White_Savage said:I thought I'd interpolate a few facts.
Indeed, a few times in Africa's history, you do see territories rising above the level of the tribal band to the "super tribal" level. But comparing them to Rome, China, or even say Medieval France in terms of organization, long life, power, and achievement is a stretch. They were more like the jack-leg states in Feudal Europe that no historian has any problem calling "Semi-barbaric" kingdoms, the direct result of an individual or family of forceful and unusually intelligent Africans. If Mali was a great civiliation, why then the Visigoths were history's greatest Empire!
The fact remains that most of these states came and went of their own unstable accord, and the very failure of these "civilizations" to resist conquest by Muslims and later by Whites-at all-demonstrates that they were very thin on the ground at best.
SK always paints his case with a rather broad brush, but his points on the lack of native African inventions remain. (Afro-Centric conspiracy theories aside).
The most Liberal historians do not dispute the fact that the rest of the world fell far behind Eurasia, though the Jared Diamond types do attempt to make lame excuses that have nothing to do with average I.Q.
It is very telling that MesoAmericans developed civilizatons that dwarf anything Africans ever produced in terms of size and social organization, even though they had no access to gradual diffusion of old world ideas and technologies like Africa did.
More to the point, none of this ancient history has anything to do with modern times. Whether or not in Africa someone once built a building, the black-the world over-has a much lower I.Q. and much higher tendecies towards behaviors that are considered criminal and anti-social in White (and Asian) societies.
The "blank slate" theory of psychology has been thrown out the window, and genetics is every day shown by science to be more of a factor. Thus, there is as much, if not more, evidence for black un-intelligence and criminality being genetic as for black success in track being genetic, and to claim otherwise is the basest of hypocrisys.
Gohan, you speak about White Supremacism, yet you are the
one who both lays claim to the things blacks are better at than Whites, while simultaneosly attempting to rationalize away all black failings.
Gohan, to a degree I feel sorry for you and must even emphathize. My views on race used to be extremely liberal, the exact opposite of what they are now, precisely because there are highly intelligent and civilized Africans like yourself to be found. But, despite our American concepts of individuality, the group average ultimately matters alot more than exceptional individual. Life in general is a game of probabilities...it just doesn't pay (on average) to take a gamble on the civilizability of Africans, despite the existence of individuals like you.
"Indeed, a few times in Africa's history, you do see territories rising above the level of the tribal band to the "super tribal" level. But comparing them to Rome, China, or even say Medieval France in terms of organization, long life, power, and achievement is a stretch. They were more like the jack-leg states in Feudal Europe that no historian has any problem calling "Semi-barbaric" kingdoms"
So,despite the info I have posed to you,you still deny that Africans can create a working civilization?They werent "semi barbaric" dude.They were working,functioning states.And yes,I do compare them to rome and the other empires you mentioned.The fact is,while they did not conquer as much territory as those opther empires,they did have a perfectly acceptable working civilization that did flourish and become comparable to any civilization that was in europe at the time.Some say that they were actually MORE advanced than certain territories in europe.To brush this off and just call them "semi barbaric super tribes" is just ignorant,and shows that you are not willing to accept this fact.
"The fact remains that most of these states came and went of their own unstable accord, and the very failure of these "civilizations" to resist conquest by Muslims and later by Whites-at all-demonstrates that they were very thin on the ground at best"
Any empire can be conquered.Every empire rises,and falls at some point.It happense to every single one.How do you explain the civilised and organized chinese falling to the rather barbaric mongols in the 13th century?
The fact is,every empire is bound to fall,and saying that their fall shows how unstable they were is simply ludicrous.Thats like me saying that China was unstable before the 13th century.
"It is very telling that MesoAmericans developed civilizatons that dwarf anything Africans ever produced in terms of size and social organization, even though they had no access to gradual diffusion of old world ideas and technologies like Africa did."
I do not deny that.I greatly respect native american culture.But I have already told you about the axumites and the nubians.How do you explain those humongous stone pillars in ethiopia today that arose in Kush all that time ago?
"More to the point, none of this ancient history has anything to do with modern times. Whether or not in Africa someone once built a building, the black-the world over-has a much lower I.Q. and much higher tendecies towards behaviors that are considered criminal and anti-social in White (and Asian) societies."
I know that,and I have told you why.The reson i bring up ancient history is to actually prove my point.You see,because of the state of black americans today,people do say that this criminality is genetic,and that africans would not be able to accomplish anything on their own.By proving that blacks were actually civil before the arrival of europeans,I can also prove that the current state of african american culture is cultural.
"Thus, there is as much, if not more, evidence for black un-intelligence and criminality being genetic as for black success in track being genetic, and to claim otherwise is the basest of hypocrisys."
Oh really? There is a gene for black criminality now?Wow.Is there a gene for pedophilia as well?or for pyromania?Because those two issues are almost 100 percent associated with whites.
as for the black successs in track,i have already told you that whites have advantages in certain areas at well(O Line,QB).As far as I'm concerned,those even out,so i do not know why you are calling me a black supremacist.
Anyway,I have never heard of such a gene being identified,and it sounds more like white supremacist ideology to me.
"Gohan, you speak about White Supremacism, yet you are the
one who both lays claim to the things blacks are better at than Whites, while simultaneosly attempting to rationalize away all black failings"
I also lay claim to the things whites are better at than blacks,as you will see if you read back through my posts.
As for me rationalizing away black failings,well,I naturally have ground to stand on when I do that.It is perfectly logical to claim that black american culture is greatly influenced by the tragic events of the past:slavery and the jim crow laws.This only makes sense.The civil rights movement did not even end until 1970,and it is only reasonable to assume that blacks are still feeling the effects of it.
When you say I am "rationalizing black failings" you act as though blacks have been on completely equal terms since they got here,when in fact they havent.