Good Music Videos

A classic country television moment in 1979 from Tom T. Hall and Johnny Rodriquez. It shows how good country music can be with simple song writing and meaningful words with understated instrumentals. Today I think lots of music is lost in loud abrasive instrumentals - which should be left for adrenaline metal bands - IMO.

You always come back to hurting me:

Bump, Bobby Gentry. Pretty girl, unusual song, and a little guitar.
Bump, Bobby Gentry. Pretty girl, unusual song, and a little guitar.

Good stuff Kaptain, another southern beauty, I believe from Mississippi. A time when women presented themselves properly and yes an unusual song for the time.

They made a movie about this song called "Ode to Billy Joe," starring Robbie Benson.

I really enjoy this thread, keep them coming guys!
I've been listening to a lot of classical music lately.

Ave Maria - Schubert:[video=youtube;2bosouX_d8Y][/video]

Requiem - Mozart:[video=youtube;Zi8vJ_lMxQI][/video]

Ride of the Valkyries - Wagner

Cello Suite No. 1 Allemande - Bach (Rostropovitch)
Good stuff Kaptain, another southern beauty, I believe from Mississippi. A time when women presented themselves properly and yes an unusual song for the time.They made a movie about this song called "Ode to Billy Joe," starring Robbie Benson.I really enjoy this thread, keep them coming guys!
"...the day Billy Joe McAllister jumped off the Tallahachee bridge". That movie also starred James Best ("Sheriff Roscoe Coaltrane" of Dukes of Hazzard fame) as a cross dressing s0d0m1te.
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Styx was a talented band.


Don - I'm glad that You mentioned Styx. Back in my teens and early twenties I had the habit of, er, "commandeering" the stereo at parties, unleashing a storm of metal interspersed with interludes of folk rock. Whenever girls of a "non-metal persuasion" (who aren't exactly rare... :lol:) inevitably complained about the lack of music "you can dance to", I played the following:



It always seemed to go down well. Once they got into the mood, I'd continue the Terpsichorean tunes with, for example:





(Yes, yes, I know that Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons are Jews...)

Or even...



It's kinda funny now but as 6th grader or so I used to think Mr. Roboto was the greatest song ever. I had a record, yes a record, of the song and wore it out. I can still do a mean robot dance. I wasn't really into music yet as it cost money to buy records/tapes - I only listened to what my dad had on the radio in the barn. I remember kids who were into music opinion changing of Styx over night. They went from cutting edge popularity to flaky in sudden fashion. Maybe it was the "Killroy was here" opera/concert tour or just teenage fickleness. I still like to hear an occasion Mr. Roboto though.

On St. Patrick's day - My favorite version of Danny boy sung by Andy Williams:

My parents loved country duets. The height of country duets was the 70's and 80's. The best duet song IMO is You're the Reason God Made Oklahoma. Since about February I have started playing guitar for the first time and have nearly mastered this song. Here are two versions; one recently by Miranda Lambert and Blake Sheldon and the other the original by David Frizzell and Shelly West also at the country music awards:

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One video at a time is a new rule. But here's the original anyway:

The Mammas and the Papas were a huge group in the mid to late 1960s. They epitomized California cool, much like the Beach Boys but with a co-ed group. Cass Elliott was Jewish and was a forerunner of today's woman -- fat and with an attitude -- but was quite the rarity then, especially for a celebrity.

"California Dreaming" was a mega-hit for the group, singing about a near-utopian California that is now extinct thanks to White liberals, who allowed it to become overrun first by Mexicans and later Asians. Nobody "dreams of California" anymore despite its wonderful climate, beautiful topography, and abundant farm land.

The Mammas and Papas and their army of white liberal descendants haven't learned anything from the ruination of California; to the contrary they've fled California and migrated to Oregon and Washington and the Rocky Mountain states, spreading their liberal poison and making those states much more liberal than they used to be.

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The Mammas and the Papas were a huge group in the mid to late 1960s. They epitomized California cool, much like the Beach Boys but with a co-ed group. Cass Elliott was Jewish and was a forerunner of today's woman -- fat and with an attitude -- but was quite the rarity then, especially for a celebrity.

"California Dreaming" was a mega-hit for the group, singing about a near-utopian California that is now extinct thanks to White liberals, who allowed it to become overrun first by Mexicans and later Asians. Nobody "dreams of California" anymore despite its wonderful climate, beautiful topography, and abundant farm land.

The Mammas and Papas and their army of white liberal descendants haven't learned anything from the ruination of California; to the contrary they've fled California and migrated to Oregon and Washington and the Rocky Mountain states, spreading their liberal poison and making those states much more liberal than they used to be.


Spot on, Don. Some of them just came up to this part of California. I've been around them and watched them, and they think of themselves as so broad-minded, but they really live as much in their own little world as anyone else. Eventually a lot of them quietly slip away to the states you mentioned for reasons they won't admit. This part of California still votes red (for whatever that's worth) and probably will till the Mexicans take over.

I might just quietly slip away myself not to far down the road. Maybe Utah.
I know what You are all thinking: "It's been ages since Rebajlo last posted one of his splendid New Wave Of British Heavy Metal songs. I wish he'd throw one in" :icon_wink:

Well, Your wish is my command. Here is one of my favourite NWOBHM tracks (and that's saying something...). Cop an earful of this:


The Mammas and the Papas were a huge group in the mid to late 1960s. They epitomized California cool, much like the Beach Boys but with a co-ed group. Cass Elliott was Jewish and was a forerunner of today's woman -- fat and with an attitude -- but was quite the rarity then, especially for a celebrity.

"California Dreaming" was a mega-hit for the group, singing about a near-utopian California that is now extinct thanks to White liberals, who allowed it to become overrun first by Mexicans and later Asians. Nobody "dreams of California" anymore despite its wonderful climate, beautiful topography, and abundant farm land.

The Mammas and Papas and their army of white liberal descendants haven't learned anything from the ruination of California; to the contrary they've fled California and migrated to Oregon and Washington and the Rocky Mountain states, spreading their liberal poison and making those states much more liberal than they used to be.
Great points. I've thought of this many times over the past 10-15 years.

Here is an article that came out just a few days after your post:

16 Reasons To Move Away From California

More than 1.6 million people have moved out of California since 2000, and, like you say, many to the mountain states (mine one of them). "Californication" has been the result.


I know this is a bit different to the stuff I usually post, but today I was somewhat wistfully reminiscing about mid-nineties England, a time when Oasis songs were played all over the place...

This is my favourite track off their second album.
Still reminiscing :icon_wink:. I was listening to this in the car this afternoon:


Supertramp did some good things.

Bloody Well Right:

I've been listening to the following song while making my post in the Euro 2012 thread of the soccer section.



The evocative power of music is truly breathtaking. I suddenly feel like the Rebajlo of yore, who's about to get up and hit the bag for half an hour or so before taking a shower and heading off to the match...


Gentlemen, first, I'm no commie, but the Reds couldn't be all wrong, all the time about everything. That'd be impossible for any human beings. This display of dancing/music is something they got right. Quite a workout. Enjoy it.

Soviet Army - dance of the soldiers - YouTube Apr 5, 2007 ... I highly doubt these are the same front soldiers that marched along the ... Red
Army Hell Marchby StalinLeninMao1615386 views; Dances of ... - 136k - Cached - Similar Pages

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