Hines Ward and South Korea

KG2422 said:
Have you heard of Kennewick Man Gohan? WE may have been here first and been displaced by Asians crossing the land bridge. It's quite possible. Whites could have crossed from Eastern Europe as easily as Asians from further south. Yes, we did practice slavery ,but many of the slaves where sold by their fellow Blacks who conquered them. It could be argued that slaves in the U.S. had a higher living standard than free Aficans. Most slaveowners didn't abuse their slaves. That would be foolish. They were too expensive. The prevailing idea was also that they needed plenty of rest because they were mentally fragile. Food, shelter, medicine, time off, it was probably as good as catching the ebola virus or starving to death like many Africans of past and present.

"Food, shelter, medicine, time off, it was probably as good as catching the ebola virus or starving to death like many Africans of past and present. "
Being a slave was better than living in the Kongo,where they had their own working civilization?Probably not.

"Most slaveowners didn't abuse their slaves. That would be foolish. They were too expensive. The prevailing idea was also that they needed plenty of rest because they were mentally fragile."
Now thats just outlandish.Slaves werent abused?Where are you getting this?The very idea that they were kept alive to be treated like animals for their whole lives(literally,they were even bred like horses) was worse than death.
HERE's another example of your "glorious, civilized, and productive" Africans bein' Africans:

"The sun is going away, but don't panic...

Fri Mar 10, 9:36 AM ET

ABUJA (Reuters) - The Nigerian government, anxious to avoid a repeat of riots that marked a solar eclipse in 2001, warned citizens they may suffer "psychological discomfort" during a new eclipse this month but urged them not to panic.

Information Minister Frank Nweke said an eclipse five years ago caused riots in northern Borno state because people did not know why it happened.

"Some people even felt some evil people in their communities were responsible for the eclipse," he said in a statement on Thursday aimed at reassuring Nigerians that the eclipse is expected to darken parts of the country on March 29.

"The eclipse is not expected to have any real damaging effect, only social and psychological discomforts are envisaged," Nweke said.

He did not explain what the discomforts might be.

Southern Knight said:
HERE's another example of your "glorious, civilized, and productive" Africans bein' Africans:

"The sun is going away, but don't panic...

Fri Mar 10, 9:36 AM ET

ABUJA (Reuters) - The Nigerian government, anxious to avoid a repeat of riots that marked a solar eclipse in 2001, warned citizens they may suffer "psychological discomfort" during a new eclipse this month but urged them not to panic.

Information Minister Frank Nweke said an eclipse five years ago caused riots in northern Borno state because people did not know why it happened.

"Some people even felt some evil people in their communities were responsible for the eclipse," he said in a statement on Thursday aimed at reassuring Nigerians that the eclipse is expected to darken parts of the country on March 29.

"The eclipse is not expected to have any real damaging effect, only social and psychological discomforts are envisaged," Nweke said.

He did not explain what the discomforts might be.


Great article,however it proved nothing.I've been arguing this whole time about how the africans were great IN THE PAST,and I've been posing questions about how they may have come to be the way they are today.

Oh,and are you really gonna judge the entire african continent based solely on one incident?Did I not already tell you about the dogon people and their knowledge of astronomy?
Bart said:
Futuregohan30 said:
I myself,though,would gladly go back to jamaica.But some blacks have roots here,no matter how difficult their history has been.

You would gladly go back to Jamaica? You're not the only who would be glad if you went back to Jamaica.
One of my relatives vacationed there, taking advantage of a special promotion.  She wasn't expecting the finest of accommodations of course, since the price was very reasonable. She did however, gain an education. Some of her companions were assaulted and robbed. The manager of the hotel advised her to stay within very close proximity of the grounds or they could not GUARANTEE her safety if she ventured too far. After she left there was a spate of killings, tourists murdered by the inhabitants.  I just did a search to see how things have progressed in that black  paradise. You might want to study Shaka Zulus's military tactics before going back. One of his famous, small spears would serve you well for protection.


Jamaica is murder capital of the world</font>
&lt;H6 align=left ="date"&gt;&lt;FONT face=Arial&gt;Monday,  January 9, 2006</font>&lt;/H6&gt;
&lt;P align=left ="mainstory"&gt;KINGSTON, Jamaica (UPI): Dubbed last week the murder capital of the world, Jamaica recorded its 13th murder in the first four days of the year, the Jamaica Gleaner said Thursday. 
&lt;P align=left ="mainstory"&gt;Three double shootings happened within nine hours beginning Tuesday night through Wednesday morning, the newspaper said.
&lt;P align=left ="mainstory"&gt;The murder capital designation was made earlier last week by the BBC, which said Jamaica has now been classed the murder capital of the world, after 2005 saw more than 1,600 people killed; a tally of at least five people murdered a day.</font>

You actually dont need to explain any thing like this of the sort to me.I am not just jamaican by descent:I have actually spent a sizeable portion of my life there.
In other words,I am well aware of whats going on in that country today.

Jamaica,like all other countries,has its share of problems.Murder is certainly one of them,and parts of Kingston are impoverished.
This kid debates like other Blacks do. Whomever talks the longest wins. It's the same way at the basketball court. So Gohan, I guess you haven't heard of Kennewick Man. And you ask me how I know not all slaveowners abused their slaves. My great great grandfather, Col. Britton Dawson's plantation was made into a museum after he died. It was an example of a kind slaveowner. His slaves voluntarily stayed on with him after the civil war. They even hid his gold in a secret compartment in the slavequarters when the Union army was attempting to steal whatever valuables he had. The Union did that all over the South. His home burned down in the 1920s. The town it was located in is Dawson, TX. It was named after him. He also fought, with distinction, in the Battle of San Jacinto at 19 years of age. Read some old history books, written closer to the time of the events that you are studying. The longer time goes by, the more politicised the event becomes.Edited by: KG2422
Lay off him just a bit will you all. This was originally about Hines Ward's biracial heritage!!!
Gohan, you're fine. You're posts belong in another thread, but you're fine. The Zulu fought a great fight. Africa is in ruins today because of a difficulties related to adapting to technology with an agricultural mindset. Their traditional ways do not blend well with technology today. I have lots of evidence if you want it. Basically, tribal wars are not supposed to be fought with guns and planes.
Also, look at their schools. Their educational institutions are lacking and South Africa practiced apartheid, a sanctioned version of slavery(much stricter than segregation in the US). Edited by: Freedom
Ditto to what Freedom wrote about giving the kid a break. Gohan..this is mostly a sports site..maybe it's time to post on different topics..everything has already been said repeatedly. KG2422..interesting story about Col. Dawson..I will have to look up some info on him..always have been fascinated by The Battle of San Jacinto.
Freedom: Lay off him just a bit will you all.

Back off? Why? Does the truth hurt? Are we to be silent and nod our heads in agreement , knowing that what he says is unsustainable? He's not being beaten with black jacks or billy clubs.. .is he? A debate with words is one of the hallmarks of civilized people. He is getting trounced by facts not fists, so who is being harmed?No one. For all I know, he could be that loony Professor of African studies that posted here.

Freedom: Africa is in ruins today because of a difficulties related to adapting to technology with an agricultural mindset.

The difficulties have nothing to do with the agricultural mindset, but rather black mindset.. How in the hell did white farmers adapt to modern technological advances in farming?Intelligent people make transitions quickly. The African hasn't even mastered primitive farming and distribution methods. They killed the white farmers and are starving. It's called reaping and sowing.

Freedom:Their traditional ways do not blend well with technology today.

Boy, that's an understatement. Perhaps in another 30,000 years they'll get with the program.
KG2422 said:
This kid debates like other Blacks do. Whomever talks the longest wins. It's the same way at the basketball court. So Gohan, I guess you haven't heard of Kennewick Man. And you ask me how I know not all slaveowners abused their slaves. My great great grandfather, Col. Britton Dawson's plantation was made into a museum after he died. It was an example of a kind slaveowner. His slaves voluntarily stayed on with him after the civil war. They even hid his gold in a secret compartment in the slavequarters when the Union army was attempting to steal whatever valuables he had. The Union did that all over the South. His home burned down in the 1920s. The town it was located in is Dawson, TX. It was named after him. He also fought, with distinction, in the Battle of San Jacinto at 19 years of age. Read some old history books, written closer to the time of the events that you are studying. The longer time goes by, the more politicised the event becomes.

"This kid debates like other Blacks do. Whomever talks the longest wins."
Really?Blacks debate for long periods of time?Thats a new one,I've never heard that stereotype before.Either way,the only reason I am still here is because you have not been able to prove me wrong.None of you have been able to answer my main question:if blacks were capable of creating civilization without europeans,then why are they in the state they are in now?

I have proposed that this is because of cultural and social factors:you have been unable to prove otherwise.All you are doing now is throwing out random articles that try to make blacks look bad.However,you still have not been able to answer.

"So Gohan, I guess you haven't heard of Kennewick Man."
Actually,I have heard of him.They talk about him on Stormfront all the time.However,I have not heard a word about him anywhere else other than on white nationalist sites.I will have to do a little more research on the matter.

"My great great grandfather, Col. Britton Dawson's plantation was made into a museum after he died."

Thats pretty cool.I am not saying all slaveowners abused their slaves:I have heard a few accounts of this type of thing happening.But on the whole,most slaves were not treated well.

"Read some old history books, written closer to the time of the events that you are studying."
I will be sure to get some sometime,although I've pretty much cleaned out my school library.

Edited by: Futuregohan30
Bart said:
Freedom: Lay off him just a bit will you all.

Back off? Why? Does the truth hurt? Are we to be silent and nod our heads in agreement , knowing that what he says is unsustainable? He's not being beaten with black jacks or billy clubs.. .is he?  A debate with words is one of the hallmarks of civilized people. He is getting trounced by facts not fists, so who is being harmed? No one.  For all I know, he could be that loony Professor of African studies that posted here.

Freedom: Africa is in ruins today because of a difficulties related to adapting to technology with an agricultural mindset.

The difficulties have nothing to do with the agricultural mindset, but rather black mindset.. How in the hell did white farmers adapt to modern technological advances in farming? Intelligent people make transitions quickly. The African hasn't even mastered primitive farming and distribution methods. They killed the white farmers and are starving. It's called reaping and sowing.

Freedom: Their traditional ways do not blend well with technology today.

Boy, that's an understatement.  Perhaps in another 30, 000 years they'll get with the program.


The fact is,I have presented you with plenty of facts,and information that I have proven,and you simply refuse to acknowledge it.Now,we're right back where we started:blacks murdered white farmers in zimbabwe under Robert Mugabe.I have already told you why bloody revolutions like that occur:it is a result of an oppressive government.Zimbabwe had a system similar to apartheid in place before it gained independence.

" How in the hell did white farmers adapt to modern technological advances in farming?"
Were whites subjected to 200 years of european colonialism,in which they were treated as 2nd class citizens on their own continent,and during which time the majority of the arable land was given to the white farmers while blacks were left with barely arable terrain?Here in lies the difference.Blacks obviously knew how to farm before the arrival of the europeans.Colonialism changed that.

"Boy, that's an understatement. Perhaps in another 30, 000 years they'll get with the program."

The Civil rights movement and European colonialism only ended about 30 years ago.I think theyll need more time than that.
Edited by: Futuregohan30
Futuregohan30 said:
Well,if you guys are all for every race inhabiting their own homelands,then technically you dont belong here.This land would belong to native americans,blacks would go back to africa,and asians would stay in asia.

Wrong. I wrote that we built this NATION. The natives had land, they did not build a nation. We were right to settle here, using force to do so. This was their land, but we made it into a nation. It is rightfully ours. We could make an exception for natives as long as they stayed on their reservations; otherwise they should leave, too.

Futuregohan30 said:
But if you really want to stay here,then many blacks would have the right to stay to.Slavery was the backbone of the southern economy for 200 years,and whether you like it or not,they did play a substantial part in sustaining the souths economy.
And dont forget the blacks who fought in wars for this country.Should they be forced to leave to?They should have every right to stay.

It was just manual labor. Big deal. Anybody could've done it. Besides, the agrarian economy, including it's slave labor, was inferior to the industrial economy that replaced it. I don't care about the blacks who fought in unjust wars, especially the one that denied the South their right to self-determination (even with an inferior economic system that would've potentially jeopardized the North's burgeoning industrial economy had they seceded, they still should've been free to do so.) The Civil War, WWI, WWII, Vietnam, Korea, and Iraq were all wars that the US should've had nothing to do with.

Futuregohan30 said:
I myself,though,would gladly go back to jamaica.But some blacks have roots here,no matter how difficult their history has been.

Okay. Go.
Either way,I'm going to take my leave now.I do not want to impose on you fellows any longer.This is your site,after all.

For those who did not believe me,I really actually am 14,and I'll be 15 in april.I play football,and thats how I happened to actually stumble upon this site.Anyway,I would like to say,this was my first serious debate,and it was fun doing it with you guys.I wish you all the best of luck in the future,even if we cant all see eye to eye.

I still believe in a nation where we can live in peace and harmony.I know this sounds farfetched to you,but I assure you it can be done.I will continue to work towards this goal,although I probably wont see it in my lifetime.If we work together,we can see this situation come true a little bit sooner.

Goodbye,and god bless.
Futuregohan30 said:
Either way,I'm going to take my leave now.I do not want to impose on you fellows any longer.This is your site,after all.


I actually enjoy these give and takes discussions. If not for the links provided, I would have been somewhat in the dark regarding the Afrocentrist movement. The attempts made by advocatesto make something out of nothing would make Houdini envious. The Dogon astronomers story is typical. More African hyperbole.


The Dogon, a tribe in West Africa, are believed to be of Egyptian descent. After living in Libya for a time, they settled in Mali, West Africa, bringing with them astronomy legends dating from before 3200 BCE. In the late 1940s, four of their priests told two French anthropologists of a secret Dogon myths about the star Sirius (8.6 light years from the earth). The priests said that Sirius had a companion star that was invisible to the human eye. They also stated that the star moved in a 50-year elliptical orbit around Sirius, that it was small and incredibly heavy, and that it rotated on its axis.


Even if these people had somehow seen Western astronomy textbooks, they could not have known about Sirius B. Also puzzling was their knowledge of the rotations and orbits of planets in our solar system and of the four major moons of Jupiter and the rings of Saturn. How did they learn all this? Dogon folklore says that this knowledge came from unearthly sources.

The Dogon tell the legend of the Nommos, awful-looking beings who arrived in a vessel along with fire and thunder. The Nommos, who could live on land but dwelled mostly in the sea, were part fish, like merfolk (mermaids and mermen). Similar creatures have been noted in other ancient civilizations -- Babylonia's Oannes, Acadia's Ea, Sumer's Enki, and Egypt's goddess Isis. It was from the Nommos that the Dogon claimed their knowledge of the heavens.

The Dogon also claimed that a third star (Emme Ya) existed in the Sirius system. Larger and lighter than Sirius B, this star revolved around Sirius as well. And around it orbited a planet from which the Nommos came.

Although Robert K.G. Temple's book The Sirius Mystery was taken more seriously than many other ancient-astronaut writings when it was first published in 1977, it met with some bad luck; it was criticized by two important science figures, writer Ian Ridpath and celebrity-astronomer Carl Sagan. From that point on, many felt that it did not get the kind of consideration that its well-laid case deserved.

Ridpath and Sagan had their own simple explanation for the Sirius mystery: the Dogon got their supposedly ancient knowledge of the heavens from modern informants. They asserted that Westerners had probably discussed astronomy with Dogon priests, who quickly added this new information to the older folklore.
Classy Departure Gohan. Have a good life, continue your education and you keep your temper and wits about you real well for a fourteen year old. God Bless.
KG2422 said:
My great great grandfather, Col. Britton Dawson's plantation was made into a museum after he died. It was an example of a kind slaveowner. His slaves voluntarily stayed on with him after the civil war. QUOTE]

Is this your grandfather?


Britton Dawson told many interesting stories to his children and grandchildren most of which stories have been repeated by his only living child, Mrs. Armanda Jane Fread, of Dawson, It was from this silver-haired lady, past 73 years old, that the writer has been able to gather much of interest about Dawson. She thinks it is good that people should know and appreciate the history of their own city and State. This writer, who has always known Dawson to be a peaceful, contented little town can hardly realize that less than a century ago Indian raids and massacres, horse thievery and cattle rustling made existence stirring for the first white settlers. Britton Dawson was born in Alabama July 15, 1817. His mother was Elizabeth Patterson and his father Dread Dawson, who was born in Greene County, Georgia, and served as a soldier during the second war with Great Britian. He was a farmer by occupation. At an early day he moved to Alabama, where he became a prominent and wealthy planter, having at one time as many as 100 negroes. In 1825 he disposed of his property and came to Texas, settling in Robertson County, where, he died in 1847.

Further Mentions: Miss Elizabeth Walker, a native of Mississippi., three children, Sarah, Henry and Elizabeth, Ritchie, Susanna Cannon, six children were born: Nancy, Mary, William Dread, David E., Louise and Armanda Jane, a grandson, Clint Lawrence, Mr. Berger, Only four children were born to the Dawsons after they moved into the new home, Anna, Emily, Britton C. and Elijah Franklin. Uncle Brit, as he was known, saw a lot of the history of Navarro county made. The county was created by the first session of the Legislature in 1846 and was organized during the same year. At that time it contained all of the territory now comprising the present counties of Navarro, Ellis, Tarrant, Hill, Johnson and part of McLennon. One of the most tragic Indian massacres of Texas History occurred near where Dawson now stands. It was after the well known Tehuacana massacre of the surveying party that Mrs. Dawson then a girl in her teens, helped pick up the wolf-eaten bodies of the unfortunates and Brit Dawson and others gave them burial.
[url]http://www.tsha.utexas.edu/handbook/online/articles/DD/hld8. html[/url]

Yes, here are a few links that tell more with a pic of the old home and so forth. He was also an Indian fighter. It can be hard to discern what is legend and what is fact. Nevertheless, he was pretty well known. He had some very successful children. I think one was a governor and there may have been a senator as well. I am a direct descendant of neither. One of his daughters gave birth to my paternal grandfather.
Black - prodigy (sic) - writes poem comparing white people to pirates and vampires. She will eventually become a Professor and teach your children this drivel. Although using more inflammatory rhetoric, her message and that of FutureGohan's come from the same - Afrocentrist - playbook. Blacks were great until the white man robbed them of their gold, wisdom, knowledge, culture and identities.

[url]http://www.nypost.com/php/pfriendly/print.php?url=http://www .nypost.com/news/regionalnews/60921.htm [/url]http://www.nypost.com/php/pfriendly.../www .nypost.com/news/regionalnews/60921.htm

A 7-year-old prodigy unleashed a firestorm when she recited a poem she wrote comparing Christopher Columbus and Charles Darwin to "pirates" and "vampires" who robbed blacks of their identities and human rights.

Hundreds of parents of Peekskill middle- and high-school students received a recorded phone message last week apologizing for little Autum Ashante's poem, titled "White Nationalism Put U in Bondage."

"Black lands taken from your hands, by vampires with no remorse," the aspiring actress and poet wrote. "They took the gold, the wisdom and all the storytellers. They took the black women, with the black man weak. Made to watch as they changed the paradigm of our village.

"Yeah white nationalism is what put you in bondage. Pirates and vampires like Columbus, Morgan and Darwin." Edited by: Bart
i should write a poem about how the black "pirates" stole our wallets and hubcaps, and how the black "vampires" can't get enough sucking on their crack pipes.

would i be a prodigy then, as well?
[url]http://www.nypost.com/seven/03142006/news/regionalnews/65235 .htm[/url]

March 14, 2006 -- The Rev. Al Sharpton and other black leaders yesterday ripped school officials in the Westchester town of Peekskill who called a 7-year-old prodigy's poetry offensive.

Parents of students at Peekskill HS and Peekskill Middle School received recorded phone messages last week, apologizing for a poem Autum Ashante wrote and recited at the schools to celebrate Black History Month.

The poem, "White Nationalism Put U In Bondage," likened Christopher Columbus and Charles Darwin to "pirates" and "vampires" who robbed blacks of their dignity.

"Whether one agrees or disagrees with what she said, there was an entire overreaction and I intend to look into it," said Sharpton, himself a prodigy who was preaching at the age of 4. "This could have an indelible impact on this young lady's growth and creativity."

New York City Councilman Charles Barron, a former Black Panther, said, "Heads should roll!" and planned to call on state Attorney General Eliot Spitzer today to probe whether Autum's right to free speech was stifled.
To mention this thread's original topic, Hines Ward is now in South Korea, where he is being treated like a conquering hero, not to mention being used by the U.S. media as a hammer to shame the Koreans into accepting the "blessings" of "diversity" and miscegenation.

It's kind of curious that Ward's bi-racial background was never mentioned until this past season. Like Tiger Woods, another (roughly) half-black half-Asian athlete, Ward was treated by the media in Pittsburgh and nationally strictly as black until recently. Now there are endless morality tales being spun at his expense about "racism" in South Korea and America. Some of the articles recount how Ward was treated in a racist manner when he lived in Louisiana, but they usually leave out the fact that the problems all came from blacks who didn't like his bi-racial background.
Ward Spins Bi-Racial Roots Into Blessing

[url]http://www.usatoday.com/sports/football/nfl/steelers/2006-04 -09-ward-focus_x.htm[/url]

Ward and his mother


Ward and the president of South Korea

I watched an interview of Ward upon his return from South Korea on a Pittsburgh TV station last night. Among the questions posed to him in the "interview" was, "What do you think about some people now comparing you to Martin Luther King?"

In an article in the current Sports Illustrated, Ward rips on Peyton Manning and Bill Cowher. Of Cowher he says, "I don't have anything to say to him. After what he did to me, after how he treated me, no. The numbers I put up? The seasons I had, for them to keep on bringing in guys. . .?"

In today's Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, columnist Ron Cook totally excuses Ward, by turning his article into a vicious attack on Terry Bradshaw. When you read this, remember that Bradshaw never criticized Chuck Noll until after he retired as a player, and also that Bradshaw was the quarterback on 4 Super Bowl winners; Ward has been on one. Also, that Bradshaw last played almost a quarter century ago.

Easy, Steelers fans. Your Super Bowl champions aren't coming apart at the seams. Not yet, anyway. I'm thrilled to report we're not going to have a repeat of that tedious nonsense Terry Bradshaw used to put us through when he would go out of his way to rip Chuck Noll at every opportunity late in his playing career and long after he retired.

"Me and coach Cowher, we have no problem," Hines Ward said yesterday. This was in response to a Sports Illustrated article this week that quoted Ward about Bill Cowher: "I don't have anything to say to him. After what he did to me, after how he treated me, no. . ."

Talk about setting off a 24-hour panic in Steeler Nation.

My first though was disbelief. That quote was ridiculous and made no sense. Wasn't it a telephone conversation with Cowher that convinced Ward to end his training camp holdout last summer? Didn't Ward then sign a five-year, $27.5 million contract through the 2009 season with a $9 million signing bonus, the largest in Steelers' history? And didn't Ward and Cowher look like they absolutely loved each other when they embraced after Super Bowl XL as fellow world champions?

But my second thought was of Bradshaw. The garbage he used to say about Noll, whose only sin was to try to make him a better quarterback, never made sense, either. But that never stopped him until the say a few years ago when he finally realized what an idiot he had been and made his peace with Noll.

Could Ward be another Bradshaw? Could he really be that foolish, that stupid?

Those seemed like fair questions for him.

"No way. That's not me. I would not talk bad about anyone, especially not in public," Ward said.

It should come as no surprise that Ward used the "taken out of context" excuse for the quote in Sports Illustrated. That's what a lot of athletes do when they see their words in black and white and don't want to deal with the repercussions. Almost always, that strikes me as severe cowardice. If you say something controversial, be a man and stand behind it. But I don't feel that way in this case. I believe Ward. He has been too much of a stand-up guy throughout his career. . .

. . . Ward learned a valuable lesson the hard way. You have to be careful what you do and say, especially after you win a Super Bowl and double especially after you're the Super Bowl Most Valuable Player. You're in the limelight like never before. Everyone is watching. They're ready to make a big deal out of the least little thing.

Not that Ward has any plans of giving back that championship. "That ring is worth everything that I've been through," he said. "Now, I want to win another one. That's what coach Cowher wants, too. We're not going to let anything distract us from that."

No, Ward is not another Bradshaw. He's not that foolish or that stupid.

Thank goodness.Edited by: Don Wassall
What a thread, and It's a shame that it has been more than a year since anyone ha posted on it. Great points were made by both the esteemed "guest" and the regular posters here on Caste Football. The fact is, Blacks need to get over slavery and segregation and start trying to improve themselves and stop blaming their problems on every else. There are a lot of Blacks who are doing just that, but It's unfortunately only a minority of them. If Blacks would listen to people like Thomas Sowell, Jesse Lee Peterson, and Walter Williams, things would probably improve. However, as long as Blacks continue to listen to the likes of Jackson, Sharpton, and the NAACP, things will only get worse and worse. I do believe that Whites have held Blacks down through history, but we have done everything possible to change that. As much as they don't like to admit, Blacks have all of the advantages someone could possibly hope for, and they need to take advantage of them.
Jimmy Chitwood said:
i should write a poem about how the black "pirates" stole our wallets and hubcaps, and how the black "vampires" can't get enough sucking on their crack pipes.

would i be a prodigy then, as well?

Probably not, but you'd definitely gain me as a fan of your work.
gsm1988 said:
It's a shame that it has been more than a year since anyone ha posted on it.

Why do you say that?
GSM - Is your name George or Geoff? I disagree about whites holding blacks down in history. What kind of lives would they be leading in Africa right now? Without any medicine, techonology or science of the western world? In a continent that still has slavery to this day? That has huge poverty and starvation, beyond anything even the poorest black in America experience.

Slavery was not a white invention, nor was it limited to black people. Blacks need to get over it and work to make something of themselves in America. Why is it that blacks in britian have the same problems as American blacks with unemployment, crime, and poor schooling? They never had slavery in britian to hold them back. So what's the excuse now?
American Freedom News