia, it is almost inconcievable that they would be exactly equal in every respect. Breeds of dogs and other domestic animals, most of which have only originated in the last few centuries, are well known to vary greatly in innate physical abilities, intelligence, and temperament. Yet the races, with millenia of divergence, are expected to be interchangeable? And the inevitable practical conclusion of what I have learned is that even though there are have been great Black individuals, Blacks in mass groups make Western civilization more dangerous and less civil wherever they are found. The only thing which I believe can provide racial peace at all is for the races to stake out their own territory for themselves and stay out of each other's hair. People will more or less do this anyway voluntariy, but the Leftist decries it as evil, and seeks all kinds of ways to prevent Whites from isolating themselves from non-Whites...no matter how dangerous those non-Whites may prove to the person, property, or culture of Whites.

" But you will argue the 15% difference in White and Afro-American I.Q.s or the 30% difference between Whites and Africans has no signifigance. Absurdity!"

My argument actually is not all that absurd.In all reality,what I say could easily be true because the fact is blacks as a race have been abused for 400 years.This abuse ended 40 years ago,and therefore it is logical to assume that this abuse could be a major reason as to why black culture is the way it is.

Native African I.q.s are low because of a lack of funding in their schools,and often times,a complete lack of schools altogether.If you were to actually visit africa,you would find that kids there are actually studious,and would really like to learn.Whenever there is a school around,they go through many many hardships to get to it because they honestly do value their education.
However despite all this their I.Q.s will remain low due to a lack of educational funding.All I am saying is that if the african countries stabilized and stopped fighting,and eventually got their economies back into a respectable state,then african students could easily raise their I.Q.s to a respectable level.

"And yet all evidence gathered on the Australian Aborigines shows them to be less intelligent than even Blacks. You hit on the KEY without even knowing it, when you pointed out that "the temperature was always high". IOW, it was a mostly STATIC enviroment. Just like in Africa, traditional knowledge (what to eat, where to find water, what snakes to avoid, etc) was suffecient. There was less need for the continual invention of new techniques, to apply the innovatively, or to make long term plans much beyond finding food, water, and shelter for that day"

What is stopping somebody from assuming that europeans did not know instinctively what to avoid and how to avoid it,and that they did not know where to get food?

"There was less need for the continual invention of new techniques, to apply the innovatively, or to make long term plans much beyond finding food, water, and shelter for that day"
I doubt that.Regardless of where it is,a harsh climate will always recquire invention of new techniques and innovations to survive.To say that the europeans,who lived in a climate that wasnt even as harsh as you make it sound,had these traits,but the aboriginees lacked them is just plain stupid.

Furthermore,if the aboriginees arent enough,then how does one explain the eskimos?Their climate was undoubtedly harsher than that of the europeans,considering it was never really warmer than 20 degrees out,and that there was oviously a lack of food up there.
and what about the asians?The chinese environment couldnt really have been any harsher than africas,and in some cases it was actually a much more tolerable environment.It certainly wasnt any worse than the european climate,so how do we explain their higher intelligences.
Thats easy:culture.Asian culture,which preaches large amounts of studying and hard work,is the reason for the asians higher i.q.,not their environment.

"We are not on any path to racial peace. Los Angeles, New Orleans, this looks like peace to you? More White Americans were killed by Black criminals in the 20th century than were killed by enemy combatants in 20th century wars. The only thing we are on the road towards is White racial extinction"
The reason I say we are on a better path to racial peace is because of the fact that whites are no longer educated to think of themselves as superior to others.
As for that stat you provide about white americans being killed,even if it were true,the reason for it are simple:jim crow laws,and post slavery issues could easily have been a catalyst for these actions.

Also,the reason I doubt that stat is because it seems to be a bit of an overexaggeration.There a LOT of whites killed in those 20th century wars,and I highly doubt that blacks could match those types of numbers.
Furthermore,you are forgetting that in a jim crow south,it was often the blacks who were being killed,and there were many,many lynchings that went unpunished,and many white murderers who got away.
I highly doubt that in a society where blacks were restricted to the point that they could not even whistle to a white girl,that black murderers could exceed the totals of white murderers.

"And the inevitable practical conclusion of what I have learned is that even though there are have been great Black individuals, Blacks in mass groups make Western civilization more dangerous and less civil wherever they are found."
Nobody would doubt this conclusion,had blacks not had 400 years of abuse to contend with.The fact is that people can make a valid argument against this conclusion because blacks have traditionally been the minority subject to oppression.Had they been brought here on equal terms,and still been acting up,then maybe you would have a point.But the fact is,the oppression only ended 40 years ago,and therfore it is still perfectly logical to assume that the effects of it still leave a major mark on black culture as a whole today.

"The only thing which I believe can provide racial peace at all is for the races to stake out their own territory for themselves and stay out of each other's hair."
Yes,that would have solved a few problems.In fact,we wouldnt even be arguing about this today had your ancestors left the africans alone in their own environment,or if they had arranged to bring africans over to the americas on equal terms using civil methods,istead of stuffing them into cargo holds like sardines and shipping them there.Edited by: Futuregohan30
I don't really care about black IQ levels personally, it makes a difference for public policy but even if the government based its decisions on IQ testing it just means that the lower scoring groups would get more gov't attention similar to people with disabilities.

On a personal basis though I know that blacks commit crimes. When I live in black or mixed areas there is more theft, the houses are less cared for, my kids are picked on at school and in the neighborhood.

Blacks kill, rape, and steal, at a rate much higher then any other group. What do I care if IQ, racism, slavery, culture or whatever is the cause! It effects me. And there is nothing I can do about any of those things. Why would I want to be a victim? Why would I want to live amongst them? Am I expected to sacrifice my family on the hope that one day blacks will behave better? That is ridiculous.

Many black people treat white people like prey, you can see this everyday. Yes, black people like futuregohan want white people and black people to mix, why, so there are more victims around?

White people have to flee from the blacks that prey on them and the white elites that enable it. It is generally easier to run then to fight, but eventually....
jaxvid said:
I don't really care about black IQ levels personally, it makes a difference for public policy but even if the government based its decisions on IQ testing it just means that the lower scoring groups would get more gov't attention similar to people with disabilities.

On a personal basis though I know that blacks commit crimes. When I live in black or mixed areas there is more theft, the houses are less cared for, my kids are picked on at school and in the neighborhood.

Blacks kill, rape, and steal, at a rate much higher then any other group. What do I care if IQ, racism, slavery, culture or whatever is the cause! It effects me. And there is nothing I can do about any of those things. Why would I want to be a victim? Why would I want to live amongst them? Am I expected to sacrifice my family on the hope that one day blacks will behave better? That is ridiculous.

Many black people treat white people like prey, you can see this everyday. Yes, black people like futuregohan want white people and black people to mix, why, so there are more victims around?

White people have to flee from the blacks that prey on them and the white elites that enable it. It is generally easier to run then to fight, but eventually....

I understand your anger.But you must realize that ther is something you can do.If we do identify the cause of it,and then work together towards eliminating the problem,then everybody will be happier.

Of course,if you really do want separation,then I cant stop you.But in the end,separatism will not help anybody.The fact is,jax,that you are stuck here in this country and that the likelihood of a whole new state being created just for separatists like yourself is pretty much zero.
So,since we are here,why not work toward a better future in which blacks,whites,asians and hispanics can get along?
Futuregohan30 said:
I would have no problem marrying a white,asian,latina,or african girl.

Breeding with the women of other tribes... good strategy.

Futuregohan30 said:
The only thing I care about is the end of racial fighting.

The best way to do that is separation.

Futuregohan30 said:
The only future is a future in which ALL races can live in harmony.

That's not going to happen. It's a fantasy.

Futuregohan30 said:
The fact is,there can never be any separation of the races.

You keep saying that over and over and over again. It sounds to me like the prospect of not living in a white world scares you.

Futuregohan30 said:
The black nationalists will never be able to separate,and you white nationalists will never get that homeland of yours.

Yeah, because people who think the way you do are oppressing us. If we weren't oppressed, we could have our own neighborhoods, communities, towns, cities, and states. There's no good reason why we should be denied these things.

Futuregohan30 said:
The fact is,jax,that you are stuck here in this country and that the likelihood of a whole new state being created just for separatists like yourself is pretty much zero.

Absolutely. It's extremely unlikely (but that doesn't mean that it's not desirable.) We have a well-armed government that is ready to stomp on racially aware white people at any moment. But the dream of an all-white nation is noble and admirable, albeit unlikely. But I'm not going to be an apologist for the status quo like you are.

Futuregohan30 said:
So,since we are here,why not work toward a better future in which blacks,whites,asians and hispanics can get along?

Geez, man, have you time-traveled here from the 60's? Nobody believes in racial harmony anymore.

P.S. The Washington, D.C. school system is one of the best funded school systems in the country, and it's also one of the worst-performing.
Futuregohan30 said:
Of course,if you really do want separation,then I cant stop you.But in the end,separatism will not help anybody.

Utter nonsense. Mixing with blacks and non-whites has been the recipe for disaster.Whites need blacks like they need leprosy.Whether it's Africa, Detroit, East. St. Louis, Haiti or Jamaica, the results never vary.Whites build, blacks destroy.What I have wriltten is TRUTH! Everyone knows it!Only fools and profiteers would disagree.

Of course blacks would benefit from race-mixing! They are unable to survive or mainatin any semblance of an advanced society,resorting to their own wiles.After spending hours at the site Gohan suggested to further our education, I had a revelation. Blacks are less intelligentand even more incompetent thanI had assumed.If that is offensive, what can I say? This life-boat called America is taking in water and is in real danger ofsinking.We had better make some drastic changes soon or we will resemble Nigeria. Trust me, that's not a good thing.
Can you actually read with comprehension? Africans score badly on I.Q. tests SPECIFICALLY formulated to not require previous knowledge of ye olde reading, writing, and arithmetic. Science can gauge the I.Q. of dogs, crows, and chimps, so what makes you think its so impossible for them to accurately gauge African villagers? Other than the fact you don't like the result.

There is no tenable explanation but genetics, and no way it's "Whitey's" fault unless Whitey invented and used genetic engineering on Blacks 300 years ago. You have no explanation for why minorities just as abused as Blacks (Irish, Asians, Jews, Indians) do better than Blacks, or even the Whites who supposedly "hold everybody down".

BTW, East Asians did NOT originate in the sub-tropic. In their greater tendency towards short-limbed stockyness and higher levels of sub-cutaneous fat, they show every sign of having undergone their evolution even farther North than Whites. And the Inuit are in fact the most intelligent AmerIndians. Why do you even argue on the matter of race, you obviously have done zero research and have zero facts about the history and charateristics of each race.

Speaking of the Inuit, maybe I can make another comparison to get the difference between an Artic and a Tropical or even Desert enviroment into your head. To survive at all, the Inuit had to invent hundreds of new-technologies-kayaks, water-proof seal-skin garments, igloos, fish-oil lighting, etc. For some reason, his enviroment never stimulated him beyond this level, or perhaps his enviroment simply didn't offer enough resources to build a true civilization. We'll never know the answer, but the Arctic left it's mark on Inuit minds, making their average intelligence higher even than that of the MesoAmerican civilization builders, surprisingly enough.

Now compare him to the digger Indians of the American Southwest. No doubt they live in an enviroment considered harsh, in a manner similar to how many of the Aborigines and African tribes lived. Yet despite this harshness, they survived for millenia with no technology more complicated than the digging stick and brush shelter, with no social organization greater than the wandering band. A man will die of thirst in at most three days if he doesn't find water, but in the Inuit's territory (or Northern Europe), a man alone will die in a single night through most of the year unless he possesses or can contrive some rather elaborate technological crutches. Just viewing them on the telivision, tropical jungles, deserts, and tundra all look like "harsh enviroments", but survival experts agree that the tropics are generally the easiest place to survive until rescue, the Arctic, the hardest.

The problem of black stupidity and criminality could be possibly be solved-by gathering the persons on the order of Thomas Sowell that Blacks occasionally produce, and knocking the rest of the Black race in the head. But that's even more unlikely and less desirable than seperatism.
Excellent post White Savage. I didn't know the Inuits were brighter than other American Indians. Do you know what their average IQ is? They seem to be having a difficult time adapting to a modern lifestyle in northern Canada ,but I suspect I would have a hard time adapting to any kind of life in northern Canada.
JD074 said:
Futuregohan30 said:
I would have no problem marrying a white,asian,latina,or african girl.

Breeding with the women of other tribes... good strategy.

Futuregohan30 said:
The only thing I care about is the end of racial fighting.

The best way to do that is separation.

Futuregohan30 said:
The only future is a future in which ALL races can live in harmony.

That's not going to happen. It's a fantasy.

Futuregohan30 said:
The fact is,there can never be any separation of the races.

You keep saying that over and over and over again. It sounds to me like the prospect of not living in a white world scares you.

Futuregohan30 said:
The black nationalists will never be able to separate,and you white nationalists will never get that homeland of yours.

Yeah, because people who think the way you do are oppressing us. If we weren't oppressed, we could have our own neighborhoods, communities, towns, cities, and states. There's no good reason why we should be denied these things.

Futuregohan30 said:
The fact is,jax,that you are stuck here in this country and that the likelihood of a whole new state being created just for separatists like yourself is pretty much zero.

Absolutely. It's extremely unlikely (but that doesn't mean that it's not desirable.) We have a well-armed government that is ready to stomp on racially aware white people at any moment. But the dream of an all-white nation is noble and admirable, albeit unlikely. But I'm not going to be an apologist for the status quo like you are.

Futuregohan30 said:
So,since we are here,why not work toward a better future in which blacks,whites,asians and hispanics can get along?

Geez, man, have you time-traveled here from the 60's? Nobody believes in racial harmony anymore.

P.S. The Washington, D.C. school system is one of the best funded school systems in the country, and it's also one of the worst-performing.

"Breeding with the women of other tribes... good strategy.
It isnt a strategy,dude.I was simply saying that I dont really take race into considereation when looking at a girl.

"That's not going to happen. It's a fantasy."
It can happen.The only people capable of stopping it are people like yourself.

"You keep saying that over and over and over again. It sounds to me like the prospect of not living in a white world scares you."
Wow,so now I'm scared to live without whites,huh?
What I was trying to get across to you was the fact that racial separation is unlikely to ever occur.America was built upon diversity:we wont be able to rip it apart.In other words,youre stuck here,unless you want to move to scandinavia where there arent quite as many blacks as there are here.

"Absolutely. It's extremely unlikely (but that doesn't mean that it's not desirable.) We have a well-armed government that is ready to stomp on racially aware white people at any moment. But the dream of an all-white nation is noble and admirable, albeit unlikely. But I'm not going to be an apologist for the status quo like you are."
If it's unlikely,and you admit that,then why bother?Why dont you try to help america become more of a racially harmonius state instead of doing the opposite?
Bart said:
Futuregohan30 said:
Of course,if you really do want separation,then I cant stop you.But in the end,separatism will not help anybody.

Utter nonsense. Mixing with blacks and non-whites has been the recipe for disaster. Whites need blacks like they need leprosy. Whether it's Africa, Detroit, East. St. Louis, Haiti or Jamaica, the results never vary. Whites build, blacks destroy. What I have wriltten is TRUTH! Everyone knows it!  Only fools and profiteers would disagree.

Of course blacks would benefit from race-mixing! They are unable to survive or mainatin any semblance of an advanced society, resorting to their own wiles. After spending hours at the site Gohan suggested to further our education,  I had a revelation. Blacks are less intelligent and even more incompetent than I had assumed. If that is offensive, what can I say? This life-boat called America is taking in water and is in real danger of sinking.  We had better make some drastic changes soon or we will resemble Nigeria. Trust me, that's not a good thing.

Youre just ignorant,then.I wont even bother trying to convince you otherwise.I already explained that jamaicans tend to do very well when they emigrate to the U.S.
And the fact that you can look through all the historical evidence i have provided and say that blacks are STUPIDER shows that I am wasting my time trying to convince you.As they say:Ignorance is bliss.And you are one of the most ignorant people I have ever had the displeasure of debating with.Edited by: Futuregohan30
White_Savage said:
Can you actually read with comprehension? Africans score badly on I.Q. tests SPECIFICALLY formulated to not require previous knowledge of ye olde reading, writing, and arithmetic. Science can gauge the I.Q. of dogs, crows, and chimps, so what makes you think its so impossible for them to accurately gauge African villagers? Other than the fact you don't like the result.

There is no tenable explanation but genetics, and no way it's "Whitey's" fault unless Whitey invented and used genetic engineering on Blacks 300 years ago. You have no explanation for why minorities just as abused as Blacks (Irish, Asians, Jews, Indians) do better than Blacks, or even the Whites who supposedly "hold everybody down".

BTW, East Asians did NOT originate in the sub-tropic. In their greater tendency towards short-limbed stockyness and higher levels of sub-cutaneous fat, they show every sign of having undergone their evolution even farther North than Whites. And the Inuit are in fact the most intelligent AmerIndians. Why do you even argue on the matter of race, you obviously have done zero research and have zero facts about the history and charateristics of each race.

Speaking of the Inuit, maybe I can make another comparison to get the difference between an Artic and a Tropical or even Desert enviroment into your head. To survive at all, the Inuit had to invent hundreds of new-technologies-kayaks, water-proof seal-skin garments, igloos, fish-oil lighting, etc. For some reason, his enviroment never stimulated him beyond this level, or perhaps his enviroment simply didn't offer enough resources to build a true civilization. We'll never know the answer, but the Arctic left it's mark on Inuit minds, making their average intelligence higher even than that of the MesoAmerican civilization builders, surprisingly enough.

Now compare him to the digger Indians of the American Southwest. No doubt they live in an enviroment considered harsh, in a manner similar to how many of the Aborigines and African tribes lived. Yet despite this harshness, they survived for millenia with no technology more complicated than the digging stick and brush shelter, with no social organization greater than the wandering band. A man will die of thirst in at most three days if he doesn't find water, but in the Inuit's territory (or Northern Europe), a man alone will die in a single night through most of the year unless he possesses or can contrive some rather elaborate technological crutches. Just viewing them on the telivision, tropical jungles, deserts, and tundra all look like "harsh enviroments", but survival experts agree that the tropics are generally the easiest place to survive until rescue, the Arctic, the hardest.

The problem of black stupidity and criminality could be possibly be solved-by gathering the persons on the order of Thomas Sowell that Blacks occasionally produce, and knocking the rest of the Black race in the head. But that's even more unlikely and less desirable than seperatism.

You are actually correct:I do not research genetics very thouroughly.My expertise lay in the studies of history.You have quite a respectable amount of knowledge on the subject of genetics,and i applaud you for it.I will clearly have to do more research.
However,I do have one question to pose to you:

I have already clearly proven that blacks actually were capable of building civilization,and they didnt do a bad job at it:their civilization's location gave them a distinct advantage since they were directly on the ancient trade routes,and thus became very wealthy as a result.

I already explained about the black people inventing steel,and about shaka zulu,etc.This obviously shows that blacks WERE capable of creating standing economies and surviving quite well on their own without european influence.

So,my question is:what happened to them?Why are blacks in the social and economic state that they are in now?Did they de-evolve or something?did they somehow get stupider as time went on?
How come black civilization in Nigeria can go from the perfectly civil mali and ghana empires,into a state of civil war and a per capita income that is among the lowest in the world?
What is the cause of this drastic change?Lets even say that you are correct in saying that blacks are not as smart as whites.That still does not explain why black civilization can go from something,to nearly nothing in such a period of time when they had been doing perfectly fine before.

Whats the cause of this?
There was a famous sociologist who coined the term "life boat ethics". I can't think of his name. It basically means we can't take on dead weight or it will sink us.
KG2422 said:
There was a famous sociologist who coined the term "life boat ethics". I can't think of his name. It basically means we can't take on dead weight or it will sink us.

I think his name may have been Garrett Hardin.
Well Gohan, there are so many bad apples in your batch that they are sinking our boat. Edited by: KG2422
Futuregohan30 said:
I have already clearly proven that blacks actually were capable of building civilization,and they didnt do a bad job at it:...
I already explained about the black people inventing steel,and about shaka zulu,etc.This obviously shows that blacks WERE capable of creating standing economies and surviving quite well on their own without european influence.

So,my question is:what happened to them?Why are blacks in the social and economic state that they are in now?Did they de-evolve or something?did they somehow get stupider as time went on?
Whats the cause of this?

You proved nothing. Shaka Zulu was a brutish savage tyrant imposing his will upon ignorant Negroes. What were his triumphs? He outsmarted and overcame other tribes. He supposedly invented a smaller spear and attacked enemies with a two pronged attack. What a genius! He was also very brutal to his subjects and vicious to those he conquered.

To compare him to military leaders and strategists dealing with modern weaponry and warfare waged on a continental scale is silly. He waged war with sharpened sticksand very primitive instuments. Now, you may think I am being unfare in that blacks had no knowledge of advanced technology. And that is my point. Everything cited to prove the African's brilliance shows how truly backwardhe is and was. Shaka Zulu's accomplishments in relation to a true military genius is like comparing a kazoo player to a concert pianist. As a primitive waging war against other dullards he did well. That is the extent of it.

Gohan: I have already clearly proven that blacks actually were capable of building civilization,and they didnt do a bad job at it:...

Didn't do a bad job? This is laughable.You keep bringing up black civilizations?At best, their accomplishments are roughly equivalent to primitive white civilizations thousands of years ago. I wanted to post photo's of MODERN day Africa from your touted site, but it ist possible.A picture is worth a thousand words. Where are the colleges? Do we see hospitals or museums or theatres, or homes with glass windows equipped with air conditioning and heating units and ceramic toilets? Other than what white men built there is diddily squat. What have Africans built or produced that is valuable in the modern world?Blacks have never risen above the most primitive state.

You should read aboutAristotle, Platoand other thinkers and mathematicians of Greece. More than 2,500 years ago, theyinventedand advanced systems that are still being studied. Who taught them about geometry, algebra and physics? Most blacks cannot understand basic math, let alone discoverconcepts previously unkown to mankind.

Which leads me to a question.Why is it that we are able to read the writings of Plato and follow and study the principles of Pythagoras?If blacks invented the alphabet and numerical systems, where isthe treasure trove of knowledge?Where is the black Da Vinci, Edison, Tesla, Newtonor Bacon?And why aren't we sending our children to be educated in Africa instead of the other way around?
Bart said:
Futuregohan30 said:
I have already clearly proven that blacks actually were capable of building civilization,and they didnt do a bad job at it:...I already explained about the black people inventing steel,and about shaka zulu,etc.This obviously shows that blacks WERE capable of creating standing economies and surviving quite well on their own without european influence. So,my question is:what happened to them?Why are blacks in the social and economic state that they are in now?Did they de-evolve or something?did they somehow get stupider as time went on? Whats the cause of this?

You proved nothing. Shaka Zulu was a brutish savage tyrant imposing his will upon ignorant Negroes. What were his triumphs? He outsmarted and overcame other tribes. He supposedly invented a smaller spear and attacked enemies with a two pronged attack. What a genius!  He was also very brutal to his subjects and vicious to those he conquered.

To compare him to military leaders and strategists dealing with modern weaponry  and warfare waged on a continental scale is silly.  He waged war with sharpened sticks and very primitive instuments.  Now, you may think I am being unfare in that blacks had no knowledge of advanced technology.  And that is my point. Everything cited to prove the African's brilliance shows how truly backward he is and was. Shaka Zulu's accomplishments in relation to a true military genius is like comparing a kazoo player to a concert pianist. As a primitive waging war against other dullards he did well. That is the extent of it.

Gohan: I have already clearly proven that blacks actually were capable of building civilization,and they didnt do a bad job at it:...

Didn't do a bad job? This is laughable. You keep bringing up black civilizations? At best, their accomplishments are roughly equivalent to primitive white civilizations thousands of years ago. I wanted to post photo's of MODERN day Africa from your touted site, but it ist possible.  A picture is worth a thousand words. Where are the colleges? Do we see hospitals or museums or theatres, or homes with glass windows equipped with air conditioning and heating units and ceramic toilets? Other than what white men built there is diddily squat. What have Africans built or produced that is valuable in the modern world? Blacks have never risen above the most primitive state. 

You should read about  Aristotle, Plato and other  thinkers and mathematicians of Greece. More than 2,500 years ago, they invented and advanced systems that are still being studied. Who taught them about geometry, algebra and physics? Most blacks cannot understand basic math, let alone discover concepts previously unkown to mankind.

Which leads me to a question. Why is it that we are able to read the writings of Plato and follow and study the principles of Pythagoras? If blacks invented the alphabet and numerical systems, where is the treasure trove of knowledge?  Where is the black Da Vinci, Edison, Tesla, Newton or Bacon? And why aren't we sending our children to be educated in Africa instead of the other way around?


"Shaka Zulu was a brutish savage tyrant imposing his will upon ignorant Negroes. What were his triumphs? He outsmarted and overcame other tribes. He supposedly invented a smaller spear and attacked enemies with a two pronged attack. What a genius! He was also very brutal to his subjects and vicious to those he conquered.As a primitive waging war against other dullards he did well."

There lies the fault in your logic.You dislike blacks.I would go as far to say that you hate us,and this obviously affects your argument.You could never accept the fact that blacks were actually capable of doing something other than cussing and rapping.You would never accept the fact that Shaka Zulu had great capabilities and ideas as a leader,and you paint every african automatically as a "dullard".

Shaka Zulu's mind as a commander was excellent,and it was no worse than the Europeans.His descendants,using his tactics 40 years later,were able to defeat the british army using those "short spears".And keep in mind,the british army had guns and other heavy equipment.Obviously,not every african Kingdom was able to do that,but the Zulu were capable of putting up a good fight because of the influence of Shaka.
KG2422 said:
Well Gohan, there are so many bad apples in your batch that they are sinking our boat.

Thats too bad.Had you not brought us over here on slave ships packed in cargo holds like sardines,we would probably still be on good terms like the Portugese were with the Anglolans in the 15th century,before the discovery of the new world.
Futuregohan30 said:
Thats too bad.Had you not brought us over here on slave ships packed in cargo holds like sardines,we would probably still be on good terms like the Portugese were with the Anglolans in the 15th century,before the discovery of the new world.

My family was in Europe at the time and had nothing to do with slavery. But I surely have to pay the penaltyforthe damnable fools who brought your people here. If we could somehow go back in time and dispatch the traders before they unloaded their cargo, America would be a much better place to live.Most of the slave traders are considered to be Semites, so blame them. Actually Africans have always practiced slavery and it is still going on.Blacks have captured and subjugated fellow Blacks, Whites and other ethnicitiessince the beginning of time, don't preach to me about slavery. A black man wrote a book stating that he was grateful for slavery. He journeyed to Africa and discovered what a hell hole it is and believed it was propitious for his ancestors to be brought here. There you have it.. a wise black man.

More on the brilliant Shaka Zulu.


During this period Shaka reorganized the Zulu into a military clan, and he soon made them into a force unchallenged in Southern African kingdoms. He introduced the shorter 'stabbing' spear that replaced the traditional long and awkward 'throwing' spear. On the battlefield, he developed the now-famous "horns of the bull" formation (a two-pronged attack). Conquering tribe after tribe, he assimilated all his conquests into the Zulu nation, making it swell with numbers and power, but also causing the displacement of thousands.His actions were partly responsible for spreading the Southern African tribes as far away as Mozambique.

Although he maintained a good relationship with the Europeans in Africa, including the Colonial authorities, he was disliked by other Africans, including his own people, who suffered under his long, cruel and debilitating rule of constant war.

After 10 years of unrelenting warfare that placed incredible strains on the Zulu nation, Shaka, always psychologically unstable and obsessively worried about being replaced by an heir, finally snapped into derangement after the death of his mother in 1828. He imposed a year of celibacy on his people and executed anyone who did not show enough grief at the death of his mother. He was murdered within the year by his half-brother, Dingane, who succeeded him as ruler.

Even though he created brutal conditions for his subjects, it was his legacy that created the powerful Zulu Kingdom and consolidated a nation and its pride.
Futuregohan30 said:
Wow,so now I'm scared to live without whites,huh?
What I was trying to get across to you was the fact that racial separation is unlikely to ever occur.America was built upon diversity:we wont be able to rip it apart.

America was not built on diversity. It was 90% white until relatively recently. The only diversity was the diversity among Europeans, and that was only until later. We actually would've been fine without the later immigrants from Ireland, Italy, Germany, etc. Our population would still be substantial. Either way, this is not the type of diversity you're talking about. Yes, we made the catastrophic mistake of shipping in cheap labor from Africa, just like we're bringing in cheap labor from Mexico and elsewhere now. We should have repatriated Africans a long time ago, and we should end immigration now.

Futuregohan30 said:
In other words,youre stuck here,unless you want to move to scandinavia where there arent quite as many blacks as there are here.

Why should I have to leave? My people built this nation. This is our work. Everyone else should leave.

Futuregohan30 said:
If it's unlikely,and you admit that,then why bother?Why dont you try to help america become more of a racially harmonius state instead of doing the opposite?

We have to do something. Just because something is difficult, doesn't mean it's not worth doing. We need to take back our country. Maybe we can't have a White Nation, but we need to do something dramatic.
Bart said:
Futuregohan30 said:
Thats too bad.Had you not brought us over here on slave ships packed in cargo holds like sardines,we would probably still be on good terms like the Portugese were with the Anglolans in the 15th century,before the discovery of the new world.

My family was in Europe at the time and had nothing to do with slavery. But I surely have to pay the penalty for the damnable fools who brought your people here. If we could somehow go back in time and dispatch the traders before they unloaded their cargo, America would be a much better place to live. Most of the slave traders are considered to be Semites, so blame them. Actually Africans have always practiced slavery and it is still going on. Blacks have captured and subjugated fellow Blacks, Whites and other ethnicities since the beginning of time, don't preach to me about slavery. A black man wrote a book stating that he was grateful for slavery. He journeyed to Africa and discovered what a hell hole it is and believed it was propitious for his ancestors to be brought here. There you have it.. a wise black man. 

More on the brilliant Shaka Zulu.


&lt;FONT face=Arial&gt;During this period Shaka reorganized the Zulu into a military clan, and he soon made them into a force unchallenged in Southern African kingdoms. He introduced the shorter 'stabbing' spear that replaced the traditional long and awkward 'throwing' spear. On the battlefield, he developed the now-famous "horns of the bull" formation (a two-pronged attack). Conquering tribe after tribe, he assimilated all his conquests into the Zulu nation, making it swell with numbers and power, but also causing the displacement of thousands. His actions were partly responsible for spreading the Southern African tribes as far away as Mozambique. Although he maintained a good relationship with the Europeans in Africa, including the Colonial authorities, he was disliked by other Africans, including his own people, who suffered under his long, cruel and debilitating rule of constant war. After 10 years of unrelenting warfare that placed incredible strains on the Zulu nation, Shaka, always psychologically unstable and obsessively worried about being replaced by an heir, finally snapped into derangement after the death of his mother in 1828. He imposed a year of celibacy on his people and executed anyone who did not show enough grief at the death of his mother. He was murdered within the year by his half-brother, Dingane, who succeeded him as ruler. </font> </font>

&lt;FONT face=Arial&gt;Even though he created brutal conditions for his subjects, it was his legacy that created the powerful Zulu Kingdom and consolidated a nation and its pride.</font> </font>


So,shaka was brutal?Thats nice,I already knew that.But you still cannot ignore his military achievements.Well,actually,maybe you can.

"Actually Africans have always practiced slavery and it is still going on. Blacks have captured and subjugated fellow Blacks, Whites and other ethnicities since the beginning of time,"
I dont rememeber hearing anything about blacks capturing whites,but they did capture other blacks.

As a matter of fact,every major empire in history has practiced slavery.It was the punishment for capturing criminals,and prisoners of war.It was not industrialized until the new world was discovered and the europeans arrived.
And by industrialized,I mean that slaves were not auctioned,they were not transported in large quantities across continents,and they were not sent to special breeding farms to make more of them.
JD074 said:
Futuregohan30 said:
Wow,so now I'm scared to live without whites,huh?
What I was trying to get across to you was the fact that racial separation is unlikely to ever occur.America was built upon diversity:we wont be able to rip it apart.

America was not built on diversity. It was 90% white until relatively recently. The only diversity was the diversity among Europeans, and that was only until later. We actually would've been fine without the later immigrants from Ireland, Italy, Germany, etc. Our population would still be substantial. Either way, this is not the type of diversity you're talking about. Yes, we made the catastrophic mistake of shipping in cheap labor from Africa, just like we're bringing in cheap labor from Mexico and elsewhere now. We should have repatriated Africans a long time ago, and we should end immigration now.

Futuregohan30 said:
In other words,youre stuck here,unless you want to move to scandinavia where there arent quite as many blacks as there are here.

Why should I have to leave? My people built this nation. This is our work. Everyone else should leave.

Futuregohan30 said:
If it's unlikely,and you admit that,then why bother?Why dont you try to help america become more of a racially harmonius state instead of doing the opposite?

We have to do something. Just because something is difficult, doesn't mean it's not worth doing. We need to take back our country. Maybe we can't have a White Nation, but we need to do something dramatic.

"Why should I have to leave? My people built this nation. This is our work. Everyone else should leave."

Well,if you guys are all for every race inhabiting their own homelands,then technically you dont belong here.This land would belong to native americans,blacks would go back to africa,and asians would stay in asia.

But if you really want to stay here,then many blacks would have the right to stay to.Slavery was the backbone of the southern economy for 200 years,and whether you like it or not,they did play a substantial part in sustaining the souths economy.
And dont forget the blacks who fought in wars for this country.Should they be forced to leave to?They should have every right to stay.

I myself,though,would gladly go back to jamaica.But some blacks have roots here,no matter how difficult their history has been.
Have you heard of Kennewick Man Gohan? WE may have been here first and been displaced by Asians crossing the land bridge. It's quite possible. Whites could have crossed from Eastern Europe as easily as Asians from further south. Yes, we did practice slavery ,but many of the slaves where sold by their fellow Blacks who conquered them. It could be argued that slaves in the U.S. had a higher living standard than free Aficans. Most slaveowners didn't abuse their slaves. That would be foolish. They were too expensive. The prevailing idea was also that they needed plenty of rest because they were mentally fragile. Food, shelter, medicine, time off, it was probably as good as catching the ebola virus or starving to death like many Africans of past and present. Edited by: KG2422
Futuregohan30 said:
I myself,though,would gladly go back to jamaica.But some blacks have roots here,no matter how difficult their history has been.

You would gladly go back to Jamaica?You're not the only who would be glad if you went back to Jamaica.
One of my relatives vacationed there, taking advantage of a special promotion. She wasn't expecting the finest of accommodations of course, since the price was very reasonable. She did however, gain an education. Some of her companions were assaulted and robbed. The manager of the hotel advised her to stay within very close proximity of the grounds or they could not GUARANTEEher safety if she ventured too far.After she left there was a spate of killings, tourists murdered by the inhabitants. I just did a search to see how things have progressed in that black paradise. You might want to study Shaka Zulus's military tactics before going back.One of his famous, small spears would serve you well for protection.


Jamaica is murder capital of the world
<H6 align=left ="date">Monday, January 9, 2006</H6>
KINGSTON, Jamaica (UPI): Dubbed last week the murder capital of the world, Jamaica recorded its 13th murder in the first four days of the year, the Jamaica Gleaner said Thursday.
Three double shootings happened within nine hours beginning Tuesday night through Wednesday morning, the newspaper said.
The murder capital designation was made earlier last week by the BBC, which said Jamaica has now been classed the murder capital of the world, after 2005 saw more than 1,600 people killed; a tally of at least five people murdered a day.Edited by: Bart
American Freedom News