Hines Ward and South Korea

White_Savage said:
I thought I'd interpolate a few facts.

Indeed, a few times in Africa's history, you do see territories rising above the level of the tribal band to the "super tribal" level. But comparing them to Rome, China, or even say Medieval France in terms of organization, long life, power, and achievement is a stretch. They were more like the jack-leg states in Feudal Europe that no historian has any problem calling "Semi-barbaric" kingdoms, the direct result of an individual or family of forceful and unusually intelligent Africans. If Mali was a great civiliation, why then the Visigoths were history's greatest Empire!

The fact remains that most of these states came and went of their own unstable accord, and the very failure of these "civilizations" to resist conquest by Muslims and later by Whites-at all-demonstrates that they were very thin on the ground at best.

SK always paints his case with a rather broad brush, but his points on the lack of native African inventions remain. (Afro-Centric conspiracy theories aside).

The most Liberal historians do not dispute the fact that the rest of the world fell far behind Eurasia, though the Jared Diamond types do attempt to make lame excuses that have nothing to do with average I.Q.

It is very telling that MesoAmericans developed civilizatons that dwarf anything Africans ever produced in terms of size and social organization, even though they had no access to gradual diffusion of old world ideas and technologies like Africa did.

More to the point, none of this ancient history has anything to do with modern times. Whether or not in Africa someone once built a building, the black-the world over-has a much lower I.Q. and much higher tendecies towards behaviors that are considered criminal and anti-social in White (and Asian) societies.

The "blank slate" theory of psychology has been thrown out the window, and genetics is every day shown by science to be more of a factor. Thus, there is as much, if not more, evidence for black un-intelligence and criminality being genetic as for black success in track being genetic, and to claim otherwise is the basest of hypocrisys.

Gohan, you speak about White Supremacism, yet you are the
one who both lays claim to the things blacks are better at than Whites, while simultaneosly attempting to rationalize away all black failings.

Gohan, to a degree I feel sorry for you and must even emphathize. My views on race used to be extremely liberal, the exact opposite of what they are now, precisely because there are highly intelligent and civilized Africans like yourself to be found. But, despite our American concepts of individuality, the group average ultimately matters alot more than exceptional individual. Life in general is a game of probabilities...it just doesn't pay (on average) to take a gamble on the civilizability of Africans, despite the existence of individuals like you.

"Indeed, a few times in Africa's history, you do see territories rising above the level of the tribal band to the "super tribal" level. But comparing them to Rome, China, or even say Medieval France in terms of organization, long life, power, and achievement is a stretch. They were more like the jack-leg states in Feudal Europe that no historian has any problem calling "Semi-barbaric" kingdoms"

So,despite the info I have posed to you,you still deny that Africans can create a working civilization?They werent "semi barbaric" dude.They were working,functioning states.And yes,I do compare them to rome and the other empires you mentioned.The fact is,while they did not conquer as much territory as those opther empires,they did have a perfectly acceptable working civilization that did flourish and become comparable to any civilization that was in europe at the time.Some say that they were actually MORE advanced than certain territories in europe.To brush this off and just call them "semi barbaric super tribes" is just ignorant,and shows that you are not willing to accept this fact.

"The fact remains that most of these states came and went of their own unstable accord, and the very failure of these "civilizations" to resist conquest by Muslims and later by Whites-at all-demonstrates that they were very thin on the ground at best"
Any empire can be conquered.Every empire rises,and falls at some point.It happense to every single one.How do you explain the civilised and organized chinese falling to the rather barbaric mongols in the 13th century?
The fact is,every empire is bound to fall,and saying that their fall shows how unstable they were is simply ludicrous.Thats like me saying that China was unstable before the 13th century.

"It is very telling that MesoAmericans developed civilizatons that dwarf anything Africans ever produced in terms of size and social organization, even though they had no access to gradual diffusion of old world ideas and technologies like Africa did."
I do not deny that.I greatly respect native american culture.But I have already told you about the axumites and the nubians.How do you explain those humongous stone pillars in ethiopia today that arose in Kush all that time ago?

"More to the point, none of this ancient history has anything to do with modern times. Whether or not in Africa someone once built a building, the black-the world over-has a much lower I.Q. and much higher tendecies towards behaviors that are considered criminal and anti-social in White (and Asian) societies."
I know that,and I have told you why.The reson i bring up ancient history is to actually prove my point.You see,because of the state of black americans today,people do say that this criminality is genetic,and that africans would not be able to accomplish anything on their own.By proving that blacks were actually civil before the arrival of europeans,I can also prove that the current state of african american culture is cultural.

"Thus, there is as much, if not more, evidence for black un-intelligence and criminality being genetic as for black success in track being genetic, and to claim otherwise is the basest of hypocrisys."
Oh really? There is a gene for black criminality now?Wow.Is there a gene for pedophilia as well?or for pyromania?Because those two issues are almost 100 percent associated with whites.
as for the black successs in track,i have already told you that whites have advantages in certain areas at well(O Line,QB).As far as I'm concerned,those even out,so i do not know why you are calling me a black supremacist.

Anyway,I have never heard of such a gene being identified,and it sounds more like white supremacist ideology to me.

"Gohan, you speak about White Supremacism, yet you are the
one who both lays claim to the things blacks are better at than Whites, while simultaneosly attempting to rationalize away all black failings"
I also lay claim to the things whites are better at than blacks,as you will see if you read back through my posts.
As for me rationalizing away black failings,well,I naturally have ground to stand on when I do that.It is perfectly logical to claim that black american culture is greatly influenced by the tragic events of the past:slavery and the jim crow laws.This only makes sense.The civil rights movement did not even end until 1970,and it is only reasonable to assume that blacks are still feeling the effects of it.
When you say I am "rationalizing black failings" you act as though blacks have been on completely equal terms since they got here,when in fact they havent.
KG2422 said:
We must have a different criteria for what a "great civilization" is. First, Nubia was conquered by Egyptians before there was a Kush. Simply, the seed and culture left behind were responsible for the meager accomplishments of the Kush kingdom. Aksum is immediately south of Egypt as well. Every anthropologist agreed prior to this multicultural madness that the few finds at these sites were Egyptian in origin. I suspect the pre historic steel claim in Tanzania is the work of the Marxist types as well. Maybe not though. There's really not enough information to tell. I will make a concession when it comes to Shaka Zulu. He did seem to posses a great amount of military ability. Much of this is just liberals trying to talk up African history for contemporary Africans' self esteem. Besides, there is absolutely zero "history" coming out of west africa, the area where virtually all slaves' ancestors where from. This reminds me of the end of the movie, Planet of the Apes. Don't look for the truth Futurgohan. You may not like what you find.

"We must have a different criteria for what a "great civilization" is. First, Nubia was conquered by Egyptians before there was a Kush. Simply, the seed and culture left behind were responsible for the meager accomplishments of the Kush kingdom. Aksum is immediately south of Egypt as well. Every anthropologist agreed prior to this multicultural madness that the few finds at these sites were Egyptian in origin."
Fine then,lets say that Kush acconted for nothing.Do you deny the accomplishments of the Nubians?If what you say is true,then Kush*te accomplishments were a direct result of the Nubians.
Keep in mind,it is most likely that the first egyptians were nubians and continued to be so until the arrival of the europeans in the 3rd century b.c. and before the arrival of the arabs in the 7th century A.D.

"I suspect the pre historic steel claim in Tanzania is the work of the Marxist types as well."
Oh no,dude,it actually happened.They found the kiln and everything.The people responsible for it were called the Haya people.

"Besides, there is absolutely zero "history" coming out of west africa, the area where virtually all slaves' ancestors where from"
Do i have to go through the kingdoms of Mali,Ghana,Nok and Kongo again?
Also,I find it rather silly that you would try to differentiate between blacks.One of the posters earlier on even said this:blacks are blacks.They are all possess the ******* phenotype and genotype,and they are all native to the entire continent of africa.The fact is they are all blacks,and they would all have been painted with the same broad brush in the 1950's under the jim crow laws.
Well, I do not agree that "all Blacks are Blacks". There is a great amount of genetic variation in sub saharan Africa, not to mention negritoes and aborigines who are also black in skin color. And these "kingdoms" you speak of are not the equivalent of Greece and Rome. That would be like saying contemporary African nations with kings are equal with the U.S.A. It's a ludicrous comparison ,and liberal fools have fed this nonsense to you. They rely on emotion for their arguments rather than logic. The original Egyptians were not Nubians. Ancient Egyptian art only shows Nubians as slaves or adversaries. Blacks are obviously not derived from the desert (like Egypt). Move to Nevada. See how ashy you get. Blacks' futile attempt to hijack Egyptian history is truly sad. Edited by: KG2422
Futuregohan30 said:
This next link shows some early 17th century paintings of the Kingdoms of the Kongo.The impressions were made by a european artist who happened to be visiting at the time. http://www.homestead.com/wysinger/loango.html

A Dutch painter's depiction of the city of Loango circ 1665?Let us suppose the artisthad not embellished the true situation. Many of the(row) buildings resemble the type we would expect to see in Amsterdam. Salt box designs with pitched roofs? The city had been trading with Europeans and the Dutch since the 1500's. Now, who was responsible for the construction?Take a look at thecarriage design.Winery andhorses?

I found another site showing thedepictionin greater detail. http://www.umich.edu/~hist392/midtmrev.html
Loango city on the Atlantic coast, in a 17th century print from Olfert Dapper's, Description de lÃÂ￾frique (French, German, and original 1665 Dutch editions are evident in the inscriptions). Founded in the 12th century as one of a cluster of Equatorial African kingdoms, Loango was in full engagement with Europeans and global trade by the 16th century. Scenes include: king's palace; wives' compound; crier's tower; royal wine house; royal dining house; public audience court; royal garden; and wives' garden.
Futuregohan, racially conscious whites believe in voluntary racial separation and preserving white genes and white culture. Racially conscious blacks feel the same about their race, ala the Nation of Islam and other groups. Yet you believe in forced integration and think mixed-race marriages and offspring is a positive thing. Surely you realize that the end result of intermarriage will be the end of the black race in America over time, which means discussions about black civilizations and achievement in Africa and elsewhere will become moot. How do you reconcile your racial pride with desiring the absorption of the black race into the others in the U.S.?
KG2422 said:
Well, I do not agree that "all Blacks are Blacks". There is a great amount of genetic variation in sub saharan Africa, not to mention negritoes and aborigines who are also black in skin color. And these "kingdoms" you speak of are not the equivalent of Greece and Rome. That would be like saying contemporary African nations with kings are equal with the U.S.A. It's a ludicrous comparison ,and liberal fools have fed this nonsense to you. They rely on emotion for their arguments rather than logic. The original Egyptians were not Nubians. Ancient Egyptian art only shows Nubians as slaves or adversaries. Blacks are obviously not derived from the desert (like Egypt). Move to Nevada. See how ashy you get. Blacks' futile attempt to hijack Egyptian history is truly sad.

Well surely they are not as well nown,nor as large as greece and rome,but they were still good in their own right,thats all I'm saying.
Second,I dont believe I know any liberal fools.I study this stuff on my own,i dont have my father here telling me what to say.
As for the egyptians,you are correct,they did use nubian slaves at one point,the same way that they used jewish slaves.
If you ever get the time,visit sudan one day and get a good look at what the people look like.The sudanese are some of the darkest people on the planet,and we all know that sudan has a rather arid climate.Therefore,it is perfectly logical to assume that blacks did develope in Sudan,which was once part of Nubia,and it is also therefore logical to assume that they may have spread north and started the egyptian dynasties.

Therefore,one can also assume that the very first egyptians were black.Their racial composition later changed as whites,such as alexander the great in the 3rd century b.c.,and arabs in the 7th century a.d. invaded and assimilated into the population.I honestly dont know why this is so hard to believe.It makes perfect sense.
Egyptians themselves have been know to refer to their ancient homeland(place of origin) as Punt.Punt is now part of eritrea and ethiopia,as well as parts of sudan and somalia.Is it a coincidence that these lands happend to have been the center of the old Nubian civilization?
Don Wassall said:
Futuregohan, racially conscious whites believe in voluntary racial separation and preserving white genes and white culture. Racially conscious blacks feel the same about their race, ala the Nation of Islam and other groups. Yet you believe in forced integration and think mixed-race marriages and offspring is a positive thing. Surely you realize that the end result of intermarriage will be the end of the black race in America over time, which means discussions about black civilizations and achievement in Africa and elsewhere will become moot. How do you reconcile your racial pride with desiring the absorption of the black race into the others in the U.S.?

My sense of racial pride is not as strong as you think.It is strong,but I do not take it to the same level as that of the white nationalists.I would much rather live in a world in which there is more blending of the races than in a world where there are different races who do nothing but bicker and fight.If blacks have to integrate into other races to achieve such a society,then I am perfectly fine with it.I would have no problem marrying a white,asian,latina,or african girl.I really just dont care about intermarriage and nationalism as much as you guys do.
The only thing I care about is the end of racial fighting.I do not believe that people should be forced to intermarry,and I suppose that if you really do not want to,then you dont have to,but in the end separatism will help nothing.The only future is a future in which ALL races can live in harmony.
The fact is,there can never be any separation of the races.The black nationalists will never be able to separate,and you white nationalists will never get that homeland of yours.It is completely inconceivable.We all need to learn to live and work together,or nothing will get better.
Bart said:
Futuregohan30 said:
This next link shows some early 17th century paintings of the Kingdoms of the Kongo.The impressions were made by a european artist who happened to be visiting at the time. http://www.homestead.com/wysinger/loango.html

A  Dutch painter's depiction of the city of Loango circ 1665? Let us suppose the artist had  not embellished the true situation. Many of the (row) buildings resemble the type we would expect to see in Amsterdam.  Salt box designs with pitched roofs?  The city had been trading with Europeans and the Dutch since the 1500's. Now, who was responsible for the construction? Take a look at the carriage design.  Winery and horses?

 I found another site showing the depiction in greater detail. http://www.umich.edu/~hist392/midtmrev.html
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" color=#000000&gt;&lt;FONT face=Arial size=2&gt;Loango city on the Atlantic coast, in a 17th century print from Olfert Dapper's, Description de lÃÂfrique (French, German, and original 1665 Dutch editions are evident in the inscriptions). Founded in the 12th century as one of a cluster of Equatorial African kingdoms, Loango was in full engagement with Europeans and global trade by the 16th century. Scenes include: king's palace; wives' compound; crier's tower; royal wine house; royal dining house; public audience court; royal garden; and wives' garden.</font> </font></font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" color=#000000&gt;</font> </div>

It is not inconceivable that the blacks there learned a few building techniques from the dutch.As I said before,they had been in contact with them for a very long time.
Well, if you "assume" that about the history of Egypt then it must be logical that Syria and Algeria were Black also. I'm not saying there were never any Blacks in Egypt. There were Blacks in Morrocco. But the ruling and middle classes were not Black. The afrocentrists who promote this revisionist history were very upset when it was determined that King Tut was a caucasoid. He could have been of Semitic or European origin (most likely Semitic). Even if the original inhabitants of north africa were black it would do prove nothing of Blacks historical greatness. The significant part of Egyptian history still would have been driven by the peoples who displaced them.

Here's a link to National Geographic's info about and recreation of King Tut's appearance.
[url]http://www7.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/0506/feature1/index.h tml[/url]Edited by: KG2422
More from the instructional site Futuregohan provided. Is it possible whites owe everything to black progenitors? Are we the product of mutant black genes?
Published: December 16, 2005

Washington Post

Scientists Find A DNA Change That Accounts For White Skin

By Rick Weiss

Scientists said yesterday that they have discovered a tiny genetic mutation that largely explains the first appearance of white skin in humans tens of thousands of years ago, a finding that helps solve one of biology's most enduring mysteries and illuminates one of humanity's greatest sources of strife.

The work suggests that the skin-whitening mutation occurred by chance in a single individual after the first human exodus from Africa, when all people were brown-skinned. That person's offspring apparently thrived as humans moved northward into what is now Europe, helping to give rise to the lightest of the world's races.

Leaders of the study, at Penn State University, warned against interpreting the finding as a discovery of "the race gene." Race is a vaguely defined biological, social and political concept, they noted, and skin color is only part of what race is -- and is not.

In fact, several scientists said, the new work shows just how small a biological difference is reflected by skin color. The newly found mutation involves a change of just one letter of DNA code out of the 3.1 billion letters in the human genome -- the complete instructions for making a human being.

"It's a major finding in a very sensitive area," said Stephen Oppenheimer, an expert in anthropological genetics at Oxford University, who was not involved in the work. "Almost all the differences used to differentiate populations from around the world really are skin deep."
Interesting conversation. I love history. Gohan, I noticed the information resources you posted nearly all dealt with the Northern half of Africa. How would you explain the fact that nearly every African claim of greatness comes from the Northern part of the continent such as Egypt or Carthage? Even liberal high school World History textbooks repeat this same phenomenon. What happened to the southern half of the continent?

Nearly every white empire throughout history spread its advances in technology and culture to every region of the Earth inhabited by white people. This happened no matter how harsh the climate and living conditions of the region (ie Scandinavia - Iceland). So what happened to the Southern portion of Africa? How did they so clearly get left behind? Edited by: Kaptain Poop
KG2422 said:
Well, if you "assume" that about the history of Egypt then it must be logical that Syria and Algeria were Black also. I'm not saying there were never any Blacks in Egypt. There were Blacks in Morrocco. But the ruling and middle classes were not Black. The afrocentrists who promote this revisionist history were very upset when it was determined that King Tut was a caucasoid. He could have been of Semitic or European origin (most likely Semitic). Even if the original inhabitants of north africa were black it would do prove nothing of Blacks historical greatness. The significant part of Egyptian history still would have been driven by the peoples who displaced them.

Here's a link to National Geographic's info about and recreation of King Tut's appearance.
[url]http://www7.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/0506/feature1/index.h tml[/url]

"The afrocentrists who promote this revisionist history were very upset when it was determined that King Tut was a caucasoid. He could have been of Semitic or European origin (most likely Semitic)."
I do not doubt that he may have been european or semitic:it is likely that one of his parents was of one of those ethnicities.
Also,this mural was found in the tomb of Rameses the 3rd depicting the races of the world from the egyptian point of view.
I should also add that during the reign of Rameses the 3rd,sea peoples from the north launched raids on egypt.It is logical to assume that these sea peoples were europeans or possibly semites,and may have interbreeded with the population,thus creating a more diverse population.King Tut may have been a descendant of these peoples.

"Even if the original inhabitants of north africa were black it would do prove nothing of Blacks historical greatnessThe significant part of Egyptian history still would have been driven by the peoples who displaced them."
I am not saying that all of egypt was black for the whole of it's history;I already knew that King Tut may have been partially European in origin.But he was only around in the years 1320 b.c. to 1340 b.c.
Egyptian dynasties first appeared in 2920 b.c.,and my theory is that these first people were nubians(in other words,they were black).Once again,I believe this because the nubians had been living in southern egypt as well as sudan and ethiopia for many millenia before the rise of the first dynasty,and one can guess that they may have migrated northwards.Furthermore,one cannot say that the this time was not significant,as the first pyramids were built during the very early parts of egypt's timespan(around 2600 b.c.).
Bart said:
More from the instructional site Futuregohan provided. Is it possible whites owe everything to black progenitors? Are we the product of mutant black genes?
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 color=#000000 size=1&gt;Published: December 16, 2005 </font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 color=#000000&gt;Washington Post </font></font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 color=#000000&gt;</font></font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica12 color=#000000&gt;Scientists Find A DNA Change That Accounts For White Skin </font></font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" color=#000000&gt;&lt;FONT face=Arial&gt;By Rick Weiss </font></font>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 face=Arial color=#000000 size=1&gt;Scientists said yesterday that they have discovered a tiny genetic mutation that largely explains the first appearance of white skin in humans tens of thousands of years ago, a finding that helps solve one of biology's most enduring mysteries and illuminates one of humanity's greatest sources of strife. </font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 color=#000000&gt;&lt;FONT face=Arial size=1&gt;</font></font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 face=Arial color=#000000 size=1&gt;The work suggests that the skin-whitening mutation occurred by chance in a single individual after the first human exodus from Africa, when all people were brown-skinned. That person's offspring apparently thrived as humans moved northward into what is now Europe, helping to give rise to the lightest of the world's races. </font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 color=#000000&gt;&lt;FONT face=Arial size=1&gt;</font></font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 face=Arial color=#000000 size=1&gt;Leaders of the study, at Penn State University, warned against interpreting the finding as a discovery of "the race gene." Race is a vaguely defined biological, social and political concept, they noted, and skin color is only part of what race is -- and is not. </font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 color=#000000&gt;&lt;FONT face=Arial size=1&gt;</font></font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 face=Arial color=#000000 size=1&gt;In fact, several scientists said, the new work shows just how small a biological difference is reflected by skin color. The newly found mutation involves a change of just one letter of DNA code out of the 3.1 billion letters in the human genome -- the complete instructions for making a human being. </font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 color=#000000&gt;&lt;FONT face=Arial size=1&gt;</font></font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" color=#000000&gt;&lt;FONT face=Arial size=2&gt;"It's a major finding in a very sensitive area," said Stephen Oppenheimer, an expert in anthropological genetics at Oxford University, who was not involved in the work. "Almost all the differences used to differentiate populations from around the world really are skin deep."</font> </font></font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" color=#000000&gt;</font></div></font></div>

It is generally believed that lighter skin tones came about due to a lack of sunlight in the northern areas that humans inhabited.In warmer climates,darker skin is more advantageous because light skin would be a disadvantage in this environment due to the fact that it is vulnerable to the sun(this is why most blacks do not get sunburn;whites,however,do).
The same reasoning can be applied to eye color.Lighter eye colors,like blue or green,were favorable in northern climates where sunlight was not quite as plentiful.In regions like africa or the middle east,however,lighter eyes were a disadvantage because the sunlight there could more easily damage them.

In other words,the mutation was likely a result of the new climate that was being inhabited ny the europeans at that time:the offspring of that single individul thrived because that mutation was favorable in the new climate.
Neolithic peoples in Europe piled great rocks on top of each other, but no one compares them to Rome. You also have yet to explain why virulently anti-racist historians like Jared Diamond have written long tracts of excuses for why development in Africa and other places lagged so far behind that of Eurasia. (See: Guns, Germs, and Steel.) Why do they not simply site African civilization, if it compares as favorably with Eurasia as you claim?

Come to think of it, modern Haiti and Zimbabwe are alot more advanced in some technological ways than ancient Mali or even ancient Athens-but I don't think even an ancient Athenian slave would prefer living in their cultural clime. Los Angeles, New Orleans, Haiti, Rwanda, South Africa, Somalia...there is a pattern here. (Notice how L.A. DIDN'T go up in flames when O.J. was found innocent of brutally murdering 1 White and 1 Jew, the noticable paucity of looting in various White communities hit by Katrina. For a further example, take Ireland, whose people were oppressed evey bit as much by the British as any group of Africans. Yet today, less than a century after gaining their independence, the Republic of Ireland is a more or less respectable modern state...that can feed itself and everything. Compare this to Liberia, South Africa, etc. Even the "Troubles" in North Ireland are a tame game compared to Rwanda, Zimbabwe, Somalia, South Africa.)

You can offer zero evidence that intelligence is not largely genetic. The American public school system is as close to the experiment in equal oppurtunity as the world has ever yet devised. Every year, thousands of students are run through the mill, getting the same basic curriculum. Blacks invariably fare the worst. Hispanics, surely a group that has faced racial discrimination, and Indians, the most abused racial group in this country's history, fare better than Blacks. Asians, also one of the historically most abused minorities, average BETTER than American Whites.

Your ideas on inter-racial intermarriage are also profoundly misguided. Obviously you haven't heard the old Somali saying "God made Black men, and God made White men, but the Devil made half-breeds". True, done upon occasion, it may produce interesting hybrids, though such children will always be caught between two worlds, the very energy of disparate racial memories threatening to pull them apart.

Done en masse however, it destroys the very well-spring of vaunted diversity. Black people are the least numerous major race on Earth, if I remember correctly. If most Blacks begin to marry aliens, instead of marrying Blacks and having Black children, than your race will soon cease to exist. All that will be left are some White, Hispanic, or Asian people who have a little black in them a few generations back, just as so many White Americans carry a token amount of blood from now vanished Indian tribes.

(Fortunately for Blacks, your homeland in Africa does not seem like it will be over-run by faster-breeding non-Blacks anytime soon. The same cannot be said for any of the lands traditionally occupied by Whites. Come to think of it, no one ever cries foul when Indian or other indigenous tribes, or even the Jews, raise concern about genetic assimulation. Only when Whites do it is it considered "evil racism.)

And quit being so coy and dodging the issue. If anyone of us tried to argue that black dominance of track events were purely the product of social forces, you, as a black, would laugh. Yet you relentlessly argue that the greatest strength of Whites-their creativity and culture over the centuries, is not a special trait of our nature, that any loin-cloth wearing savage the world over could accomplish the same things, if only he had forcibly integrated schools and we could get rid of all this invisible racism you blather about.

You can mince words all you want, but to imagine a race that has all the physical gifts of the Blacks combined with all the mental gifts of the Whites is to imagine a Supreme race by any reasonable standard of superiority or inferiority. But, 'taint nessecarily so McGee, in fact there is not one shred of evidence for the Black average I.Q. being on a par with the average White or Asian I.Q., and tons of evidence against it.

No matter how subtly you or other Blacks put it, Total Black Supremacism is what YOU'RE pushing. Whereas I and my fellow forumites only claim Whites are superior in certain, albeit very societally important, traits.

Edited by: White_Savage
Kaptain Poop said:
Interesting conversation. I love history. Gohan, I noticed the information resources you posted nearly all dealt with the Northern half of Africa. How would you explain the fact that nearly every African claim of greatness comes from the Northern part of the continent such as Egypt or Carthage? Even liberal high school World History textbooks repeat this same phenomenon. What happened to the southern half of the continent?

Nearly every white empire throughout history spread its advances in technology and culture to every region of the Earth inhabited by white people. This happened no matter how harsh the climate and living conditions of the region (ie Scandinavia - Iceland). So what happened to the Southern portion of Africa? How did they so clearly get left behind?

Africa has traditionally been known as the dark continent:the fact is,despite the fact that trade had been running through the continent for many centuries(and this trade had made many sub saharan states extremeley wealthy),many people outside of africa knew very little about it.They had never really ventured to far inland.A few dutch people did venture to the Kongo empire,but the fact is for a great period of time,many people just did not know about the place.

Egypt may have gained more fame due to the fact that it was closer to european cultures,and therefore came into contact with them more(alexander the great,marc antony,etc.).This lead to much more exposure for egypt,but naturally every other african empire pretty much got left behind due to the fact that they had not had nearly as much exposure to the europeans as egypt had.
Another reason may have been the Africans tendency to stay at home.With the exception of Hannibal and the Carthagenians,pretty much every african kingdom stayed in Africa.Kingdoms like the Kongo and Ghana simply expanded by conquering neighboring groups,but they did not consider venturing all the way across the world to conquer europe.They simply did not aspire to venture everywhere and just conquer everything like the more imperialistic Europeans and Asians.They simply fought amongst themselves,and this would therefore lead to a limited spread of their culture due to the fact that there werent really all that many other peoples to spread it to.

Today,artifacts from other african empires are still being discovered.The history of the kongo empire is still being pieced together today.It's major city,Great zimbabwe,was only discovered relatively recently.Africa is still ,to some extent,the dark continent,and as such,much information about the old african kingdoms still needs to be uncovered.
If race is only skin deep, why can forensic scientists determine a person's race from his or her skeleton with trivial ease? (The only cases that ever give any trouble AT ALL are, ironically in light of our discussion, half-breeds.)

And if race is only skin deep, what then of the vaunted "fast twitch muscle" superiority of black athletes.

So...Whites evolved in response to cold climates. No sh*t. (The idea that the common ancestor of all humans could technically be called a black or even that all three races HAVE common direct ancestor is btw, an idea still VERY open to debate.)

What the article doesn't mention is that in addition to pale skin, Whites at some point evolved higher intelligences (to aid in finding food, shelter, etc, in the harsher and less bountiful northern climate), greater tendency towards in-group social cooperation (ditto), and a greater tendency towards monogamy and child care by both sexes (distinct from the typical African pattern, probably because no female and offspring would likely survive in the North without a provisioning male. Come now people, if we're going to talk about us "mutant" Whites, let us tell the WHOLE story!

Bart said:
More from the instructional site Futuregohan provided. Is it possible whites owe everything to black progenitors? Are we the product of mutant black genes?
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 color=#000000 size=1&gt;Published: December 16, 2005 </font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 color=#000000&gt;Washington Post </font></font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 color=#000000&gt;</font></font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica12 color=#000000&gt;Scientists Find A DNA Change That Accounts For White Skin </font></font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" color=#000000&gt;&lt;FONT face=Arial&gt;By Rick Weiss </font></font>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 face=Arial color=#000000 size=1&gt;Scientists said yesterday that they have discovered a tiny genetic mutation that largely explains the first appearance of white skin in humans tens of thousands of years ago, a finding that helps solve one of biology's most enduring mysteries and illuminates one of humanity's greatest sources of strife. </font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 color=#000000&gt;&lt;FONT face=Arial size=1&gt;</font></font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 face=Arial color=#000000 size=1&gt;The work suggests that the skin-whitening mutation occurred by chance in a single individual after the first human exodus from Africa, when all people were brown-skinned. That person's offspring apparently thrived as humans moved northward into what is now Europe, helping to give rise to the lightest of the world's races. </font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 color=#000000&gt;&lt;FONT face=Arial size=1&gt;</font></font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 face=Arial color=#000000 size=1&gt;Leaders of the study, at Penn State University, warned against interpreting the finding as a discovery of "the race gene." Race is a vaguely defined biological, social and political concept, they noted, and skin color is only part of what race is -- and is not. </font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 color=#000000&gt;&lt;FONT face=Arial size=1&gt;</font></font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 face=Arial color=#000000 size=1&gt;In fact, several scientists said, the new work shows just how small a biological difference is reflected by skin color. The newly found mutation involves a change of just one letter of DNA code out of the 3.1 billion letters in the human genome -- the complete instructions for making a human being. </font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 color=#000000&gt;&lt;FONT face=Arial size=1&gt;</font></font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" color=#000000&gt;&lt;FONT face=Arial size=2&gt;"It's a major finding in a very sensitive area," said Stephen Oppenheimer, an expert in anthropological genetics at Oxford University, who was not involved in the work. "Almost all the differences used to differentiate populations from around the world really are skin deep."</font> </font></font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" color=#000000&gt;</font></div></font></div>
No need to travel to Africa to take in the sights. The link Gohan provided contains a photo section filled with hundrerds of scenes of buildings and people scattered across the land. It is truly amazing to see the restaurants, marketsand architecture. You'd think you were in some sort of Bizarro World.You'll find virtually every structure is made without the benefit ofprecisionand craftsmanship White people were building better quality homes thousands of years ago. Really... you will be left slack-jawed.Working in construction as a young man left me with an eye for detail, squareness, form and integrity. The average eight year old would be more adept. Very intriguing and educational visuals.

And since Gohan and some Whites on this forum believe implicitly in the perfectability of Blacks if only we can change their culture, I offer a little parable of acculturation.

100 years ago, Blacks, in terms of illegitamacy and crime rates, were doing strikingly better than they are now, (even if we factor in the black-on-black crime that went largely undocumented in those days.) Though still much worse than Whites, they were actually slowly improving their lot.

Now remember, this was a time when Blacks were an oppressed and segregated minority in a very real sense. To say White Culture was the dominant one is an understatement. Any Black who offended White sensibilities faced a real possibility of DEATH. Any Black who wanted to get anywhere in the real world had to do his utmost to imitate Whites, right down to dress, speech, and such absurdities as trying to straighten his hair and lighten his skin.

Now fast forward. The Black has been given all manner of "help" in the form of forced integration, the wellfare state, anti-White racial preference laws, and a forced tolerance and reverance for all things Black approaching absurdity. The Black has been given his head to form his culture and his identity of Blackness anyway he chooses. And what is the result? Black illegitamacy is approaching universal status, Black crime rates are unbelievable, and any pretensions of Black culture have taken a nose dive. And all this forced association has taken White culture down with it, causing White illegitamacy to approach Black levels of 100 years. What is one to make of this?

But fun was had by all! After all, Dave Chappelle
is SUCH an improvement over Red Skelton (You older folks will know what I'm talking about.)

Good night and God bless.
White_Savage said:
Neolithic peoples in Europe piled great rocks on top of each other, but no one compares them to Rome. You also have yet to explain why virulently anti-racist historians like Jared Diamond have written long tracts of excuses for why development in Africa and other places lagged so far behind that of Eurasia. (See: Guns, Germs, and Steel.) Why do they not simply site African civilization, if it compares as favorably with Eurasia as you claim?

Come to think of it, modern Haiti and Zimbabwe are alot more advanced in some technological ways than ancient Mali or even ancient Athens-but I don't think even an ancient Athenian slave would prefer living in their cultural clime. Los Angeles, New Orleans, Haiti, Rwanda, South Africa, Somalia...there is a pattern here. (Notice how L.A. DIDN'T go up in flames when O.J. was found innocent of brutally murdering 1 White and 1 Jew, the noticable paucity of looting in various White communities hit by Katrina. For a further example, take Ireland, whose people were oppressed evey bit as much by the British as any group of Africans. Yet today, less than a century after gaining their independence, the Republic of Ireland is a more or less respectable modern state...that can feed itself and everything. Compare this to Liberia, South Africa, etc. Even the "Troubles" in North Ireland are a tame game compared to Rwanda, Zimbabwe, Somalia, South Africa.)

You can offer zero evidence that intelligence is not largely genetic. The American public school system is as close to the experiment in equal oppurtunity as the world has ever yet devised. Every year, thousands of students are run through the mill, getting the same basic curriculum. Blacks invariably fare the worst. Hispanics, surely a group that has faced racial discrimination, and Indians, the most abused racial group in this country's history, fare better than Blacks. Asians, also one of the historically most abused minorities, average BETTER than American Whites.

Your ideas on inter-racial intermarriage are also profoundly misguided. Obviously you haven't heard the old Somali saying "God made Black men, and God made White men, but the Devil made half-breeds". True, done upon occasion, it may produce interesting hybrids, though such children will always be caught between two worlds, the very energy of disparate racial memories threatening to pull them apart.

Done en masse however, it destroys the very well-spring of vaunted diversity. Black people are the least numerous major race on Earth, if I remember correctly. If most Blacks begin to marry aliens, instead of marrying Blacks and having Black children, than your race will soon cease to exist. All that will be left are some White, Hispanic, or Asian people who have a little black in them a few generations back, just as so many White Americans carry a token amount of blood from now vanished Indian tribes.

(Fortunately for Blacks, your homeland in Africa does not seem like it will be over-run by faster-breeding non-Blacks anytime soon. The same cannot be said for any of the lands traditionally occupied by Whites. Come to think of it, no one ever cries foul when Indian or other indigenous tribes, or even the Jews, raise concern about genetic assimulation. Only when Whites do it is it considered "evil racism.)

And quit being so coy and dodging the issue. If anyone of us tried to argue that black dominance of track events were purely the product of social forces, you, as a black, would laugh. Yet you relentlessly argue that the greatest strength of Whites-their creativity and culture over the centuries, is not a special trait of our nature, that any loin-cloth wearing savage the world over could accomplish the same things, if only he had forcibly integrated schools and we could get rid of all this invisible racism you blather about.

You can mince words all you want, but to imagine a race that has all the physical gifts of the Blacks combined with all the mental gifts of the Whites is to imagine a Supreme race by any reasonable standard of superiority or inferiority. But, 'taint nessecarily so McGee, in fact there is not one shred of evidence for the Black average I.Q. being on a par with the average White or Asian I.Q., and tons of evidence against it.

No matter how subtly you or other Blacks put it, Total Black Supremacism is what YOU'RE pushing. Whereas I and my fellow forumites only claim Whites are superior in certain, albeit very societally important, traits.

"You can offer zero evidence that intelligence is not largely genetic. The American public school system is as close to the experiment in equal oppurtunity as the world has ever yet devised. Every year, thousands of students are run through the mill, getting the same basic curriculum. Blacks invariably fare the worst. Hispanics, surely a group that has faced racial discrimination, and Indians, the most abused racial group in this country's history, fare better than Blacks. Asians, also one of the historically most abused minorities, average BETTER than American Whites."

Actually,not all schools are the same.As a matter of fact,inner city schools,where blacks are most likely to attend, are known to be underfunded.Teachers there do not get paid as much as they do in suburban schools,such as the one I go to.However,if you were to put a black kid in to a suburban school from an early age,there is nothing that says his or her grades could be perfectly acceptable and equal to or surpassing that of whites.Since the schools attended by the majority of African american children are not very good,their grades are sure to be low.
Oh,and yes i am aware that part of the reason these schools are not very good may be due to black american cultural aspects.But you cannot ignore the fact that they are underfunded.

I do not see how you managed to get the Native American(i assume thats what you meant when you referred to Indians) statistics.There arent very many of them left,certainly not enough to make a reliable stat sheet out of.

As for hispanics,according to what I learned,and have seen,they tend to do about equally on par with blacks.As for asians,the explaination is simple:Their culture emphasizes academics,and their parents are rather hard on them when they bring home any grade lower than a 90.This would naturally lead to much higher academic standards.I have seen this first hand,as I have many asian friends.

"Neolithic peoples in Europe piled great rocks on top of each other, but no one compares them to Rome. You also have yet to explain why virulently anti-racist historians like Jared Diamond have written long tracts of excuses for why development in Africa and other places lagged so far behind that of Eurasia. (See: Guns, Germs, and Steel.) Why do they not simply site African civilization, if it compares as favorably with Eurasia as you claim?"
That is one mans theory.I have already proven in previous posts that black civilizations at that time actually were on par with those of the northern europeans at that time.While they may not have exactly been quite as imperial as ancient rome or greece,they still were respectable areas in their own right.I am not trying to say they were better.I am simply trying to say they were there and they had some good aspects to them.

"Come to think of it, modern Haiti and Zimbabwe are alot more advanced in some technological ways than ancient Mali or even ancient Athens-but I don't think even an ancient Athenian slave would prefer living in their cultural clime. Los Angeles, New Orleans, Haiti, Rwanda, South Africa, Somalia...there is a pattern here. (Notice how L.A. DIDN'T go up in flames when O.J. was found innocent of brutally murdering 1 White and 1 Jew, the noticable paucity of looting in various White communities hit by Katrina. For a further example, take Ireland, whose people were oppressed evey bit as much by the British as any group of Africans. Yet today, less than a century after gaining their independence, the Republic of Ireland is a more or less respectable modern state...that can feed itself and everything. Compare this to Liberia, South Africa, etc. Even the "Troubles" in North Ireland are a tame game compared to Rwanda, Zimbabwe, Somalia, South Africa.)"

The countries you outline are in the state that they are due to oppressive regimes established by people after the countries gained their independence.Rulers such as Charles Taylor in liberia stole millions of dollars worth of money from the economy.This is all due to the chaos that ensued after these countries gained freedom.Naturally,people struggled to find the right way and which direction to take.They have so far only had independence for about 35 years or so,and are still trying to find the right direction in which to go.

In other words,the chaos that has raged on for 4 decades in africa is a direct result of having new freedoms.Eventually,these countries will stabilize,and move forward.But it will take time.Places such as Nigeria,a country which has seen many bloody battles,now have new leaders determined to end this cycle of fighting.There is even a peacekeeping alliance in west africa now,which was responsible for ending much of the chaos in Liberia.

"True, done upon occasion, it may produce interesting hybrids, though such children will always be caught between two worlds, the very energy of disparate racial memories threatening to pull them apart."
If we try to eliminate all this racial hatred and move toward a time of racial peace,those kids wont have as much to worry about.

"Done en masse however, it destroys the very well-spring of vaunted diversity. Black people are the least numerous major race on Earth, if I remember correctly. If most Blacks begin to marry aliens, instead of marrying Blacks and having Black children, than your race will soon cease to exist. All that will be left are some White, Hispanic, or Asian people who have a little black in them a few generations back, just as so many White Americans carry a token amount of blood from now vanished Indian tribes."
The way you phrase this,one would think that I was saying that only blacks should marry people from another race.In fact,you are missing the picture.I am saying that EVERYONE could intermarry,not just blacks.Hispanics could intermarry with blacks;asians could intermarry with hispanics,etc.
A world in which there are more mixed race marriages cannot be any worse than a world in which separate races constantly bicker with one another.

"(Come to think of it, no one ever cries foul when Indian or other indigenous tribes, or even the Jews, raise concern about genetic assimulation. Only when Whites do it is it considered "evil racism.)"
This is due to the stigma that has risen due to history.Whites wiped out the indians;whites tried to wipe out the jews;whites enslaved blacks,etc.Due to this stigma from the past,people are naturally more likely to assume racism from whites,and will judge them more harshly,especially in a world which is actually attempting to move away from such historical events.
I am not saying it is a good thing,I am simply trying to present a reason for it's occurence.

"And quit being so coy and dodging the issue. If anyone of us tried to argue that black dominance of track events were purely the product of social forces, you, as a black, would laugh. Yet you relentlessly argue that the greatest strength of Whites-their creativity and culture over the centuries, is not a special trait of our nature, that any loin-cloth wearing savage the world over could accomplish the same things, if only he had forcibly integrated schools and we could get rid of all this invisible racism you blather about."
I was not attempting to dodge any issue.As a matter of fact,I have respnded to just about every post in this thread.
Second,you seem very hostile,and you need not be,because I have been nothing but respectful towards you throughout this debate,and I will continue to be.That "loin-cloth wearing savage"
comment was also rude and completely unnecessary.
Third,black dominance on the track may actually be partially cultural:blacks on the whole do not have it quite as good economically as whites do.From the minute they are born,they are surrounded by a grim environment,in which athletics seems to be the only way out.often times,due to the schools that they attend,their only chance for college is in athletics.This could be another reason why blacks have done so well in sports.
On the other hand,however,blacks do not swim very well.This could easily be associated to the fact that there are not many swimming pools located in the areas that they inhabit.
The winter olympics is almost 100 percent white.This could be because most blacks do not have the monetary means to participate in such events as skiing,and certainly not hockey,which is a very expensive hobby.
Also,europeans tend to dominate these event because in places like Norway,the people practically live on skies and other snow equipment.Needless to say,most asian and african peoples do not participate in the activity.

In other words,your theory that african american sports advantages could be socially related is not that far fetched.And no,I am not laughing.

"You can mince words all you want, but to imagine a race that has all the physical gifts of the Blacks combined with all the mental gifts of the Whites is to imagine a Supreme race by any reasonable standard of superiority or inferiority. But, 'taint nessecarily so McGee, in fact there is not one shred of evidence for the Black average I.Q. being on a par with the average White or Asian I.Q., and tons of evidence against it."
Evidence which I have already covered in previous posts.

"No matter how subtly you or other Blacks put it, Total Black Supremacism is what YOU'RE pushing. Whereas I and my fellow forumites only claim Whites are superior in certain, albeit very societally important, traits."

I am not trying to push for black supremacism,and I do not even see how you get that correlation.I am simply trying to disprove your age old white supremacist theory,the same one which has been stated all throughout history:that blacks are not intelligent,and that they are not capable of creating civilization.
As you can see,I have already provided many facts as well as a sizeable amount of information that backs up my logic.
White_Savage said:
If race is only skin deep, why can forensic scientists determine a person's race from his or her skeleton with trivial ease? (The only cases that ever give any trouble AT ALL are, ironically in light of our discussion, half-breeds.)

And if race is only skin deep, what then of the vaunted "fast twitch muscle" superiority of black athletes.

So...Whites evolved in response to cold climates. No sh*t. (The idea that the common ancestor of all humans could technically be called a black or even that all three races HAVE common direct ancestor is btw, an idea still VERY open to debate.)

What the article doesn't mention is that in addition to pale skin, Whites at some point evolved higher intelligences (to aid in finding food, shelter, etc, in the harsher and less bountiful northern climate), greater tendency towards in-group social cooperation (ditto), and a greater tendency towards monogamy and child care by both sexes (distinct from the typical African pattern, probably because no female and offspring would likely survive in the North without a provisioning male. Come now people, if we're going to talk about us "mutant" Whites, let us tell the WHOLE story!

Bart said:
More from the instructional site Futuregohan provided. Is it possible whites owe everything to black progenitors? Are we the product of mutant black genes?
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 color=#000000 size=1&gt;Published: December 16, 2005 </font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 color=#000000&gt;Washington Post </font></font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 color=#000000&gt;</font></font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica12 color=#000000&gt;Scientists Find A DNA Change That Accounts For White Skin </font></font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" color=#000000&gt;&lt;FONT face=Arial&gt;By Rick Weiss </font></font>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 face=Arial color=#000000 size=1&gt;Scientists said yesterday that they have discovered a tiny genetic mutation that largely explains the first appearance of white skin in humans tens of thousands of years ago, a finding that helps solve one of biology's most enduring mysteries and illuminates one of humanity's greatest sources of strife. </font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 color=#000000&gt;&lt;FONT face=Arial size=1&gt;</font></font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 face=Arial color=#000000 size=1&gt;The work suggests that the skin-whitening mutation occurred by chance in a single individual after the first human exodus from Africa, when all people were brown-skinned. That person's offspring apparently thrived as humans moved northward into what is now Europe, helping to give rise to the lightest of the world's races. </font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 color=#000000&gt;&lt;FONT face=Arial size=1&gt;</font></font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 face=Arial color=#000000 size=1&gt;Leaders of the study, at Penn State University, warned against interpreting the finding as a discovery of "the race gene." Race is a vaguely defined biological, social and political concept, they noted, and skin color is only part of what race is -- and is not. </font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 color=#000000&gt;&lt;FONT face=Arial size=1&gt;</font></font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 face=Arial color=#000000 size=1&gt;In fact, several scientists said, the new work shows just how small a biological difference is reflected by skin color. The newly found mutation involves a change of just one letter of DNA code out of the 3.1 billion letters in the human genome -- the complete instructions for making a human being. </font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 color=#000000&gt;&lt;FONT face=Arial size=1&gt;</font></font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" color=#000000&gt;&lt;FONT face=Arial size=2&gt;"It's a major finding in a very sensitive area," said Stephen Oppenheimer, an expert in anthropological genetics at Oxford University, who was not involved in the work. "Almost all the differences used to differentiate populations from around the world really are skin deep."</font> </font></font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" color=#000000&gt;</font></div></font></div>

"So...Whites evolved in response to cold climates. No sh*t"
Chill out dude.No need to be so confrontational and hostile.

"What the article doesn't mention is that in addition to pale skin, Whites at some point evolved higher intelligences (to aid in finding food, shelter, etc, in the harsher and less bountiful northern climate), greater tendency towards in-group social cooperation (ditto), and a greater tendency towards monogamy and child care by both sexes (distinct from the typical African pattern, probably because no female and offspring would likely survive in the North without a provisioning male. Come now people, if we're going to talk about us "mutant" Whites, let us tell the WHOLE story!"
I higher intelligences could be evolved due to a harsh climate,then the sudanese,egyptians,nigerians and the ethiopians should by all means have been the smartest people on earth.It is not easy finding food or shelter in the desert,and we all know how harsh the weather can be.As a matter of fact,come to think of it,most of Africa has a pretty harsh environment.Even the sub saharan parts of africa,such as angola and namibia,had to deal with drought on a regular basis due to the close proximity of the desert.

Oh and btw,there were likely more predators in africa at that time,another thing that the africans had to contend with,not to mention the many diseases which plagued all of africa.
White_Savage said:
And since Gohan and some Whites on this forum believe implicitly in the perfectability of Blacks if only we can change their culture, I offer a little parable of acculturation.

100 years ago, Blacks, in terms of illegitamacy and crime rates, were doing strikingly better than they are now, (even if we factor in the black-on-black crime that went largely undocumented in those days.) Though still much worse than Whites, they were actually slowly improving their lot.

Now remember, this was a time when Blacks were an oppressed and segregated minority in a very real sense. To say White Culture was the dominant one is an understatement. Any Black who offended White sensibilities faced a real possibility of DEATH. Any Black who wanted to get anywhere in the real world had to do his utmost to imitate Whites, right down to dress, speech, and such absurdities as trying to straighten his hair and lighten his skin.

Now fast forward. The Black has been given all manner of "help" in the form of forced integration, the wellfare state, anti-White racial preference laws, and a forced tolerance and reverance for all things Black approaching absurdity. The Black has been given his head to form his culture and his identity of Blackness anyway he chooses. And what is the result? Black illegitamacy is approaching universal status, Black crime rates are unbelievable, and any pretensions of Black culture have taken a nose dive. And all this forced association has taken White culture down with it, causing White illegitamacy to approach Black levels of 100 years. What is one to make of this?

But fun was had by all! After all, Dave Chappelle
is SUCH an improvement over Red Skelton (You older folks will know what I'm talking about.)

Good night and God bless.

"Now fast forward. The Black has been given all manner of "help" in the form of forced integration, the wellfare state, anti-White racial preference laws, and a forced tolerance and reverance for all things Black approaching absurdity. The Black has been given his head to form his culture and his identity of Blackness anyway he chooses. And what is the result? Black illegitamacy is approaching universal status, Black crime rates are unbelievable, and any pretensions of Black culture have taken a nose dive. And all this forced association has taken White culture down with it, causing White illegitamacy to approach Black levels of 100 years. What is one to make of this?"

The reason that black culture has not moved forward is because of the mentality it has adopted.Blacks are still angry at whites because of the past,and they still think that they cannot beat the system.Blacks still think they are being forced to sit in the back of the bus,and thats the way they are approaching things.As I have said before,most educated black scholars agree with me on this:black culture needs modification if we want to move forward.
1. Intelligence tests SPECIFICALLY designed to be independent of cultural and educational factors, even literacy (read, based on perceptual logic and geometric shapes) STILL show blacks to lag behind the other races in I.Q. And by all rights, kids with less formal education should have MORE tendencyto develop spacial knowledge, not less. And segregrated Black schools were even more poorly funded-a matter which itself can be shown to to be irrelevant-back when Black academic achievement was actually BETTER. And why did busing/forced integration WORSEN this problem? The only thing I agree with is that the main problem with Black schools is that they're full of blacks.

--Hispanics-As I pointed out Earlier, Hispanics, as far as we can tell, have an average I.Q. between 90-95 and only commit crimes at a rate 4-6 times that of Whites, as opposed to 85 and 9-10 times for Blacks. If you think that makes Blacks and Hispanics comparable in these areas, then you have a typical African's grasp of math.

And by the by, if I am such an evil, blind, ignorant "White Supremacist", why would I point out that Asians average a little higher than WHITES on I.Q. tests?

No psychologist or psychometrican, even the biggest liberals, disputes that the races differ in average intelligence, though they will rather dispute the causes. But the arguments against genetic differences are weak, getting weaker all the time, and your lame assertion of "inadequate funds" and "It ain't cool to study in the hood" don't hold water. Come to think of it, the explanation of "Blacks could learn, but they won't," is if anything, MORE insulting to Blacks than pointing out that there God-given I.Q. is simply lower.

2. You keep saying "comparable to Europe at the time". The West African kingdoms were at their height during the High Middle Ages and Rennaisance. It's not really comparable. You'd be better off comparing them to neolithic Europeans. You have yet to explain why no
legitamate historian, even the biggest liberals, honestly tries to assert that the African kingdoms ever achieved the level of Europe or Asia.

You might read "Guns, Germs, and Steel" by Jared Diamond. It's BS ultimately of course, but his tack of providing excuses for Non-Eurasian Non-Achievment works better than trying to conjure achievements out of thin air.

In any case, no one (I think) will assert that the Black race never produced a genius capable of original invention. Statistically, they will crop up occasionally in every race. History and modern psychometrics just show they'll crop up alot more in Europeans and Asians. But the average level of society is important for maintaining an enviroment for progress. If George Washington Carver, or Charlie Drew (Technically a mixex person, but I'll alow it) had not lived in White society, they likely wouldn't have had the opportunity to achieve. Given the typical African temperament, a sickly and introverted person like Carver probably wouldn't have even lived to majority.

2. Most scientists don't believe Blacks evolved in desert areas, but in forested areas. In any case, this obviosuly the enviroment where West African blacks come from. You know I was watching "Going Tribal" on the Discovery Channel the other day, when our man was journeying amongst the Babango of West Africa. They start out hunting monkeys to get some meat fo the village, but get tired, and no matter, theres some fish in the stream that can be easily arrowed, and then a nice nap. Meanwhile, the women back at the village have picked plenty of fruit for themselves, as they easily and apparently often can do. An idyllic existence, but nothing like scraping out a living off of some wretched semi-tundra with four distinct seasons and killer winters for developing the wits, single-minded detirmination, and long term planning.

Further, your contention that Africa had more predators is not accurate. Europe had lions, wolves, and largest and most dangerous carnivore of all, bears. Europeans just managed to kill them all is the thing. A little harsh, but certainly points out the difference between Europeanoid and Africoid levels of get-up-and-go.

Europeans and Asians had more and harsher diseases than tribal peoples, because of their high population densities and proximity to livestock. Thats why Indians and Africans suffered from European diseases so much. But epidemic disease is dis-eugenic. It does not select for intelligence or strength, but for random mutations of immunity. So it likely had a indifferent or negative effect on Eurasian population's I.Q. and athleticism.

Also the men of the Babango tribe walked, gestured, and danced pretty much the Afro-Americans they are completely culturally isolated from. Explain that one to me.

3. I can't imagine why someone who defends his African heritage so vigorously at the same time sings the praises of homogenizing humanity into the interchangeable tan-everyman-something which is being done btw, by a certain elite to make us effecient little cogs in the machine of global sameness. This is a sure sign of a hatred of White racial identity so profound that it wipes out even love for African racial identity.

We live in a world where obscure species of fish and moss are considered worthy of preservation. What insanity is it that the distinct races of man should pass away?

Also, Whites are history's least ethnocentric people
and least cruel masters. For a thousand years, Muslim pirates in the Caribean captured Christians as slaves. Over the centuries, more Whites than African were sold into slavery. Where are their descendants in Muslim countries? Come to think of it, where are the many Negros that were sold into slavery all over the Muslim world? (Black slaves were even sold into slavery in China, however, the law of that very "enlightened" state required that they be castrated.)
Meanshile, the Black slaves of American Whites survived and flourished, even enjoyed protections under the law inconcievable for slaves in any other epoch. Whites tore their country apart in a pang of concious to free the slaves, an unprecedented action in history. Only Whites have not only voluntarily freed those in bondage, but even gone to the ridiculous absurdity of setting lesser peoples above themselves. For every tear caused by a White man, ten thousand have been wiped by his natural kindness and pragmatic technological inventiveness.

4. So now Jon Entine is wrong about why Blacks dominate some sports, when earlier you said his theories were the answer? Which is it? I mean, I think statistically there should be some unsually talented White sprinters in the Olympics and alot more White running backs, but it's pretty obvious to an objective observer that sprinting is where Blacks enjoy the maximum physical advantages over Whites. I think you're just trying to craw-dad to avoid honing up to your position, the typical Black and liberal position, namely that Blacks-are-equal-to-White-except-Where-They-Are-Superior. Supremacism by any other name, no matter how you sugarcoat it.

And yeah, I'm abit hostile. Let me put this in terms you can understand. Imagine you won a big race, won so bad it wasn't even funny. Imagine that the guy who came in 2nd, or better yet, dead last, tried to question your natural talent, said he could beat you any day of the week except for a thousand and one excuses. You'd be abit hostile. Imagine you re-ran the race ad infinitum, winning, but each and every time, some new excuse was concieved, the losers constantly trying to shift blame to you. Eventually you would get abit hostile. That race is civilization, and the winner is the White race.

Futuregohan30 said:
White_Savage said:
If race is only skin deep, why can forensic scientists determine a person's race from his or her skeleton with trivial ease? (The only cases that ever give any trouble AT ALL are, ironically in light of our discussion, half-breeds.)

And if race is only skin deep, what then of the vaunted "fast twitch muscle" superiority of black athletes.

So...Whites evolved in response to cold climates. No sh*t. (The idea that the common ancestor of all humans could technically be called a black or even that all three races HAVE common direct ancestor is btw, an idea still VERY open to debate.)

What the article doesn't mention is that in addition to pale skin, Whites at some point evolved higher intelligences (to aid in finding food, shelter, etc, in the harsher and less bountiful northern climate), greater tendency towards in-group social cooperation (ditto), and a greater tendency towards monogamy and child care by both sexes (distinct from the typical African pattern, probably because no female and offspring would likely survive in the North without a provisioning male. Come now people, if we're going to talk about us "mutant" Whites, let us tell the WHOLE story!

Bart said:
More from the instructional site Futuregohan provided. Is it possible whites owe everything to black progenitors? Are we the product of mutant black genes?
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 color=#000000 size=1&gt;Published: December 16, 2005 </font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 color=#000000&gt;Washington Post </font></font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 color=#000000&gt;</font></font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica12 color=#000000&gt;Scientists Find A DNA Change That Accounts For White Skin </font></font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" color=#000000&gt;&lt;FONT face=Arial&gt;By Rick Weiss </font></font>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 face=Arial color=#000000 size=1&gt;Scientists said yesterday that they have discovered a tiny genetic mutation that largely explains the first appearance of white skin in humans tens of thousands of years ago, a finding that helps solve one of biology's most enduring mysteries and illuminates one of humanity's greatest sources of strife. </font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 color=#000000&gt;&lt;FONT face=Arial size=1&gt;</font></font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 face=Arial color=#000000 size=1&gt;The work suggests that the skin-whitening mutation occurred by chance in a single individual after the first human exodus from Africa, when all people were brown-skinned. That person's offspring apparently thrived as humans moved northward into what is now Europe, helping to give rise to the lightest of the world's races. </font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 color=#000000&gt;&lt;FONT face=Arial size=1&gt;</font></font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 face=Arial color=#000000 size=1&gt;Leaders of the study, at Penn State University, warned against interpreting the finding as a discovery of "the race gene." Race is a vaguely defined biological, social and political concept, they noted, and skin color is only part of what race is -- and is not. </font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 color=#000000&gt;&lt;FONT face=Arial size=1&gt;</font></font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 face=Arial color=#000000 size=1&gt;In fact, several scientists said, the new work shows just how small a biological difference is reflected by skin color. The newly found mutation involves a change of just one letter of DNA code out of the 3.1 billion letters in the human genome -- the complete instructions for making a human being. </font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 color=#000000&gt;&lt;FONT face=Arial size=1&gt;</font></font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" color=#000000&gt;&lt;FONT face=Arial size=2&gt;"It's a major finding in a very sensitive area," said Stephen Oppenheimer, an expert in anthropological genetics at Oxford University, who was not involved in the work. "Almost all the differences used to differentiate populations from around the world really are skin deep."</font> </font></font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" color=#000000&gt;</font></div></font></div>

"So...Whites evolved in response to cold climates. No sh*t"
Chill out dude.No need to be so confrontational and hostile.

"What the article doesn't mention is that in addition to pale skin, Whites at some point evolved higher intelligences (to aid in finding food, shelter, etc, in the harsher and less bountiful northern climate), greater tendency towards in-group social cooperation (ditto), and a greater tendency towards monogamy and child care by both sexes (distinct from the typical African pattern, probably because no female and offspring would likely survive in the North without a provisioning male. Come now people, if we're going to talk about us "mutant" Whites, let us tell the WHOLE story!"
I higher intelligences could be evolved due to a harsh climate,then the sudanese,egyptians,nigerians and the ethiopians should by all means have been the smartest people on earth.It is not easy finding food or shelter in the desert,and we all know how harsh the weather can be.As a matter of fact,come to think of it,most of Africa has a pretty harsh environment.Even the sub saharan parts of africa,such as angola and namibia,had to deal with drought on a regular basis due to the close proximity of the desert.

Oh and btw,there were likely more predators in africa at that time,another thing that the africans had to contend with,not to mention the many diseases which plagued all of africa.
White_Savage said:
1. Intelligence tests SPECIFICALLY designed to be independent of cultural and educational factors, even literacy (read, based on perceptual logic and geometric shapes) STILL show blacks to lag behind the other races in I.Q. And by all rights, kids with less formal education should have MORE tendencyto develop spacial knowledge, not less. And segregrated Black schools were even more poorly funded-a matter which itself can be shown to to be irrelevant-back when Black academic achievement was actually BETTER. And why did busing/forced integration WORSEN this problem? The only thing I agree with is that the main problem with Black schools is that they're full of blacks.

--Hispanics-As I pointed out Earlier, Hispanics, as far as we can tell, have an average I.Q. between 90-95 and only commit crimes at a rate 4-6 times that of Whites, as opposed to 85 and 9-10 times for Blacks. If you think that makes Blacks and Hispanics comparable in these areas, then you have a typical African's grasp of math.

And by the by, if I am such an evil, blind, ignorant "White Supremacist", why would I point out that Asians average a little higher than WHITES on I.Q. tests?

No psychologist or psychometrican, even the biggest liberals, disputes that the races differ in average intelligence, though they will rather dispute the causes. But the arguments against genetic differences are weak, getting weaker all the time, and your lame assertion of "inadequate funds" and "It ain't cool to study in the hood" don't hold water. Come to think of it, the explanation of "Blacks could learn, but they won't," is if anything, MORE insulting to Blacks than pointing out that there God-given I.Q. is simply lower.

2. You keep saying "comparable to Europe at the time". The West African kingdoms were at their height during the High Middle Ages and Rennaisance. It's not really comparable. You'd be better off comparing them to neolithic Europeans. You have yet to explain why no
legitamate historian, even the biggest liberals, honestly tries to assert that the African kingdoms ever achieved the level of Europe or Asia.

You might read "Guns, Germs, and Steel" by Jared Diamond. It's BS ultimately of course, but his tack of providing excuses for Non-Eurasian Non-Achievment works better than trying to conjure achievements out of thin air.

In any case, no one (I think) will assert that the Black race never produced a genius capable of original invention. Statistically, they will crop up occasionally in every race. History and modern psychometrics just show they'll crop up alot more in Europeans and Asians. But the average level of society is important for maintaining an enviroment for progress. If George Washington Carver, or Charlie Drew (Technically a mixex person, but I'll alow it) had not lived in White society, they likely wouldn't have had the opportunity to achieve. Given the typical African temperament, a sickly and introverted person like Carver probably wouldn't have even lived to majority.

2. Most scientists don't believe Blacks evolved in desert areas, but in forested areas. In any case, this obviosuly the enviroment where West African blacks come from. You know I was watching "Going Tribal" on the Discovery Channel the other day, when our man was journeying amongst the Babango of West Africa. They start out hunting monkeys to get some meat fo the village, but get tired, and no matter, theres some fish in the stream that can be easily arrowed, and then a nice nap. Meanwhile, the women back at the village have picked plenty of fruit for themselves, as they easily and apparently often can do. An idyllic existence, but nothing like scraping out a living off of some wretched semi-tundra with four distinct seasons and killer winters for developing the wits, single-minded detirmination, and long term planning.

Further, your contention that Africa had more predators is not accurate. Europe had lions, wolves, and largest and most dangerous carnivore of all, bears. Europeans just managed to kill them all is the thing. A little harsh, but certainly points out the difference between Europeanoid and Africoid levels of get-up-and-go.

Europeans and Asians had more and harsher diseases than tribal peoples, because of their high population densities and proximity to livestock. Thats why Indians and Africans suffered from European diseases so much. But epidemic disease is dis-eugenic. It does not select for intelligence or strength, but for random mutations of immunity. So it likely had a indifferent or negative effect on Eurasian population's I.Q. and athleticism.

Also the men of the Babango tribe walked, gestured, and danced pretty much the Afro-Americans they are completely culturally isolated from. Explain that one to me.

3. I can't imagine why someone who defends his African heritage so vigorously at the same time sings the praises of homogenizing humanity into the interchangeable tan-everyman-something which is being done btw, by a certain elite to make us effecient little cogs in the machine of global sameness. This is a sure sign of a hatred of White racial identity so profound that it wipes out even love for African racial identity.

We live in a world where obscure species of fish and moss are considered worthy of preservation. What insanity is it that the distinct races of man should pass away?

Also, Whites are history's least ethnocentric people
and least cruel masters. For a thousand years, Muslim pirates in the Caribean captured Christians as slaves. Over the centuries, more Whites than African were sold into slavery. Where are their descendants in Muslim countries? Come to think of it, where are the many Negros that were sold into slavery all over the Muslim world? (Black slaves were even sold into slavery in China, however, the law of that very "enlightened" state required that they be castrated.)
Meanshile, the Black slaves of American Whites survived and flourished, even enjoyed protections under the law inconcievable for slaves in any other epoch. Whites tore their country apart in a pang of concious to free the slaves, an unprecedented action in history. Only Whites have not only voluntarily freed those in bondage, but even gone to the ridiculous absurdity of setting lesser peoples above themselves. For every tear caused by a White man, ten thousand have been wiped by his natural kindness and pragmatic technological inventiveness.

4. So now Jon Entine is wrong about why Blacks dominate some sports, when earlier you said his theories were the answer? Which is it? I mean, I think statistically there should be some unsually talented White sprinters in the Olympics and alot more White running backs, but it's pretty obvious to an objective observer that sprinting is where Blacks enjoy the maximum physical advantages over Whites. I think you're just trying to craw-dad to avoid honing up to your position, the typical Black and liberal position, namely that Blacks-are-equal-to-White-except-Where-They-Are-Superior. Supremacism by any other name, no matter how you sugarcoat it.

And yeah, I'm abit hostile. Let me put this in terms you can understand. Imagine you won a big race, won so bad it wasn't even funny. Imagine that the guy who came in 2nd, or better yet, dead last, tried to question your natural talent, said he could beat you any day of the week except for a thousand and one excuses. You'd be abit hostile. Imagine you re-ran the race ad infinitum, winning, but each and every time, some new excuse was concieved, the losers constantly trying to shift blame to you. Eventually you would get abit hostile. That race is civilization, and the winner is the White race.

Futuregohan30 said:
White_Savage said:
If race is only skin deep, why can forensic scientists determine a person's race from his or her skeleton with trivial ease? (The only cases that ever give any trouble AT ALL are, ironically in light of our discussion, half-breeds.)

And if race is only skin deep, what then of the vaunted "fast twitch muscle" superiority of black athletes.

So...Whites evolved in response to cold climates. No sh*t. (The idea that the common ancestor of all humans could technically be called a black or even that all three races HAVE common direct ancestor is btw, an idea still VERY open to debate.)

What the article doesn't mention is that in addition to pale skin, Whites at some point evolved higher intelligences (to aid in finding food, shelter, etc, in the harsher and less bountiful northern climate), greater tendency towards in-group social cooperation (ditto), and a greater tendency towards monogamy and child care by both sexes (distinct from the typical African pattern, probably because no female and offspring would likely survive in the North without a provisioning male. Come now people, if we're going to talk about us "mutant" Whites, let us tell the WHOLE story!

Bart said:
More from the instructional site Futuregohan provided. Is it possible whites owe everything to black progenitors? Are we the product of mutant black genes?
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 color=#000000 size=1&gt;Published: December 16, 2005 </font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 color=#000000&gt;Washington Post </font></font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 color=#000000&gt;</font></font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica12 color=#000000&gt;Scientists Find A DNA Change That Accounts For White Skin </font></font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" color=#000000&gt;&lt;FONT face=Arial&gt;By Rick Weiss </font></font>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 face=Arial color=#000000 size=1&gt;Scientists said yesterday that they have discovered a tiny genetic mutation that largely explains the first appearance of white skin in humans tens of thousands of years ago, a finding that helps solve one of biology's most enduring mysteries and illuminates one of humanity's greatest sources of strife. </font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 color=#000000&gt;&lt;FONT face=Arial size=1&gt;</font></font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 face=Arial color=#000000 size=1&gt;The work suggests that the skin-whitening mutation occurred by chance in a single individual after the first human exodus from Africa, when all people were brown-skinned. That person's offspring apparently thrived as humans moved northward into what is now Europe, helping to give rise to the lightest of the world's races. </font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 color=#000000&gt;&lt;FONT face=Arial size=1&gt;</font></font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 face=Arial color=#000000 size=1&gt;Leaders of the study, at Penn State University, warned against interpreting the finding as a discovery of "the race gene." Race is a vaguely defined biological, social and political concept, they noted, and skin color is only part of what race is -- and is not. </font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 color=#000000&gt;&lt;FONT face=Arial size=1&gt;</font></font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 face=Arial color=#000000 size=1&gt;In fact, several scientists said, the new work shows just how small a biological difference is reflected by skin color. The newly found mutation involves a change of just one letter of DNA code out of the 3.1 billion letters in the human genome -- the complete instructions for making a human being. </font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 color=#000000&gt;&lt;FONT face=Arial size=1&gt;</font></font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" color=#000000&gt;&lt;FONT face=Arial size=2&gt;"It's a major finding in a very sensitive area," said Stephen Oppenheimer, an expert in anthropological genetics at Oxford University, who was not involved in the work. "Almost all the differences used to differentiate populations from around the world really are skin deep."</font> </font></font></div>
<div>&lt;FONT =Helvetica10 face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" color=#000000&gt;</font></div></font></div>

"So...Whites evolved in response to cold climates. No sh*t"
Chill out dude.No need to be so confrontational and hostile.

"What the article doesn't mention is that in addition to pale skin, Whites at some point evolved higher intelligences (to aid in finding food, shelter, etc, in the harsher and less bountiful northern climate), greater tendency towards in-group social cooperation (ditto), and a greater tendency towards monogamy and child care by both sexes (distinct from the typical African pattern, probably because no female and offspring would likely survive in the North without a provisioning male. Come now people, if we're going to talk about us "mutant" Whites, let us tell the WHOLE story!"
I higher intelligences could be evolved due to a harsh climate,then the sudanese,egyptians,nigerians and the ethiopians should by all means have been the smartest people on earth.It is not easy finding food or shelter in the desert,and we all know how harsh the weather can be.As a matter of fact,come to think of it,most of Africa has a pretty harsh environment.Even the sub saharan parts of africa,such as angola and namibia,had to deal with drought on a regular basis due to the close proximity of the desert.

Oh and btw,there were likely more predators in africa at that time,another thing that the africans had to contend with,not to mention the many diseases which plagued all of africa.

"--Hispanics-As I pointed out Earlier, Hispanics, as far as we can tell, have an average I.Q. between 90-95 and only commit crimes at a rate 4-6 times that of Whites, as opposed to 85 and 9-10 times for Blacks. If you think that makes Blacks and Hispanics comparable in these areas, then you have a typical African's grasp of math."
Nice of you to throw that insult in at the end there.It's clear that you are not capable of debating without using some sort of derogatory term,so i wont bother pointing it out anymore.
Either way,a 5 point I.Q. difference does not seem to different to me.

"No psychologist or psychometrican, even the biggest liberals, disputes that the races differ in average intelligence, though they will rather dispute the causes. But the arguments against genetic differences are weak, getting weaker all the time, and your lame assertion of "inadequate funds" and "It ain't cool to study in the hood" don't hold water. Come to think of it, the explanation of "Blacks could learn, but they won't," is if anything, MORE insulting to Blacks than pointing out that there God-given I.Q. is simply lower"

Well,it's true.It isnt cool to study in the hood.As i said before,black american culture is a major reason why black american society is in the state that it is in now.As far as I'm concerned,that explaination holds plenty of water.

"2. You keep saying "comparable to Europe at the time". The West African kingdoms were at their height during the High Middle Ages and Rennaisance. It's not really comparable. You'd be better off comparing them to neolithic Europeans. You have yet to explain why no
legitamate historian, even the biggest liberals, honestly tries to assert that the African kingdoms ever achieved the level of Europe or Asia."

As I said before,they may not have had the same amount of territory as greece,rome or china,but the standard of living in the Kongo was not too much worse than the standard of living in many parts of europe at the time.Thats all I'm saying.This does not seem too far fetched to me.

"An idyllic existence, but nothing like scraping out a living off of some wretched semi-tundra with four distinct seasons and killer winters for developing the wits, single-minded detirmination, and long term planning."
If this logic holds true,then the Aboriginees are every bit,if not,more intelligent than whites.Life in the Outback must be quite harsh,considering that the temperature is always high and that 9 out of the worlds 10 most poisonous snakes live there,not to mention all the scorpions and poisonous spiders.

"Further, your contention that Africa had more predators is not accurate. Europe had lions, wolves, and largest and most dangerous carnivore of all, bears. Europeans just managed to kill them all is the thing. A little harsh, but certainly points out the difference between Europeanoid and Africoid levels of get-up-and-go."

Well,tyhe africans had to contend with Lions,leopards,cheetahs,wild dogs,hyenas,crocodiles,and poisonous snakes and insects.I think it evens out.
Whereas most european diseases originated due to their own bad hygiene,the african diseases were already there.
Further more,I dont know if you knew this,but many african tribes are known for their proximity to livestock.As a matter of fact,they used livestock as a symbol of status.therefore,your assessment that europeans had harsher diseases due to their cattle is false.

"3. I can't imagine why someone who defends his African heritage so vigorously at the same time sings the praises of homogenizing humanity into the interchangeable tan-everyman-something which is being done btw, by a certain elite to make us effecient little cogs in the machine of global sameness. This is a sure sign of a hatred of White racial identity so profound that it wipes out even love for African racial identity."
Look,I am not saying that everyone should seek out a mate from a different race.I am simply saying that interracial marriage is not a bad thing and could help to ease tensions between races,which would benefit everybody.
Like I said before,a world in which there is more blending of races cannot be much worse than a world in which different races do nothing but fight.

"Also, Whites are history's least ethnocentric people
and least cruel masters. For a thousand years, Muslim pirates in the Caribean captured Christians as slaves. Over the centuries, more Whites than African were sold into slavery. Where are their descendants in Muslim countries? Come to think of it, where are the many Negros that were sold into slavery all over the Muslim world? (Black slaves were even sold into slavery in China, however, the law of that very "enlightened" state required that they be castrated.)
Meanshile, the Black slaves of American Whites survived and flourished, even enjoyed protections under the law inconcievable for slaves in any other epoch. Whites tore their country apart in a pang of concious to free the slaves, an unprecedented action in history. Only Whites have not only voluntarily freed those in bondage, but even gone to the ridiculous absurdity of setting lesser peoples above themselves. For every tear caused by a White man, ten thousand have been wiped by his natural kindness and pragmatic technological inventiveness."

White slavemasters in the carribean would punish slaves by burying them up to their heads in sand and covering them in honey so the ferocious red ants could EAT THEM ALIVE.

King Leopolds soldiers in the Congo in 1890 were known to round up villagers and cut off their hands,then hang them up out in the sun like drying clothes.In some cases,they were known to EAT the villagers.

Native americans who did not bring in the alloted black quarterback of gold in central america had their hands chpped off and were left to bleed to death.
Admittedly,these cases were no worse than those of the mongols,for example,who were known to pour molten silver into the eyes of individuals.But you certainly were no better than them.
And you are correct,white people did do a lot to free slaves.Yet at the same time,they did try to legally persecute them after that.But wither way,we are on a better path to racial peace right now since most whites are no longer educated to look down upon everybody else the way you do.

"4. So now Jon Entine is wrong about why Blacks dominate some sports, when earlier you said his theories were the answer? Which is it? I mean, I think statistically there should be some unsually talented White sprinters in the Olympics and alot more White running backs, but it's pretty obvious to an objective observer that sprinting is where Blacks enjoy the maximum physical advantages over Whites. I think you're just trying to craw-dad to avoid honing up to your position, the typical Black and liberal position, namely that Blacks-are-equal-to-White-except-Where-They-Are-Superior. Supremacism by any other name, no matter how you sugarcoat it."

No,that is not what I said.I said that social aspects may be a PART of the reason for racial domination in some sports.It could very well be part of the reason why certain ethnicities do not participate in certain sports.

I also believe that,statistically,there should be more black hockey players and nascar drivers.Maybe whites have some sort of advantage in those two arenas?
And I'm not trying to "craw dad" out of anything(that must be a new phrase,i've never heard it before).I am simply trying to propose new solutions to the problem,and maybe find an answer.
And,once again,please stop trying to read my mind,I am not trying to say that blacks are superior to whites in anyway.The only one pitching racial supremacism of anykind here is you.

"And yeah, I'm abit hostile. Let me put this in terms you can understand. Imagine you won a big race, won so bad it wasn't even funny. Imagine that the guy who came in 2nd, or better yet, dead last, tried to question your natural talent, said he could beat you any day of the week except for a thousand and one excuses. You'd be abit hostile. Imagine you re-ran the race ad infinitum, winning, but each and every time, some new excuse was concieved, the losers constantly trying to shift blame to you. Eventually you would get abit hostile. That race is civilization, and the winner is the White race."

I am,once again,not saying we could beat you.I am simply saying that blacks are not the "loin cloth wearing savages" that you make them out to be.
Futuregohan30 said:
Kaptain Poop said:
Interesting conversation. I love history. Gohan, I noticed the information resources you posted nearly all dealt with the Northern half of Africa. How would you explain the fact that nearly every African claim of greatness comes from the Northern part of the continent such as Egypt or Carthage? Even liberal high school World History textbooks repeat this same phenomenon. What happened to the southern half of the continent?

Nearly every white empire throughout history spread its advances in technology and culture to every region of the Earth inhabited by white people. This happened no matter how harsh the climate and living conditions of the region (ie Scandinavia - Iceland). So what happened to the Southern portion of Africa? How did they so clearly get left behind?

Africa has traditionally been known as the dark continent:the fact is,despite the fact that trade had been running through the continent for many centuries(and this trade had made many sub saharan states extremeley wealthy),many people outside of africa knew very little about it.They had never really ventured to far inland.A few dutch people did venture to the Kongo empire,but the fact is for a great period of time,many people just did not know about the place.

Egypt may have gained more fame due to the fact that it was closer to european cultures,and therefore came into contact with them more(alexander the great,marc antony,etc.).This lead to much more exposure for egypt,but naturally every other african empire pretty much got left behind due to the fact that they had not had nearly as much exposure to the europeans as egypt had.
Another reason may have been the Africans tendency to stay at home.With the exception of Hannibal and the Carthagenians,pretty much every african kingdom stayed in Africa.Kingdoms like the Kongo and Ghana simply expanded by conquering neighboring groups,but they did not consider venturing all the way across the world to conquer europe.They simply did not aspire to venture everywhere and just conquer everything like the more imperialistic Europeans and Asians.They simply fought amongst themselves,and this would therefore lead to a limited spread of their culture due to the fact that there werent really all that many other peoples to spread it to.

Today,artifacts from other african empires are still being discovered.The history of the kongo empire is still being pieced together today.It's major city,Great zimbabwe,was only discovered relatively recently.Africa is still ,to some extent,the dark continent,and as such,much information about the old african kingdoms still needs to be uncovered.

So it's not that they couldn't dominate European cultures, it's just that they didn't want to? So blacks have a natural tendency against violence, raping, and pillaging other peoples? Surely you can't be that naive. Your fooling yourself if you think that they (subsaharan Africa) could even come close to conquering Europe.

Higher developed cultures, no matter how distant a land they came from, were always able to spread their culture and influence through trade and exploration. Just look at the Vikings - their influence spread throughout every continent through trade. Did Subsaharans have no desire to trade or explore? A lack of desire to advance their civilizations?Edited by: Kaptain Poop
Kaptain Poop said:
Futuregohan30 said:
Kaptain Poop said:
Interesting conversation. I love history. Gohan, I noticed the information resources you posted nearly all dealt with the Northern half of Africa. How would you explain the fact that nearly every African claim of greatness comes from the Northern part of the continent such as Egypt or Carthage? Even liberal high school World History textbooks repeat this same phenomenon. What happened to the southern half of the continent?

Nearly every white empire throughout history spread its advances in technology and culture to every region of the Earth inhabited by white people. This happened no matter how harsh the climate and living conditions of the region (ie Scandinavia - Iceland). So what happened to the Southern portion of Africa? How did they so clearly get left behind?

Africa has traditionally been known as the dark continent:the fact is,despite the fact that trade had been running through the continent for many centuries(and this trade had made many sub saharan states extremeley wealthy),many people outside of africa knew very little about it.They had never really ventured to far inland.A few dutch people did venture to the Kongo empire,but the fact is for a great period of time,many people just did not know about the place.

Egypt may have gained more fame due to the fact that it was closer to european cultures,and therefore came into contact with them more(alexander the great,marc antony,etc.).This lead to much more exposure for egypt,but naturally every other african empire pretty much got left behind due to the fact that they had not had nearly as much exposure to the europeans as egypt had.
Another reason may have been the Africans tendency to stay at home.With the exception of Hannibal and the Carthagenians,pretty much every african kingdom stayed in Africa.Kingdoms like the Kongo and Ghana simply expanded by conquering neighboring groups,but they did not consider venturing all the way across the world to conquer europe.They simply did not aspire to venture everywhere and just conquer everything like the more imperialistic Europeans and Asians.They simply fought amongst themselves,and this would therefore lead to a limited spread of their culture due to the fact that there werent really all that many other peoples to spread it to.

Today,artifacts from other african empires are still being discovered.The history of the kongo empire is still being pieced together today.It's major city,Great zimbabwe,was only discovered relatively recently.Africa is still ,to some extent,the dark continent,and as such,much information about the old african kingdoms still needs to be uncovered.

So it's not that they couldn't dominate European cultures, it's just that they didn't want to? So blacks have a natural tendency against violence, raping, and pillaging other peoples? Surely you can't be that naive. Your fooling yourself if you think that they (subsaharan Africa) could even come close to conquering Europe.

Higher developed cultures, no matter how distant a land they came from, were always able to spread their culture and influence through trade and exploration. Just look at the Vikings - their influence spread throughout every continent through trade. Did Subsaharans have no desire to trade or explore? A lack of desire to advance their civilizations?

Even if they couldnt have won,the African civilizations still could have tried to venture to europe and try to take them over.It would not have been too farfetched.
Remember how before I said that there was an afrcian warrior queen in angola who actually managed to hold off the europeans for a long period of time before finally capitulating in the 17th century?And then there was shaka zulu who was a military genius.

In other words,africans were capable of fighting europeans,and even if they werent,they still could have tried to establish imperialistic goals.However,they never did this.Maybe they simply did not have that desire to explore the world that was had by everybody else.
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