Good Music Videos

The Hock - Here's the original by the Skids:


The Skids' guitarist was Stuart Adamson, who went on to found Big Country. Adamson was a veritable guitar genius and the only "down" side to Big Country was that the bass player, Tony Butler, was black - but one has to admit that Butler could really play.

Big Country provided the soundtrack for the cult 1980s Scottish film "Restless Natives". Here is my favourite track, in it's original film context:


Below is a live performance, which highlights Adamson's guitar prowess:



Unfortunately, Stuart Adamson passed away back in 2001...
Thanks Rebaljo. Yeah, I remember reading about Adamson. They said the bottle got him. It's been eleven years? Scary how fast time is passing nowadays.
Scary how fast time is passing nowadays.

The Hock - Yeah, I know what You mean, mate. I remember listening to the following song as a little kid, thinking "Well, when I grow up I'm going to be the metal megastar up there on stage!"


Damn, I can feel dark waves of melancholy washing over the bleak shores of my soul... :icon_wink:
The very fetching Patty Smyth, the lead singer and force behind the group Scandal. This song is from 1982:

Alot of the music posted here has been from the 70's/80's rock/country genre of which I am a fan, but Don posted the All-American girl from the 80's Belinda Carlisle, again of which I am a fan.

I would like to post an All-American girl of the the early 70's: Karen Carpenter! Much of The Carpenter's songs were considered corny and wholesome. Although Karen was the star, with that angelic, perfect voice, her brother Richard was the genius behind the group, I believe, putting most of the music together setting up Karen to be the star.

No matter your music taste, there's no denying one of greatest talents from a pure vocal sound I believe of all time! The likes of which we will probably never hear again! For all you metal heads, Karen was considered a excellent drummer, who was as good as anyone!

In an era when drugs, homosexuality, and feminism was coming to the forefront of American history, The Carpenters were a classy wholesome group I would take over Madonna, GaGa, Katie Perry, etc. any time.

Unfortunately, Karen left us too soon, dying from complications of Anorexia leading to heart failure.


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The premature and tragic death of Karen Carpenter was a real shame.

Another very talented singer who died young was Laura Branigan. I always loved her voice. And she had a quite appealing sensuality to her, beautiful and sultry and yet shy at the same time. I remember seeing her on Johnny Carson's show when she was young and she was so shy she could barely speak.

Anyway, I was thinking about Laura today after Whitney Houston's death. Houston's death is getting huge media play and there's going to be a tribute to her on the Grammys tonight. When Laura Branigan died suddenly in her late 40s due to I believe it was a brain aneuryism, it barely created a blip in the media and she's now almost completely forgotten.


CS, thanks for posting that. IMHO, Karen Carpenter was one of the greatest female singers ever. I don't think the overhyped "urban YOdelers" (the late Whitney Houston, Aritha Franklin & Mariah Carey) can compare to the talented Karen Carpenter (RIP).
One of the good things about the overplaying of Christmas songs around the holidays is getting to hear the many holiday tunes sung by Karen Carpenter. Her voice is truly special and she was quite a talent. I also liked Laura Branigan alot, too bad she didn't record more.

Whitney Houston was quite a good singer too, that's undeniable, unfortunately her early demise can hardly be unexpected as her life has been one long tabloid horror story.

One of the most uncomfortable movies ever made was the "romance" she had with Kevin Costner in The Bodyguard, not only was their white-black romance awkward, the two of them were so different that imagining them together was impossible. I was a Costner fan at the time that movie came out, his career (and my appreciation for him) tumbled after that fiasco.
I would like to post an All-American girl of the the early 70's: Karen Carpenter! Much of The Carpenter's songs were considered corny and wholesome. Although Karen was the star, with that angelic, perfect voice, her brother Richard was the genius behind the group, I believe, putting most of the music together setting up Karen to be the star.


Unfortunately, Karen left us too soon, dying from complications of Anorexia leading to heart failure.
Oddly enough, I was researching her death several months ago and came across this site:, Karen/karen_carpenter.htm

It's kind of creepy but provides some insight and background information on what was happening at that time by a couple of people, including the day of her death.

As far as Whitney Houston goes, it all tragic how the last 20+ years of her life went. Her descent started in 1989 during the Soul Train Music Awards (I believe it was called that, or something like that) where she was actually booed while receiving an award by the nearly all-black audience. Apparently they did so because they considered her "too White". (By the way, if the exact same awards show was held in 1980 instead of 1989, everything else being equal or the same, she wouldn't have been booed at all by any of the audience members. There would've been applause instead. Something to ponder.)

Shocked by their classless (and racist (imagine if an all-White audience booed one of their own because they felt like one of their singers was "too black")) reaction, she must of decided that she needed to start "acting more black". She should've just, in a classy and polite way, told the audience to grow up and show some respect and class and that she'll continue to do what she has been doing that has made her successful up to that point in her career, then thank the sponsors and hosts of the awards show and walk off the stage, head held high, with dignity.

Unfortunately, she didn't. She married Bobby Brown instead. However, now she's earned herself a little "street cred" with "her own" folks. She's starting to garner some respect from the contemporary black community. Fast forward a few years and now she's on drugs and booze...with endless partying at clubs and staying out late, acting irrationally. Now she's got even more "street cred" happening. They (blacks) are all behind her now. She's "keeping it real" as they like to say. She's one of them longer that uppity negress that's trying to act all White and be all respectful and classy and positive. Now that her life has come to a tragic and premature end by "keeping it real", race pimps like Sharpton, et al can now fully embrace and eulogize her as one of their own without the slightest bit of hesitation as they prepare to bury her.

God forbid she would've lived a healthy and happy life until she was 90 years old, spending time with her grandchildren, teaching them how to sing and to live. That would be "acting too White". She and the black audience members that booed her should be happy and proud of themselves that she died for a cause, a noble but rare act these days, and in her case, the cause of "keeping it real" for contemporary black America.
I'm going to try to contribute to this thread more often in the slowness of the sports season. Here's Tennessee Ernie Ford singing the Folk classic Shenandoah. A manly singing voice extinct in today's modern popular music.

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The band is Norwegian, it's the 80's, good song, good video - what's not to like? A ha
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One of the good things about the overplaying of Christmas songs around the holidays is getting to hear the many holiday tunes sung by Karen Carpenter. Her voice is truly special and she was quite a talent. I also liked Laura Branigan alot, too bad she didn't record more.

Whitney Houston was quite a good singer too, that's undeniable, unfortunately her early demise can hardly be unexpected as her life has been one long tabloid horror story.

One of the most uncomfortable movies ever made was the "romance" she had with Kevin Costner in The Bodyguard, not only was their white-black romance awkward, the two of them were so different that imagining them together was impossible. I was a Costner fan at the time that movie came out, his career (and my appreciation for him) tumbled after that fiasco.
Houston went from this moment. To this all to familiar Richard Pryor denial type moment....... It amazes me that she lived to 47 RIP..:rip:
As the great scarlet and white swathed money-swallowing juggernaut of Valentine's Day has just passed, here are a few tunes to "soften up" that Special Someone. :icon_wink:

Mind You, I don't know how my recommendations from last year served the Caste Football members who happened to possess the robustly ferrous testicles (and proportionately feeble judgement) to play those particular Hallmark-approved offerings within earshot of their virtuous Valentine.

Well, who knows? You may be dandling a smiling three month old child on Your knee, wondering whether that strange nostril-scorching stench is emanating from the infant's nappies or from the direction of the kitchen, where Your wife is lovingly cooking Your dinner. Then again, You may find this font a bit difficult to read as Your eyes have never been quite the same after Your now ex-girlfriend emptied that can of Mace into Your leering mug on that fateful February 14th... :icon_wink:

Right, here we go:













a bit late, but i had to post this for the february 14th, in addition to rebajlo's videos :biggrin::


One of the greatest ballads/duets was with Patty Smyth & Don Henley singing " Sometimes Love is Just Ain't Enough" It captures Patti's vocal ranges and great lyrics. The
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Willie and Johnny Rodriquez singing one of my favorites of Willie's live at farm aid 1985. Forgiving you was easy. I've liked a variety of music in my life but I always come back to real country music (not most of today's crap) especially as I get older.

Let's continue with my "romantic" theme, shall we? Come on, admit it, You all love this stuff... :eyebrows: :icon_wink:




Evidently, ya'll heathens :wink: weren't listening when Unknown Hinson sang "Rock & Rock is Straight from Hell". :icon_mrgreen: So, here's some more good ol' Southern Gospel for yuns. :pray2:




Evidently, ya'll heathens :wink: weren't listening when Unknown Hinson sang "Rock & Rock is Straight from Hell". :icon_mrgreen: So, here's some more good ol' Southern Gospel for yuns. :pray2:





Ah, The Florida Boys. Thanks DixieDestroyer for bringing back old memories of watching them when I was a small boy on The Gospel Singing Jubilee!
CS, yessiree! :biggrin: I too have fond childhood memories of watching the Gospel Singing Jubilee & Gospel Caravan. My Grandaddy loved the Florida Boys do I. :)

It's really sad & irritating that many modern, compromising churches have not only gotten away from the good ol' hymns, but also away from this wonderful Southern Gospel as well. :( I personally cannot stomach "praise & worship" I don't like any pop or contemporary (top 40, etc.) styled/sounding "music". :thumbdown:
The band is Norwegian, it's the 80's, good song, good video - what's not to like? A ha
Hey Kaptain, funny you should bring up this song. I remember it as if yesterday. This song reminds me of my first true love back in 1985!

But the greatest song from this group is the song "The Sun Always Shines on TV" . To me its the essence of A-Ha, Raw and Rock infused. If you could post it for other members to to listen to it, it would be appreciated. My computer skills are limited, thank you, sir.
Hey Kaptain, funny you should bring up this song. I remember it as if yesterday. This song reminds me of my first true love back in 1985!

But the greatest song from this group is the song "The Sun Always Shines on TV" . To me its the essence of A-Ha, Raw and Rock infused. If you could post it for other members to to listen to it, it would be appreciated. My computer skills are limited, thank you, sir.

I'm not a Kaptain, but I did stay in a Holiday Day Inn Express last night. You have to click "Watch on YouTube" to see it.


"Take On Me" is still a great video (and song). I like a lot of the '80s rock songs better than what came before and after.
Styx was a talented band.

I'm not a Kaptain, but I did stay in a Holiday Day Inn Express last night. You have to click "Watch on YouTube" to see it.


"Take On Me" is still a great video (and song). I like a lot of the '80s rock songs better than what came before and after.
Thanks Don
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