Danny Woodhead

You make some good points Riddlewire, but it still made the scout look foolish to the general public which hurt his standing. He should have "posed it as a question" as Tom Iron has suggested as a good method before. The way I posed the question would be perfect.

I would beg to differ that McFadden isn't shifty. He's pretty darn shifty, just not as shifty as Woodhead. McFadden is another Reggie Bush IMO. He doesn't know how to grind out the yards up the gut. McFadden also has much more pure straight-lined speed than burst, although his burst is above average. His shiftiness and burst aren't good enough for the next level to make up for his lack of leg drive and upright running despite his blazing speed.

Basically, McFadden will need a good o-line so he can get into the open field where his speed and agility will work to his advantage. His burst isn't that impressive.

McFadden's 10 yard time or 1.50 is above averge, but by no means spectacular. Actually Jacob Hester ran the the exact same 10 yard time, but is written off b/c he ran a 4.6 flat 40 yard.

To compare measurables: IMO a guy who runs a 1.45 10 yard and a 4.5-4.55 40 yard, is more valuable than a guy who runs a 1.55 10 yard and a 4.4 flat 40 yard. IMO a superior 3-Cone, short shuttle and 10 yard dash time together, are more important to a RB than a blazing 40 time. Unless the fast guy w/ average times in the other drills is running a 4.4 and the slow guy with elite times in those areas is running a 4.7. There are always exceptions!
Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
With the exception of the sacrificial D1AA opponent game each year, I saw every game McFadden ever played. I refuse to accept the description of 'shifty' for him. But maybe it's a difference in connotative preference. McFadden can slant quickly while on the run. But, at low speeds, you won't see him stop on a dime and 'jitterbug' to carve through a crowded line. Those kinds of moves are exclusively the domain of guys with better body proportions. McFadden's long legs and upright running hinder his ability to do that. And, with so much of the NFL running game taking place between the tackles, that's the kind of running that these guys will be asked to do most often. There's no Wildcat in the NFL.
Danny's only hope is a team like the Colts or maybe the Pats. I'm not sure anybody else out there will even give him a shot. I just hope he doesn't waste his training camp time at some caste whore team that only intends to use him as a tackling dummy (see- Browns: Tre Smith, Redskins: Jesse Lumsden, Bengals: Ryan Engelbert, etc.)
It's my personal opinion that Darren McFadden will be a bust in the NFL. It comes down to work ethic and attitude and although I can't speak for the first, his failures in the second give me a good idea of the probability that the first is lacking. If Woodhead was given the opportunities that McFadden will be, then there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that he would exceed him as an NFL player. Unfortunately the chances of that are about as good as Kate Beckinsale showing up at my door horny and naked.
a snippet from draftdaddy:

"Former Chadron State tailback Danny Woodhead is another non-Combine invite I absolutely love. He's sort of a mix between Maurice Jones-Drew and Darren Sproles -- small and compact, and when you watch him on tape he looks as shifty as Pacman Jones or Barry Sanders. He's productive too -- led all tailback's in the nation with an amazing 9,259 yards from scrimmage during his college career. The kid has the Indianapolis Colts all over him. "

written by the anonimous scout that posts there, i think
Danny signed with Jets who currently only have 3 other RBs and didn't draft any either. might be his best shot!
You need to scroll down to read the few lines about Danny. Apparently he didn't have a 'spec' of athletic ability at high school!?!? So we are led to believe that athletic ability is something of a natural gift which you inherit through your genes, but not for danny, because if your white you have to magically evolve your athletic ability because you arn't born with it. I'm guessing sportsillustrated is another American caste loving sports media?

[url]http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://i.a.cnn.net/si /2007/sioncampus/10/08/monday.awards/p1_woodhead.jpg&imgrefu rl=http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2007/sioncampus/10/08/mo nday.awards/index.html&h=430&w=300&sz=33&hl=en&start=2&tbnid =6HD8ANpOKZzmoM:&tbnh=126&tbnw=88&prev=/images%3Fq%3Ddanny%2 Bwoodhead%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den[/url]
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