Good Music Videos

Dave Groehl and Foo Fighters are one of the few rock bands left in rap/crap dominated USSA:

I thought this was a good video for today's date. I also really like the video:

;) Nice one Kaptin. My wife is actually noticeably afraid today. I wonder what the passionate believers in the Dec 21st theory will say tomorrow.


An excellent version... :thumbup:
The lyrics to this song may be construed as anti-Christmas in a way, but Greg Lake has said it’s about the commercialization of Christmas.

One of my favorites, as a child in the seventies Elvis was an everyday household name. We listened to Blue Christmas on vinyl record every year.

And back when Christmas was all white and that was alright - even on TV. Here's wishing us all a White Christmas:

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Here's a Christmas carol. . . :wink:


And another one:

<STRONG>MOTORHEAD - IRON FIST:<BR><BR>[video=youtube;JcS4fKwN3k0][/video]<BR></STRONG>

Lemmy of Motorhead may be the greatest rock 'n roll warrior ever. Dude is somewhere in his 60s yet still lives modestly, still drinks like a fish, and continues to play whenever and wherever he can.

Early in his career, Lemmy was alleged to be a supporter of the National Front in England in the mid to late 70s era when the NF was a household name and doing very well in elections for an all too brief time.

A long, otherwise flattering Rolling Stone piece on Lemmy a few years ago mentioned his fascination with Hitler's Germany, as he had a huge closet full of WWII era German uniforms and regalia, but denied being racially aware (nod nod wink wink).
Here's Motorhead's signature song:

yeah, the Foo Fighters have had some good vids over the years,.. 'Everlong' from the mid-90s was one of my favorites. Another hall-of-famer was 'Estranged' (Guns N Roses), the one where Axl jumps off the oil tanker @ the end..

if someone hasn't mentioned this earlier in the thread.. yeah, Phil Anselmo has shown some racial consciousness over the years in drunken on-stage speeches, and using the Confederate flag @ times. But about 15 years ago, following a White pride speech during a set, he went punk, & did a public back-pedal, where he elaborated on how he grew up rough, and idolized Black athletes/boxers as inspiration. I guess he felt he had to pay tribute to the moronic cult of political correctness. :juggle:
Lemmy of Motorhead may be the greatest rock 'n roll warrior ever. Dude is somewhere in his 60s yet still lives modestly, still drinks like a fish, and continues to play whenever and wherever he can.
Wow, a close relative of mine and I were just discussing these points about him over the Christmas holiday. He's pretty much the godfather of Thrash Metal, too. "Ace of Spades" is one of the best of this genre ever made.

It was nice to take a short break from the rat-race madness of contemporary life the past several days to explore new (and old) music and find some new (and older, some much older) bands as well as explore other albums by bands I already like and add them to my ever-growing collection.

One of my discoveries was a hard-to-peg (genre-wise) band called "Porcupine Tree". If you had to choose one genre to describe them, it'd probably be Prog Rock, but there are also elements of Alt Rock, Heavy Metal, and Pop Rock, too.

Unbeknownst to me, they've won a couple of Grammy Awards in the 2000's:

Here's a sample of some of their diverse work, including a live one (the last one listed here) that showcases their musicianship and the use of various genres in one (long) song:




Here is one of my favorites. Even the video is excellent. [video=youtube;ZqRTtkEHrA4][/video]
Here is one of my favorites. Even the video is excellent. [video=youtube;ZqRTtkEHrA4][/video]

Yeah, that's a good one whiteathlete33! Sometimes forget how good Jefferson Starship was. The blonde in the video looks like actress Rebecca De Mornay (Risky Business, T. Cruise). Is that her?
Yeah, that's a good one whiteathlete! Sometimes forget how good Jefferson Starship was. The blonde in the video looks like actress Rebecca De Mornay (Risky Business, T. Cruise). Is that her?

Yes! Did you guess that off the top of your head? Good memory. Here is another of my favorites. Just listening to this song brings me back in time. Few songs can do that.

Yes! Did you guess that off the top of your head? Good memory. Here is another of my favorites. Just listening to this song brings me back in time. Few songs can do that.


Yessir I did! Jefferson Starship, Chicago, Eagles, Fleetwood Mac, and America are some of those early 70's and 80's bands I miss, along with rock bands; Kansas, Boston, and Def Leppard, and of course my favorite; Lynyrd Skynyrd.
Yessir I did! Jefferson Starship, Chicago, Eagles, Fleetwood Mac, and America are some of those early 70's and 80's bands I miss, along with rock bands; Kansas, Boston, and Def Leppard, and of course my favorite; Lynyrd Skynyrd.

Yep! Love Chicago and the Eagles. All the music today is crap! Anything from the rap crap to Kesha to Britney Spears. Does anyone make good music anymore>
Yep! Love Chicago and the Eagles. All the music today is crap! Anything from the rap crap to Kesha to Britney Spears. Does anyone make good music anymore>

They're hard to find. It may not be what you prefer, but I generally have to go over to Country Music to find anything decent anymore. A relatively new group with great vocals and superb instruments is The Band Perry. Two brothers and their extremely talented and beautiful sister on vocals are pretty good. I'll try to get a video up of them some time.
They're hard to find. It may not be what you prefer, but I generally have to go over to Country Music to find anything decent anymore. A relatively new group with great vocals and superb instruments is The Band Perry. Two brothers and their extremely talented and beautiful sister on vocals are pretty good. I'll try to get a video up of them some time.

For me, I think Adele is probably the only singer I can listen to from todays garbage here in the US. I do listen to alot of dance, trance, techno from Europe though. They have a lot of good stuff. Check this one out.[video=youtube;1TB1x67Do5U][/video]
For me, I think Adele is probably the only singer I can listen to from todays garbage here in the US. I do listen to alot of dance, trance, techno from Europe though. They have a lot of good stuff. Check this one out.[video=youtube;1TB1x67Do5U][/video]

Thanks, good music video and yes Adele is good, no question!
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