Good Music Videos

A great romantic song by Andrea Bocelli of Italy and Sarah Brightman of England. It's pretty obvious by watching that the immensely talented Bocelli is blind.

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A great romantic song by Andrea Bocelli of Italy and Sarah Brightman of England. It's pretty obvious by watching that the immensely talented Bocelli is blind.

Back in 12/2010 I knew my Mother did not have many years to live. Me and a brother took this opportunity to treat my mom to a top shelf night of a great dinner and night of Andrea Bocelli in Los Angeles Ca. It was Christmas themed, but Andrea treated us with this epic piece. Ms Brightmen was not present, but Andrea had a competent black singer in her place. They sang this song, which was epic.

Fast foward to Christmas Eve 2011, the night my beloved Mother passed, she requested this song hours before her passing. I struggled that night knowing she would be gone the next day or so.

During her funeral, I made sure this song and the equally great song "Paradise" by Coldplay was played. Due to family coming in from around the country, her funeral was in Feburary. What a perfect and crisp Ca. day it was. I will never forget it.
There are other performances on YouTube where Ms. Brightman dropped 15 to 20 lbs, where her outstanding voice matched her outstanding body. Go to Andrea and Ms Brightman HQ. There, you will see White excellence in all regards.

Some fine congregational singing here....


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I was listening to this in the car today...


If anyone happens to be unsure of what constitutes power metal, here is an example:


Tom -

Funny lyrics. :icon_lol: I was well startled when the lady sang the "sniffing my undies" line...

Here's another song by Ashbury - I hope You enjoy it.


[video=youtube;Cwy0vQQBM1M][/video]Whenever I play someone an Ashbury tune, the listener assumes that the band is English - but they are actually American.

Too bad that Ashbury are virtually unknown for they are absolutely top-class and one of my favourite bands. In case You may be wondering, the "Endless Skies" album was released in 1983.
Argent - It's Only Money Part 2

I was surprised to find YouTube hasn't censored aggressive White skinhead music like this:


I normally like the hardest of heavy metal, but I’ve always been a huge fan of Ozzy Osbourne and Black Sabbath. I saw both bands in concert many times as a youngster in the mid-1990’s. My favorite of Ozzy’s solo albums is certainly “Ozzmosis,” featuring the great song: “I Just Want You.” My wife and I actually had our “first dance” to this song at our wedding reception. It was pretty awesome…


As for Don’s comment about “skinhead” music…users can “flag” pro-white videos or send in complaints about them, but Youtube itself rarely bans/removes videos unless they feature a blatant copyright infringement or something truly inappropriate (such as death threats, bomb-making or terrorism tutorials, porn, extreme violence against people or animals, someone dying, etc).

I wish I could find pro-white bands that aren’t that fast-talking “Oi” style. Does anyone know of any good ones?
As for Don’s comment about “skinheadâ€￾ music…users can “flagâ€￾ pro-white videos or send in complaints about them, but Youtube itself rarely bans/removes videos unless they feature a blatant copyright infringement or something truly inappropriate (such as death threats, bomb-making or terrorism tutorials, porn, extreme violence against people or animals, someone dying, etc).

I wish I could find pro-white bands that aren’t that fast-talking “Oiâ€￾ style. Does anyone know of any good ones?

I haven't followed the White music scene for a while, and don't know how much of it even exists anymore in America. Resistance Records was the main outlet in the U.S. but it declined to irrelevance along with the National Alliance after the death of Dr. Pierce.

I also would like to find pro-White bands that aren't hard-core. It has never failed to befuddle me how little "middle ground" there is in music and politics between the safe, "conservative" party line and the "beyond the pale" hard-core stuff. I've always thought that in between was the principled place to be, but it's always been rough going to get others to agree.
Neofolk/Martial Industrial is typically far right.


Some good neofolk bands include: Von Thronstahl, Death in June(homosexual singer though), Rome, Across the Rubicon, Boyd Rice/Scorpion Wind, Triarii

Then there's this:
The "Racist Redneck Rebels" are hilarious but their songs don't last long on youtube.
I wish I could find pro-white bands that aren’t that fast-talking “Oiâ€￾ style. Does anyone know of any good ones?

In my humble opinion, so-called "pro-White" music tends to be ****e, regardless of genre (which is generally restricted to unspeakably unrefined skinhead rubbish; death / black / pagan / industrial metal tripe; and bland, depressing martial industrial / electronic faux-classical spoken word posing).

Each to his own, but barking, primitive "Oi, oi, oi!" skinhead bands offer virtually nothing, either musically or lyrically. What they do offer is a headache plus perpetuation of the undesirable stereotype of drunken, ugly, unwashed, uneducated, uncouth, unemployed, and therefore frustrated and "racist" lunatics who head-butt everyone and everything in sight. Yes, that's the image and sound that shall draw in the youth...

The occasional skinhead band possesses a bit more talent and can therefore pace a song, come up with a few good riffs, and even overlay a decent solo which lasts longer than about five seconds. A number even feature a vocalist who can genuinely sing instead of engaging in tin-eared bellowing - but these are few and far between. I've previously posted a couple of songs by Polish band Szwadron 97, who fulfil all of the abovementioned criteria. The majority of Polish skinhead bands, however, are just as amateurishly hopeless, off putting and counterproductive as their western European equivalents.

Many "folk metal" and "pagan metal" bands display "White Nationalist" leanings, particularly in eastern Europe. Unfortunately, while a lot of the music itself can often be superb, the vocals too frequently consist of less-than-melodic "low-fibre, constipated ogre" growls and harsh, rasping screeches which I cannot stand. Certain people may find this appealing, but I don't. Yet again, it's not exactly alluringly marketable stuff...

All in all, if You desire a healthy dose of visceral, European-heritage themed tunes I'd recommend folk metal bands which utilise "clean vocals" (i.e. "proper" singing) in all of their songs - or, more realistically, the majority of their songs. They may not (or even may...) be openly "pro-White" but at the very least they possess musical, lyrical, and (generally) vocal integrity, something which more "extreme" music pitifully lacks. You can play the stuff (or selected stuff) around Your friends and family as an edifying contrast to the mindless, cacophonous garbage comprising the overwhelming corpus of "popular music" spearheaded by legions of talentless Negroes and equally talentless wiggers / wiggerettes. As a bonus, You avoid experiencing the acute embarrassment of even remote association with low-brow "white thug" skinhead "culture".

Here are a few bands (a couple of which I have already posted somewhere in the depths of this hefty thread):


RADOGOST - WATRA (Polish band - English lyrics - low-budget video "starring" members of a historical re-enactment group...):

(Forefather's material contains both "clean" and "growling" vocals):

WAYLANDER - SUNRISE (regrettably, Waylander employ growling vocals in almost all of their songs. For some reason, however, I don't mind it overmuch - probably becasue I really like the music..):

Waylander provide a perfect example of rough vocals narrowing potential appeal to a wider audience. My girlfriend, for instance, says that the music itself is great but is ruined by the "disturbing" screaming, as do most of my friends.

Hopefully my comments haven't offended anyone. Music is a highly subjective area, so I'm simply proferring my personal opinions and tastes... :biggrin:
First of all, music opinion is far removed from political opinion. So I can handle anyone's choice of music so long as its not rap or hip hop. The only types of music I hate, or can't stand is Negro types such as rap, hip hop, or reggae. White people publicly listening to this kind of music irritates me to no end.

Personally, my favourite type of music would be primarily European contemporary, or electronic dance music, and my favourite genres would be progressive house, deep house, chilled house, progressive trance, and ambient (atmoshperic). Ive been listening to EDM for several years now (since I was about 18), and nothing in life pumps me up like a good house or trance track. I also do a bit of DJ mixing myself and actually I have my own youtube channel. Some of my favourite music producers include Everything but the Girl, Markus Schulz, ATB, Paul Van Dyk, Satoshi Tomiie, Roger Shah (DJ Shah/Sunlounger), Eric Prydz (Pryda), Brian Transeau (BT), Kaskade, and Ryan Yoshimoto. I'm also a big fan of New Order (lol)!

I do listen to some types of "rock" music, but mainly softer, easier rock. I'm not really into heavy metal or hard rock sounds.

I also appreciate some types of Spanish, Arabic (I *love* Lebanese singer Hayfa Wehbe), and even some types of East Indian music. Essentially, I can handle any type of music so long as its not Negro music.

Here's a good example of one of my favourite songs, its very relaxed and toned down, it could be labelled most appropriately as "chilled house":


The track is called "Before Today" by British House Duo Everything but the Girl, which really is a marvelous duo in my opinion. They have released some absolutely beautiful tracks over the years.

EBTG's most famous song is "Missing" which was a big hit in the later 1990's, remixed by a Negro named Todd Terry. Its an amazing song I must admit, and since the vocals and track are European its totally listenable, and of course should be credited more so to EBTG than Todd Terry. Generally speaking however, their songs have no Negro influence whatsoever (which I prefer), as is the case with "Before Today".

The vocalist of EBTG is Tracey Thorn and she is one of my favourite singers, (she is the woman in the picture of the video above).
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Rebajlo's favourite version of a much-covered tune...


The Offspring have been around for close to 20 years now. They're a California based band that aren't pro-White but have a conscience of sorts.

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