Hines Ward and South Korea

This excellent website is a repository of information regarding the intelligence differences between the races:


This information is compelling. I encourage everyone -- especially those with school-age children -- to print these reports, distribute them to your school administrators, and let them know that you cannot and will not be swayed by FedGov's egalitarian mumbo-jumbo and "self-esteem" propaganda.
Southern Knight said:
A couple of points in response to F'gohan:

1) You are dead wrong in saying that dictators such as Baby Doc Duvalier "destroyed" Haiti's "economy" in the 1980s. FACT: In 200 years of black rule, Haiti has never had a Western-style functioning economy. In fact, the only product that has ever been associated with Haiti is baseballs, but they no longer produce those for the American market. Haiti's failures are due solely and wholely to the profound ignorance of the average African.

2) The notion of glorious black "empires" in Africa is nothing more than Judeo-Marxist propaganda. I have a degree in history, and I don't care to have my knowledge of historical cultures challenged by someone who bases his knowledge solely upon fabrications intended to make blacks feel better about themselves. FACT: Instead of complex societies or empires, Africans lived in small tribal groups that were constantly at war for food, water, etc. This still happens today; it is the natural state of the African.

Before encountering Whites or Arabs, Africans lived in conditions that are associated more with animals than humans. Even today, the overwhelming majority of sub-Saharan blacks lead a hand-to-mouth existence. They forage for food daily, like beasts.

The concept of personal property never developed among the Africans, largely because it requires intelligence and restraint to respect the rights of others; the African's reputation as a thief is well-earned and we see this behavioral tendency among Africans today. Africans have accomplished essentially nothing on their own.

F'gohan may be bright by black standards, but the misinformation being fed to him and the other people in this country is truly horrifying.

I second that SK! "Revisionist" history is truly left wing, not vice versa as the media would have us believe. It's not only with Blacks of course. The portrayal of Indians as "noble" savages was one of the first changes used to fool us. They skip right over the cannibalism and mutilation of bodies. They killed women and children too. Whites often did that as a reprisal.

Here's a website you might be interested in if you haven't already come across it. It's about Black invention myths.
http://www33.brinkster.com/iiiii/inventions/Edited by: KG2422
Southern Knight said:
A couple of points in response to F'gohan:

1) You are dead wrong in saying that dictators such as Baby Doc Duvalier "destroyed" Haiti's "economy" in the 1980s. FACT: In 200 years of black rule, Haiti has never had a Western-style functioning economy. In fact, the only product that has ever been associated with Haiti is baseballs, but they no longer produce those for the American market. Haiti's failures are due solely and wholely to the profound ignorance of the average African.

2) The notion of glorious black "empires" in Africa is nothing more than Judeo-Marxist propaganda. I have a degree in history, and I don't care to have my knowledge of historical cultures challenged by someone who bases his knowledge solely upon fabrications intended to make blacks feel better about themselves. FACT: Instead of complex societies or empires, Africans lived in small tribal groups that were constantly at war for food, water, etc. This still happens today; it is the natural state of the African.

Before encountering Whites or Arabs, Africans lived in conditions that are associated more with animals than humans. Even today, the overwhelming majority of sub-Saharan blacks lead a hand-to-mouth existence. They forage for food daily, like beasts.

The concept of personal property never developed among the Africans, largely because it requires intelligence and restraint to respect the rights of others; the African's reputation as a thief is well-earned and we see this behavioral tendency among Africans today. Africans have accomplished essentially nothing on their own.

F'gohan may be bright by black standards, but the misinformation being fed to him and the other people in this country is truly horrifying.

Haiti's incompetence and inability to field a decent economy is a direct result of the rule of dictators like Duvallier who ran corrupt and oppressive governments and stole large percentages of Haiti's GDP into swiss bank accounts.

"The notion of glorious black "empires" in Africa is nothing more than Judeo-Marxist propaganda. I have a degree in history, and I don't care to have my knowledge of historical cultures challenged by someone who bases his knowledge solely upon fabrications intended to make blacks feel better about themselves. FACT: Instead of complex societies or empires, Africans lived in small tribal groups that were constantly at war for food, water, etc. This still happens today; it is the natural state of the African."

This is just completely ridiculous.When will you ever just accept the fact that blacks were capable of creating civilization and did so many centuries before the whites arrived?Is it really that hard a pill to swallow?Or are you just being completely ignorant on purpose?I mean really,are the artifacts and the ruins that have been discovered simply not enough for you?What about the documentation by early european visitors?Does that prove anything?

"The concept of personal property never developed among the Africans, largely because it requires intelligence and restraint to respect the rights of others; the African's reputation as a thief is well-earned and we see this behavioral tendency among Africans today. Africans have accomplished essentially nothing on their own."

So youre saying that if you do not give land ownership to one individual person,but instead share it among all for the benefit of the people because you believe that the land is nature's property and should be shared,then youre stupid?I am sorry,but I do not see the correlation here.If anything,that old system really doesnt seem so bad.

"Fgohan may be bright by black standards, but the misinformation being fed to him and the other people in this country is truly horrifying."

It is not misinformation.It is the truth,and as you have seen,I have plenty of facts and historical documentation to back it up.You are simply ignoring all of it,because you appear to believe that africans are inferior "beasts"as you so eloquently put it,and that them being responsible for creating a civilization is impossible.Plain and simple,you appear to hate blacks,and therefore it is actually rather unreasonable of me to try and come here and tell you that they actually were responsible for many great things.

I'm only trying to bring out the truth:whether you choose to believe me or not is up to you.
guest301 said:
If you are truly black and in the 9th grade, I'm truly amazed. We have had other black posters here in the past and most have not been civil and knowledgeable enough here to last long. You make some solid points in a few areas and I second what Don said...you are on the road to success.

Thank you.
KG2422 said:
Futuregohan, you are a pretty smart kid if that is what you are. 1 in 300 Blacks have an IQ over 130. That means there are thousands in the U.S. alone that are very intelligent. The problem is there are many more who have IQs under 85. That is not your fault ,but don't assume that just because you or your immediate circle of associates are high achievers that that holds true outside of that circle.

I know it isnt my fault,but as I have outlined before,I believe I know the reason why black americans are the way they are.It is up to my generation to change that.
I believe I know why it is also. It's biological. Well, at least half of the reason is biological. Unless you can implement a huge eugenics program for Blacks you will not be able to significantly improve the group's level of intelligence. Edited by: KG2422
KG2422 said:
I second that SK! "Revisionist" history is truly left wing, not vice versa as the media would have us believe. It's not only with Blacks of course. The portrayal of Indians as "noble" savages was one of the first changes used to fool us. They skip right over the cannibalism and mutilation of bodies. They killed women and children too. Whites often did that as a reprisal.

Here's a website you might be interested in if you haven't already come across it. It's about Black invention myths.

Yes,I have seen that site,and I must say,I do not understand how someone can go to such lengths to try and negate everything that the black race has accomplished over the last 200 years.

I mean honestly:to make a list of every black invention and then simply say that it wasnt invented by them?Why cant people just accept the fact that blacks are capable of these things?Is it really that bad?Those WN's at stormfront,who i believe are responsible for that site,certainly do not have to go out of their way to do this.They must seriously hate blacks,so much so that they cant even acknowledge a decent black accomplishment.

Also,let me pose an alternate view:we all know about the old day right?Back when the Jim Crow laws were the rules governing southern blacks,and how blacks were 2nd class citizens,etc.We all know that there were a few blacks who managed to break free and do something with themselves(George Washington Carver).

So,what I'm saying is this:since things were so eurocentric back then,how do we know that a free black man was not responsible for some other inventions not mentioned in that site?How do we know that he did not invent it,and then it was copied and taken by a white man who then patented it?It is perfectly possible:I mean,after all,whites back then had the whole government and the Jim Crow laws on their side.

I'm not saying that all white inventions should be doubted:it is quite obvious that Thomas Edison invented the light bulb,and so on so forth.But how do we know that some other modern appliances were not first created by a black man,and then stolen?It could happen.

Furthermore,I also believe that site purveys the same racist white supremacist idology that Southern Knight has been trying to push on me this entire debate:that whites are superior,and blacks are simply not capable of creating great civilizations or inventions.

Here is one example:the Wahaya people of Tanzania were the first people to make steel,long before any European had learned the art.
I am sure you are about to doubt that claim,but before you do,keep in mind that just about all the major academic scholars of the world have yet to even pose opposition to this:it is a proven fact.
KG2422 said:
I believe I know why it is also. It's biological. Well, at least half of the reason is biological. Unless you can implement a huge eugenics program for Blacks you will not be able to significantly improve the group's level of intelligence.

No,actually the reasons are cultural.Blacks are not genetically pre disposed to committ any crimes,or to be "beasts",as mister southern knight up there so eloquently put it.

I will simply pose this one question in response to your post:Lets say blacks been brought to the new world voluntarily,of their own free will,and had they been educated in european ways before they got here.They had been taught the language,taught the governmental system,and had been promised a free and equal road in america with whites from the very beggining.

Lets say they got here,and were given every opportunity to be regular,upstanding citizens like the whites.Lets say that they had not been enslaved,they had not been legally persecuted for 100 years after slavery,and that lynchings and laws against them had never occured or existed.
Do you believe they would still be the way they are today?
F'gohan asks: "When will you ever just accept the fact that blacks were capable of creating civilization and did so many centuries before the whites arrived?"

Answer: When there is a shred of evidence to prove it. As of yet, there is none, nada, N.O.N.E., not one iota of empirical data to suggest that blacks ever created a social system that is any more complex than a loose grouping of a few families.

F'gohan, I truly believe that everyone's opinion is entitled to some respect - up to a point - but when you make blatantly false statements with NOTHING to support them, your opinions are no longer entitled to even a smidgen of respect.

Blacks are failures: culturally, morally, economically, and intellectually. To even question this fact is beyond ignorant. There is no archaeological or other historical evidence to suggest that black Africans ever lived any way other than as hunter-gatherers. In fact, it is the women "gatherers" in African tribal cultures that are responsible for providing over 80% of the calories consumed by the people. The male "hunters" -- a joke of a term, if ever there was -- are generally inept and only bring home game when they find a sick or wounded animal.

And let's not forget "bushmeat" -- Africans will eat anything that moves, even monkeys. That is a revolting practice not fit for the human species, and in my opinion, it constitutes cannibalism!
Futuregohan30 said:
No,actually the reasons are cultural.Blacks are not genetically pre disposed to committ any crimes,or to be "beasts",as mister southern knight up there so eloquently put it.

I will simply pose this one question in response to your post:Lets say blacks been brought to the new world voluntarily,of their own free will,and had they been educated in european ways before they got here.They had been taught the language,taught the governmental system,and had been promised a free and equal road in america with whites from the very beggining.

Lets say they got here,and were given every opportunity to be regular,upstanding citizens like the whites.Lets say that they had not been enslaved,they had not been legally persecuted for 100 years after slavery,and that lynchings and laws against them had never occured or existed.
Do you believe they would still be the way they are today?

It's really simple. They never would have been brought over here if they were equal. They would have successfully resisted such a practice. And furthermore, if Blacks were TRAINED to behave as Whites do and the Whites eventually moved off or died out, Blacks would begin to recede into their natural culture. You see, culture is the manifestation of biology. There can be a little bit of cultural influence on biology. For example, West African women have large backsides because that is how they attracted mates. Blacks dance the way they do because that was also a attractant in mate selection in these tribal societies. I could explain further ,but it seems kinda cruel to attempt to convince a 9th grader of his peoples' inferiority in relation to their compatibility to a first world economy.
Futuregohan30 said:
Well,most of Europe is still white.Actually,in parts of Scandinavia there are people who have never seen a minority before.Why dont you consider moving there?They probably would all agree with you.

No, they wouldn't agree with me. Those countries are very liberal, and wide open to non-white immigration. Once the Africans, Muslims, and Asians decide to go there, there'll be nothing to stop them. Look at Britain. It has a very large non-white population. I'm sure you've heard of the Muslim riots in France. Germany, Sweden, Australia, etc., are having problems with their non-white immigrant populations as well. Europe is going down the toilet even faster than America. Besides, I don't want to leave my country.

Futuregohan30 said:
As a matter of fact,it can be argued that this belief in the inferiority of non whites may be the reason they want to separate so badly.

Not me. I only speak for myself. In my opinion, separation is about survival, not supremacy.
Southern Knight said:
F'gohan asks: "When will you ever just accept the fact that blacks were capable of creating civilization and did so many centuries before the whites arrived?"

Answer: When there is a shred of evidence to prove it. As of yet, there is none, nada, N.O.N.E., not one iota of empirical data to suggest that blacks ever created a social system that is any more complex than a loose grouping of a few families.

F'gohan, I truly believe that everyone's opinion is entitled to some respect - up to a point - but when you make blatantly false statements with NOTHING to support them, your opinions are no longer entitled to even a smidgen of respect.

Blacks are failures: culturally, morally, economically, and intellectually. To even question this fact is beyond ignorant. There is no archaeological or other historical evidence to suggest that black Africans ever lived any way other than as hunter-gatherers. In fact, it is the women "gatherers" in African tribal cultures that are responsible for providing over 80% of the calories consumed by the people. The male "hunters" -- a joke of a term, if ever there was -- are generally inept and only bring home game when they find a sick or wounded animal.

And let's not forget "bushmeat" -- Africans will eat anything that moves, even monkeys. That is a revolting practice not fit for the human species, and in my opinion, it constitutes cannibalism!

"but when you make blatantly false statements with NOTHING to support them, your opinions are no longer entitled to even a smidgen of respect."

You are just completely ridiculous.It has become obvious to me that you simply hate blacks,and I cannot convince you otherwise.

"When there is a shred of evidence to prove it. As of yet, there is none, nada, N.O.N.E., not one iota of empirical data to suggest that blacks ever created a social system that is any more complex than a loose grouping of a few families."

What on earth is wrong with you?Did I not just provide you with that information?Look it up if you do not believe me.How you can just ignore this info is just beyond me.
Your ignorance is mind boggling.

"There is no archaeological or other historical evidence to suggest that black Africans ever lived any way other than as hunter-gatherers."
Yes there is,and you are ignoring it.
Theres a link,although I dont know why i bother.You wont believe it.

"The male "hunters" -- a joke of a term, if ever there was -- are generally inept and only bring home game when they find a sick or wounded animal."
Good grief.And you seriously claim to have a degree in history?
I'll just give one example.Have you ever heard of the Zulu?They were able to hold off heavily armed british soldiers for years on end with nothing but spears and arrows until they were finally beaten.
Also,I do not know where you got that bologna about male hunters being inept.Thats just ridiculous.The women are responsible for gathering grown foods.Why dont you actually learn a little about african culture before you go throwing out these false accusations?I suggest you do this,because unlike you,I actually have many close people I know who are actually african.They know way more than you do.

You even said before that that certain african tribes were hunter gatherers.How could these hunter gatherers survive if their hunters were inept?Wouldnt they have died out?
Have you ever heard of the masai people of kenya?Did you know that to become men,they had to hunt a lion and kill it often with nothing more than a spear?Sounds pretty adept to me.
Heres a source,since you wont believe me:
http://www.panda.org/about_wwf/where_we_work/africa/where/ke nya/human_elephant_conflict/people/maasais/index.cfm

"Blacks are failures: culturally, morally, economically, and intellectually"
You obviously just hate blacks,then.Pure and simple.Your hatred wont get you anywhere,but you can soak in it if you want.
The fact is,every one of those black accomplishments i posted has been proven through scientific and archaeological studies,and just about every major scholar,black and white,is behind them.But you simply ignore it.That is your choice,then.Edited by: Futuregohan30
KG2422 said:
Futuregohan30 said:
No,actually the reasons are cultural.Blacks are not genetically pre disposed to committ any crimes,or to be "beasts",as mister southern knight up there so eloquently put it.

I will simply pose this one question in response to your post:Lets say blacks been brought to the new world voluntarily,of their own free will,and had they been educated in european ways before they got here.They had been taught the language,taught the governmental system,and had been promised a free and equal road in america with whites from the very beggining.

Lets say they got here,and were given every opportunity to be regular,upstanding citizens like the whites.Lets say that they had not been enslaved,they had not been legally persecuted for 100 years after slavery,and that lynchings and laws against them had never occured or existed.
Do you believe they would still be the way they are today?

It's really simple. They never would have been brought over here if they were equal. They would have successfully resisted such a practice. And furthermore, if Blacks were TRAINED to behave as Whites do and the Whites eventually moved off or died out, Blacks would begin to recede into their natural culture. You see, culture is the manifestation of biology. There can be a little bit of cultural influence on biology. For example, West African women have large backsides because that is how they attracted mates. Blacks dance the way they do because that was also a attractant in mate selection in these tribal societies. I could explain further ,but it seems kinda cruel to attempt to convince a 9th grader of his peoples' inferiority in relation to their compatibility to a first world economy.

do you still believe that the treatment blacks received in the very beggining of their time here had any influence on their culture?Or do you still think it is simply biological?

Also,I am again sensing the 'black inferiority" tone in your post.Your post is essentially saying that blacks never have been and never will be good culturally,yet I have already posted several facts that I have learned inreference to these things.
Blacks did have several kingdoms and states before the arrival of Europeans,and the fact is their culture at that time was very developed.The kingdoms of Nubia and Kongo were very advanced,and as I said before,the Europeans who visited them were very pleased with what they saw.Therefore,this "natural culture" you are talking about is simply off the mark.

"There can be a little bit of cultural influence on biology."
Technically,wouldnt it be biology that influences the culture?I believe it is the culture that comes about after the biology,but,hey,i could be wrong.
You say that african women had big butts,which is true,but are you saying that they grew big butts because the men liked them?Or that they had big butts already and men liked that?
Edited by: Futuregohan30
Futuregohan30 said:
Blacks did have several kingdoms and states before the arrival of Europeans,and the fact is their culture at that time was very developed.The kingdoms of Nubia and Kongo were very advanced,and as I said before,the Europeans who visited them were very pleased with what they saw.

This thread is getting ridiculous.How silly it is to discuss African civilizations in the same breath as that of whites or any other race for that matter. If not for the white man Africa would still be as backward as it wasTHOUSANDSof years ago, and still is inmost areas. Only a fool would think otherwise. We've discussed this topic to death in other threads.

Why do Africans come to the United States and other countries to receive a higher education? Because black Africans have have never produced institutions of higher learning or anything else for that matter.Let's stop pretending otherwise,we've played this idiotic game for too long.One fact is true above all. Every community, city, state, nation, country or continent having an increasingly greater percentage of blacks to non-blacks is either a disaster or well on it's way to total ruination.

It is time for blacks and their sympathisers to stop making excuses. Let all the blacks go home to mother Africa and show the rest of the world how to make a beautiful paradise without being yoked to the evil white man.
Bart said:
Futuregohan30 said:
Blacks did have several kingdoms and states before the arrival of Europeans,and the fact is their culture at that time was very developed.The kingdoms of Nubia and Kongo were very advanced,and as I said before,the Europeans who visited them were very pleased with what they saw.

This thread is getting ridiculous. How silly it is to discuss African civilizations in the same breath as that of whites or any other race for that matter. If not for the white man Africa would still be as backward as it was THOUSANDS of years ago, and still is in most areas. Only a fool would think otherwise. We've discussed this topic to death in other threads.

Why do Africans come to the United States and other countries to receive a higher education?  Because black Africans have have never produced institutions of higher learning or anything else for that matter. Let's stop pretending otherwise,  we've played this idiotic game for too long. One fact is true above all. Every community, city, state, nation, country or continent having an increasingly greater percentage of blacks to non-blacks is either a disaster or well on it's way to total ruination.

It is time for blacks and their sympathisers to stop making excuses. Let all the blacks go home to mother Africa and show the rest of the world how to make a beautiful paradise without being yoked to the evil white man.


"If not for the white man Africa would still be as backward as it was THOUSANDS of years ago, and still is in most areas."

Actually,this is quite the opposite.If not for the white man,African civilizations such as the Kongo and Mali would still be up and running.They fell due to European interference.Keep in mind,many of these african kingdoms arose because of trade:kingdoms in kenya,for example,became extremely wealthy because they were right in the middle of the trade routes from asia to the middle east,and from the middle east to europe.The ghanaian kingdoms and the kingdoms in nigeria were right on the trade routes to the sahara and eventually to europe.The Kongo kingdom benefitted from trade with other central african kingdoms who were on the sharan trade routes.The trade and the wealth that pased through allowed the africans to benefit and build up these empires.
Of course,despite all this evidence you probably still do not believe that such empires ever existed,do you?

"Why do Africans come to the United States and other countries to receive a higher education? Because black Africans have have never produced institutions of higher learning or anything else for that matter."

Everybody comes to america to receive a higher education:chinese,vietnamese,eastern europeans,and africans.It's only natural:the united states is the dominant power in the world,and it claims to be the best.Of course people will want to come here.The U.S. is the super power of the world right now.

"It is time for blacks and their sympathisers to stop making excuses. Let all the blacks go home to mother Africa and show the rest of the world how to make a beautiful paradise without being yoked to the evil white man. "
That paradise would probably exist if you had just left the africans alone.It is the Europeans who brought them here,you know.

However,things could have actually been different in history.Before the discovery of the new world,Europeans and blacks actually greatly respected each other.The Europeans did not look down on blacks the way they do now.They simply saw them as exotic foreign peoples.The blacks felt the same way about the europeans.

Blacks from the Kongo empire in the 15th century were actually very eager to learn more about european customs.They were eager to become christians,and they even changed their names.Both sides were eager to see what they could learn from each other.
However,when the new world was discovered,a need for manual labor rose up.At first,the europeans tried to use native american slaves.They were susceptible to europeand disease,however,and they kept dying.

Then,for a brief time they actually tried using white slaves,european prisoners captured in war as well as common criminals.They kept running away easily because they could blend in with the white colonists,however,and there also were not enough of them.

Then they decided to use blacks,and thats how we got here today.The blacks had been trading with europeans for centuries,and were not as susceptible to european diseases.They also could not blend in with anyone if they ran away.

And as they say,the rest is history.Edited by: Futuregohan30
It is ridiculous. There is no evidence for these "great civilizations". Just saying it doesn't make it so. There is no physical evidence. The few sites that were south of Egypt were created by Egyptians.
KG2422 said:
It is ridiculous. There is no evidence for these "great civilizations". Just saying it doesn't make it so. There is no physical evidence. The few sites that were south of Egypt were created by Egyptians.

Yes,there is evidence of them.I do not know why you refuse to believe(I guess you just do not want to),but since you do not,I will post all the sources i can find on them:


"The few sites that were south of Egypt were created by Egyptians."

This is incorrect.The territory south of the ancient egyptian kingdom was ruled by the nubians.While the phenotype of ancient egyptians is questioned,the nubians have almost always been agreed to be very dark skinned,tall,******* peoples.They existed before the first dynasties in egypt ever came into being.This is why many naturally assume that the first egyptian dynasties were actually that of nubians.

Ancient Nubia was also referred to as Kush.

This next link shows some early 17th century paintings of the Kingdoms of the Kongo.The impressions were made by a european artist who happened to be visiting at the time.Keep in mind,this kingdom was in frequent contact with europeans.

Heres some info on Shaka Zulu

Some info on an Ethiopian king

Some info on an african warrior queen from what is now nigeria

The ancient ethiopian city of Aksum

A little info on the Nok,who skipped the bronze age and moved directly to smelting iron.Not much is really known about them.

The first true steel was actually first made in Tanzania.

Heres a link from the blog of an actual kenyan.Not official,but good enough,i suppose.He does cite sources.
http://afrikaneye.blogspot.com/2006/01/afrikan-contributions -to-civilisation.html
and one more link on the subject

Another source that tells us some more about african astronomy

So is that enough for you?
I hope that all that is true Gohan. I suspect that large parts of it are. You certainly do your homework. I don't want to believe(and I don't) that black people are incapable of civility, industry, law and order..etc..But I have to tell you that black culture in this country is in a sorry state. Your music is crude, violent and pornographic, a large percentage of young black men are in jail or headed there,your language skills are terrible(not you), very few two parent families(black women run the household) and the democratic party owns blacks lock, stock and barrel. They are the ones that still treat you like house slaves. The house slaves were always treated better than the plantation slaves..but they are still slaves. It also seems to me that the ability to be self-critical and to look inward for solutions is largely missing in black America. I hope you can be a forerunner to that changing in your race. To be fair I also think that slavery and the years of mistreatment and denial of rights thereafter have contributed to the problem. I am not a separatist like alot of members on CF are, some of us are not, but I do think that whites remaining a majority in this country is in our best interests and ironically it's in yours too. I have had alot of special black friends in my life and I wish no ill will on those who want to be contributing citizens to our culture and country.The rising black middle class is a source of encouragement to me and should be to you. You have taken the heat pretty well so far and so maybe I will take a little of it with you with my post.
As a Nationalist who is proud of my race and country, I also respect futuregohan's tenacity and pride in his race. This earth is plenty big enough for all tribes of people to fulfill their destinies.

However, I never received a response to my query, asked more than once, about freedom of association, i.e. the right of racially conscious whites and blacks to associate with whom they want according to their desires and preferences. This is a basic right of a free society and should not be opposed by anyone who is proud of his race.
I am of the same philosophy as guest301. Blacks can be successful in America, but they have to get rid of the victim mentality and the destructive parts of "black culture". I have two black neighbors, one is a district manager for Exxon and the other is a real estate investor, both very successful. The difference is they live "white". They dress appropriately, speak well, and work hard. This goes for any race that wishes to be successful. You don't see successful Japanese, Indian, or Chinese businessman dressed or acting inappropriately. There is a reason they are successful.
I thought I'd interpolate a few facts.

Indeed, a few times in Africa's history, you do see territories rising above the level of the tribal band to the "super tribal" level. But comparing them to Rome, China, or even say Medieval France in terms of organization, long life, power, and achievement is a stretch. They were more like the jack-leg states in Feudal Europe that no historian has any problem calling "Semi-barbaric" kingdoms, the direct result of an individual or family of forceful and unusually intelligent Africans. If Mali was a great civiliation, why then the Visigoths were history's greatest Empire!

The fact remains that most of these states came and went of their own unstable accord, and the very failure of these "civilizations" to resist conquest by Muslims and later by Whites-at all-demonstrates that they were very thin on the ground at best.

SK always paints his case with a rather broad brush, but his points on the lack of native African inventions remain. (Afro-Centric conspiracy theories aside).

The most Liberal historians do not dispute the fact that the rest of the world fell far behind Eurasia, though the Jared Diamond types do attempt to make lame excuses that have nothing to do with average I.Q.

It is very telling that MesoAmericans developed civilizatons that dwarf anything Africans ever produced in terms of size and social organization, even though they had no access to gradual diffusion of old world ideas and technologies like Africa did.

More to the point, none of this ancient history has anything to do with modern times. Whether or not in Africa someone once built a building, the black-the world over-has a much lower I.Q. and much higher tendecies towards behaviors that are considered criminal and anti-social in White (and Asian) societies.

The "blank slate" theory of psychology has been thrown out the window, and genetics is every day shown by science to be more of a factor. Thus, there is as much, if not more, evidence for black un-intelligence and criminality being genetic as for black success in track being genetic, and to claim otherwise is the basest of hypocrisys.

Gohan, you speak about White Supremacism, yet you are the
one who both lays claim to the things blacks are better at than Whites, while simultaneosly attempting to rationalize away all black failings.

Gohan, to a degree I feel sorry for you and must even emphathize. My views on race used to be extremely liberal, the exact opposite of what they are now, precisely because there are highly intelligent and civilized Africans like yourself to be found. But, despite our American concepts of individuality, the group average ultimately matters alot more than exceptional individual. Life in general is a game of probabilities...it just doesn't pay (on average) to take a gamble on the civilizability of Africans, despite the existence of individuals like you.
Futuregohan30 said:
Yes,there is evidence of them.I do not know why you refuse to believe(I guess you just do not want to),but since you do not,I will post all the sources i can find on them:


"The few sites that were south of Egypt were created by Egyptians."

This is incorrect.The territory south of the ancient egyptian kingdom was ruled by the nubians.While the phenotype of ancient egyptians is questioned,the nubians have almost always been agreed to be very dark skinned,tall,******* peoples.They existed before the first dynasties in egypt ever came into being.This is why many naturally assume that the first egyptian dynasties were actually that of nubians.

Ancient Nubia was also referred to as Kush.

This next link shows some early 17th century paintings of the Kingdoms of the Kongo.The impressions were made by a european artist who happened to be visiting at the time.Keep in mind,this kingdom was in frequent contact with europeans.

Heres some info on Shaka Zulu

Some info on an Ethiopian king

Some info on an african warrior queen from what is now nigeria

The ancient ethiopian city of Aksum

A little info on the Nok,who skipped the bronze age and moved directly to smelting iron.Not much is really known about them.

The first true steel was actually first made in Tanzania.

Heres a link from the blog of an actual kenyan.Not official,but good enough,i suppose.He does cite sources.
http://afrikaneye.blogspot.com/2006/01/afrikan-contributions -to-civilisation.html
and one more link on the subject

Another source that tells us some more about african astronomy

So is that enough for you?

We must have a different criteria for what a "great civilization" is. First, Nubia was conquered by Egyptians before there was a Kush. Simply, the seed and culture left behind were responsible for the meager accomplishments of the Kush kingdom. Aksum is immediately south of Egypt as well. Every anthropologist agreed prior to this multicultural madness that the few finds at these sites were Egyptian in origin. I suspect the pre historic steel claim in Tanzania is the work of the Marxist types as well. Maybe not though. There's really not enough information to tell. I will make a concession when it comes to Shaka Zulu. He did seem to posses a great amount of military ability. Much of this is just liberals trying to talk up African history for contemporary Africans' self esteem. Besides, there is absolutely zero "history" coming out of west africa, the area where virtually all slaves' ancestors where from. This reminds me of the end of the movie, Planet of the Apes. Don't look for the truth Futurgohan. You may not like what you find.
Don Wassall said:
As a Nationalist who is proud of my race and country, I also respect futuregohan's tenacity and pride in his race. This earth is plenty big enough for all tribes of people to fulfill their destinies.

However, I never received a response to my query, asked more than once, about freedom of association, i.e. the right of racially conscious whites and blacks to associate with whom they want according to their desires and preferences. This is a basic right of a free society and should not be opposed by anyone who is proud of his race.

Well,I did say that it was impossible for racial separatism to occur.But,i do suppose that in a country where freedom of speech is one of the main keys to society,then they should be allowed to separate of their own free will.How they would do that is another question,however.

And,as I said before,racial separatism will help nothing.
guest301 said:
I hope that all that is true Gohan. I suspect that large parts of it are. You certainly do your homework. I don't want to believe(and I don't) that black people are incapable of civility, industry, law and order..etc..But I have to tell you that black culture in this country is in a sorry state. Your music is crude, violent and pornographic, a large percentage of young black men are in jail or headed there,your language skills are terrible(not you), very few two parent families(black women run the household) and the democratic party owns blacks lock, stock and barrel. They are the ones that still treat you like house slaves. The house slaves were always treated better than the plantation slaves..but they are still slaves. It also seems to me that the ability to be self-critical and to look inward for solutions is largely missing in black America. I hope you can be a forerunner to that changing in your race. To be fair I also think that slavery and the years of mistreatment and denial of rights thereafter have contributed to the problem. I am not a separatist like alot of members on CF are, some of us are not, but I do think that whites remaining a majority in this country is in our best interests and ironically it's in yours too. I have had alot of special black friends in my life and I wish no ill will on those who want to be contributing citizens to our culture and country.The rising black middle class is a source of encouragement to me and should be to you. You have taken the heat pretty well so far and so maybe I will take a little of it with you with my post.

"But I have to tell you that black culture in this country is in a sorry state. Your music is crude, violent and pornographic, a large percentage of young black men are in jail or headed there,your language skills are terrible(not you), "

You are correct.Keep in mind,not all black music is crude.There are other black genres:jazz,gospel,and even some rap songs that are about something other that hos.But sadly all we can find on the radio is rap music about pimping and driving fast cars.
I have already explained why the black language problem developed,and it will continue to grow.since it eventually became ingrained in black american culture,the use of it has passed down from generation to generation,and it may not be possible to stop the spread of it at this time.

"It also seems to me that the ability to be self-critical and to look inward for solutions is largely missing in black America."
The back of the bus mentality at work.

"The rising black middle class is a source of encouragement to me and should be to you"
It is.You are right,more educated blacks are rising up today,but it will still take time before we see a really sizeable amount of them.
SteveB said:
I am of the same philosophy as guest301. Blacks can be successful in America, but they have to get rid of the victim mentality and the destructive parts of "black culture". I have two black neighbors, one is a district manager for Exxon and the other is a real estate investor, both very successful. The difference is they live "white". They dress appropriately, speak well, and work hard. This goes for any race that wishes to be successful. You don't see successful Japanese, Indian, or Chinese businessman dressed or acting inappropriately. There is a reason they are successful.

"but they have to get rid of the victim mentality and the destructive parts of "black culture""
I'm glad you can see it my way.You are right,to be successful in this country,blacks do need to get rid of the destructive parts of their culture.This is happening slowly:the black middle class is growing.I before mentioned that i live in a 95 percent white neighborhood.
I just graduated from middle school last year,and I am one of only 3 black boys in the whole of 9th grade.However,I looked at a middle school yearbook recently,and I noticed a much higher quotient of blacks.Our town is a rather affluent suburb,and this trend shows that more and more blacks are gaining the intellectual and economical recquirements to live in this environment.
Edited by: Futuregohan30
American Freedom News