Crime Thread

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They've arrested Ghislane Maxwell, Epstein's GF and accomplice.
Heart attack/poison. There is no way that they pull an escape deal on her like they probably did for Epstein. I wouldn’t rule out a possible imposter taking her place in prison either.
Here a white man is attacked for no reason by 5 blacks. One of them says black lives matter as he kicks the white man in the face.

Incredibly the victim later says he doesn't think the attack was racial. That's how badly brainwashed many young whites are.

Here a white man is attacked for no reason by 5 blacks. One of them says black lives matter as he kicks the white man in the face.

Incredibly the victim later says he doesn't think the attack was racial. That's how badly brainwashed many young whites are.

Haha if he still doesn't know by now the man is clueless!
Longtime lurker... love what you all stand for here.

In a nutshell: white men have ceased to be men. Until that changes the swift decline of our great country will increase.

and all whites should conceal carry. Period.
You can't make this stuff up. Some character in NC won a $10 million Lotto and has managed to get himself charged with murder. I can see his lawyer giving each other high fives.
A woman in N.C. won 127 million on the Powerball jackpot and spent 21 million to bail out her heroin kingpin boyfriend. She was later arrested for possession of marijuana.
I don’t believe any of the publicized lottery stories. Just tabloid style stories to intermingle with the fear porn and divide/conquer propaganda. There is no real news.
Here a white man is attacked for no reason by 5 blacks. One of them says black lives matter as he kicks the white man in the face.

Incredibly the victim later says he doesn't think the attack was racial. That's how badly brainwashed many young whites are.

White men like this have got to go. They have no place in our ranks and they make us weaker. If he didn't even have enough pride to fight back and then goes on to say it wasn't racial when it obviously was then he could never be trusted or counted on for anything. This is why the coming tough years ahead for us need to happen. They will help to purge the useless, spineless men from our race.
Negro murdered victim with a sword during rent dispute: police

Jerry Thompson is charged with murder in the slashing death of Victor King, a retired Travelers employee and champion bridge player.



White men like this have got to go. They have no place in our ranks and they make us weaker. If he didn't even have enough pride to fight back and then goes on to say it wasn't racial when it obviously was then he could never be trusted or counted on for anything. This is why the coming tough years ahead for us need to happen. They will help to purge the useless, spineless men from our race.
I think its the sissified jail house wife attitude is the problem. Unless he is a trained MMA fighter or boxer he has no shot at beating 4 guys descending upon him. Also fighting back could get you killed if you injure one of the attackers.
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If the races had been reversed and the word "cracker" replaced with the "N" word, it would have been headline news on CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post and the rest of the mainstream media.

"The suspect is described as a male with dark complexion, 40-45 years of age."

LOL. It's now against the law to describe a suspect as a black male. The ABC story did provide a surveillance photo.

Little coverage, only a few New York City TV outlets. All two days old at least.
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Please someone locked up with this pile of feces take him out with vengeance. Gut him like a hog. This happen about an hour from where I live. I hope he never has another moment of peace.
Please someone locked up with this pile of feces take him out with vengeance. Gut him like a hog. This happen about an hour from where I live. I hope he never has another moment of peace.
Amen. I hope he gets his comeuppance in the slammer.
(((CNN, MSNBC, HuffPost and CBS))) ignored the story of the little boy being shot

CNN finally ‘pressured’ into covering story of Cannon Hinnant, five-year-old ‘executed’ by black neighbor

(but CNN did not mention the race of the killer)

The death of Cannon Hinnant, a white 5-year-old allegedly killed by a black man, was finally given brief coverage by CNN – after nearly a week of accusations that mainstream media was burying the story to fit a narrative.

Hinnant’s death has been a hot topic on Twitter for almost a week, with thousands drawing attention to his story, but attracting little to no mainstream media coverage.

Darius Sessoms, 25, was arrested and charged with first-degree murder after allegedly killing the five-year old who was playing in the front yard of his North Carolina home on Sunday. The incident was witnessed by Hinnant’s two sisters, who are seven and eight. Sessoms is black, while Hinnant is white.

While the story is horrific, it certainly seems newsworthy, especially considering the attention paid to it on social media, but mainstream media outlets like CNN, NBC, ABC, The New York Times, etc. all conspicuously overlooked it. This led many to accuse the platforms of deliberately ignoring a story of black-on-white crime, as it would not fit with the current Black Lives Matter narrative.
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