Deaths as Israelis attack unarmed relief boats

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Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
From BBC:

More than 10 people have been killed after Israeli commandos stormed a convoy of ships carrying aid to the Gaza Strip, the Israeli army says.

European parliamentarians are among the wounded, according to tweets from the boats.

Report: "At about 4:30 am, Israeli commandos dropped from helicopter onto deck of Turkish ship, immediately opened fire on unarmed civilians"

The Jewish Supremacists believe they are above any international laws and they feel they can do whatever they want.Edited by: Parody
If a Muslim country had done this we would have a carrier group parked off their coast already and the usual suspects would be clamoring for war. Israel does it and it has about the same weight as a Joe Biden gaffe.
Paleocon said:
If a Muslim country had done this we would have a carrier group parked off their coast already and the usual suspects would be clamoring for war.  Israel does it and it has about the same weight as a Joe Biden gaffe. 

Any other nation would be vociferously condemned by the entire world for this type of action. Wouldn't be surprised to see the Juden and their sycophants spin this episode into a peace prize nomination for the principals involved.
Really dumb on the part of israel. I think there will be some repurcussions from it.
The Zionist controlled media will just downplay this horror, and will soon be buried just as usual. All in the name for the so-called great of Israel and it's people.

Jews only number about 20-25 million worldwide, but seem to dominate world media, politics, and economics. They seem hell bent in creating this so-called New World Order.
A sign of desparation and urgency for World War in what is becoming a crumbling globalist economy, or a sign of supreme over-confidence - flexing of muscle. It's a tough call. One thing is for sure, Israel will have no negative action taken against them in any way by the rest of the world. No sanctions, embargos, boycotts, defunding etc.

In the last couple of years, this rogue country has attacked Gaza (killing thousands), attacked Lebanon, built more illegal settlements right in the POTUS's face, and captured other aid ships. I could go on, but I can't remember every single dasturdly deed as I type. Nothing will come of it as always. They are trying hard to force someone else's hand though - hoping for an incident.
jaxvid said:
Really dumb on the part of israel. I think there will be some repurcussions from it.

Yes. If they had waited until the flotilla was 24 km offshore instead of attacking when it was 77 km, then what they did would not have been a violation of international law.

In the past few years the Zionists have become a lot less cautious, with their destruction of Lebanon's infrastructure by the bombing in 2006, and their merciless attack on Gaza in late 2008.

Even though they may be able to cover up to a degree and shift the blame by lying through their news media, some intelligent people seem to be waking up and finally realizing what the Zionists are all about.
Very well said Parody,

I'll even go a bit further in my assessment. I believe we're seeing the death throes of the zionist state. At this point, they're losing all sorts of support around the world and inside israel, the birthrate of the Hasidic Jews (many of them quite anti-zionist - all of them a drain on the economy) and Palestinians in a few years will make the zionist state a dead issue.

Tom Iron...
What I find comical about this incident to the totally "keystone cops" approach in halting that ship. What the Star of David should have done if they thought that boat of enemies so was so great was to disable the the ship. They could have blown up the propeller. The ship is adrift. Make it a life saving mission, rather than landing a dozen or so of skilled commandos into a hornets nest of Arabs/Muslims. Maybe I should head the SPECOPS of Israel.

It was kinda of funny watching "civilians" beat the crap of Israeli special forces. Can you image the if Somali Pirates were filmed beating SEALS with brooms. This stuff one can't make.
My pro-semitic friends are going absolutely insane about this. I hope it opens their minds to understanding a little more about the evil of the tribe. I doubt it, though.
Trying to go through a countries naval blockade is a act of war and Israel was in it's full rights to board the ship and inspect the cargo. The so called peace activists were the ones who started the violence by attacking the Israeli Soldiers with metal bars and knives and throwing one soldier overboard. This was no peaceful humanitarian mission at all. There is no food or medical shortage in Gaza. Israel has long maintained a open corridor for all sorts of aid going into Gaza. Millions of tons of humanatarian aid has come in to the area with help from the United Nations and the Red Cross, approximately a ton of aid has come through for every man woman and child in Gaza. What Israel was concerned with was arms shipments coming through as well as building supplies for all the underground tunnels being built in Gaza to sneak into Greater Israel and Egypt to get arms from Hezbollah and Iran which reportedly has sent a numbers of Scud Missiles into Gaza. There were several tons of concrete and other materials found on the ships precisely for building such tunnels. I find it ironic that a number of people here post alot about the United States needing to defend it's borders while Israel is not allowed to defend hers. I stand with Israel and I always will, so help me God. They should sink the ships next time, the world going is to hate them regardless. I expect my post to make no little difference with those of you who have made up your minds but I wanted to put my marker out there.Edited by: guest301
guest301 said:
The so called peace activists were the ones who started the violence by attacking the Israeli Soldiers with metal bars and knives and throwing one soldier overboard.

I get a kick out of this view.
A group of commando's lands on someone's ship out of the blue (in international waters) and the ones defending the ship are in the wrong.
I guess they should have knelt down and subjected themselves to the wishes of the all mighty zionists. Pro-zion Christians are a hoot. They're as silly in their double standards as caste supporters.
jaxvid said:
guest301 said:
The so called peace activists were the ones who started the violence by attacking the Israeli Soldiers with metal bars and knives and throwing one soldier overboard.

I get a kick out of this view.
A group of commando's lands on someone's ship out of the blue (in international waters) and the ones defending the ship are in the wrong.
I guess they should have knelt down and subjected themselves to the wishes of the all mighty zionists. Pro-zion Christians are a hoot. They're as silly in their double standards as caste supporters.

. International waters my rear end. If Israel had waited till they had gotten within twelve miles of the coastline then it would have been near impossible to board the ships with all the boats and fishing vessels in the area crowding the scene not to mention the small boats the people in Gaza were going to send out to sort of form a human blockade to keep the ships from being boarded. You got a tiny nation of about 5 millions Jews surrounded by about a billion Muslims who want them driven into the Med and to disappear forever and so Israel does what it has to do to survive and the two other ships that are supposedly on their way from Turkey should be treated in the same fashion if not worse as these six ships were. I'm not going to do like a F3dor and fight these running post battles with everybody on the subject, I have said my peace and will move on.Edited by: guest301
guest301 said:
There is no food or medical shortage in Gaza. Isreal has long maintained a open corridor for all sorts of aid going into Gaza.

Wow, Gaza sounds like a swell place to live. What ingrates those Palestinians are. And the nerve of those "terrorists" trying to bring supplies to what is alreadyobviously athriving society.

And what restraint by noble Israel. I guess we should be grateful the boats weren't sunk and all the evil terrorists slaughtered.

On a less sarcastic note, if you want to find the genesis of the post-9/11 changes in the U.S. -- from institutionalized torture, to endless wars, to the growth of the surveillance state, to the increasing tendency to wall off the ruling class in gated, high security zones away from the proles, to the general callousness and disregard for life that permeates the Washington/New York/Hollywood Axis, look no further than the example set by "free and democratic" Israel and its ever escalating war against mankind (e.g. the "inferior goyim").
guest301 said:
jaxvid said:
guest301 said:
The so called peace activists were the ones who started the violence by attacking the Israeli Soldiers with metal bars and knives and throwing one soldier overboard.

I get a kick out of this view.
A group of commando's lands on someone's ship out of the blue (in international waters) and the ones defending the ship are in the wrong.
I guess they should have knelt down and subjected themselves to the wishes of the all mighty zionists. Pro-zion Christians are a hoot. They're as silly in their double standards as caste supporters.

. International waters my rear end. If Israel had waited till they had gotten within twelve miles of the coastline then it would have been near impossible to board the ships with all the boats and fishing vessels in the area crowding the scene not to mention the small boats the people in Gaza were going to sent out to sort of form a human blockade to keep the ships from being boarded. You got a tiny nation of about 5 millions Jews surrounded by about a billion Muslims who want them driven into the Med and to disappear forever and so Israel does what it has to do to survive and the two other ships that are supposedly on their way from Turkey should be treated in the same fashion if not worse as these six ships were. I'm not going to do like a F3dor and fight these running post battles with everybody on the subject, I have said my peace and will move on.
I'm with the musliums on that! I want them driven into the med too!
Our poster "guest301" has admitted he's a Jew, F3dor obviously is also Jewish but he denies it.

The ships were trying to bring much needed supplies to Gaza, where the children have been suffering in the worst imaginable poverty caused by the blockade. The situation of the Palestinians in Gaza is a lot like the situation of the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto in 1943.

Here's the latest from BBC, along with a map showing the flotilla was far offshore, well outside the 24 km Israeli waters.

Witnesses cast doubt on Israel's convoy raid account

No decent, sane person would try to justify what they are doing to the Palestinians, nor justify their centuries-old attempts to undermine, manipulate and degrade the European race.

They Jewish Supremacists have less regard for non-Jewish lives than we do for an insect beneath our feet.

Rachel Corrie:

Video 1

Video 2

Edited by: Parody
guest301 wrote:

"I stand with Israel and I always will, so help me God."

Sounds like he's ready to be conscripted into the Israeli army.
I just got back from Walmart but while I was in line ahead of me were three Latina ladies, illegal I saw a consulate card in one of their purses,with at least 10 kids between them buying $400+ worth of groceries with the peach, Ga food stamps, card. Witnessing a Caste Football moment I followed them outside to see what sort of vehicle they were in and lo and behold it was a brand new Ford 250 sitting on 24s! With all due respect to everyone I could care less whats going on in the Middle East. I'm more concerned about whats going on here in south GA.
Menelik said:
I just got back from Walmart but while I was in line ahead of me were three Latina ladies, illegal I saw a consulate card in one of their purses, with at least 10 kids between them buying $400+ worth of groceries with the peach, Ga food stamps, card. Witnessing a Caste Football moment I followed them outside to see what sort of vehicle they were in and lo and behold it was a brand new Ford 250 sitting on 24s! With all due respect to everyone I could care less whats going on in the Middle East. I'm more concerned about whats going on here in south GA.

The influence of the Jewish Supremacists in America has a great deal to do with what's happening in South Georgia.
This whole event has left me very skeptical. For some reason, the media has endorsed the bashing of Israel, and many of the names of the authors I have read about on this issue are indeed Jewish. It seems fishy to me. Very fishy.
Parody said:
Menelik said:
I just got back from Walmart but while I was in line ahead of me were three Latina ladies, illegal I saw a consulate card in one of their purses,with at least 10 kids between them buying $400+ worth of groceries with the peach, Ga food stamps, card. Witnessing a Caste Football moment I followed them outside to see what sort of vehicle they were in and lo and behold it was a brand new Ford 250 sitting on 24s! With all due respect to everyone I could care less whats going on in the Middle East. I'm more concerned about whats going on here in south GA.

The influence of the Jewish Supremacists in America has a great deal to do with what's happening in South Georgia.

Tom Iron said:
Very well said Parody,

I'll even go a bit further in my assessment. I believe we're seeing the death throes of the zionist state. At this point, they're losing all sorts of support around the world and inside israel, the birthrate of the Hasidic Jews (many of them quite anti-zionist - all of them a drain on the economy) and Palestinians in a few years will make the zionist state a dead issue.

Tom Iron...

Wishful thinking. Israel's economy is more solid than the economy of the US.
StarWars said:
This whole event has left me very skeptical. For some reason, the media has endorsed the bashing of Israel, and many of the names of the authors I have read about on this issue are indeed Jewish. It seems fishy to me. Very fishy.

Nice observation and one I should have made from the beginning especially since it is so obvious. All the "usual suspects" that get posted about around here are all roundly condemming Israel over this in the print media and news media and even to some extent on Fox. Fishy indeed! Two more "cargo" ships are on their way from Turkey as we speak even after all this has transpired and we will see if Israel bows to international pressure, I expect they won't.
As far as Parody goes(formerly poster JD1986), he posted that I am a Jew conveniently leaving out the fact that I am also part Irish and Greek as well which I have posted too many times to count around here. To pigeonhole me as just another Jew is disingenious on his part especially considering the fact that I am a HOF poster. I was pretty much done with this thread but I wanted to address the fine point of Star Wars.
Parody said:
Menelik said:
I just got back from Walmart but while I was in line ahead of me were three Latina ladies, illegal I saw a consulate card in one of their purses, with at least 10 kids between them buying $400+ worth of groceries with the peach, Ga food stamps, card. Witnessing a Caste Football moment I followed them outside to see what sort of vehicle they were in and lo and behold it was a brand new Ford 250 sitting on 24s! With all due respect to everyone I could care less whats going on in the Middle East. I'm more concerned about whats going on here in south GA.

The influence of the Jewish Supremacists in America has a great deal to do with what's happening in South Georgia.

Teddy Kennedy and Hubert Humphrey were the members of the Senate who were "credited" with the 1965 Immigration act which opened the door to massive 3rd world immigration. The Bill was signed by LBJ. Were they "puppets" of Jewish supremacists.
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