Crime Thread

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Negro sent to prison after his boy, 7, was found encased in concrete inside storage unit

Here is one of the most sickening cases yet. See below! As far at the guy from Milwaukee the perps family is pulling the race card. They say he found a noose in his locker and was being racially harassed. Yeah, right. Just see the comments by blacks on Facebook defending the killer.

Some cuck was already on local News last night assuring this attack had zero racial aspect to it. If roles were reversed, well we all know how'd that go.
as sad as it sounds but with all the pandemic going on, i am afraid we would get a spike in crime... someone agrees? maybe someone already has some data?
i guess police needs to change their "recipes" when it comes to public protection.
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as sad as it sounds but with all the pandemic going on, i am afraid we would get a spike in crime... someone agrees? maybe someone already has some data?

Now that police forces are saying they won't be able to react to such "non violent" crimes as burglary, car theft, theft from persons and stores, etc., suddenly all those liberals who hated guns so much and wanted to ban them want one of their own...same as the politicians who want to ban guns, except of course when it comes to protecting their own precious asses!
Floyd Mayweather’s Daughter Arrested for Stabbing

Floyd Mayweather's daughter, Iyanna, has been arrested for felony aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, TMZ has learned, and it appears to have been a confrontation over NBA Youngboy.

Iyanna Mayweather is currently in Houston's Harris County jail after getting arrested at 1:30 AM Saturday. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ, the alleged victim and NBA Youngboy were at his home when Iyanna arrived and told the woman, Lapattra Lashai Jacobs, she was Youngboy's fiancee and Jacobs should leave the house. Jacobs then told Iyanna to leave.

We're told the argument moved into the kitchen, where Iyanna was holding 2 knives. According to our sources, Jacobs stepped toward Iyanna and Iyanna charged at her with one of the knives. Jacobs told cops she didn't feel the first knife wound but then she said Iyanna charged at her with the second knife, stabbing her again.

When EMTs arrived, Jacobs was laying on the floor. She was taken to the hospital. We do not know her condition.

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Previously on SBPDL: Her Name Is Melanie L. Crow: Honoring the Life of the White Female Who Lost Her Life in the Racial Terror Attack on Burnette Chapel Church in Nashville in 2017

You know the drill by now, but it doesn’t make it any easier: were the races reversed, this would be biggest story in the world.

A White man stabbing to death three black women would be front-page news on every major daily paper left in America, with CNN/MSNBC and the major national affiliates (ABC/CBS/NBC) dedicating their nightly newscast to the tragedy and showcasing academics with dubious doctorates denouncing not just the white person who did the stabbing, but all white people across the nation as having a hand in the gruesome murder.

But that’s not what just happened in Tennessee. Instead, a black Muslim (possibly an immigrant or a refuge) stabbed three white women to death on a random Tuesday in April. It was barely news in Tennessee, causing barely a ripple across the nation. [Three workers stabbed to death at Tennessee truck stop, suspect shot and killed,, April 7, 2020]:

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (WATE) – A man who was shot and killed after fatally stabbing three women and injuring a fourth at a Tennessee truck stop early Tuesday has been identified by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation.

The suspect, Idris Abdus-Salaam, 33, was a truck driver from Durham, North Carolina.

The three deceased victims were all employed at the Pilot Travel Center on Strawberry Plains Pike. They have been identified as:

  • Joyce Whaley, 57
  • Patricia Denise Nibbe, 51
  • Nettie R. Spencer, 41
The fourth victim, who was a customer and has not been identified, remains hospitalized.

The report of a stabbing at the truck stop at 7210 Strawberry Plains Pike in Knoxville was made just before 7 a.m.

Thank the Lord, this bum was shot and killed. Interesting how none of this got reported in my neckofthewoods - new jeresy.

The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation confirmed that three women were killed and a fourth was transported to a nearby hospital.

The condition of the hospitalized individual was unknown as of Tuesday afternoon.

The stabbing suspect, Abdus-Salaam, was shot and killed by law enforcement, TBI spokesperson Leslie Earhart said.

Officials say officers arriving on the scene first saw at least one person with stab wounds outside of the store. A man, armed with a knife and identified by witnesses as the suspect, was also in the parking lot.

Officers confronted Abdus-Salaam, who refused to drop the weapon. At some point during the encounter, one of the officers fired shots, striking him. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

Pilot Company CEO Jimmy Haslam confirmed in a statement that all three victims were Pilot employees.

“Today is a difficult day for the Pilot Company family. We are devastated to confirm the loss of three team members and the injury of a guest after an act of violence at our Strawberry Plains, Tennessee, location this morning. It is with heavy hearts that we extend our deepest sympathy to the families and loved ones of the victims. We are providing support and counseling to the families and our team. We are working closely with local authorities. Please keep these families in your thoughts and prayers.”


Let’s change the headline to be more accurate – Three White Women, Workers at the Pilot Travel Center Stabbed to Death by Black Male: Police Investigating Anti-White Hate as Motivation for Murders.




Tolerance. (D.I.E.T)

White America has had a continuous dose of D.I.E.T for decades, and it isn’t going well. It should be obvious by now the D.I.E.T agenda has left white America emaciated when it comes to taking its own side in argument, or even its very survival.
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Negroes usually target women, often white women. Is it because they are too cowardly to attack white men?

I know the media tries to portray white men as somewhat cowardly and morally inferior and many minorities share these views. But its amazing how much bark and how little bite they have for all their bravado, even eye contact when they are swaggering , whooping and hollering towards you is often enough to make them shy away in my experience, growing up in Cali, unless someone is obviously at a disadvantage (old, by themselves, female or obviously less capable) they will rarely attack, it needs to be in their favor.
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Floyd Mayweather’s Daughter Arrested for Stabbing

Floyd Mayweather's daughter, Iyanna, has been arrested for felony aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, TMZ has learned, and it appears to have been a confrontation over NBA Youngboy.

Iyanna Mayweather is currently in Houston's Harris County jail after getting arrested at 1:30 AM Saturday. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ, the alleged victim and NBA Youngboy were at his home when Iyanna arrived and told the woman, Lapattra Lashai Jacobs, she was Youngboy's fiancee and Jacobs should leave the house. Jacobs then told Iyanna to leave.

We're told the argument moved into the kitchen, where Iyanna was holding 2 knives. According to our sources, Jacobs stepped toward Iyanna and Iyanna charged at her with one of the knives. Jacobs told cops she didn't feel the first knife wound but then she said Iyanna charged at her with the second knife, stabbing her again.

When EMTs arrived, Jacobs was laying on the floor. She was taken to the hospital. We do not know her condition.
Only in Amerika 2.0 could we have a story this absurd. An Iyanna and a Lapattra Lashai fighting with knives over a degenerate “rapper” NBA YoungBoy. o_O:mad::machinegun:
Putting this here. Admins feel free to move it.
I wish most Blacks were as objective and reality based about interracial crime and crime in general as this guy. This is regarding the Arbery case that high profile posers like LeBron James already have decided with hysterical Twitter comments. This is enlightening as the facts are surfacing:

Putting this here. Admins feel free to move it.
I wish most Blacks were as objective and reality based about interracial crime and crime in general as this guy. This is regarding the Arbery case that high profile posers like LeBron James already have decided with hysterical Twitter comments. This is enlightening as the facts are surfacing:

I don't give a damn what this guy says, pro or con (I did watch a couple of ins of this). The only thing that should matter to good White men and women anymore is support of White people in all things when it comes to inter racial violence. They've run that let's look at the facts BS by us too many times for us to believe anything. Ready yourself and your families for the wholesale violence coming against our people by blacks and other races. This is our duty to our loved ones.
I share your beliefs completely TomIron. I have been preparing people for a race war for 40 plus years, some believe, some don't. We can just speak the truth and let them decide for their selves. I always tell the non-believers that their ears will deceive them but their eyes won't. Believe what your eyes tell you. We are under attack, not minorities.
Double standards epitomize the DNA of the Leftist Jewish media:

Thanks for posting that. I linked the story and "tweeted" it to Lebron James and that racist Soros puppet Shaun King.
Excellent. There is more video footage coming out showing he wasn't "out for a jog minding his own business". I love how most of these "hate crimes by White Supremacists hunting down innocent Blacks" are actually nothing of the kind once all the facts come out. It's wonderful when the (((Leftist media))) and their converts want something to happen so badly and want something to be true so badly and it all falls apart to their great disappointment and dismay.
This persecution of black men simply has to stop:

Free agent RB Mark Walton's charge of aggravated battery of a pregnant woman has been dropped.
Walton was accused of punching his pregnant girlfriend "several times in the face and head" back in November after discovering he was the father. He was arrested five times on separate charges in a span of 12 months dating back to February when he got into a verbal dispute with the mother of his child. (No clue if it's the same woman.)
This persecution of black men simply has to stop:

Free agent RB Mark Walton's charge of aggravated battery of a pregnant woman has been dropped.
Walton was accused of punching his pregnant girlfriend "several times in the face and head" back in November after discovering he was the father. He was arrested five times on separate charges in a span of 12 months dating back to February when he got into a verbal dispute with the mother of his child. (No clue if it's the same woman.)

Accused of beating a pregnant woman, ya we don't have much to hold him on let's just drop it.
Accused of beating a pregnant woman, ya we don't have much to hold him on let's just drop it.
Can you imagine if a White athlete were doing this? Whites can't even use improper words without the wrath of the Dark Lords Jewish media unleashing their knives and whips onto some Goy. Cultural Communism 101.
Follow up:

Like I keep saying, don't get wound up in all this type of malarkey. There should only be one idea left to us now. We're with the White men no matter what the "facts." All this type of talk is meaningless now. It even hurts us. Don't think anything except the survival of our White people/race.
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