Hines Ward and South Korea

Futuregohan30 said:
There are blacks who have went through the same situations as your brother,and they to came out on top.As I have said before,carribeans are prime examples of this.They come here with absolutely nothing,and they persevere.

But what percentage of the Caribbeans could make it here? Perhaps the successful ones are the cream of the crop. The rest of them might do just as badly as the many black Americans who are such total failures.

Futuregohan30 said:
As for affirmative action,you still are not acknowledging the fact that a sizeable portion of blacks disapprove of it greatly.They believe it should be done away with,along with black history month.

Yeah, and they're called "Uncle Tom's" by the rest of blacks who believe in those things.
You don't personally believe in separation, but that's not what I asked. Do whites, blacks and anyone else that believes in it have the right to freedom of association?

What do you think about miscegenation? Eventually there will be so much intermarriage that there will be a blending of the races. That's the inevitable result of forced integration.
Futuregohan30 said:
The fact is,that legacy is the reason why black americans are in the situation they are in.It is also the reason why blacks can have a sort of hostility toward whites.

Always some excuse. Pitiful.

Futuregohan30 said:
Since these people run the country,it is only conceivable that some of the more prejudiced and racist whites are inhabiting the top positions in our society.

Actually it's not "conceivable." For a white person to make it all the way to the top, he has to follow the rules. And rule #1 for white people in America: Don't be racist! Any white who steps out of line is toast.

The reality is that White businessmen and politicians don't give a damn about white people. They're actively working against our best interests. Just ask the Chamber of Commerce and every other organization lobbying for more non-white immigrants on behalf of business interests. Right now they're trying to pass an amnesty for 10-20 million illegal aliens, and a huge increase in legal immigration. Furthermore, corporations fund liberal groups and causes all the time. Your paranoid fantasy about a CEO who's a closet Klansman is just that: a paranoid fantasy. The reality is that those "white elites" you refer to are working against us at every turn.

If that's not enough for you, look at the "White Nationalism" movement. If white racists were so rich and powerful, the WN movement either wouldn't exist (it wouldn't be necessary,) or would have much more resources at it's disposal, and would be much more successful. We're a fringe movement precisely because white people who are rich and powerful hate us and don't want to have anything to do with us.

Futuregohan30 said:
From these positions,they do try to put out subtle acts of prejudice:they might not hire minorities,or they may simply downgrade them anyway they can.

"Subtle"... in other words, undetectable and unprovable. There's very little racism preventing blacks from being successful, so they have to make up concepts like "subtle racism" and "hidden racism" to keep the gravy train running. If a black person- and his lawyers- can prove that a white person did something racist, take them to court. If you can't prove it, shut the hell up.

Edited by: JD074
Don Wassall said:
What do you think about miscegenation? Eventually there will be so much intermarriage that there will be a blending of the races. That's the inevitable result of forced integration.

Bob Whitaker made an interesting observation about the race problem.

" Liberals and respectable conservatives say there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries."

"The Netherlands and Belgium are more crowded than Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them."

"Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to "assimilate," i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites."

"What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?"

"How long would it take anyone to realize I'm not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?"

"And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn't object to this?"

"But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews."

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

"Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white."
guest301 said:
I like this debate here so far. It's civil, reasonable, a decent exchange of views and well thought out on both sides. How long have you been visiting caste football before joining Gohan and why did you?

About 6 or 7 months.I suddenly just got the urge to post recently.
JD074 said:
Futuregohan30 said:
There are blacks who have went through the same situations as your brother,and they to came out on top.As I have said before,carribeans are prime examples of this.They come here with absolutely nothing,and they persevere.

But what percentage of the Caribbeans could make it here? Perhaps the successful ones are the cream of the crop. The rest of them might do just as badly as the many black Americans who are such total failures.

Futuregohan30 said:
As for affirmative action,you still are not acknowledging the fact that a sizeable portion of blacks disapprove of it greatly.They believe it should be done away with,along with black history month.

Yeah, and they're called "Uncle Tom's" by the rest of blacks who believe in those things.

As I said before.I actually am a carribean.Therefore I do know that on the whole black carribeans are more successful because I have seen it first hand.You seem to believe that blacks have some sort of inherent inferiority that makes it impossible for them to be successful,and that means only the "cream of the crop" can make it.This is not true.

"Yeah, and they're called "Uncle Tom's" by the rest of blacks who believe in those things. "

You're right,they are.And why do these blacks call the uncle tom's such names as white boy and oreo?Because they are still in the back of the bus mentality,and they believe that any such association with whites is foolish.I myself have been called a white boy before as well,you know,despite the fact that I am pretty dark skinned.This is because I do not adhere to many of the typical black cultural aspects(in other words,I'm not "gangster")
This whole black caribbeans as high achievers argument is baloney. Here is some info on their levels of promiscuity in the UK.


Here is an article about their low socioeconomic level in the U.S. , UK, Canada and France.
[url]http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_hb3295/is_199904/a i_n7997426[/url]

And finally poor educational outcomes:


I thought this was about Hines Ward so I just checked this out.
Edited by: KG2422
This thread has just about run its course.

Futuregohan30, I see that you completely misunderstood my point about the relative IQs and capacity for success between the black and White races.

First, it was my brother's roomate (not my brother) that went on to become a doctor. Which reminds me of another difference between balcks and Whites: Reading comprehension and language skills. Blacks whose families have been in this country for 400 years have a lesser command of the English language than any European immigrant that has been here for 2 years.

Since you are a proud Carribean, do us all a favor and explain the horrific political-trainwreck that is Haiti. Haiti has been free and independent -- and run solely by blacks -- since those savages butchered all of the White people back in the 1790s. When Haiti "won" its independence, it was known as the "Pearl of the Carribean" because it was the most profitable and well-run colony in the world. It had streets with lamps, functioning townships, and it even had an opera house.

All of those modernities were destroyed within 20 years of the blacks taking over.

Haiti today is also the poorest nation in the Western hemishpere, it has one of the highest crime rates, and it has no industry to speak of (not even a tourist trade, like you find in virtually every other Carribean country).

Haiti is also the blackest country in the Western hemisphere. Coincidence? Heck, no! Blacks can't even maintain an existing civilization, much less create one on their own.

Blacks in their natural state (see, Africa) have never: devised a written language, domesticated an animal, built a building (other than huts and lean-tos), created a mechanical device of any sort, woven cloth (it was all stringed-beads until they encountered North African Arabs), or built a fence. There are still tribes in A-freaka today that follow herds of wild animals around; the thought of fencing in the area to contain the beasts is just too complex for their limited mental faculties.

Explain Haiti (or Africa), and then maybe I will listen to your claims of black competence.
Futuregohan30 said:
White Shogun said:
Gohan, what are your views on the lack of white running backs and corner backs in the NFL?

I agree with Jon Entine's theories on this subject.I have read many of his articles,and they seem to make a lot of sense.

So, basically blacks dominate those positions because they're faster, and have more fast-twitch muscle fibers.

How did Jerome Bettis ever get to be a running back? How is that the NFL's all-time leading rusher, Emmitt Smith, and the NFL's all-time leading receiver, Jerry Rice, both had very pedestrian times in the 40?

If speed is the optimum consideration for the 'skill' positions in the NFL, why isn't Travis Jervey starting somewhere? Why have Kevin Curtis, Tim Dwight, and Matt Jones all had to start and stay behind much slower footed black wide receivers?

Why is that you believe blacks to be superior athletically but cannot or will not acknowledge that they are inferior intellectually? If blacks are superior athletically to whites and equally as intelligent, wouldn't that make them racially superiour to every race on the planet?

Wouldn't that make a person who believes that way a black supermacist?
1. Someone asked, "Are Mestizos superior to blacks"? The answer is yes. The average I.Q. for Mestizos is around 90-95, as opposed to 85 for American blacks (read: highly cross-bred with Whites) and 70 for Africans. All tested black populations score lower than American blacks. And genetic tests reveal that Afro-Americans average 28% White in their ancestry.

The crime rate of Mestizos is also lower, probably only 4-6 times that of whites, as opposed to 9-10 times for blacks.

2. Yes, blacks are somewhat faster in sprinting than Whites. For instance the fastest black and white times in the 100 meters are 9.78 and 10.00 respectively. Still doesn't explain the disproportionate representation of blacks at some positions in football. White I.Q. exceeds black I.Q. by a much greater margin than black speed exceeds White speed, yet there are still legit black intellectuals in things like physics (as opposed to some of the more bullshihttical positions available in the humanities). Also, Whites are as dominant in events involving upper body strength and throwing as blacks are in speed events, but no one contends that blacks are "too weak" to be offensive linemen or QBs-the genetic extremes you find in specialized events don't make for absolutes in complex games like football.

3. White Shogun, you know the answer to this question. 99% of blacks are uber-supremacists, since extreme ethno-centrism is about the only thing they have going for them in competition with more intelligent and better disciplined Whites, Asians, Mestizos, etc. The kind of contortionist double-think, that can take the results of the Olympic 100 meter as gospel but ignore all objective evidence on I.Q. and behavior is pretty amazing though, and seems beyond the pale for even the most ardent White racialist.
Southern Knight said:
This thread has just about run its course.

Futuregohan30, I see that you completely misunderstood my point about the relative IQs and capacity for success between the black and White races.

First, it was my brother's roomate (not my brother) that went on to become a doctor. Which reminds me of another difference between balcks and Whites: Reading comprehension and language skills. Blacks whose families have been in this country for 400 years have a lesser command of the English language than any European immigrant that has been here for 2 years.

Since you are a proud Carribean, do us all a favor and explain the horrific political-trainwreck that is Haiti. Haiti has been free and independent -- and run solely by blacks -- since those savages butchered all of the White people back in the 1790s. When Haiti "won" its independence, it was known as the "Pearl of the Carribean" because it was the most profitable and well-run colony in the world. It had streets with lamps, functioning townships, and it even had an opera house.

All of those modernities were destroyed within 20 years of the blacks taking over.

Haiti today is also the poorest nation in the Western hemishpere, it has one of the highest crime rates, and it has no industry to speak of (not even a tourist trade, like you find in virtually every other Carribean country).

Haiti is also the blackest country in the Western hemisphere. Coincidence? Heck, no! Blacks can't even maintain an existing civilization, much less create one on their own.

Blacks in their natural state (see, Africa) have never: devised a written language, domesticated an animal, built a building (other than huts and lean-tos), created a mechanical device of any sort, woven cloth (it was all stringed-beads until they encountered North African Arabs), or built a fence. There are still tribes in A-freaka today that follow herds of wild animals around; the thought of fencing in the area to contain the beasts is just too complex for their limited mental faculties.

Explain Haiti (or Africa), and then maybe I will listen to your claims of black competence.

"First, it was my brother's roomate (not my brother) that went on to become a doctor. Which reminds me of another difference between balcks and Whites: Reading comprehension and language skills. Blacks whose families have been in this country for 400 years have a lesser command of the English language than any European immigrant that has been here for 2 years."

This gap obviously is not as big as you think.I happen to be in the 9th grade,and I go to a school that is 95 percent white.The kids there cannot even spell such simple words like "hatred" and "origin".My grades,however,happen to be in the 99th percentile.Some of the white kids there happen to be the biggest juvenile criminals you will ever see.Either way,I apologize for my misunderstanding about your brother's roomate,although,that was a very minor miscalcualtion on my part,and I do not know why you're using it against me.

"Since you are a proud Carribean, do us all a favor and explain the horrific political-trainwreck that is Haiti. Haiti has been free and independent -- and run solely by blacks -- since those savages butchered all of the White people back in the 1790s."

Well,as in all revolutions,when there is a group that oppresses and,in this case,enslaves a minority,the revolution is bound to be bloody.This is true of all types of revolutions all around the world.This is why the blacks that were there committed so many brutal acts against the Whites,who in this case,happened to be the oppressors.

Haiti today is the way it is because of a succesion of evil rulers,such as Papa Doc Duvallier,who destroyed they countries economy.They left in the 1980's,and Haiti still has not been able to recover.

The situation in Africa is very similar,except on a larger scale.Blacks there have also had a succesion of revolutions since 1960,and they have also had a tough time recovering.The country that has managed to do well so far is Botswana.It has managed to pull up a good front,mostly because it's history is not nearly as turbulent.

"Blacks can't even maintain an existing civilization, much less create one on their own.
Blacks in their natural state (see, Africa) have never: devised a written language, domesticated an animal, built a building (other than huts and lean-tos), created a mechanical device of any sort, woven cloth (it was all stringed-beads until they encountered North African Arabs), or built a fence. There are still tribes in A-freaka today that follow herds of wild animals around; the thought of fencing in the area to contain the beasts is just too complex for their limited mental faculties."

Wow.This post shows a complete and utter lack of any knowledge regarding African history and civilization.Further more,while I have tried to come here and debate in a respectful manner with you,your continuing use of racial slurs and insults is disgusting.Despite this,I will respond to your post.

First off,there were African civilizations:Mali,Ghana,Nok,Nubia,Kongo,Cush, and to some extent Egypt(yes,I am aware that you will probably say that the egyptians were not blacks.I will not debate that here and now,that is besides this topic).There were probably more,but I cannot name them all off the top of my head.

These civilizations,particularly the Kongo,were very well organized,and comparable to any other European civilization at the time.The Europeans that visited the Kongo in the 15th century,described it as a beautiful place,with well organized and magnificient structures.

The cush*tes built many grand monuments,extremely tall stone structures that were a testament to each king who built them.And there were also strong kingdoms in Kenya as well.These empires are proof that africans,had they remained in africa and not been forced to come to a foreign land to which they did not belong,could have done just fine on their own.

The claim that Africans are not capable of creating a civilization is simply ridiculous.
Don Wassall said:
You don't personally believe in separation, but that's not what I asked. Do whites, blacks and anyone else that believes in it have the right to freedom of association?

What do you think about miscegenation? Eventually there will be so much intermarriage that there will be a blending of the races. That's the inevitable result of forced integration.

I do not believe that miscegenation is such a bad thing.As I said in my previous post,it produces children who not only tend to look nice,but also make positive contributions to society.There is not a thing wrong with it,and interracial marriages should not be looked down upon.

As for a blending of the races,I doubt that could be much worse than a society in which different races exhibit hatred toward one another.
JD074 said:
Futuregohan30 said:
The fact is,that legacy is the reason why black americans are in the situation they are in.It is also the reason why blacks can have a sort of hostility toward whites.

Always some excuse. Pitiful.

Futuregohan30 said:
Since these people run the country,it is only conceivable that some of the more prejudiced and racist whites are inhabiting the top positions in our society.

Actually it's not "conceivable." For a white person to make it all the way to the top, he has to follow the rules. And rule #1 for white people in America: Don't be racist! Any white who steps out of line is toast.

The reality is that White businessmen and politicians don't give a damn about white people. They're actively working against our best interests. Just ask the Chamber of Commerce and every other organization lobbying for more non-white immigrants on behalf of business interests. Right now they're trying to pass an amnesty for 10-20 million illegal aliens, and a huge increase in legal immigration. Furthermore, corporations fund liberal groups and causes all the time. Your paranoid fantasy about a CEO who's a closet Klansman is just that: a paranoid fantasy. The reality is that those "white elites" you refer to are working against us at every turn.

If that's not enough for you, look at the "White Nationalism" movement. If white racists were so rich and powerful, the WN movement either wouldn't exist (it wouldn't be necessary,) or would have much more resources at it's disposal, and would be much more successful. We're a fringe movement precisely because white people who are rich and powerful hate us and don't want to have anything to do with us.

Futuregohan30 said:
From these positions,they do try to put out subtle acts of prejudice:they might not hire minorities,or they may simply downgrade them anyway they can.

"Subtle"... in other words, undetectable and unprovable. There's very little racism preventing blacks from being successful, so they have to make up concepts like "subtle racism" and "hidden racism" to keep the gravy train running. If a black person- and his lawyers- can prove that a white person did something racist, take them to court. If you can't prove it, shut the hell up.

First off,I am black,as you know.As such,I know what I am speaking about.You can continue to ignore it all you like,but the fact is,it is there,and I have experienced it first hand,several times.

You are corect on this point though:not all white racists are rich and powerful,and the WN movement is evidence of this.And I can understand where you are coming from on this.

But the fact is,there is still plenty of white racism to go around.As a black male,I am being completely honest.It can be seen anywhere.
KG2422 said:
This whole black caribbeans as high achievers argument is baloney. Here is some info on their levels of promiscuity in the UK.


Here is an article about their low socioeconomic level in the U.S. , UK, Canada and France.
[url]http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_hb3295/is_199904/a i_n7997426[/url]

And finally poor educational outcomes:


I thought this was about Hines Ward so I just checked this out.

I'm only going from my own real life experiences.From everything I have seen,carribeans on the whole tend to be a little bit more succesful than others,particularly Jamaicans.But,you do not have to believe me,I suppose.
White Shogun said:
Futuregohan30 said:
White Shogun said:
Gohan, what are your views on the lack of white running backs and corner backs in the NFL?

I agree with Jon Entine's theories on this subject.I have read many of his articles,and they seem to make a lot of sense.

So, basically blacks dominate those positions because they're faster, and have more fast-twitch muscle fibers.

How did Jerome Bettis ever get to be a running back? How is that the NFL's all-time leading rusher, Emmitt Smith, and the NFL's all-time leading receiver, Jerry Rice, both had very pedestrian times in the 40?

If speed is the optimum consideration for the 'skill' positions in the NFL, why isn't Travis Jervey starting somewhere? Why have Kevin Curtis, Tim Dwight, and Matt Jones all had to start and stay behind much slower footed black wide receivers?

Why is that you believe blacks to be superior athletically but cannot or will not acknowledge that they are inferior intellectually? If blacks are superior athletically to whites and equally as intelligent, wouldn't that make them racially superiour to every race on the planet?

Wouldn't that make a person who believes that way a black supermacist?

No,they are not racially superior to anybody else.I do not believe in racial supremacy.As a matter of fact,that is precisely what I fight against.Blacks may be faster,but whites have the advantage in many strength competitions and as QBs,judging from the NFL's racial composition at that position.

Further more,I never said speed was the main factor that got you into the NFL.Those two players that you mentioned had many other qualities that made them great.

As for Kevin Curtis,I am actually a fan of his,and I wish him good luck.I hear that they let Ike Bruce go so Kevin may be number 2 this year.
Futuregohan30 said:
First off,I am black,as you know.As such,I know what I am speaking about.

You're in 9th grade! Nobody knows what they're talking about in the 9th grade! Ten years from now you'll realize how much of a child you are now.

Futuregohan30 said:
You are corect on this point though:not all white racists are rich and powerful,and the WN movement is evidence of this.

That wasn't my point. I wasn't saying that "not all white racists are rich and powerful." I was saying that rich and powerful white businessmen and politicians are actively working against white people. Furthermore, many of the most powerful people in America are Jewish, and they do not consider themselves to be "one of us." Read "Culture of Critique" by Kevin MacDonald.

Futuregohan30 said:
But the fact is,there is still plenty of white racism to go around.

White people in power are doing much more to harm white people than to help us. That's the fact.
JD074 said:
Futuregohan30 said:
First off,I am black,as you know.As such,I know what I am speaking about.

You're in 9th grade! Nobody knows what they're talking about in the 9th grade! Ten years from now you'll realize how much of a child you are now.

Futuregohan30 said:
You are corect on this point though:not all white racists are rich and powerful,and the WN movement is evidence of this.

That wasn't my point. I wasn't saying that "not all white racists are rich and powerful." I was saying that rich and powerful white businessmen and politicians are actively working against white people. Furthermore, many of the most powerful people in America are Jewish, and they do not consider themselves to be "one of us." Read "Culture of Critique" by Kevin MacDonald.

Futuregohan30 said:
But the fact is,there is still plenty of white racism to go around.

White people in power are doing much more to harm white people than to help us. That's the fact.

Are you saying that 10 years from now I will agree with you?Well,I can assure you that will not happen.And yes,I do know what I am talking about.

"White people in power are doing much more to harm white people than to help us. That's the fact."
From what I can see,you are angry that whites,on the whole,do not agree with you on the topic of whether or not blacks are inferior or not,and how they also do not agree on your caste system logic.If thats the case,then I can easily see why you believe whites are against whites.
Also,maybe it is a possibility that most whites do not agree with you because many of the theories purveyed by white nationalists simply are not true,and they simply refuse to subscribe to it.
Essentially,I am asking this:when you say that these whites are working against whites,are you saying this only because they do not agree with your theories about the caste system and so forth?Is it because most of them now accept blacks and black culture?
I ask this because one thing I have noticed about WN's is that they seem to have a strong contempt towards any non whites,a contempt that often seems indistinguishable from white supremacy.

The other thing I was trying to say was that there are still whites who actually do agree with your theories on black inferiority,and they do have an effect on the daily life of blacks in america.
Futuregohan30 said:
Are you saying that 10 years from now I will agree with you?

Of course not. I'm saying that you'll realize how little you know now. Your confidence in your beliefs is unearned.

Futuregohan30 said:
From what I can see,you are angry that whites,on the whole,do not agree with you on the topic of whether or not blacks are inferior or not,and how they also do not agree on your caste system logic.

I'm not talking about black inferiority. I'm talking about white businessmen and politicians conspiring to grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens, and increase the numbers of legal immigrants, the vast majority of whom are non-white. White people in power are implementing policies that are extremely harmful to white people. That's what I'm talking about.

(I did mention that the Caribbeans who excel here are the cream of the crop of their population. But that wasn't in regards to the current discussion.)

Futuregohan30 said:
I ask this because one thing I have noticed about WN's is that they seem to have a strong contempt towards any non whites,a contempt that often seems indistinguishable from white supremacy.

I don't care about white supremacy. I care about the survival of my people. I want to live in a white nation where our interests come first. If whites ever become a minority in America, there's no question that we'll be treated very badly. I don't want that to happen.
JD074 said:
Futuregohan30 said:
Are you saying that 10 years from now I will agree with you?

Of course not. I'm saying that you'll realize how little you know now. Your confidence in your beliefs is unearned.

Futuregohan30 said:
From what I can see,you are angry that whites,on the whole,do not agree with you on the topic of whether or not blacks are inferior or not,and how they also do not agree on your caste system logic.

I'm not talking about black inferiority. I'm talking about white businessmen and politicians conspiring to grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens, and increase the numbers of legal immigrants, the vast majority of whom are non-white. White people in power are implementing policies that are extremely harmful to white people. That's what I'm talking about.

(I did mention that the Caribbeans who excel here are the cream of the crop of their population. But that wasn't in regards to the current discussion.)

Futuregohan30 said:
I ask this because one thing I have noticed about WN's is that they seem to have a strong contempt towards any non whites,a contempt that often seems indistinguishable from white supremacy.

I don't care about white supremacy. I care about the survival of my people. I want to live in a white nation where our interests come first. If whites ever become a minority in America, there's no question that we'll be treated very badly. I don't want that to happen.

Well,most of Europe is still white.Actually,in parts of Scandinavia there are people who have never seen a minority before.Why dont you consider moving there?They probably would all agree with you.

Also,I can respect your point that you may not believe so much in white supremacy.However,many of your comrades do.As a matter of fact,it can be argued that this belief in the inferiority of non whites may be the reason they want to separate so badly.
gohan, if you're actually in 9th grade, I'm very impressed with your knowledge and interest in important issues. I sincerely hope you use your brain power in a way that helps you have a successful life. If you are smart enough and work hard enough, you can succeed in America. You may not believe that, but it's true. Not everyone will, but that's related to many factors, luck included, and not just race.
Don Wassall said:
gohan, if you're actually in 9th grade, I'm very impressed with your knowledge and interest in important issues. I sincerely hope you use your brain power in a way that helps you have a successful life. If you are smart enough and work hard enough, you can succeed in America. You may not believe that, but it's true. Not everyone will, but that's related to many factors, luck included, and not just race.

Thank you.And do not concern yourself too much with me.I know very well that I can succeed in this country.My parents,and just about everyone else in my entire family have told me so.
Futuregohan, you are a pretty smart kid if that is what you are. 1 in 300 Blacks have an IQ over 130. That means there are thousands in the U.S. alone that are very intelligent. The problem is there are many more who have IQs under 85. That is not your fault ,but don't assume that just because you or your immediate circle of associates are high achievers that that holds true outside of that circle.
If you are truly black and in the 9th grade, I'm truly amazed. We have had other black posters here in the past and most have not been civil and knowledgeable enough here to last long. You make some solid points in a few areas and I second what Don said...you are on the road to success.
One interesting statistic would be the income of children of recent African immigrants. Does anyone know anything about this?

Another interesting topic would be to see if the income of hispanics whose families have lived in America for centuries, before the Mexican war, are the same or different. I noticed on Friday Night Lights there was a kid, Chavez, that became a successful lawyer.
A couple of points in response to F'gohan:

1) You are dead wrong in saying that dictators such as Baby Doc Duvalier "destroyed" Haiti's "economy" in the 1980s. FACT: In 200 years of black rule, Haiti has never had a Western-style functioning economy. In fact, the only product that has ever been associated with Haiti is baseballs, but they no longer produce those for the American market. Haiti's failures are due solely and wholely to the profound ignorance of the average African.

2) The notion of glorious black "empires" in Africa is nothing more than Judeo-Marxist propaganda. I have a degree in history, and I don't care to have my knowledge of historical cultures challenged by someone who bases his knowledge solely upon fabrications intended to make blacks feel better about themselves. FACT: Instead of complex societies or empires, Africans lived in small tribal groups that were constantly at war for food, water, etc. This still happens today; it is the natural state of the African.

Before encountering Whites or Arabs, Africans lived in conditions that are associated more with animals than humans. Even today, the overwhelming majority of sub-Saharan blacks lead a hand-to-mouth existence. They forage for food daily, like beasts.

The concept of personal property never developed among the Africans, largely because it requires intelligence and restraint to respect the rights of others; the African's reputation as a thief is well-earned and we see this behavioral tendency among Africans today. Africans have accomplished essentially nothing on their own.

F'gohan may be bright by black standards, but the misinformation being fed to him and the other people in this country is truly horrifying.
American Freedom News