ESPN layoffs


Mar 16, 2013
Between now and May it is estimated 20 to 30 or more on screen talent will disappear due to contracts expiring or buy outs. Some household names will likely be involved. ESPN is following marching orders from their boss Disney and it does offer a minor degree of intrigue. The problem is they already re-signed two of their biggest caste clown ass wipes Mike Greenberg and Mike Golic to big fat renewal contracts and you say to yourself what gives? Part of the reason ESPN is struggling is their full steam ahead caste manifesto and their head honcho John Skipper must be as stupid as it comes by pouring gasoline on the fire by keeping these two jerks. Not everyone is offensive at ESPN and I have made it clear here I am a huge fan of Jon Gruden. But ESPN and the sports world will have to understand making fun of or ignoring white athletes and elevating black athletes to god like status has and will eventually totally erode the good will they rely on in their audience. While I was searching around for this story Breitbart News hit the nail on the head when they said "no one seems to like ESPN or anything they do." They went on to suggest the layoffs might actually help and I would have agreed but in the cases of the two Mikes ESPN looks like they screwed up again.


May 1, 2015
Between now and May it is estimated 20 to 30 or more on screen talent will disappear due to contracts expiring or buy outs. Some household names will likely be involved. ESPN is following marching orders from their boss Disney and it does offer a minor degree of intrigue. The problem is they already re-signed two of their biggest caste clown ass wipes Mike Greenberg and Mike Golic to big fat renewal contracts and you say to yourself what gives? Part of the reason ESPN is struggling is their full steam ahead caste manifesto and their head honcho John Skipper must be as stupid as it comes by pouring gasoline on the fire by keeping these two jerks. Not everyone is offensive at ESPN and I have made it clear here I am a huge fan of Jon Gruden. But ESPN and the sports world will have to understand making fun of or ignoring white athletes and elevating black athletes to god like status has and will eventually totally erode the good will they rely on in their audience. While I was searching around for this story Breitbart News hit the nail on the head when they said "no one seems to like ESPN or anything they do." They went on to suggest the layoffs might actually help and I would have agreed but in the cases of the two Mikes ESPN looks like they screwed up again.
Looks like it's going to be even far worse than that.

The much-reported impending round of layoffs coming to sports cable network ESPN could begin this week, with some saying it could be a bigger deal than previously reported. New sources claim that “significant on-air names” and writers may be hit hard by the layoffs, The Washington Post revealed.

Originally reported as a possible target of 50 employees, including on-air talent and some beat writers for the website, now insiders disclose it may be closer to 70 employees cut.

“This could be a bloodbath,” warned an inside source, according to Sporting News.


Feb 23, 2013
New York
Three decades of depreciating whites and they wonder why their viewership is all but disappeared??? The black viewer either won't buy, or is too poor to buy, or is in prison. So who exactly is supposed to be viewing their daily black build-up? White men 30 and younger don't care much about sports; white men over 50 have lost interest.


Dec 19, 2010
I've seen the names start to trickle out (about 20)

Initial observations:

1. All old white (non Jewish) males bar 1 random women tennis columnist and radio host
2. Absolutely gutted their hockey cast
3. Focus on college analysis
4. Biggest names to be let go are Ed Werder and Jayson Stark. Haven't followed ESPN in ages but they always seemed like solid analysts growing up.

Their on air "talent pool" is now almost exclusively women, former black athletes, Indians, and Jews with a couple of holderovers from the 90s for nostalgias sake like Trey Wingo and Scott van pelt who wouldn't stand a chance if they gave (((John Skipper))) their resume in 2017

It will be interesting case study to watch in the coming years especially with it looking like those monster rights fees (that they drove up in a wal mart esque tactic to try and buy up / drive away all of the competition assuming demand would continue to grow) with NBA will bite them in the ass. I look forward to their demise
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May 14, 2015
Correct, the AA/LGBTQ/Ghetto "talent" and other assorted non-white males aren't going anywhere. I had high hopes, but looks like the SJW network is doubling down instead of truly solving the problems with their dwindling subscriber numbers. Stop social commentary, stick to sports, and stop hiring these minorities who can barely speak English.

It will be great watching ESPN further sink into oblivion.


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
I've seen the names start to trickle out (about 20)

Initial observations:

1. All old white (non Jewish) males bar 1 random women tennis columnist and radio host
2. Absolutely gutted their hockey cast
3. Focus on college analysis
4. Biggest names to be let go are Ed Werder and Jayson Stark. Haven't followed ESPN in ages but they always seemed like solid analysts growing up.

Their on air "talent pool" is now almost exclusively women, former black athletes, Indians, and Jews with a couple of holderovers from the 90s for nostalgias sake like Trey Wingo and Scott van pelt who wouldn't stand a chance if they gave (((John Skipper))) their resume in 2017

It will be interesting case study to watch in the coming years especially with it looking like those monster rights fees (that they drove up in a wal mart esque tactic to try and buy up / drive away all of the competition assuming demand would continue to grow) with NBA will bite them in the ass. I look forward to their demise

Beat me to it Claimjumper. The list is disproportionately filled with white males. It's hard to feel bad as pretty much all of them sold out to their caste masters a long time ago. The only one that really sticks out to me is Ed Werder because he was a reporter rather than talking head. BSPN totally missed the mark though as all they have left are colored talking heads debating sports in a tired format. What they essentially did was every cultural marxists dream - purge the white male.

BSPN will continue on with women sportscasters, anti-white minorities able to say whatever they want and all of the talking heads they should of cut. They will continue with tired programming like Pardon the Interuption, First Take, Around the Horn. They keep that woman for their Sunday night MLB broadcasts (Boone should of been fired too IMO). I hope the backlash continues and more and more whites read between the lines to see the racial dynamic in these firings.

Specific to football:

It's interesting Danny Kanell was fired but Galloway got to stay on. Kanell was not really a friend to the white athlete but I thought he was a better "talent" than Galloway. Also Trent Dilfer is annoying at times but was a decent analyst and commentator. How he was fired but Jaworski and Hoge still have jobs is beyond me. Jaworski's comments about the Toucan should of gotten him fired 4 years ago and Hoge has always been an unbearable idiot.
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Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Pittsburgh sports talk show host Mark Madden kept repeating today that it was almost all White men who were fired. He even used the term "White men" every time rather than the preferred cultural communist term of "White males." He then covered his ass by saying he had no opinion on the matter he was just mentioning it, but at least he pointed out the glaringly obvious.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
This is what happens when ESPN merges w Disney; ABC, Marvel Entertainment etc...The conglomerate is all part of their plan

We're almost to the point of having one or two mega-corporations with a thousand tentacles. In sports, you used to never see networks cross-promoting each other and sharing personnel; now it's commonplace. The Golf Channel is now part of NBC, so they cooperate on coverage. ABC and BSPN's shrinking stable of lefties routinely are shared. The first round of the Stanley Cup playoffs were on five networks -- NBC, NBC Sports, CNBC, USA Network, and the NHL Network, again, I've been seeing various announcers and analysts on multiple "rival" networks.

The media's become quite incestuous, much like what's happened in politics and other institutions of control. That's why you see so many more people now go from the media into politics, from academia into politics, from politics into media and academia, etc. And there's always the lucrative business of lobbying for those in the establishment. You might have hundreds and hundreds of TV channels and cereal brands to choose from, but more and more, Americans live in a closed, "unitary" system.


May 1, 2015
We're almost to the point of having one or two mega-corporations with a thousand tentacles. In sports, you used to never see networks cross-promoting each other and sharing personnel; now it's commonplace. The Golf Channel is now part of NBC, so they cooperate on coverage. ABC and BSPN's shrinking stable of lefties routinely are shared. The first round of the Stanley Cup playoffs were on five networks -- NBC, NBC Sports, CNBC, USA Network, and the NHL Network, again, I've been seeing various announcers and analysts on multiple "rival" networks.

The media's become quite incestuous, much like what's happened in politics and other institutions of control. That's why you see so many more people now go from the media into politics, from academia into politics, from politics into media and academia, etc. And there's always the lucrative business of lobbying for those in the establishment. You might have hundreds and hundreds of TV channels and cereal brands to choose from, but more and more, Americans live in a closed, "unitary" system.
Those "tentacles" are now extending into popular websites as well from these mega-corporations. Just watched a YouTube vid that showed that RottenTomatoes is now owned by Comcast/NBCUniversal. There is a rating on RT for the new Bill Nye show from Netflix (I think called "Bill Nye Saves the World" or some other malarky like that) and there's a huge difference between the rating (very good) that Comcast/NBCUniversal gave it and what the collective regular viewers gave it (very poor). I guess it was getting so many down votes on Netflix's site that they removed the ability to rate it. RT did the same thing with the new feminist "GhostBusters" movie...very good review from the corporate site owner but not from the collective regular viewers who (deservedly) panned it. I sense an agenda.

I remember watching a video from YouTuber Ramzpaul a couple of years ago where he showed that every single major "professional" movie reviewer on RT gave some black-themed movie an individual 100% rating whereas the collective regular viewers barely gave it a rating that made it a tomato, implying that the various "professional" film reviewers did so out of fear of retribution if they did not.

By the way, Tucker Carlson had a short segment on his show tonight where he showed a clip of Bill Nye saying to a panel on some show (maybe his new one) that there should be "penalties" given to "developed countries" for having children because of "climate change" if "developed" countries (White and East Asian) don't already have bad enough birth rates. Tucker said he's trying to get him to come on his show, but so far has not been able to. Nye has become a globalist shill and I wouldn't be surprised if he's involved in ped0gate as he sure looks the part.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
I hope those white men that were fired grow some stones and wake up and see the anti white rhetoric that has taken a hold of our corporate slut society. Most should be able to find work elsewhere and maybe they'll change up their caste attitude and adopt a redpilled mindset a little after getting their lives compromised for multi cult diversity BS!! Don's analogy of a thousand tentacles describes the monopoly perfectly.


May 1, 2015
I hope those white men that were fired grow some stones and wake up and see the anti white rhetoric that has taken a hold of our corporate slut society. Most should be able to find work elsewhere and maybe they'll change up their caste attitude and adopt a redpilled mindset a little after getting their lives compromised for multi cult diversity BS!! Don's analogy of a thousand tentacles describes the monopoly perfectly.
I was thinking the same thing. What will it take to wake them up? Wifey divorcing them? Girlfriend leaving them? Skid row? By then it'll be too late. They are going to find out that it's difficult to find another job...being that they are a White male in the USSA. I hope they were able to save up some cash.


Sep 29, 2011
Clay Travis has called this perfectly, ESPN is in a death spiral and they keep adding gravity to the mix. I think it is hilarious outside of the real cost to white men who have been fired, but they were unfortunately too close to the left's bonfire and were burned. Now it's black racialist sportscasters toeing the nice and crazy white lady line of political correctness, and those black men deserve to get it good and hard.

I'm just curious as to how much cucking the "white males" left at MSESPN will have to do and how nasty the "diversity" becomes, FTR I am not a dopey whiney conservative and I hope MSESPN goes exponential, for kicks I'll write a little of it for them.


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
The thing about these layoffs is that they are not even a long term fix. BSPN has made many stupid deals in its attempt monopolize sports - the NBA broadcast deal and all the college football money is in billions so laying off 100 employees is not going to remedy the situation. That along with its ever left leaning world view are a sure sign that revenue will continue to fall on the subscriber side of things.


Mar 16, 2013
Breitbart news has some interesting takes on the lay offs that might be worth looking at. Jeff Pearlman a former SI writer was disgusted that Stephen A Smith was kept and hit the nail on the head when he said REAL SPORTS JOURNALISM is dying in favor of screeching and yelling. As noted here and elsewhere most of the people laid off so far have been the under the radar types who put in diligent work for ESPN. The bigger names like Andy Katz and Dr. Jerry Punch just went about their jobs everyday in a professional manner. I see they axed Britt McHenry the reporter who went off in the parking lot including a lot of nuts and bolts people. ESPN apparently is trying to purge hockey altogether. Danny Kanell wasn't anything to write home about but he was teamed up on radio with mild mannered Ryan Russillo and their show in general was the least caste oriented radio show ESPN had to offer. But Russillo has been downgraded as has solid vets Hannah Storm and Karl Ravech. Clear cut caste college basketball guy the annoying Len Elmore was let loose but strikingly most if not all of the irritants remain. Lebetard ( does anyone actually like this guy?) Bomani Jones who seems to be always laughing at white people, the tag team of Jamelle and Michael Smith, Stephen A Smith and Greenberg and Golic . In other words instead of interesting real sports reporting we will get their version of sports through the haze of a caste world that sullies most everything they are spewing out. The only wild card is the unofficial reported addition of Sage Steele with Greenberg and how that will play out but overall I agree with the above posts and the general media slant on it that this seems like a big step--into a pile of manure.
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Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
Breitbart news has some interesting takes on the lay offs that might be worth looking at. Jeff Pearlman a former SI writer was disgusted that Stephen A Smith was kept and hit the nail on the head when he said REAL SPORTS JOURNALISM is dying in favor of screeching and yelling. As noted here and elsewhere most of the people laid off so far have been the under the radar types who put in diligent work for ESPN. The bigger names like Andy Katz and Dr. Jerry Punch just went about their jobs everyday in a professional manner. I see they axed Britt McHenry the reporter who went off in the parking lot including a lot of nuts and bolts people. ESPN apparently is trying to purge hockey altogether. Danny Kanell wasn't anything to write home about but he was teamed up on radio with mild mannered Ryan Russillo and their show in general was the least caste oriented radio show ESPN had to offer. But Russillo has been downgraded as has solid vets Hannah Storm and Karl Ravech. Clear cut caste college basketball guy the annoying Len Elmore was let loose but strikingly most if not all of the irritants remain. Lebetard ( does anyone actually like this guy?) Bomani Jones who seems to be always laughing at white people, the tag team of Jamelle and Michael Smith, Stephen A Smith and Greenberg and Golic . In other words instead of interesting real sports reporting we will get their version of sports through the haze of a caste world that sullies most everything they are spewing out. The only wild card is the unofficial reported addition of Sage Steele with Greenberg and how that will play out but overall I agree with the above posts and the general media slant on it that this seems like a big step--into a pile of manure.

BSPN has essentially doubled down behind everything that is causing the network to fail already. They view the world through the lens of the cultural marxist.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007


Feb 23, 2013
New York


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
When your "flagship" 6 PM Sportscenter (now called "SC6") consists of Jamele "Black Power" Hill and Michael Smith blaring rap music, speaking in Ebonics, exclusively interviewing black actors/athletes/musicians, and "cracking themselves up" like only blacks can...there should be no mystery whatsoever why ESPN is failing miserably to attract new viewers (or maintain existing customers). Here they are interviewing an obnoxious black rapper named "Charlemagne Tha God" about his new book "Black Privilege" (which contains militantly pro-black themes)...

RANDOM JEWISH CEO: "Why are these filthy goyim turning off their TV's?! This is quality programming!"

I actually like the fact that ESPN fired so many white men, many of whom were shameless cucks / DWF types anyway. I do feel bad for Ed Werder, who never struck me as a bad guy. Trent Dilfer wasn't so bad, either. The sooner they fully "diversify" their staff with unlikable, anti-white minorities, the sooner their demise will occur.

Many white women were axed as well, some of whom (such as Jade McCarthy) were pretty fair to our cause. McCarthy was likely fired simply because she's a straight, married white woman that is constantly pregnant with blond-haired, white children. She is currently pregnant with her 3rd child, which clearly sets a very poor example for white women everywhere and needed to be stopped...


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Extra Point

Hall of Famer
Oct 21, 2012
ESPN Lost More Than A Million Subscribers In The Last Two Months

Report: ESPN Losing 10,000 Subscribers a Day Over Its Political Left Turn

For us here at Caste, we couldn't be more delighted. Does anyone remember the saying your mother taught you when you were a child: "Laugh well who laughs the last."

Maybe Caste Football will pick up some of their former subscribers.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
ESPN Lost More Than A Million Subscribers In The Last Two Months

Report: ESPN Losing 10,000 Subscribers a Day Over Its Political Left Turn

For us here at Caste, we couldn't be more delighted. Does anyone remember the saying your mother taught you when you were a child: "Laugh well who laughs the last."

ESPN is a classic example of how global capitalism and communism share the same goals -- a huge corporation run by committed anti-White leftists with indoctrination being as important as making money.

ESPN's highly unlikely to ever change course ideologically; a leopard can't change its spots as the old saying goes. The problem is that the huge corporate conglomerations in Amerika don't have competition as it's virtually impossible to give them any. Start-ups on that order need billions of dollars of venture capital just to launch, and how many of the super-rich are going to invest in something run by patriotic types? Same with a rival to the NFL. And even if it somehow happened, there would be almost no advertising revenue as soon as word got out. The queen bees of the hive are diabolically brilliant at quickly identifying and then quarantining those who don't go along with their agenda.

Extra Point

Hall of Famer
Oct 21, 2012
ESPN is a classic example of how global capitalism and communism share the same goals -- a huge corporation run by committed anti-White leftists with indoctrination being as important as making money.

Global capitalism and communism are subsets of left wing feudalism. Left wing feudalism seeks to create a neo-feudal world in which only a ruling class and a slave labor class exist.

The slaves are to have no rights and no means to resist their enslavement. The slaves are to have no families, no religion, no morality - they are to exist solely to serve the left wing feudalist rulers.

The left wing feudalists advance their agenda under many names. Liberalism, communism, globalism, Jacobism, feminism are all names by which left wing feudalism is advanced but ultimately they're all the same thing. A way to enslave the populations of the world and rule over them.


May 1, 2015
ESPN is a classic example of how global capitalism and communism share the same goals -- a huge corporation run by committed anti-White leftists with indoctrination being as important as making money.

ESPN's highly unlikely to ever change course ideologically; a leopard can't change its spots as the old saying goes. The problem is that the huge corporate conglomerations in Amerika don't have competition as it's virtually impossible to give them any. Start-ups on that order need billions of dollars of venture capital just to launch, and how many of the super-rich are going to invest in something run by patriotic types? Same with a rival to the NFL. And even if it somehow happened, there would be almost no advertising revenue as soon as word got out. The queen bees of the hive are diabolically brilliant at quickly identifying and then quarantining those who don't go along with their agenda.
Yep, well-depicted on the back of a Federal Reserve Note. You can only ascend so far up the pyramid before you run across them and must either "play ball", move back down the pyramid or face ruin. If you have major financial success in some endeavor, where are you going to put all of that money? Not in their system unless you abide by their rules.

It's no coincidence that all of the major corporations across the spectrum (media (including Hollywood), banks/financial, manufacturing/industrial, technology, universities, etc) that have generated enormous wealth and have ascended up the pyramid are also pushing the same social, cultural, and political (perverse) message. They must or those at the top of the pyramid will see to it that they are replaced with others that do.
