Donald Trump for President

Mayorkas needs to be arrested and charged with Treason on Day 1. Biden and Harris would not be possible, but Mayorkas is obtainable.
The U.S. Government aided foreign combatants in their invasion of American soil. Known criminals and members of foreign militaries were among those invaders. This was an act of war waged by USG against the American people.
Deportations should begin on Day 2.
Something I'd very much like to see in a second Trump administration is not just the continuation of X as a (relative) free speech haven but the ending of search engine censorship. From a steady supply of new posters, CF overnight had that important resource ended circa 2017. We've hung in there and I'm grateful for the many long-time posters we have, but think how many more we would have had by now if Google and the other large search engines had maintained neutrality instead of engaging in systematic and massive censorship.
Something I'd very much like to see in a second Trump administration is not just the continuation of X as a (relative) free speech haven but the ending of search engine censorship. From a steady supply of new posters, CF overnight had that important resource ended circa 2017. We've hung in there and I'm grateful for the many long-time posters we have, but think how many more we would have had by now if Google and the other large search engines had maintained neutrality instead of engaging in systematic and massive censorship.
I agree. Musk’s acquisition of Twitter was a huge blow to govt and big tech censorship. Targeting search engines and their biased algorithms would be the logical next step in stripping away censorship from big tech companies like Google, Microsoft etc.
Mayorkas needs to be arrested and charged with Treason on Day 1. Biden and Harris would not be possible, but Mayorkas is obtainable.
The U.S. Government aided foreign combatants in their invasion of American soil. Known criminals and members of foreign militaries were among those invaders. This was an act of war waged by USG against the American people.
Deportations should begin on Day 2.
Agreed. I’d add Fauci as a day 1 arrest too. In fact all the Covid conspirators should be rounded up on day 1.

I was watching Alex Jones and his interview with General Flynn. Flynn had mapped out all the NGOs including religious charities that have been subverted in order to fund the illegal invasion. I am glad to see people that are part of the incoming president’s inner circle are aware of such things and they seem to be formulating a plan to combat the invasion. I also hope that Trump allows RFK to be an attack dog on Big Pharma.
Mayorkas needs to be arrested and charged with Treason on Day 1. Biden and Harris would not be possible, but Mayorkas is obtainable.
The U.S. Government aided foreign combatants in their invasion of American soil. Known criminals and members of foreign militaries were among those invaders. This was an act of war waged by USG against the American people.
Deportations should begin on Day 2.
Day 1 we should also zero out all of the invaders free debit cards, rent and phones. Like 12:01AM. Many would self-deport saving us lots of trouble.
Day 1 we should also zero out all of the invaders free debit cards, rent and phones. Like 12:01AM. Many would self-deport saving us lots of trouble.
I'm fully in favor of that.
My tiny town of 7,500 people has had the same racial and cultural makeup for more than a century. It has been completely overrun by foreigners in just the past two years, with outside contractors planning for a large housing development on the edge of town.
There are no jobs here. So where are all these non-English speaking people getting money?
The 2020 election looks even more fraudulent now after seeing the Democrats numbers drop back down in line with the historical average over the last 4 elections.

View attachment 4655
From that chart it looks like about 15 million of Biden's votes in 2020 were bogus. It sure was easy to cheat on such a large scale when everyone was terrified of the coof and all the ballots were being mailed in.
Putin praises ‘courageous’ Trump as he congratulates new president-elect

Trump wins the election and it already looks like diplomacy and peace can be achieved between Russia and Ukraine. With Biden's proxy war and billions of taxpayer dollars wasted hopefully this brother war concludes once Trump is in office.
Hamas has already made peace overtures. The DOJ dropped the two phony baloney investigations they has going on Trump, various big tech companies have already come groveling. It's a new day.
Mayorkas needs to be arrested and charged with Treason on Day 1. Biden and Harris would not be possible, but Mayorkas is obtainable.
The U.S. Government aided foreign combatants in their invasion of American soil. Known criminals and members of foreign militaries were among those invaders. This was an act of war waged by USG against the American people.
Deportations should begin on Day 2.
Rico charges from Obama all the way down to to Rachel Maddow. These bastards need to pay.
Trump isn't going to order the assassination of a foreign leader – and that would be a disaster, anyway – but it would be an effective use of Presidential power to put together an advanced operation to drop a dummy bomb into the lap of Maduro within the first week after Trump is sworn in. That villain deserves it. Perhaps such an action would convince him to assist with the inevitable repatriation of all the criminals and gang members he intentionally sent to America during the Biden administration.
Here's an issue that is now gaining traction unlike it ever has. See this post from Ron Paul....

So now some blacks got text messages calling them slaves. Of course they are blaming maga but I guarantee it’s either a white liberal or juicy smollett type. We are going to see a lot of this type of crap to ruin his presidency. I
No way a racial hoax!
Just watch how it plays out. If it was a black or white liberal the media will bury it quick. If it was a right wing type then we will hear about how racist Maga is. I expect this and more like the summer of love riots during his last term.
Just watch how it plays out. If it was a black or white liberal the media will bury it quick. If it was a right wing type then we will hear about how racist Maga is. I expect this and more like the summer of love riots during his last term.
No doubt. Racial hoaxes are like the boy who cried wolf. If it actually does happen, everyone is numb to it and won’t believe it lol.
Something I'd very much like to see in a second Trump administration is not just the continuation of X as a (relative) free speech haven but the ending of search engine censorship. From a steady supply of new posters, CF overnight had that important resource ended circa 2017. We've hung in there and I'm grateful for the many long-time posters we have, but think how many more we would have had by now if Google and the other large search engines had maintained neutrality instead of engaging in systematic and massive censorship.
Here we Go....watched first min already
Here we Go....watched first min already
Thanks for posting that! Sounds very encouraging and what Trump says should apply to the large corporations currently suppressing information on the major search engines, particularly that of Google.
Looks like it was too big to rig indeed, some states still aren't called, particularly Arizona, it must pain the leftist outlets to call them for Trump, they must make a contorted expression while doing so. If I am not mistaken, this is wider then Trump's 2016 victory.
I've said for years the Civil Rights laws are for us now, but conservatives being stupid and reactionary I might as well tried to fly to Mars by flapping my arms. But recently the lawyer for Trump threatened the fat black tyrant prosecutor in NY with violation of rights which I am to believe he was referencing the Civil Rights laws. Anyway next time a leftist uses any of the dehumanizing rhetoric such as "racist", "white supremacist", "white nationalist" and anything else as a negative counter accuse them and NOT the moronic conservative Goober crap of trying to explain something to people that have no good intentions whatsoever in their nasty bodies.
Looks like it was too big to rig indeed, some states still aren't called, particularly Arizona, it must pain the leftist outlets to call them for Trump, they must make a contorted expression while doing so. If I am not mistaken, this is wider then Trump's 2016 victory.
It will be if he holds Arizona because he flipped Nevada. I think it’s been like 20 years or so since a Republican won the Silver State. He also won the popular vote, which he didn’t do in 2016. Total landslide.
I never thought i'd see a major political candidate demanding mass deportations ... much less one that could win the election. These are interesting times to be alive. Voter ID, deportations, closing the border, tariffs to protect our workers. It's common sense stuff that we the people have been denied for the last nearly 100 years.

Trump also says he's ending birthright citizenship day 1....
What's perhaps most significant and great about Trump's smashing victory is the "alternative media ecosphere" that was created and which thrived the past few years after the totalitarian-oriented "legacy" media and the "intelligence community" tried to censor and intimidate dissenters.

Elon Musk led the way but now there are countless podcasts and websites that are pro-freedom and anti-regime and have been very effective in spreading truth. One still has to use powers of discernment as there are lots of grifters and disinformation artists out there in alternative media (part of the not so glorious American tradition of snake oil salesmen and con men), but the regime's attempts to suppress dissent and the First Amendment on an industrial scale has only resulted in the so-called mainstream media (which is anything but mainstream) discrediting itself "bigly" as Trump would say.

This is an interesting article from The Wall Street Journal about the manosphere and how Trump benefited from utilizing it. Predictably biased to some extent but has a pretty good analysis of some of what was happening mostly unbenknownst to the isolated elite class. Young Barron Trump apparently is red-pilled, which is awesome:

American Freedom News