Floyd Mayweather vs. Ricky Hatton

Hatton made a mistake going up to 147. I was afraid this would happen after his performance against Collazo. Oh well. We still have an extremely dominant boxing force for a while to come. I hope Peter gets knocked.
Thank you for posting the descriptions of the fight.

I think something similar happened with Cooney-Holmes. Cooney was warned twice for low blows. He stopped going to the body, which was his strength. This left Holmes with his advantage of boxing, especially his jab.

Hatton's strength, inside work, was taken away by the ref. This left Mayweather with his advantage of defense and fighting from the outside.

Hatton's management may have felt a Latin ref would be impartial in a fight between a white and a black. Does anyone know if he was Mexican or Puerto Rican? A Puerto Rican ref would favor a black fighter while a Mexican would not, assuming their personal opinions were at play.

The ref may have simply not been very good. But then it's hard to understand why he would have been given the match. Part of the ref's job is to encourage an entertaining fight. It seems Cortez had a different agenda.

The press accounts of the 'wild' British fans are revealing. They drank a lot, sang a lot, and were loud in their support. The horror of it all. So intimidating. Clearly sportswriters prefer their whites a bit tamer.

One positive thing was the way Hatton dealt with Mayweather during the promotional tour. The unedited Sky press conference is available on Youtube. You never see whites in the American media saying those sorts of things to blacks. Not even in the popular culture.

Of course it's all just show business. But it's entirely one-sided in the U.S.
Of course I wanted Ricky to win, but I wasn't too disappointed, I never expected it.

It's too bad that Hatton didn't pull off the upset. I can't think of a bigger bunch of thug A__Holes than the Mayweather clan.

Actually, I figured Mayrunner would out point Hatton, or TKO him on cuts. I didn't expect him to go down. Hurts to see that. (Now, if he could have pulled a Pavlik...)

Although Cortez was a horrible ref, you can't blame him entirely. Ya have to be realistic. The big problem was that Hatton just isn't a welterweight. He looked small and weak against Collazo.

The good news is that Kelly, Joe, the Ruskie Heavyweights, Katsidis and all the other Brothers are still on their feet.!!!
Edited by: Nordic Spartan
JD1986 said:
Nothing has really been agreed on yet - so the fight may or may not happen! There has been some talk this past week of Winky Wright coming over to Britain. I do think Joe should continue what he has always done, and insist the fight be in Britain!

I hope he fights- and beats- them both. Wright in the spring and Hopkins in the summer. That would be sweet. What a way to go out with a bang. Another possibility is Woods in the spring (I know some of us here wouldn't like that) and Hopkins in the summer. It wouldn't be so bad to get a fight under his belt at light-heavy, to get used to the new division, and fighting a natural light-heavyweight, as preparation for Hopkins. Either way, but it would be cool to see him beat two black future HOFers.

Size is not an issue in this one, but for Joe's sake, it definitely should be fought in Britain, where there's less of a chance of a referee doing to him what Cortez did to Hatton last night!

You're right that size is less of an issue with Calzaghe/ Hopkins. I just saw the video of their confrontation, and they looked about the same height, maybe Hopkins a hair taller. And Hopkins doesn't have a great reach. I believe HBO measured his reach- "from the armpit to the end of the fist"- at 23 inches, at 6'1". Same as Wright's at 5'11". I measured my reach out of curiosity, and I'm a little over 23 inches, at 5'11", and not a fighter!

As far as where the fight takes place, hey, as long as it happens, I'm happy! Go Joe! Edited by: JD074
From the punch count Hatton was simply beaten by a tougher fighter. He had previously gone up to light welter and not felt comfortable fighting at that weight and evidently fighting in the still heavier Welter weight class was too big a jump for him to cope with at the elite level of a world Championship. He is still a superb light weight and a joy watch work in the ring. I have noticed no black fighters at the Light weight level are jumping up and down with their handa in the air volunteering to be Hatton's next fight.

Total Punches Mayweather Hatton
Landed 129 63
Thrown 329 372
Pct. 39% 17%
Jabs Mayweather Hatton
Landed 29 11
Thrown 72 63
Pct. 40% 17%
Power Punches Mayweather Hatton
Landed 100 52
Thrown 257 309
Pct. 39% 17%
This pic is on the Drudge report. I check out the page everyday and I can't remember ever seeing a similar photo of a black fighter vanquised at the hands of a white fighter. There were plenty of opportunities over the past few years to do so.


Mayweather Stops The Brit: COLD... Edited by: Bart
Bart said:
This pic is on the Drudge report.  I check out the page everyday and I can't remember ever seeing a similar photo of a  black fighter vanquised at the hands of a white fighter.  There were plenty of opportunities over the past few years to do so. 
URL=http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport/boxing/articl e562337.ece[/IMG]&lt;FONT face="Courier New" color=#000000&gt;Mayweather Stops The Brit: COLD...</font>[/URL]&lt;FONT face="Courier New" color=#000000&gt; </font>

Saw that too. Thought the same thing! But is it really any surprise? Drudge is a buddy of Rush Limbaugh so we know where his head is at (ans: up his ass)
freedom1 said:
This fight was fixed in the sense that it received too much hype. Hatton is simply a smaller fighter trying to jump up into a division with larger fighters. Now, the spurious idea that blacks are superior boxers is reconfirmed. end Quote

I see the same thing. I don't know why this fight was given so much more hype and build-up than, say, Pavlik-Taylor. One possibility is that certain behind the scenes media types had a hunch the Pavlik-Taylor outcome wouldn't be friendly to their agenda, and so they played it down, while Hatton-Mayweather would so they cranked up the hype machine. They took a calculated risk and were holding their breaths, I'm sure.

This fight managed to go against the trend, but the old caste system is still in trouble. We'll check back in a year from now. Edited by: Hockaday
The outcome of this fight was also front page news at Foxnews.com the last time any type of fight was front page at Fox was when Chuck Lidell lost. Do I detect a pattern.
I still don't see how this match has any effect on anybody with an IQ over 110.

Floyd Mayweather is small and weak, and can't even beat other small guys like Pavlik or Calzaghe. So to prove how great he is, he took a match against a boxer that was...even smaller than him.

Let's see the "greatest boxer in the world" win a match against just one opponent who is bigger. Not even a huge size difference. Just 15 pounds bigger. Should be easy, right? I mean, he's the greatest boxer in the whole world. The WORLD. He can beat any boxer. ANY boxer.
nevada said:
I still don't see how this match has any effect on anybody with an IQ over 110.

Yeah, too bad the average IQ is only 100, the average boxing fan's must be even lower. It's obvious that many do think it's a big deal. There are articles all over the web that say this fight cemented Mayweather's legacy as one of the greatest of all time, that it secured his standing as the best P4P fighter in boxing, etc, etc.

I personally agree with you, in that Hatton fought a bigger man. He had problems the last time he moved up in weight against a fighter who isn't nearly as good as Mayweather, too. Add to that fighting in the U.S. with a referee who has been 'influenced' to some degree, and you have a very predictable outcome. I was rooting for Hatton all the way but.. not enough to spend $55 on it.
nevada said:
I still don't see how this match has any effect on anybody with an IQ over 110.

Floyd Mayweather is small and weak, and can't even beat other small guys like Pavlik or Calzaghe. So to prove how great he is, he took a match against a boxer that was...even smaller than him.

Let's see the "greatest boxer in the world" win a match against just one opponent who is bigger. Not even a huge size difference. Just 15 pounds bigger. Should be easy, right? I mean, he's the greatest boxer in the whole world. The WORLD. He can beat any boxer. ANY boxer.

If there is one thing I agree with from your post Nevada it's that there are too many weight classes in boxing. Some of the lower weight classes have a mere three pound weight margin. Straw Weight is "midgets" under 105 lbs., Light Flyweight is "midgets" under 108 lbs. Does anyone care enough to follow these two midget divisions with a three pound difference. I'm not a great fighter, but at 5'11 190lbs I could take these midgets to the ground in a street fight before they would be able to knock me out with their "furious fists." There are a whole 9 weight classes from Lightweight 135 lbs to Straw Weight 105 lbs. I think for people to have enough time to care about these lower divisions, the lowest weight class should be under 120 lbs and that their should never be less than a 7 lb weight difference between weight classes even at the lower levels. If you really have enough time to follow "all" these lower Divisions and your career doesn't involve boxing you have no life!
The bottom line is that Floyd cannot even beat Kelly.

It is far past time to stop caring this much about small boxers. They are small and weak. 5 pounds is enough to make them lose. That is completely ridiculous and enough to render small boxing silly and meaningless in the grand scheme of things.

In any other sport, a guy who said he lost because he was 5 pounds too big or too small would be laughed out of the room.

Floyd is so good that he will avoid matches against good 160 pound boxers like the plague. He makes 140 pound boxers step up, but would rather not do the same himself. His title as the greatest is a fraud.

I would rather hear a lot more talk about Schilt kicking the crap out of other huge kickboxers.
I see a few fellow caste footballers alluding to the press that this fight received. Very typical. Whenever, and I mean whenever, without exception, without regard for circumstances a white man is beaten by a African you will be sure to see it again and again and again. Not only will "highlights" be replayed over and over. The pictures in the newspaper the following day will be as humiliating as humanly possible. The pictures will usually try to capture both the white fighter, and the black one in the same frame with the white fighter either on his back, or on his knees while the black fighter pumps his fists in the air. We have seen this with Cooney/Holmes, we have seen this with Morrison/Lewis, Morrison/Mercer, Gatti/Mayweather, the list can go on, and on, and on. Now, over the last year and half white fighters have literally won around 80 to 90 % of the high profile fights against black competitors. You would think that I would have been able to find 1 pic similar to the type I describe above only with the races reversed. Nope! People out here in Australia (not hardcore, but casual boxing fans nonetheless)still think Jermaine Taylor is the middleweight champ of the world. It was not even in the newspaper out here when Pavlik folded Taylor like a collapsible table. Much less pictures of the event. There was no "highlight" of the fight on the ten o'clock news, nothing. The same can be said of every white victory in boxing over the course of the last 2 years or so since I have been paying attention. When Wlad literally dropped Brock on his face, nothing. When Rahman was pulling on Oleg's shoelaces in round 12, nothing. When Austin was knocked out by Wlad's weak hand, nothing. Bute nearly decapitating Berrio, nothing. As biased as I know the tribe media can be, it still irritates me when it is so blunt. I finally atleast partially agree with Nevada on something. All boxers are tough as nails. That is unquestionable when compared to most common people on the street. However it is a sad day for the caste system indeed when they have to find men that weigh 147 pounds to display to the nation as the greatest. If anything, the heavyweight matchups should be getting the type of hype this match received. I ordered the fight on pay per view out here. Let me just say that the announcers were all over Mayweather's nuts. Mayweather would throw a jab and the announcer would analyze the jab for 40 seconds or so. Disgusting.
The match will be replayed on HBO on Dec. 13.

I just watched Dela Hoya vs. Mayweather. I was really unimpressed with Mayweather. Dela Hoya nearly beat him and he was clearly an old boxer that had come out of retirement - nothing like he used to be. That's why I reject the notion that PBF is the best PFP fighter. Pavlik and Calzaghe have never come close to losing - let alone to a washed-up boxer.
Hey Gents, I'm finally getting over the depression of that fight. Let me say this, PBF is cashing in on fighting small guys. He will never step in the ring with a big/young welterweight ie: Margarito, Williams nor Cotto.

I suspect he might fight a re match with Oscar and pull in a another 20 million. This guy is conning the rest of America. The more he acts like a A.. Hole the more people want to buy his fights just to see him lose. But I suspect his day will come when he has bell rung. I just hope it is soon.

Too true, and good post. (By the way, if you break up your post into paragraphs it would be easier to read)

... Mayweather would throw a jab and the announcer would analyze the jab for 40 seconds or so. Disgusting.[/QUOTE]

Mercifully, I saw the fight for free via Romanian tv and didn't have to listen to the American announcers.

Yes the referee was a bit dodgy and stopping Hatton fighting his fight but at the end of the day Hatton was beaten by the faster and more technical fighter. We can always be positive especially because there is so much more white talent out there. But another way to look at it is that Mayweather isn't going to be around for much longer nor will Hopkins (who Calzaghe will beat), and when there gone that top 10 pfp list is going to look very sweet indeed.
I have not yet seen the fight, and can understand the disappointment with the outcome and critique of the referee...but from all accounts Ricky fought his heart out and simply came up short against an extremely talented and larger man. No shame in that.....and the fact that Mayweather credits Hatton with being the toughest fighter he ever fought says a lot about Hatton I believe.
This is all a bunch of hyped up garbage. Mayweather is a nasty evil human being. I really dislike him and wish he lost. However the media will kiss his a-s now more than ever. I remember when Calzaghe, who was undefeated and still is, went up against Lacy. Everyone was saying Calzaghe was a huge underdog. Only because of the color of his skin. He dominated and he would destroy Hopkins too. Mayweather would be destroyed in 2 rounds by Pavlik. All he has to do is gain 10 pounds and Pavlik drop 10 and then we will see how big his thug mouth is.
I think it will be hard to find a good White fighter at 147lbs-most White men are to big for this weight class-I haven't been 147 since 7th grade. We will continue to control the heavier weight classes in boxing. We have complete control of the Heavyweight class. But Flyweight, Bantamweight, Featherweight, Lightweight and welterweight are pretty small for men who eat three good meals every day. Still we can do it !!
Gary said:
I think it will be hard to find a good White fighter at 147lbs-most White men are to big for this weight class-I haven't been 147 since 7th grade. We will continue to control the heavier weight classes in boxing. We have complete control of the Heavyweight class. But Flyweight, Bantamweight, Featherweight, Lightweight and welterweight are pretty small for men who eat three good meals every day. Still we can do it !!

That's a real good point, Gary. Hadn't thought of that.
All Floyd has to do to get a match against Kelly is gain 5 pounds. He boxed Oscar at 150. 155 puts him in the ring with Pavlik.


Again, the utter farce of small boxing rears its head. 5 pounds is enough for a boxer to lose.

It's time to stop caring about guys like Hatton and Mayweather. All this "action" at 147 is just a bunch of small weak men who would get their butts kicked by guys only 20 pounds bigger - guys who are still small themselves.
nevada said:
All Floyd has to do to get a match against Kelly is gain
5 pounds. He boxed Oscar at 150. 155 puts him in the ring with Pavlik.


Again, the utter farce of small boxing rears its head. 5 pounds is enough
for a boxer to lose.

It's time to stop caring about guys like Hatton and Mayweather. All this
"action" at 147 is just a bunch of small weak men who would get their
butts kicked by guys only 20 pounds bigger - guys who are still small

You've said this three times now, but what the hell does this have to do
with anything whatsover. Do we not watch college football just because
the teams could never compete in the pros? Should women not play
sports just becaues they can't compete with men? Should contact sports
be restricted to guys over 200 lbs just because they would beat smaller
guys in a free-for-all. Please.
Gary said:
I think it will be hard to find a good White fighter at 147lbs-most White men are to big for this weight class-I haven't been 147 since 7th grade. We will continue to control the heavier weight classes in boxing. We have complete control of the Heavyweight class. But Flyweight, Bantamweight, Featherweight, Lightweight and welterweight are pretty small for men who eat three good meals every day. Still we can do it !!
I must have been a scrawny third worlder as I wasn't a welterweight until I was a sophmore in high school...
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