I wish I could find pro-white bands that aren’t that fast-talking “Oi†style. Does anyone know of any good ones?
In my humble opinion, so-called "pro-White" music tends to be ****e, regardless of genre (which is generally restricted to unspeakably unrefined skinhead rubbish; death / black / pagan / industrial metal tripe; and bland, depressing martial industrial / electronic faux-classical spoken word posing).
Each to his own, but barking, primitive "Oi, oi, oi!" skinhead bands offer virtually nothing, either musically or lyrically. What they
do offer is a headache plus perpetuation of the undesirable stereotype of drunken, ugly, unwashed, uneducated, uncouth, unemployed, and therefore frustrated and "racist" lunatics who head-butt everyone and everything in sight. Yes, that's the image and sound that shall draw in the youth...
The occasional skinhead band possesses a bit more talent and can therefore pace a song, come up with a few good riffs, and even overlay a decent solo which lasts longer than about five seconds. A number even feature a vocalist who can genuinely
sing instead of engaging in tin-eared bellowing - but these are few and far between. I've previously posted a couple of songs by Polish band Szwadron 97, who fulfil all of the abovementioned criteria. The majority of Polish skinhead bands, however, are just as amateurishly hopeless, off putting and counterproductive as their western European equivalents.
Many "folk metal" and "pagan metal" bands display "White Nationalist" leanings, particularly in eastern Europe. Unfortunately, while a lot of the music itself can often be superb, the vocals too frequently consist of less-than-melodic "low-fibre, constipated ogre" growls and harsh, rasping screeches which I cannot stand. Certain people may find this appealing, but I don't. Yet again, it's not exactly alluringly marketable stuff...
All in all, if You desire a healthy dose of visceral, European-heritage themed tunes I'd recommend folk metal bands which utilise "clean vocals" (i.e. "proper" singing) in all of their songs - or, more realistically, the majority of their songs. They may not (or even may...) be openly "pro-White" but at the very least they possess musical, lyrical, and (generally) vocal integrity, something which more "extreme" music pitifully lacks. You can play the stuff (or selected stuff) around Your friends and family as an edifying contrast to the mindless, cacophonous garbage comprising the overwhelming corpus of "popular music" spearheaded by legions of talentless Negroes and equally talentless wiggers / wiggerettes. As a bonus, You avoid experiencing the acute embarrassment of even remote association with low-brow "white thug" skinhead "culture".
Here are a few bands (a couple of which I have already posted somewhere in the depths of this hefty thread):
RADOGOST - WATRA (Polish band - English lyrics - low-budget video "starring" members of a historical re-enactment group...):
FOREFATHER - WHEN OUR ENGLAND DIED (Forefather's material contains both "clean" and "growling" vocals):
WAYLANDER - SUNRISE (regrettably, Waylander employ growling vocals in almost all of their songs. For some reason, however, I don't mind it
overmuch - probably becasue I
really like the music..):
Waylander provide a perfect example of rough vocals narrowing potential appeal to a wider audience. My girlfriend, for instance, says that the music itself is great but is ruined by the "disturbing" screaming, as do most of my friends.
Hopefully my comments haven't offended anyone. Music is a highly subjective area, so I'm simply proferring my personal opinions and tastes...