Floyd Mayweather vs. Ricky Hatton

Yes, well put actually. Although the issue here for most of us was NOT whether we still supported Hatton but did he get cheated in some way. There was also an attempt to minimize the pain of a loss of one of our own.
jaxvid said:
Yes, well put actually. Although the issue here for most of us was NOT whether we still supported Hatton but did he get cheated in some way. There was also an attempt to minimize the pain of a loss of one of our own.

I agree.

jaygatsby, don't pretend that you know what we are all thinking. Blanket statements like yours don't cover the people on this board at all. Don't try to tell us what we think and what we should think. Edited by: Colonel_Reb
Kaptain Poop said:
Sounds like you're a Moss, Bonds, and black cornerback fan though. Go to blackathlete.com. You'll be happy.

I just spent some time there and read a couple stories about Nash and Nowitzki winning MVP awards. Here is a portion of one of them.

[url]http://www.blackathlete.net/artman2/publish/Editorial_46/Who _Was_The_MVP_Again.shtml[/url]

Who Was The MVP Again?

NEW YORK -- I hate to say "I told you so", so I am not going to say it. Instead, I'll just think it out loud.In fact, the King said it for me this week, as we watched Lebron James do what MVPs do.
James carried his team to the NBA Finals with a swagger only possessed by the truest pimps in the land. Tim Duncan has gotten his Spurs to so many NBA Finals that many of us have lost count.

That, my friends, is what MVP's look like. They carry their teams to amazing heights and when the game is on the line, they deliver like Domino's Pizza. Dirk Nowitzki, an above-average player for the Dallas Mavericks, couldn't even carry his team past the "mighty"eighth-seeded Golden State Warriors, a team that was girly-slapped in the following round.
I have never, in my life, seen an alleged MVP look so pathetic in such a crucial situation. I was just hoping he wouldn't break down and cry. Would the 22-year old Lebron James have given up on his team like that? Nope.

Would <?:NAMESPACE PREFIX = ST1 /><ST1:CITY w:st="on"><ST1:pLACE w:st="on">Duncan</ST1:pLACE></ST1:CITY> just disappear in such an important game? He never has. Have you ever seen Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant search for the Tampax so quickly? Not in this lifetime.

So, once again, I will say this to the grave:Steve Nash and Dirk Nowitzki were chosen as MVP's partly because they were white. They are damn good players and great guys, but they are clearly NOT MVP's.
<?:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O /><O:p></O:p>
The league has searched for a "Great White Hope" since Boston's Larry Bird, and Nash/Nowitzki are the closest they've come in 20 years....

Articles like that make us sound pretty fair minded and balanced and impartial. I would say we write better than them as well but we can't take cradit for something we're expected to do anyway.
Edited by: Maple Leaf
Colonel_Reb said:
jaxvid said:
Yes, well put actually.
Although the issue here for most of us was NOT whether we still
supported Hatton but did he get cheated in some way. There was
also an attempt to minimize the pain of a loss of one of our own.[/

I agree.

jaygatsby, don't pretend that you know what we are all thinking.
Blanket statements like yours don't cover the people on this board at
all. Don't try to tell us what we think and what we should think. [/

I hear you.

However, my statement was never meant to be a blanket one, as I
used such statement-weakeners as "some of you" instead of "all of

And if I really wanted to pretend to know what people were thinking
I'd join the carnival and huxter my way to a fortune in quarters.
Tartan Pride said:

That "Hatton didn't Lose" thread is some of the funniest sh- I've ever
read! You guys made JohnnyBoy, White Shogun, Trooper Thorn,
Werewolf, you made me spit my coffee all over my keyboard at work this
morning. I read it three more times, classic comedy. When I get fired for
an AA I'm coming to find you!

and whoever it was that said the had Hatton winning 97-93, you're
suppose to train your seeing eye dog to bark when BOTH fighters land
punches not just one.

hahah. yeah man, things escalated quickly.
. it was weird. i've never been called out to fight over the internet. i didnt know what to do. i was like, "damn, i cant wuss out, or all the other posters will think im a punk." but then i realized we're on the internet so theres really no way to have an actual fight. so i decided to just "stare down" my computer monitor and pick a fight with it, all the while making aggressive facial gestures in its general direction....i think i won, but honestly its hard to say.

while im here i'd like to apologize to White Shogun again. i took offence too quickly and i flew off the handle. to be honest, im new to this site and im still learning all the terminology. to tell you the truth, when i first read "sock puppet" i thought u were making a masturbation joke. i figured it out a little while later
. anyhoot, i read some of your old posts and i enjoyed some of them and disagreed with some but i like the way you stay well mannered. plus you use words like "acerbic" which is good for the vocab. level of the site. cheers.

also. sory to jaxvid. didnt mean to "flame". now i know what that means, and i'll try not to repeat it. cheers.
Edited by: johnnyboy
johnnyboy said:
so i decided to just "stare down" my computer monitor and pick a fight with it, all the while making aggressive facial gestures in its general direction....i think i won, but honestly its hard to say.

Good one!
internet fights are an amusing addition to the new millenium.
Now I've got to read the thread myself to see what all the talk is about.
gsm1988 said:
I apologize if I have ruffled any feathers, and I will let this go. 

The whole thing was your fault.
Worthy of respect? Yep.

But winning is even more worthy of respect.

I sometimes think we Whites should quit telling our children all these little things we tell them about loosing being okay. Just a thought.

jaygatsby said:
I find some of your attitudes toward Hatton disturbing, considering
the theme of your site that whites should support and celebrate
white athletes.

Okay, Hatton lost. One loss. To a bigger, stronger, more experienced
fighter doing battle at his natural weight. It would have been
surprising if Hatton didn't lose.

The way some of you write him off after his loss is terrible.

He didn't run. He waded in and came back for more. He looked in
the eyes of another man and knew he probably wouldn't win but
walked into the cannon anyway for himself, his family, his country,
his world. I respect that.

Do you?
Sports Illustrated is having a field day with this: they've pictures of Hatton face up from the canvas and a cartoon-like cut out of him battered and bruised. Here's an excerpt from SI's article "Players: "About 25, 000 of the palest Brits you ever saw descended upon the desert last week, and not one of them soaked up a single ray of badly needed sunshine as far as I could tell."

And another: "Here [USA] social mobility seems more fluid - Mayweather was born to the same environment Hatton was (the flagging cities of Michigan) but had the ambition, or at least the need for self-gratification, to move to Las Vegas. Hatton, in a million years, would not leave Manchester."

Yes, Mr. Richard Hoffer (dumb author), the similarities between Manchester and Detroit-like slums are startling. And since when does social mobility require geographical movement?
Edited by: Alpha Male
Alpha Male said:
Here's an excerpt from SI's article "Players: "About 25, 000 of the palest Brits you ever saw descended upon the desert last week, and not one of them soaked up a single ray of badly needed sunshine as far as I could tell."

The horror! Thousands of pale white Brits descending upon a city, proudly displaying their deformities.
Hoffer looks like the guy in high school who had no friends and was big into D+D. By the way isn't the kettle calling the pot black err white, last seen Hoffer doesn't look like Joe Namath....
Pavlik-Taylor gets a quarter page, probably written by an intern, and Hatton-Mayweather gets a feature story by one of SI's best hacks. The mountain of evidence grows a little more.
That SI article is outright contemptuous and show's the unopposed free reign weak Jewfied hacks like this[guy looks like a wimp,they all do]have in writing racially insensitive,insulting articles about whites.He would'nt dare allude to stereotypes about Blacks or Mexicans in the same way.Ofcourse Brits who share their Anglo Saxon heritage with Germans and other Northern Europeans are just boring, pale and plain much in need of culture,diversity and nowhere near as exotic and physically attractive as the Black gangbangers,Mexicans and Puerto Ricans
Well, this fight has brought out many trolls to gloat here on Caste Football.

Johnnyboy, Tartan Pride and Guests are trolls, here for the purpose of antagonizing the regulars here. I suggest they be banned.
Iron said:
That SI article is outright contemptuous and show's the unopposed free reign weak Jewfied hacks like this[guy looks like a wimp,they all do]have in writing racially insensitive,insulting articles about whites.He would'nt dare allude to stereotypes about Blacks or Mexicans in the same way.Ofcourse Brits who share their Anglo Saxon heritage with Germans and other Northern Europeans are just boring, pale and plain much in need of culture,diversity and nowhere near as exotic and physically attractive as the Black gangbangers,Mexicans and Puerto Ricans

How do you know Hoffer is Jewish?
JD1986 said:
Well, this fight has brought out many trolls to gloat
here on Caste Football.

Johnnyboy, Tartan Pride and Guests are trolls, here for the purpose of
antagonizing the regulars here. I suggest they be banned.

C'mon Josef Stalin, can a bruva get a lil' democracy round here.
White_Savage said:
Worthy of respect? Yep.

But winning is even more worthy of respect.

I sometimes think we Whites should quit telling our children all these
little things we tell them about loosing being okay. Just a thought.[/

Wladimir Klitschko suffered a couple of devastating, embarrassing
losses in his career, and yet no one doubts his bonifides.

I believe Hatton can come back from this loss and get better.

Of course no one should aim to lose, but if one does, it doesn't
always mean the end of everything. I think Hatton has a lot of epic
battles still left in him and he deserves people's genuine -- not
fairweather -- support.
Speaking of Jews in the media, I would like to correct the record of some past posts who stated/thought Rupert Murdoch, owner of News Corp. and now Wall Street Stock Exchange was a jew. HE IS NOT! He just gained ownership of Wall Street Stock Exchange. He is from Australia and is a Christian and one of the most successful and wealthy businessmen in the world.

Regarding Hatton, his corner should have rained him in a little in the 8th and 9th rounds and implored him to be careful. Then go for broke in the 11th and 12th. I think he should have conserved his energy for those two rounds. His corner failed him and now he has to live with that devestation KO and so do I. The pain is subsiding though and the focus is on Pavlik and Maskalev.
Wow, that "Hatton didn't lose" thread was really something. I finally took the time to read it all. Yes, the trolls are out, no doubt. Things have been increasingly smelly around here for a couple of months. Some have questioned whether trolls should be banned, and I say yes they should be banned. If they try to disguise themselves with intelligent posts and arguements, that is one thing, but the flamers and baiters have got to go.
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