Hillary Clinton

Also Weinergate might blow the top off of the whole Clinton Clan - supposedly tons of sick ****, ties to the Saudis/ISIS, violations of national security, witchcraft/devil worship and failure to adhere to the correct protocols while possessing a security clearance can all be tied to Clinton. I read an article over on infowars regarding the weinergate scandal that both Huma and Weiner have flipped and will cooperate. Obama is doing his best to cover this up with the corrupt DOJ right now. This is monumental stuff - I really thought the only way this sort of upheaval would happen is through an armed uprising but I guess I was wrong. If Trump loses the election I really won't be surprised to see some level unrest from the right in terms of targeting the elite, political leaders and media.

With all of this stuff coming out the media refuses to report on it because they would rather focus on Trump's "lewd" comments. How in the hell can anyone with half a brain vote for this bitch? It just goes to show Amerika's decline.
ANY White person that votes for the Whore after the appearance of those two disgusting pieces of cRap "artist" scum performed at her event deserves to be forced to live a year in South Chicago with the pukes that listen to this utter garbage and maybe get a bloody first-hand taste of "diversity" pervasive in their criminalistic and lewd "culture". These "entertainers" are the lowest form of vile filth.
ANY White person that votes for the Whore after the appearance of those two disgusting pieces of cRap "artist" scum performed at her event deserves to be forced to live a year in South Chicago with the pukes that listen to this utter garbage and maybe get a bloody first-hand taste of "diversity" pervasive in their criminalistic and lewd "culture". These "entertainers" are the lowest form of vile filth.

They don't really need people to vote for the hag, especially Despicables, ie sentient white people and intelligent non whites. They have the all important vote counting machine vote wrapped up, and the enemy owned mass media to run cover.
Some very damning stuff about "our girl" in today's wikileaks dump, including conversations about bribery, rampant media collusion, huge gifts from ISIS-sponsoring nations, Clinton Foundation corruption, and Hillary's feelings about "everyday Americans" (normal white people)...


If this was Trump's campaign, he'd have been hanged in the streets weeks ago. On TV media, this will be covered by Fox News only.
I have to disagree with the notion that no major bombshells have been exposed with the wikileaks. Wikileaks has blown the top off the current elitist power structure in this country. It is probably the most amazing thing I have experienced in terms of a political/social upheaval (even more than 9/11). They can't cover this stuff up anymore and the power of wikileaks and renegade hackers have become a great equalizer in terms exposing the elitists.
The arrogance (thinking they were untouchable), the passing of time and advanced age of the ruling elite (which includes the MSM) has ultimately worked against them. They know very-little-to-nothing about new technologies and can no longer rely solely on a complicit MSM whose function has morphed strictly into becoming gatekeepers of this same corrupt elite.

The setting up an unsecured server in her own private residence and storing and transmitting classified information with absolutely no encryption of the data on it and perhaps no firewall or a weak firewall, using Gmail (for god's sake) to transmit and store classified (and other personal salacious emails) that are not encrypted, implicating both the sender and all receivers, and using unsecured cell phones to send text messages and that track your every movement shows their extreme lack of knowledge regarding technology and how it works as well as their extreme hubris in thinking that it would or could never be discovered.

My guess is that many members of Congress are now scared sh*tless because they have done similar things. The frightening thing is that this gives them an imperative to create another major "false flag" or take action against some "enemy" (Russia, Iran, China) to rally Americans into a fever pitch to go to war while the real intention is to divert attention away from their criminal activities that they thought would forever remain unknown.
I don't think we can count on wikileaks for much of anything. Maybe they will release Trumps taxes.
I don't think we can count on wikileaks for much of anything. Maybe they will release Trumps taxes.

You obviously haven't been paying attention. Wikileaks has released tens of thousands of damaging emails. What more do you want them to do, initiate an armed takeover of the DOJ? They've done a tremendous job of exposing the utter corruption of the current system, and proven Trump's claims that it is rigged, correct.
Breaking News: Comey has now cleared The Hag AGAIN on the email scandal. I was worried that the ultra-compromised Comey would do this in a ploy to convince the braindead segment of the voting public that "see, Hillary really is innocent!"
What a joke of a system. I hope the faction of the FBI that has been outraged by the corruption of the bureau's "leadership" rises in revolt over this. With 2 days to go before the election, the Deep State is really pulling out all their dirty tricks. We need everyone on our side to stay focused and don't go wobbly or fade. Stay strong people.
Things will never be the same even if the Wicked Witch wins. Trump has caused too much damage to the PTB and opened too many eyes to how corrupt the system is. But Trump has to stay in the fight, he's the leader of the movement he started no matter how understandably tired he may be by now.
You obviously haven't been paying attention. Wikileaks has released tens of thousands of damaging emails. What more do you want them to do, initiate an armed takeover of the DOJ? They've done a tremendous job of exposing the utter corruption of the current system, and proven Trump's claims that it is rigged, correct.

I meant anything more that would further the narrative in a way that it would be impossible to ignore. Of course there has been damaging stuff. But it's not enough to ensure legal action or create the image that there should be more investigation.

But you're right, there isn't much more that can be done. If the legal system is going to ignore the evidence already provided then there probably isn't anything wikileaks could release that would change that.

A clear email about her health or pay-for-play would be good though.
I meant anything more that would further the narrative in a way that it would be impossible to ignore. Of course there has been damaging stuff. But it's not enough to ensure legal action or create the image that there should be more investigation.

But you're right, there isn't much more that can be done. If the legal system is going to ignore the evidence already provided then there probably isn't anything wikileaks could release that would change that.

A clear email about her health or pay-for-play would be good though.

Because the Justice Department and the Obama administration, showing how pure and impartial they are, determined there wasn't enough there, including the 650,000 emails on Weiner's laptop, for further investigation (of themselves)? lolol And what about the media? In their impartiality they too agreed there wasn't enough to "create the image that there should be more investigation."

You do have a curious tendency in your political posts to echo establishment talking points.
An irony in the last debate when asking Trump..."will you accept the election results if you lose"? Gasp...Almost like a set up.....Why Not Ask sHillary that "same question"?? They won't because of the Rigged System ...if Trump were to actually Win Tuesday...the hypocrites would somehow find a loop-hole demanding recounts & finding a way...the plan is already in place to get the witch in at all co$t...
Looking for Wikileaks to drop a huge bomb bwtn now and tomorrow morning. Search light is out and looking.
Doesn't matter how many more bombs they drop. The media won't report it, the FBI won't investigate, and the DOJ won't prosecute. As a certain presidential candidate says over and over, the system's rigged.
Doesn't matter how many more bombs they drop. The media won't report it, the FBI won't investigate, and the DOJ won't prosecute. As a certain presidential candidate says over and over, the system's rigged.

CNN IS FINISHED!!! New wikileaks DNC dump!!!

Subject: Cruz on CNN

CNN asking for questions for Ted Cruz interview. DNC insiders write to other DNC insiders with their official DNC emails:

"CNN is looking for questions. Please send some topical/interesting ones. Maybe a couple on Fiorina. Someone please take point and send them all together by 3pm. Thank you!"


Subject: Trump Questions for CNN

"Wolf Blitzer is interviewing Trump on Tues ahead of his foreign policy address on Wed.

Please send me thoughts by 10:30 AM tomorrow."



"You're invited to join the HFA Slack team

You've been granted access to the trump private channel on the Slack team for HFA by Alex Juarez (@hillaryclinton.com).

Slack is a messaging app for teams. It makes teamwork simpler, more pleasant, and more productive!

You need to create another account even though you've used Slack before with this email address."

The great 4th estate, CNN, getting fed questions by the DNC in an attempt to shape and mold the interview to their liking?
Doesn't matter how many more bombs they drop. The media won't report it, the FBI won't investigate, and the DOJ won't prosecute. As a certain presidential candidate says over and over, the system's rigged.

We've known the system was rigged for a long time. Donald Trump is tbe first prez candidate to come right out and talk about it. Other popular supposedly anti establishment candidates like Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan just stood there sucking on their thumbs as they were screwed by tbe ruling vampires. The ones that couldn't be silenced or made to cooperate, like Governors Long and Wallace, they gave them the JFK-Vince Foster treatment, tho Wallace survived badly crippled. The man with the gun in Nevada last night was the third attempt on Trump's life.

Note - since this is a sports forum - Gov. George Wallace was at one time a boxer. Donald Trump has also been very involved in tbe boxing world. Why don't i see Mike Tyson who is supposed to be his friend campaigning for him?
Considering that Tyson is a convicted rapist, it might not be a good idea for him to be campaigning for a candidate who is constantly being lambasted by the femocracy for treating groupies women with insufficient respect.
"Janet Reno, former US attorney general, has died"

That mass murderer of the innocents at Waco was another one of the evil drunken hag Hillary's lesbian lovers.
"Janet Reno, former US attorney general, has died"

That mass murderer of the innocents at Waco was another one of the evil drunken hag Hillary's lesbian lovers.

Was thinking the same thing myself today when I read this news. She won't be missed.
American Freedom News