ESPN layoffs

I don't like to rant on the jooooooooos, but since ESPN is basically a temple it fits. They need to grow up and start acting like they are adults not overgrown children with temperment issues. I don't think they will but it needs to be pointed out so we begin the process of delegitimizing their authority as we have allowed them.

And as I pointed out on another thread the rhetoric of "color blind" is about down to complete joke level now
More and more news is trending towards the notion that Bob Iger, CEO of Disney, which owns ESPN, is seriously running for President in 2020 and he is according to political writers very left to the center when it comes to politics. The recent lay offs has left the general media stunned because it did not address the most pertinent concerns about the way ESPN is presenting itself. Almost all of the ESPN people that were laid off were the bee workers who went about their jobs with due diligence. And none carried around that aura of the caste haze per say. So like mentioned above in earlier posts ESPN decided to double down on their agenda by keeping all of the flame throwers who are the centerpieces to their non live programming.
It remains to be seen if Disney dumps ESPN because that will be the next media talking point if sliding ESPN does not adjust their ways.
One other note about ESPN. Their web site "The Undefeated" is a black oriented site that is nauseatingly predictable in ways you expect. Yet they are probably the only site apart from caste football that has discussed the racial make up of sports and or certain positions in any consistent manner over the past several years. To their credit "The Undefeated" at least wants to discuss the issue which is more than I can say for sites like Breitbart News who only brush up against the notions of caste before settling on the more standard right wing outlook on sports.
Currently they have a piece on Christian that while not satisfying at the end of the day it is still not without some merit. Not too long ago they tackled the issue of the decline of the white American NBA player. Perhaps because the writers are black they face less scrutiny than white writers. If white sports writers started dipping their toes into this black white quagmire they could be charged with racism for showing any care whatsoever about the plight of the white athlete. The media figures most all the plights and struggles of athletes must focus on the black ones.
There is of course a tendency for black writers ,with a certain glee mind you, to state the bottom line is whites just can't cut it as in the case of cornerbacks, which is a position they have also written about in the past.
But at least for me I want to see what the sports world has to say about the subject whether I agree or not and I could be wrong but the more the subject of the (lack of) white athletes comes up I think it helps chip away at the standard caste outlook.
More and more news is trending towards the notion that Bob Iger, CEO of Disney, which owns ESPN, is seriously running for President in 2020 and he is according to political writers very left to the center when it comes to politics. The recent lay offs has left the general media stunned because it did not address the most pertinent concerns about the way ESPN is presenting itself. Almost all of the ESPN people that were laid off were the bee workers who went about their jobs with due diligence. And none carried around that aura of the caste haze per say. So like mentioned above in earlier posts ESPN decided to double down on their agenda by keeping all of the flame throwers who are the centerpieces to their non live programming.
It remains to be seen if Disney dumps ESPN because that will be the next media talking point if sliding ESPN does not adjust their ways.
This is concerning. Disney and Iger are extremely anti-White, pro-Homo, pro-Radical-Feminism and anti-Christian. I used to love Marvel Comics, now I can't stand them. Disney owns them now, buying them out about ten years ago.

I made a mistake and let my guard down several weeks ago and took the chance to see the new "Logan" Marvel movie about an aging "Wolverine". Outside of the opening scene where he takes on some cholo gangbangers near the Mexican border in El Paso, the rest of the movie was very hard to stomach. The main antagonist was a White male with blond hair. Logan's seven year old daughter (projected as the next "Wolverine" (of course)) weighed about 50lbs and was completely destroying well-built, well-armed White mercenary soldiers. All of the future "mutant" children were non-White males, but included 2 or 3 White females. The only White male child mutant died in a battle. Whenever they showed them in a group (of about 8 or 9 of them), I kept looking for the White male child mutant, but didn't see any, although in the very back it appeared there may have been one shuffled in. The White females and non-White males were in the front. Logan and his daughter were racing to get to Canada where the mutants would be "free". This was obviously treated in the movie as analogous to the "undocumented migrants" fleeing big bad White Trump "fascist" USA to escape to Canada. On the way to the Canadian border, they ended up staying in a black family's farm house in Oklahoma. The black family was depicted as a nuclear Christian family that actually said "grace" at the table before they ate. Their black son turned Logan's daughter on to "hip-hop/rap" music. During the evening, Logan had to help the family fend off some White racists that wanted to turn off the water to their farm because of some water rights dispute. They depicted the White men with cowboy hats and in your typical "redneck" Hollywood fashion.

That's just one contemporary example of many Disney-owned productions and it is the blueprint that Iger envisions for Amerika.
BSPN fired the pencil necked dweeb John Clayton today

Good riddens to the pencil neck geek. Hopefully BSPN axes more casteon cuckholds.
Good riddens to the pencil neck geek. Hopefully BSPN axes more casteon cuckholds.

We have to think that BSPN hired this guy because he looks like some kind of combination of nerd-weasel-alien:
I can remember when John Clayton was a Pittsburgh beat writer back in the 1970s. The only thing interesting thing about his firing is that ESPN continues to purge White men of seniority while retaining much younger affirmative action hires. Doesn't matter to me as ESPN is unwatchable and I wouldn't care if they get rid of all of their White male cucks. Unfortunately the scale of today's media corporate giants makes it all but impossible to provide ESPN with competition other than from other cultural communist-oriented corporate giants.
One thing I noticed about the recently-fired ESPN writer and on-air personality, John Clayton, is that he never said anything political and rarely engaged in "Caste Speak" agaianst white players. Sadly, I believe he was actually one of the more fair and professional talking heads on that network. He was always speaking highly of the Patriot offense and seemed to really like Jordy Nelson.

I'd love to see all white men fired from ESPN and replaced with women and diversity. Their anti-white, SJW-flavored programming has become so sickeningly-obvious that even the DWF's are turning off the TV. I want to them to complete their suicide by purging all white men completely.
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