Donald Trump for President

The Left should have tried to be human instead of acting for years like spoiled 19 year old mean girls with a narcissistic personality disorder. FTR though here in MO the abortion amendment brought out the girls which no doubt swayed a good many races and other amendments.
In MO Amendment 3 which allows unfettered abortions passed by a few percent. It's an indictment of the MO legislature for enacting a strict abortion ban when Roe was kicked back to the states. Personally I am against abortion PERIOD, but a secular society demands some compromises. In Florida the existing laws allow abortions in cases of incest and rape, and only banned after 6 weeks. It's "reasonable" and made it easier to shoot down the Abortion amendment.

Here is MO, current law was abortion illegal in ALL instances except for when the life of the mother was in danger. So instead of having a "reasonable" abortion limitation in place like FL, we now are going to have a CA or MN style law that has no restrictions whatsoever on killing children.
The pro life people can be exemplars of conservatives, obsessed about their principles and virtues above all things including winning. As Vox Day wrote conservatism is basically a public pose, though I hope in this case we can sideline the egomaniacs and blunt the worst aspects of the abortionists.
In MO Amendment 3 which allows unfettered abortions passed by a few percent. It's an indictment of the MO legislature for enacting a strict abortion ban when Roe was kicked back to the states. Personally I am against abortion PERIOD, but a secular society demands some compromises. In Florida the existing laws allow abortions in cases of incest and rape, and only banned after 6 weeks. It's "reasonable" and made it easier to shoot down the Abortion amendment.

Here is MO, current law was abortion illegal in ALL instances except for when the life of the mother was in danger. So instead of having a "reasonable" abortion limitation in place like FL, we now are going to have a CA or MN style law that has no restrictions whatsoever on killing children.
When she was pregnant with our first child, my wife told me how sick and twisted a liberal woman must be to even consider having an abortion under those circumstances.

She also told me that the thought of being raped by a black male, getting pregnant, and not being able to have an abortion under those circumstances terrified her.
The pro life people can be exemplars of conservatives, obsessed about their principles and virtues above all things including winning. As Vox Day wrote conservatism is basically a public pose, though I hope in this case we can sideline the egomaniacs and blunt the worst aspects of the abortionists.
Well said.
When she was pregnant with our first child, my wife told me how sick and twisted a liberal woman must be to even consider having an abortion under those circumstances.

She also told me that the thought of being raped by a black male, getting pregnant, and not being able to have an abortion under those circumstances terrified her.
Yes. These sorts of laws are what caused the electorate in the state to go radically the other way. I often see posts by absolutionists like Wile describes in my X feed pining for a national version of what the Missouri law was. They do not understand the majority view of the country, and understandable ones like your wife.
It's official! Trump wins Michigan. Thank you Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin! I'm glad NC hung in there and went for Trump!
...and all other states that went Trump!
Really happy for Trump, what a man! Now he needs to do the swamp draining he promised eight years ago but didn't deliver on.

Meantime, remember that nothing suspicious happened in the 2020 election:

Yes. These sorts of laws are what caused the electorate in the state to go radically the other way. I often see posts by absolutionists like Wile describes in my X feed pining for a national version of what the Missouri law was. They do not understand the majority view of the country, and understandable ones like your wife.
Yesterday at the polling place exactly at mid day I did spot a lot of youngish white women at the polls and had the notion the abortion issue brought them out. On the other hand they were primarily in shape and the kind that would be preferable mates. I say that because obesity amongst the youngish white female set in my area is more than a bit concerning, not for me personally, old and happily married.
Harris's weak claim to African ancestry didn't help her cause and only added to the air of non authenticity that dogged her campaign.

One clue that she wasn't really black: Her smile was not room brightening.
Harris's weak claim to African ancestry didn't help her cause and only added to the air of non authenticity that dogged her campaign.

One clue that she wasn't really black: Her smile was not room brightening.
Yes, but her cackle is hilarious. Undignified and often inappropriate, which makes it even funnier.

DEI took another big hit yesterday. This was also the first election in which White men were sympathetically portrayed along with men in general. Previously the "gender gap" had always been presented as the GOP having a problem with women; this time around it was finally recognized that the feminist/HR/fat and purple-haired cat lady establishment has a serious problem with men of all races and backgrounds. Marxism, toxic feminism, grooming of children and the entire trans fetish embraced by the Dems, it all has run out of steam and momentum. It might just be "irrational exuberance" the day after, but this truly is a moment where the communist/globalist tide can be halted and rolled back and mankind has the opportunity for a hopeful and positive future.
Yes, but her cackle is hilarious. Undignified and often inappropriate, which makes it even funnier.

DEI took another big hit yesterday. This was also the first election in which White men were sympathetically portrayed along with men in general. Previously the "gender gap" had always been presented as the GOP having a problem with women; this time around it was finally recognized that the feminist/HR/fat and purple-haired cat lady establishment has a serious problem with men of all races and backgrounds. Marxism, toxic feminism, grooming of children and the entire trans fetish embraced by the Dems, it all has run out of steam and momentum. It might just be "irrational exuberance" the day after, but this truly is a moment where the communist/globalist tide can be halted and rolled back and mankind has the opportunity for a hopeful and positive future.

The fact you put HR in their is hilarious and very fitting. Leave no stone unturned as we fight back against cultural marxism!
The fact you put HR in their is hilarious and very fitting. Leave no stone unturned as we fight back against cultural marxism!
Sometimes I wonder if the fight is even winnable, because in my country, Australia, we are now importing hundreds of thousands of Indians who pose as international students into our country, its now become such that 1 in 20ish is an international student of the entire population
Yes, but her cackle is hilarious. Undignified and often inappropriate, which makes it even funnier.

DEI took another big hit yesterday. This was also the first election in which White men were sympathetically portrayed along with men in general. Previously the "gender gap" had always been presented as the GOP having a problem with women; this time around it was finally recognized that the feminist/HR/fat and purple-haired cat lady establishment has a serious problem with men of all races and backgrounds. Marxism, toxic feminism, grooming of children and the entire trans fetish embraced by the Dems, it all has run out of steam and momentum. It might just be "irrational exuberance" the day after, but this truly is a moment where the communist/globalist tide can be halted and rolled back and mankind has the opportunity for a hopeful and positive future.
I truly hope you are right about this being a pinnacle moment in history. Have to be cautiously optimistic.
These are the maps for Trump’s know, the elections where the opponent didn’t manufacture 81 million votes to beat him.
Liberals love repeating "81 gorillion" just like you-know-whos love repeating "6 gorillion." Overcompensating, both.
I'd be all for this. Back when I was becoming more politically aware I found myself aligning as a libertarian as it made the most sense to me. The libertarian party has been taken over by anarchists, commies, gays, weirdos etc. Just look out who their candidate is this year. Leftism/marxism spreads like a cancer throughout all of society.
My two biggest political regrets in life are voting for McCain in 2008 and donating $20 to the Libertarian Party when I was a young, dumb kid.

After I left the libertarian movement I'd get into occasional debates with those who were still devoted to that (lost) Cause. One of them called me a "commie" for supporting a basic safety net for White working class people. Now that the Loserdopian Party has been taken over by actual commies, that's rich.
Lol. That map showing voting preferences. Out west you have San Fran Bay area and Southern Cal 10 miles within the coast, plus the western states they mostly move to, in the center Chicago, and in the east New York City and Boston, and the areas they have spread to. Isn't it more or less one non stop continuous city from Richmond, Va to Boston? Gotta be disappointed with Virginia being overrun with northeast carpetbaggers. I don't understand Minnesota, though. Are they just full of overly soft Scandinavians that don't mind being walked over, much like those countries today?
Trumps got balls of steel, gotta admire that. To even want to run for President is a yuuuuggggeee life event and to run again, win and be President a second time 4 years after being ripped off in the last election is inedible...The man is an alpha for sure. Hopefully young white men and women can see what a country run by a strong white man can be like. I am Canadian and I wish we had Trump!
Im so happy my brothers. Ive been on here since 2006 and CF has truly formed my world view. Many things predicted about cultural marxism have come true. Imo Don Wassal is pioneer and an american original.
Im german with family in the us. Good work in this election. Its not too late brothers.
The 2020 election looks even more fraudulent now after seeing the Democrats numbers drop back down in line with the historical average over the last 4 elections.

"Muh 81 gorillion" and "muh most popular president ever" will go down in history just like "two weeks to flatten the curve" and "JaMarcus Russell is the future of the NFL." :loel:
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