Crime Thread

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Our hope should be that marginal Whites and even other races will finally see the lunacy of Leftism, Leftist "speak" and Leftist "think". It is all filled with such illogical crap and is detrimental to humanity and the general well-being of everyone, even Leftists themselves. It's truly anti-human in it's very essence. It is indeed a mental disorder as Michael Savage said years ago (although he used the term "Liberalism"). I would say it's more of cult than anything else; a religion. I would welcome any and all libs to just see that the whole brainwashing charade has never been good for them. And it's not now; much less in the long run.
Great analysis by Jared Taylor on the latest happenings:
Too much sanity and truth in Jared Taylor's presentation. It has no place in the clown world in which we live.
Antifa is the catalyst for this organized chaos. That's who many if not most of the "Whites" are that can seen in the crowds of rioters. Trump should have declared them a domestic terrorist organization very early in his administration. Instead he let them terrorize his own supporters the past 3 1/2 years as they've grown stronger and better organized and this is the result.
Clearly, Trump and the Attorney General echo your sentiments, as well as I.
I have a question. As of 2013 were The FBI crime statistics still being skewed by reporting Hispanics as White in the perpetrator category? Not having luck searching for the answer.
I have a question. As of 2013 were The FBI crime statistics still being skewed by reporting Hispanics as White in the perpetrator category? Not having luck searching for the answer.

The FBI crime statistics have been skewed for a long time. What they call "hispanics" (a language group not a race), and other mixed races, are listed as White when they commit a crime, but when they are victims of a crime they are listed as non-white.

And don't bother searching on Google for anything that is not "politically correct".
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s son arrested for stabbing California neighbor
But the Left always tells me, if they even acknowledge it at all, that the reason blacks commit so much violent crime is the cycle of poverty. Surely Kareem’s son grew up wealthy and privileged. Must be systemic racism that caused him to do it...
below is a link to a lengthy, but mathematically simple and statistically compelling, review of urban crime in our nation. the evidence of the culprits is quite simple to identify, even if the factors involved have been hidden or lied about (in many cases) or complex and still-to-be understood. regardless, the stark truth is easily seen by anyone who is willing to examine the evidence. we’ve been lied to for years. this compilationary review of the evidence is remarkable, not only for its open honesty but also for its refusal to jump to conclusions.

i would say it’s a “must read,” except few Americans bother to read more than a headline or sentence fragment these days.
But the Left always tells me, if they even acknowledge it at all, that the reason blacks commit so much violent crime is the cycle of poverty. Surely Kareem’s son grew up wealthy and privileged. Must be systemic racism that caused him to do it...
His son can say he called him an anti Semitic slur, his neighbor was tone deaf and used White privilege to dress down Mr. Abdul- Jabbar and he may only get probation.......

PS, maybe the victim thought he was in the presence of a fellow White man and used racially inappropriate language against Blacks, in that case Mr. Abudul- Jabbar is allowed to commit felony murder and will skate on the attempted murder charges....
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Negro stabs old veteran in the neck, MSM does not report it.


Be careful out there everybody. Scroll down on that page and watch the black go postal on the Macy's employee. It's tough to watch because the White man was incapable of defending himself. The thug and his brother tried to falsely claim the employee used the n-word.
F'ing disgusting I wouldn't be shocked to see if the employee was a homosexual and the only White who would utter a racial slur at this point to an obvious street person like this is somebody who is looking to rumble and has been in county lock up many a times for bar fighting.
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