Good Music Videos




Here are a couple of signature 1980s songs...




Belinda Carlisle was the All-American, Southern California girl. She was the heart and soul of the Go-Gos, a pioneering girl group in the early 80s that had a few hit singles, most notably Our Lips Are Sealed. The GoGos broke up and Belinda went solo and did a number of excellent songs about romance in the late '80s, a taboo subject today for female singers in the U.S.'s Cultural Marxist matrix.

Belinda symbolized the California of American mythology, the very end of it unfortunately as the one-time Golden State has become the leading edge of the transformation of America into a Third World dystopia.

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I don't think there was ever a black in any of Belinda's videos. How about this one, openly admiring a man's power and attractiveness. How taboo in today's Cultural Marxist dictatorship.

Belinda Carlisle was the All-American, Southern California girl. She was the heart and soul of the Go-Gos, a pioneering girl group in the early 80s that had a few hit singles, most notably Our Lips Are Sealed. The GoGos broke up and Belinda went solo and did a number of excellent songs about romance in the late '80s, a taboo subject today for female singers in the U.S.'s Cultural Marxist matrix.

Belinda symbolized the California of American mythology, the very end of it unfortunately as the one-time Golden State has become the leading edge of the transformation of America into a Third World dystopia.
Excellent observation and one that I wholly share. Even though I've only visited SoCal once, when I was in my early teens, I was always fascinated with the California mythos.

Throughout the years it seems different pop/rock groups exemplified it. In the 60's it was the Beach Boys, in the 70's it was The Eagles, both of which I'm still fans of, especially The Eagles. In the early 80's the Go-Go's exemplified it as well. One of their songs, "Speeding", is on the soundtrack of "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" which, IMO, is one of the best soundtracks ever made and reflects the pop/rock music culture of SoCal at that time (1982).

Like I've mentioned before, movies and TV programs of the past give us a perspective on how things were at a particular time and place. "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" is a bookmark in time of this California mythos and I'm glad it was made to reflect how it used to be, because... would go downhill very fast after that year as MJ's "Thriller" would come out in 1983 and rap and the crack wars would take over much of the society and culture there by the mid-late 80's. This California mythos would be forever vanquished by the end of the 80's with the release of NWA's "Straight Outta Compton" and the subsequent inducement of all things "gangsta". Many Whites (Wiggers) got caught up in this as well and, unfortunately, helped it become the dominant and destructive culture and society we have today.

Of course the change in the mid-late 80's didn't happen overnight, so there was still a big market for Belinda's solo career, as well as similar music from this era.

Another perspective that could be taken was that there were two paths we (as both a pop culture, and culture at-large) could've gone down, Madonna's or Belinda's, as they both came about around the same time. Obviously, we went down Madonna's path which led us to Brittany Spears and her destructive influence, especially on young White females. She married some stupid wigger and kissed Madonna on stage at some awards show which led to "monkey see, monkey do" for many of these young White females. Now Lady Gaga has now taken the baton from Brittany and, well, I don't need to go into the sordid details about her. Let's see, we've gone from Belinda Carlisle 23 years ago to Lady Gaga today. Ahhh "Progressive" change, don't you know?...kind of like cancer.

A few weeks ago I happened upon the original Karate Kid from 1984 and, wow, that is another important bookmark from that era in SoCal. The only black I saw in it was one of the kids at one of the tournaments and Macchio's character stood out because he was obviously "Italian", lol. His mom even says to him at one point in the movie, "Everybody's turned blonde." (since they moved from Jersey to SoCal), lol. Bananarama, which had a similar style to Belinda's, had a song on that soundtrack called "Cruel Summer".

Also, "Donnie Darko" is another movie, although made in 2001, that takes place in 1988 and is nostalgic because of the music and the characters. It made me miss that era. Highly recommend the Theatrical version instead of the Director's Cut as the Director's Cut gives too much of the original away.

Some other good documentaries/movies that capture part of this now lost and gone forever California mythos include:
Riding Giants (from 70's SoCal skateboarder Stacy Peralta, about the 60's surfers in SoCal (and Hawaii))

Dogtown and Z-Boys (from 70's SoCal skateboarder Stacy Peralta, about 1970's SoCal skateboarders that revolutionized the sport)

Lords of Dogtown (theatrical version of Dogtown and Z-Boys)
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Agreed, great post Don. I'm not a fan of much of today's music, with the exception of an occasional country song, Toby Keith's, Made In America, George Strait, etc.

There's a couple of channels on my cable box that continuously play 70's and 80's songs and quite often my wife and I either dance to these songs or just sit and listen to what was some good music. I also get my daughters into the the act and they of course laugh at my dancing abilities, I'm not quite as loose as used to be, but we have a good time reminiscing on good music.

I'm so fortunate to have what some may call an old-fashioned wife who reminds me of how she feels as proclaimed in that song, I Get Weak, by Belinda Carlisle.

I hope that anyone on CF who is not married, finds what I was fortunate enough to find in my best friend, MY WIFE!

Thanks again Don for the post, Hope this wasn't too corny, but you started it, Ha, Ha.
Thank you for the posts, Highlander and Carolina Speed. I am glad for you, CS, you have a real keeper. After 40+ years of non-stop feminist poison, I think few women today have any inkling how powerfully men love and cherish a good woman. The "gender war" has been the most destructive by far of all the unspeakable tragedies unleashed on U.S. society by those who have conquered us from within.

When I think of Belinda Carlisle, I think of "The Last Cheerleader," or perhaps "The Last Beach Babe." SoCal still produces lots of female celebrities, but they are of the plastic variety now, both inside and outside. Think of the pathetic Hugh Hefner and his "girlfriends" (and old Hugh still needs to pop Viagra and view "gay" male porn to get it up; what a fitting denouement for that ultra-hypocritical pos).

Belinda was/is part of a remnant whether she realizes it or not.
Carolina Speed, I believe my wife would also be classified as "old fashioned" in that way. It is a truly awesome thing to know!
I was watching some 80's videos the other day and came across this video from Taco. I had to do a double take, as I could not believe what I was seeing in this video. I remember the song, but I don't remember any controversy about this video. (He strikes a pose at .41 seconds into the video that almost made my fall out of my chair.)
This sure beats about 90% of the stuff put out today:




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Here's a bit of late 1980s (1989, to be precise) glam metal. During our recent long drives across England and Wales my girlfriend and I listened through a chunk of my 1980s metal collection, which she is quite amenable to (hell, she doesn't even mind W.A.S.P... :shocked:).

I often ponder how drastically my life would have changed had I met her in my late teens - musings which inevitably lead to speculations on how her (unfortunately deceased) ultra-strict Christian father would have reacted had an eighteen year old Rebajlo (whose appearance - sans nail polish, of course :icon_wink:- strongly resembled that of the band in the video below) turned up on his doorstep to "see" his daughter. Images of frothing snarls, white knuckles and double barrelled shotguns mysteriously spring to mind... :lol:



** I don't know how to embed the youtube video.. So if someone else wants to quote my post and embed it, feel free! Enjoy, my local rock station played this the other day and it's a must hear.
As it's currently Friday night (hang on, it's now Saturday morning) here is a song which aptly reflects plenty of my old pub and club adventures as a "single man" :icon_wink::


Here's some good ol' Southern Gospel for ya'll...









Any of You Southern boys remember Agony Column?




Rebajlo, I don't recall Agony Column, but I've been a fan of Charlie Daniels since I was a young'ern. I had a few of his LP/records as a kid. :smiley:
Rebajlo, sorry I don't recall Agony Column either, but like Dixie, I'm a big Charlie Daniels fan. I even met him once in a hotel restaurant in Charlotte. He was a very nice man.

Also, check out Lynyrd Skynyrd's song "Simple Man." It's a southern rock classic!
Dixie, Carolina Speed -

Charlie Daniels is top class. It may not be all that apparent from my posts in this thread but I'm a huge fan of Southern rock and a considerable fan of country (by the way, please accept my apologies for Keith Urban :redface: - in our defence, he was born in New Zealand so therefore he's not technically Australian...). :icon_wink:

Figuring that "our" demographic is well-versed in country music I generally stick to posting old UK metal bands that the forum members are probably unfamiliar with. Besides, Dixie posts plenty of the country artists I like...

Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Simple Man" is one of my all-time favourite songs - as things go, I was listening to it in the car today. My somewhat vast CD collection makes its way through the car stereo on a rotational basis, but I ensure that the good old automobile is permanently stocked with some Lynyrd Skynyrd (along with Iron Maiden, AC/DC and Jethro Tull).

I was rather curious if any of You Southerners had actually heard of Agony Column (as far as I know, they have reunited and still tour). I initially picked up their "Brave Words and Bloody Knuckles" album from a second hand book and music store in my hometown about fifteen years ago for (literally) a couple of bucks, being unable to resist the comical title and the band members' outlandish aliases (the vocalist, for example, called himself Devil Chicken). :lol:

The stuff's obviously not meant to be taken seriously (or, at least, I hope it isn't...) and, to put it mildly, most of Agony Column's quite small catalogue is not exactly what one would call "superlative" - but it's good for a bit of a laugh. In my humble opinion, the two songs I posted are their finest efforts...

Here are a couple of Australian bands dating from my teenage years:





BB Steal were originally known as Boss (yeah, I know, "great name"...:rockon:) and in 1984 released the album "Step On It", from which the following track is taken:


Downliners Sect - Bad Storm Coming

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