Danny Woodhead

Danny came back yesterday and had a great game. Looks like he will be ready for a playoff run now. I hope they make it to the championship!
whiteCB said:
Thanks for the info. You can understand why I don't know these players but what's worse is my friends who claim they're "football fans" and yet have no idea who Steve Largent is!!! I almost crapped my pants and had to explain to them how Steve set all the records that Rice broke. Although I guess it doesn't help that the media gives the guy no credit whatsoever. Oh and who is that guy in your avatar Bronk?

Oh God, Steve Largent. I actually remember when the Houston Oilers drafted Largent. I hated when they cut him because I thought with a name like that, he ought to be able to play some ball. People need to remember him more.

Ever hear of Charlie Hennigan? Just another slow white guy who could catch the football. He was the first receiver to have 100 pass receptions in a season(101 in 1964) and the first to twice gain 1,500 yards in receptions (1961 and 1964).

That avitar? Just some dumbass I know (me).

By-the-by, in high school I played against the guy you have as an avitar.
Cool deal Bronk! You look like a real tough guy in that pic! You played against Craig James in high school?
I played against James as a freshman and a sophomore in sub-varsity games. In our senior year, his Stratford Spartans won the Texas Class AAAA state title.

I must say that I watched his career with a bit of envy.

I still think that Mike Luck, who played for Startford's then arch-rival Spring Branch (and who later played at Texas) was a better, though smaller, back. James was a straight runner with some power and good speed. Luck was super quick, shifty and with burning speeeeed. Mike, by the way, always agrees with my assessment
TWO questions: Is Woodhead healed from is injury and when do they play again?
Danny Woodhead=Jacksonville's Maurice Jones-Drew! Both are small guys with a low center of gravity who are "extremely" shifty with excellent speed and toughness! Actually Woodhead is a little faster than Jones-Drew. But Woodhead, despite being the Division two record holder in rushing yards and running for 8 YPC last year and the obvious comparisons to Jones-Drew will never be a second round draft pick. The NFL must be projecting that all those sunburns he gets will soon make him lose his speed and give him skin cancer. I understand their reasoning and no longer blame the NFL for crapping on people of my race! Sarcasm obviously. Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
Danny Woodhead had a huge night in an amazing game! he had 237 total yards and 4 TDs in a 3-overtime shootout.

Chadron State emerged with a hard-fought victory, 76-73. they advance to play NW Missouri State in the next round of the playoffs.

a link to the complete story.
I started compiling my spreadsheet on the various draft websites, experts and scouting services and noticed something strange. Danny Woodhead, who was supposedly too small to play D1 ball, and is almost certainly being downgraded as an NFL draft pick because of this, is actually bigger then the consensus #1 Senior Tailback prospect, Mike Hart. Its quite the nice system they have set up, any White who is "tailback" size is too small, and any White who isn't is considered a Fullback. There just isn't any place for a White Tailback in the system.
If Chadron State can win this weekend, they will play in the Semi-finals on ESPN or ESPN 2. I'm looking forward to the D2 playoffs this year, even though my Statesmen bowed out this past Saturday.
reclaimsocal said:
I started compiling my spreadsheet on the various draft websites, experts and scouting services and noticed something strange. Danny Woodhead, who was supposedly too small to play D1 ball, and is almost certainly being downgraded as an NFL draft pick because of this, is actually bigger then the consensus #1 Senior Tailback prospect, Mike Hart. Its quite the nice system they have set up, any White who is "tailback" size is too small, and any White who isn't is considered a Fullback. There just isn't any place for a White Tailback in the system.
Isn't it the truth though? They look for any little b.s. excuse to explain why a white RB isn't fit for the taboo position of RB.
They can never mention the actual truth or they will lose their jobs or credibility as scouts; they have to do the status quo and be anti-white. I have seen many comments disparaging of white athletes by sports journalists that are "anti-white" though. Bill Simmons calling the Saint's LBs a white affirmative action experiment and that stupid post I saw of a writer mocking the Pats signing of Welker in the Pre-season as "an overpaid short undrafted white guy" "those types don't amount to much" or something of the sort. I guess these types of comments give them legitimacy amongst the liberal marxists, the drunken white fans and black athletes who like the status quo or are too blind to see.
ToughJ.Riggins said:
They can never mention the actual truth or they will lose their jobs or credibility as scouts; they have to do the status quo and be anti-white. I have seen many comments disparaging of white athletes by sports journalists that are "anti-white" though. Bill Simmons calling the Saint's LBs a white affirmative action experiment and that stupid post I saw of a writer mocking the Pats signing of Welker in the Pre-season as "an overpaid short undrafted white guy" "those types don't amount to much" or something of the sort. I guess these types of comments give them legitimacy amongst the liberal marxists, the drunken white fans and black athletes who like the status quo or are too blind to see.

can u imagine the crap a writer would get for writing "an overpaid short undrafted black guy"? i hate how its cool to make fun of athletes who happen to be white. i usually like bill simmons so i hav to research what he wrote. but then again, could u ever see him or any other writer say the jags qbs are a black affirmative action experiment.
ToughJ.Riggins said:
They can never mention the actual truth or they will lose their jobs or credibility as scouts; they have to do the status quo and be anti-white. I have seen many comments disparaging of white athletes by sports journalists that are "anti-white" though. Bill Simmons calling the Saint's LBs a white affirmative action experiment and that stupid post I saw of a writer mocking the Pats signing of Welker in the Pre-season as "an overpaid short undrafted white guy" "those types don't amount to much" or something of the sort. I guess these types of comments give them legitimacy amongst the liberal marxists, the drunken white fans and black athletes who like the status quo or are too blind to see.

please send me a link to this quote if you have it.
I never saw it from Simmon's only from Hench, although it is something Simmon's would say.
Hench is the biggest caste whore I know, I usually loves to read every single football article I can read on any possible website, but I always overlook his work. He sucks, I hate him.
My mistake; I guess it was Kevin Hench. What a racist thing to say though.

"The beauty of sports is its merit-based colorblindness. So only a cynic (like me) could watch the New Orleans player intros in Week 1, see an all-white starting linebacker corps and go "uh-oh." Maybe if their names were Urlacher, Hawk and Vrabel, I'd have felt differently, but after Scott Fujita, Scott Shanle and Mark Simoneau got trampled and thrown over for 452 total yards, the linebacking corps look more like a linebacking corpse. The last all-white starting linebacker unit to win a Super Bowl? I figured it would be Jack Lambert, Jack Ham and Andy Russell in SB X, but Lambert, Ham and Loren Toews started for the Steelers in SB XIII. If the Saints trio can't contain the lowly Bucs, the affirmative action experiment will have to end. Saints 27, Buccaneers 17."

As if the late 60's and 70's NFL was racist against blacks. America was clearly liberalizing then. There was even a black (Thurgood Marshall) on the Supreme Court. Players were actually selected by their merits then! Except for QB, unfortunately QB was off limits to blacks until the 80's in the NFL. There should have been at least a couple starting black QBs from those days.Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
ToughJ.Riggins said:
My mistake; I guess it was Kevin Hench. What a racist thing to say though.

no worries. i read bill simmons' articles so i was really surpirsed to hear he said that.im glad it wasnt him. thanks for pointing it out though. this Hench guy is a dip sh*t. he wrote he has an "uh-oh" feeling when he saw the saints lb corp, and HE STATED it was bc they are all white. how he gets away with that is beyond me. could u imagine if he wrote he has an "uh-oh" feeling about tavaris jackson playing qb bc he was black??? f*ck kevin hench.
Danny Woodhead won the Harlon Hill Trophy for the second time!

Danny Woodhead ran for more yards than any player in the history of college football and was selected to The Associated Press Little All-America teams every season he played at Chadron State.

the 5-foot-9 running back was a first-team Little All-American for the second consecutive season.

Woodhead ran for 7,962 yards for Division II Chadron State in Nebraska, topping the all-division record of 7,353 set by R.J. Bowers from 1997-2000 at Division III Grove City (Pa.) College.

Woodhead also ranks second in career all-purpose yardage with 9,479. His 109 career touchdowns ties the NCAA record and his 654 career points ranks second.

This season Woodhead rushed for 1,876 yards and scored 27 touchdowns.


Woodhead stands with the HH Trophy. an unassuming figure off the field...


he is a juggernaut on it.
Danny will be playing tonight in the Hula Bowl against Div 1A competition. He's on the West roster and will be wearing the #4. Tune in to watch on VS network if you have it at 6PM EST.
After it became apparent that Ron Zook was determined to play his black quarterback the entire game (It's a senior display game, Ron. They're all supposed to share snaps.), I paid only intermittent attention. However, I made sure to at least look at the field whenever the West had the ball. From what I could tell, Danny only saw the field on three plays. He pass-blocked on one, had a bad pass thrown too low towards him on the other, and got a single carry into a stuffed line for no yardage. I believe that was all in the first quarter. His day was done after that. The other RBs for the West shared the rest of the day. Each getting multiple series.
There was no reason for Danny to attend this joke of a game.
Riddlewire said:
After it became apparent that Ron Zook was determined to play his black quarterback the entire game (It's a senior display game, Ron. They're all supposed to share snaps.), I paid only intermittent attention. However, I made sure to at least look at the field whenever the West had the ball. From what I could tell, Danny only saw the field on three plays. He pass-blocked on one, had a bad pass thrown too low towards him on the other, and got a single carry into a stuffed line for no yardage. I believe that was all in the first quarter. His day was done after that. The other RBs for the West shared the rest of the day. Each getting multiple series.
There was no reason for Danny to attend this joke of a game.

That's not exactly correct. The QB's rotated for both sides, and both Paul Smith and Ricky Santos played as much as <?:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:smarttags" /><st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Marshall</st1:place></st1:City>'s Bernard Morris. They all played reasonably well,partially because the East's offensive line played much better than the West's. <?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />

Danny also had more chances then you attributed, and to be honest really didn't make the most of them. I'm as big of a Danny Woodhead fan as anyone, but he ran the ball three or four times for basically nothing, dropped a pass (albeit not the best ball, but still catchable) and did not look good on his releases out of the backfield or trying to chippeople. He was in the game for many more plays than just three. Maybe you should try watching the game closer.
I didn't see him touch the ball a single time in the second half, just a play action. I didn't see the first half though. But from the way the West's o-line was playing, I wouldn't have expected much anyway.
Mike said:
That's not exactly correct. The QB's rotated for both sides, and both Paul Smith and Ricky Santos played as much as Marshall's Bernard Morris....

Danny also had more chances then you attributed, and to be honest really didn't make the most of them.

After Paul Smith's second TD run, which happened very early in the game, Morris took nearly every snap. I don't recall Paul getting back in the game. Maybe he got to kill the clock at the end.
As for your statement about Danny, it's a complete fabrication. Danny had no chance to show anything in the game. And it was not a catchable ball, either. Were you on the West coaching staff?Edited by: Riddlewire
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