Hillary Clinton

Here's the actual article on his website that covers this. After reading this, it makes sense why Comey is re-opening the investigation.

Here's an excerpt:
NYPD detectives and a NYPD Chief, the department’s highest rank under Commissioner, said openly that if the FBI and Justice Department fail to garner timely indictments against Clinton and co- conspirators, NYPD will go public with the damaging emails now in the hands of FBI Director James Comey and many FBI field offices.

“What’s in the emails is staggering and as a father, it turned my stomach,” the NYPD Chief said. “There is not going to be any Houdini-like escape from what we found. We have copies of everything. We will ship them to Wikileaks or I will personally hold my own press conference if it comes to that.”

The NYPD Chief said once Comey saw the alarming contents of the emails he was forced to reopen a criminal probe against Clinton.

“People are going to prison,” he said.

Meanwhile, FBI sources said Abedin and Weiner were cooperating with federal agents, who have taken over the non-sexting portions the case from NYPD. The husband-and-wife Clinton insiders are both shopping for separate immunity deals, sources said.

“If they don’t cooperate they are going to see long sentences,” a federal law enforcement source said.

NYPD sources said Weiner or Abedin stored all the emails in a massive Microsoft Outlook program on the laptop. The emails implicate other current and former members of Congress and one high-ranking Democratic Senator as having possibly engaged in criminal activity too, sources said.

Prosecutors in the office of US Attorney Preet Bharara have issued a subpoena for Weiner’s cell phones and travel records, law enforcement sources confirmed. NYPD said it planned to order the same phone and travel records on Clinton and Abedin, however, the FBI said it was in the process of requesting the identical records. Law enforcement sources are particularly interested in cell phone activity and travel to the Bahamas, U.S. Virgin Islands and other locations that sources would not divulge.

Not saying this isn't true but who is this true pundit guy? He seems to be the sole source for these allegations. A NYPD Chief? More unnamed sources that we won't hear from again.
I look at Michelle Obama as a a horse woman.
I hope and pray that Bubba's alleged sexual dalliances with children on the private island of the criminal (((Epstein))) all comes out along with all the rest of the dirt. This power structure, including its corporate media arm, is rotten to the core and has been for a long time. It needs to fall, and in a way that no one will ever forget or forgive what was done to this country and who all the perps were and are.
Yes the sordid details of "Rape Island" need to be found out. This sounds like something out of a b Hollywood movie, similar to Nicholas Cage's movie about finding the creator of a circulated snuff movie.
I checked out CNN for a bit. LOL, Don Lemon, overt and hyper homosexual had a glum look on his mug the entire time. LOL He knows whats going to happen on 11/8/16.

Ha ha, Heretic, we disagree only on the gender of little Barry's muscle bound "wife". Don't leave out Papa Doc Bush when u r discussing satanists! "All of them witches", as the anagram said in "Rosemary's Baby".
Funny you should mention that film. That's the film that was going through my mind the other day and other films like it, mostly from the 70's, when the doomed protagonist uncovers a dark conspiracy only to realize that when he tries to explain or convince others in power about it, they are involved themselves. "Race with the Devil" from 1975 starring Peter Fonda, "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" from 1978 starring Donald Sutherland, to name just a couple...as well as the power structure in Omaha as exposed in the book "The Franklin Coverup", which involved the Police Commissioner, Mayor, Chief Editor of the largest newspaper, leading entertainment and food critic, Bank Executive, all they way up the ladder to G. H.W. B. Remember the Congress "Call Boy" ring back then? Some sick stuff. They are still in power to this day, not just here, but in Britain and Western Europe too.
Funny you should mention that film. That's the film that was going through my mind the other day and other films like it, mostly from the 70's, when the doomed protagonist uncovers a dark conspiracy only to realize that when he tries to explain or convince others in power about it, they are involved themselves. "Race with the Devil" from 1975 starring Peter Fonda, "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" from 1978 starring Donald Sutherland, to name just a couple...as well as the power structure in Omaha as exposed in the book "The Franklin Coverup", which involved the Police Commissioner, Mayor, Chief Editor of the largest newspaper, leading entertainment and food critic, Bank Executive, all they way up the ladder to G. H.W. B. Remember the Congress "Call Boy" ring back then? Some sick stuff. They are still in power to this day, not just here, but in Britain and Western Europe too.

Here is the original "Invasion of the Body Snatchers", 1956:

This is something:

Another bomb will have to be dropped to really secure the Trump victory. Come on Wikileaks or FBI. Where is the MSM? in Hillary's foul pant suit. God help us.
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When terms such as "NWO Satanists" are used to describe the ruling class of this country, I always thought it was a slight exaggeration. Check out this email, obtained and published by Wikileaks, where Hillary's inner circle are casually discussing "Spirit Cooking," which is apparently a Satanic/Occultist concoction of blood, breastmilk, and seaman. "Is your brother joining?" refers to John Podesta...


Marina Abramovic is a conceptual artist from Serbia with ties to the occult, black magic, and satanism. There's no way to prove any of this...but are we really surprised that the freaks from Hillary's camp are involved in this type of activity?
Hillary had a funny gaffe yesterday in NC, calling the Democratic candidate "Ray Cooper" instead of "Roy Cooper," haha...

God help us. We always knew we were dealing with evil people, and I had my suspicions that they were demonic, but now we know they are (or at least believe themselves to be).

Friday has come and gone (almost) and no big stories have hit. Hillary's 33,000 or 60,000 or 650,000 or whatever number of emails, supposedly hacked by 5 different countries did not see the light of day. Despite dire warnings from people like Julian Assange, who repeatedly promised to release information that would have her arrested, produced little, the information out now, while incriminating, is not the kind of stuff that would immediately cause her to quit or be forced to.

What did happen to the emails? Does someone have them or not? Releasing them before the election would have primarily benefited Trump. There may have been better reasons to keep them until she is elected and then use them as black mail. However if she loses, the value of them drops to nothing. Ideally a deal should have been struck with the Trump campaign to release them.

All the actors that were supposed to act, for the good of the country, or whatever, the NYPD, the FBI, have balked. Releasing sensational stories about satanic rituals only clouds the story more, even if true it is so far out there that the risk is it will not be taken seriously and discredit anyone supporting it.

Was it only Podesta that was hacked? I haven't seen emails from anyone else put out by wikileaks.
The SD released an HRC email she sent to Chelsea (who used an alias "Diane Reynolds") from her private server with heavily redacted classified info. If that does not show intent, I don't know what does. She should be arrested for treason.

ETA: http://dailycaller.com/2016/11/04/h...arded-classified-information-to-her-daughter/

"Hillary Clinton deleted a 2009 email in which she forwarded classified information to her daughter, Chelsea. The email was released on Friday by the State Department. It is one of thousands of emails recovered by the FBI from Clinton’s private email server."
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Friday has come and gone (almost) and no big stories have hit. Hillary's 33,000 or 60,000 or 650,000 or whatever number of emails, supposedly hacked by 5 different countries did not see the light of day. Despite dire warnings from people like Julian Assange, who repeatedly promised to release information that would have her arrested, produced little, the information out now, while incriminating, is not the kind of stuff that would immediately cause her to quit or be forced to.

What did happen to the emails? Does someone have them or not? Releasing them before the election would have primarily benefited Trump. There may have been better reasons to keep them until she is elected and then use them as black mail. However if she loses, the value of them drops to nothing. Ideally a deal should have been struck with the Trump campaign to release them.

All the actors that were supposed to act, for the good of the country, or whatever, the NYPD, the FBI, have balked. Releasing sensational stories about satanic rituals only clouds the story more, even if true it is so far out there that the risk is it will not be taken seriously and discredit anyone supporting it.

Was it only Podesta that was hacked? I haven't seen emails from anyone else put out by wikileaks.
DNC computer hacked. Caused Washerwoman Shultz to be fired as DNC chairwoman.
Assange said today that Trump "won't be allowed to win".

We'll see. This is the ENTIRE Leftist/Communist Jewish power structure against We The People (those of us who have any sense). The end of the Republic is near or it is going to have a chance at surviving. Either way, troubling and perilous times ahead. We would also do well to pray for the safety of Donald Trump win or lose.
Since Her Hagliness can't draw crowds by herself, she enlisted the help of Beyoncé (virulently anti-white, BLM activist) and her gangster rapper husband, "Jay Z." You know, that former NYC drug dealer who stabbed a music producer a few years back and has written infinite "songs" centered around drug use, narcotics distribution, the pimping of prostitutes, guns, gang warfare, street violence, soliciting strippers, having promiscuous sex with countless women, and lyrics which heavily feature terms such as "nigga," "bitches," "hoes," "fagg-t," etc.

These are irrefutable facts and the so-called "anti-racist," "pro-feminist" and "pro-gay" politician may be the most collasal hypocrite of all time for soliciting the help of these vile cretins...


Perhaps Jay-Z's hit song, the eloquently-named "Big Pimpin" [sic], is Hillary's favorite new song? I know it's always been quite popular with the feminists to show dozens of scantily-clad women gyrating for leering men (and being fondled) in rap videos...

After listening to this profound, woman-empowering love ballad, "grab them by the pussy" suddenly doesn't sound so controversial.

"Yo, ya'll muvafuckaz gett outt dere en vote for my white ho, Hillary, on Novemba da eiff!"
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I have to disagree with the notion that no major bombshells have been exposed with the wikileaks. Wikileaks has blown the top off the current elitist power structure in this country. It is probably the most amazing thing I have experienced in terms of a political/social upheaval (even more than 9/11). They can't cover this stuff up anymore and the power of wikileaks and renegade hackers have become a great equalizer in terms exposing the elitists.
I have to disagree with the notion that no major bombshells have been exposed with the wikileaks. Wikileaks has blown the top off the current elitist power structure in this country. It is probably the most amazing thing I have experienced in terms of a political/social upheaval (even more than 9/11). They can't cover this stuff up anymore and the power of wikileaks and renegade hackers have become a great equalizer in terms exposing the elitists.

No question. This stuff is so far beyond any previous political scandals involving national figures that there's no comparison. And what makes it appear not to be to some is that the "mainstream media" is part and parcel of it all, still working non-stop to limit the number of Americans who learn about it.

If fully revealed to the public, this is potentially revolution-igniting, the kind that topples regimes, even one as seemingly ominpotent (arrogant and filled with hubris) as the Washington establishment and its many tentacles. There's still a good chance that Crooked Hillary will win, by hook or crook, but the exposure of all this -- Wienergate or whatever it ends up being called -- will continue to seep out into the public consciousness through Fox News, conservative radio, and the alternative media. Trump has already caused tremendous damage to the establishment, and now the sheer scale of the establishment's corruption is slowly becoming known thanks to some very courageous men in addition to Trump -- Julian Assange and Wikileaks, some FBI agents, former and current military, elements of the NYPD, etc.
American Freedom News