Crime Thread

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Charles, there is a long history of Jewish families altering or truncating their surnames in order not to be noticed. They have done this with great frequency over several generations, all around the Globe. Germanic names, in particular, are very easy to change and many times are. I've known several full blooded Yids that had very German surnames. Jimmy Kimmel, for example, claims he's not Jewish at all, despite his very Jewish looks and Jewish persona. Most quote the fact that Kimmel is a solid Germane surname. He might not be Jewish, but every Kimmel I've ever met wore the Yarmulke.

As far as the woman above, she checks all the boxes: Looked very Jewish, acted Jewish (just look at her job), went to heavily Jewish Boston University, then Columbia. Columbia, like all the Ivy schools, takes in a disproportionate number of Jewish students to fill their "white black quarterback". Good luck being Goy or Shiksa and getting into the Ivy Leagues these days ** -- you better be able to play varsity sports at a high level.

One thing that gave me poise, was her family is located in North Carolina. But, tragically, how often have we heard that "liberals" from high taxed, crime infested Northern states and California are suddenly flocking to places like Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Arizona and Texas and voting straight Democrat? You hear that every day on talk radio. My guess is a significant proportion of those "liberals" are Jewish. North Carolina, in particular, has seen a huge influx. The South Carolina college student from New Jersey that was murdered by a black male last spring, when she mistakenly got into his car thinking he was a Uber driver, had a Swedish sounding surname.

Charles, not sure what the decapitated woman was? However, I'd be utterly shocked if she was not Jewish. As so many on this board know, our "Kosher friends" have been pushing the race-mixing agenda 24/7 in hopes of exterminating whites or dwindling our numbers significantly. Problem is, sometimes their own women get ensnared in the traps they set for Shiksa's (non Jewish women) and the results are often very bad. Jews only number 13 million world wide; whites in general number about a billion. Believe me, when a Jewish female is murdered or has mulatto children, it really stings "our friends" harder than you think.

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Was this white woman trying to win the 2019 Darwin Award?

Seriously, how stupid can you possibly be? There are so many things wrong here, I don’t know where to start. First, why is a 55 year old white woman going to a Popeye’s chicken restaurant in the hood? Second, upon discovering in her bank statement that she was charged an extra $6 for a sandwich she didn’t get, she goes back to the store instead of disputing the charge with her bank or just letting it go?

And as the icing on this dumbass cake, she spends a great deal of time arguing with the all black staff, surrounded by other negroes, what do you think is going to happen here? One of the low IQ, no impulse control thugs carried her outside and body slammed her on the pavement. She’s lucky to be alive, all for a $6 chicken sandwich.

There was another story in Philadelphia about a 14 year old black girl who killed a 59 year old white man, a well known animal rescue activist.

There’s an epidemic of black-on-white crime in this country, the only reason we see these stories is because of cell phone videos and social media. Otherwise there’s a complete media blackout on these crimes.

None of these crimes are surprising, just black folks doing what they do. It doesn’t seem to open any white eyes, however. I’m not blaming the victims here, but most often when I read there stories, the white victim lacked any sort of situational awareness and literally walked into being victimized. And whether the victim survives or it’s their loved ones, they never see the racial angle.

This is not going to stop until white people recognize the reality and fight back,
Complete (((media))) blackout because they love it and it doesn't fit their lying narrative. I actually disagree with you a bit CrazyFinn. I think it's precisely because of our phones and alt-right social media sharing that a relatively good amount of Whites are waking up to this racist crap more and more, and know that the media are lying and hiding this crap. I'm pessimistic at times but believe Whites may wake up and say enough and who knows, what may happen then. I'm going to make every attempt to do my part and remain realistically optimistic. Cheers sir.
Thanks Charles Martel, but quite frankly I have some doubts that the White on Black stat is even that high. I believe White on Black violent crimes are almost non-existent. I'd like more proof. Not from you sir, but from the source, which is nigh impossible. When and where is this supposedly happening, and what defines "violent"? Looking at a Black wrong?
BeyondFedUp, we discussed this topic back in the summer of 2014. The numbers are intentionally skewed in order to disseminate inaccurate information to the American Sheeple: Look at who is Counted as White?

That explains the chart posted by Charles. Non-whites categorized as "whites". This is notable when it comes to "whites attacking Hispanics". In reality, most of these crimes are actually Hispanics attacking other Hispanics.

I'd suggest every CF member and lurker check the entire thread I linked above. If it wasn't so nefarious and blatantly anti-white, it would almost be comical how far our Kosher "friends" go in order to cut down whites?



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Statistics are never just unbiased facts and numbers. There is always nuance and cherry-picking. Statistics aside, the truth is what all aware Whites know. When they are in the presence of blacks, they should be on high alert. No matter if you’re in a dark, back alley, or on a football field in front of 60,000 witnesses and a national TV audience. Blacks, due to lack of impulse control, and being raised in the belief that they are victimized by Whites, inordinately commit violent acts against Whites.
Saudi Naval Air Station shooter condemned US in online post before deadly rampage: report

6 Saudis arrested for questioning after NAS Pensacola shooting: official

Six Saudi nationals were arrested near the naval base in Pensacola, Fla., where a Saudi gunman opened fire Friday, killing three before turning the gun on himself, a senior U.S. official told Fox News.

The suspects were taken into custody and are being questioned about the shooting, the source said.

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There was a shooting yesterday in Jersey city at a kosher deli - 6 killed including the two black criminals (one of them female) and a JC policeman. The criminals are also suspected of killing an Uber driver. There is a video of the beginning of the attack. One thing about blacks, they don't care if they live or die. So when this nation finally comes apart, don't back off from what has to be done. Remember, Ecclesiatics 3 - there's a time for everything.
Jersey City Shooters Identified, Were Prime Suspects in Other Homicide

Court documents show that Anderson had a criminal record.

New Jersey Department of Corrections records show that Anderson faced weapons offenses in 2004, 2007 and 2011 and spent time in jail.


They killed 5 people, including a police officer, two Jewish customers, a Hispanic man who worked at the kosher supermarket, and another man who was killed some time before the shootout

Mindel "Mindy" Ferencz, 31, of Jersey City, Moshe Deutsch, 24, of Brooklyn, and Douglas Miguel Rodriguez, 49, died inside Jersey City Kosher Supermarket, officials said.

Detective Joseph Seals, 40, of North Arlington, N.J., died at Bay View Cemetery, authorities said. He worked out of the department's South District as part of the Cease Fire Unit, which is tasked with getting illegal guns off the street. Seals was married and had five children. (Read more about Seals here.)

Police in Bayonne found the body of a man inside the trunk of a Lincoln Town Car on Saturday. The Hudson County Prosecutor's Office identified the man as Michael Rumberger, 34, of Jersey City. He had head wounds and was pronounced dead at the scene. Rumberger drove for Uber, the AP reported.


Joseph Seals Might Have Been Investigating the Weekend Homicide of Rumberger, a Livery Driver, Reports Say

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I now believe that black people, more or less are not committing what we think of as "crime." They're just following their instincts. The laws are based on the concept of a civilized society. In that blacks will never attain the level of civilized human being, they are no more guilty of a crime than an animal following it's instincts, such as a lion killing a deer - it's just what they do. To bring the black creature up on criminal charges and try him as you would a White transgressor makes a mockery of the system of justice.
I now believe that black people, more or less are not committing what we think of as "crime." They're just following their instincts. The laws are based on the concept of a civilized society. In that blacks will never attain the level of civilized human being, they are no more guilty of a crime than an animal following it's instincts, such as a lion killing a deer - it's just what they do. To bring the black creature up on criminal charges and try him as you would a White transgressor makes a mockery of the system of justice.

Yes, and this is why we had segregation, restrictive covenants and gun/self defense rights. Blacks will always be a problem in terms of committing crimes. It is just in their DNA. When they knew whites would fight back and retaliate, they attacked us much less than they do now. When whites fight back now they risk hate crime charges and being sent away to prison (full of blacks) for a long time.
Alabama woman, 29, missing after leaving bar with 2 Negroes, texted friend she could be in trouble\

Police said Houston left the Tin Roof bar on her own free will with the men, who were described only as two heavy-set black males, the Birmingham News reported Friday.


Sounds like a bright young woman. I'd like to blame the alcohol for her poor judgement, but That's just part of it. Just another brainwashed girl, unaware of her surroundings.
Sounds like a bright young woman. I'd like to blame the alcohol for her poor judgement, but That's just part of it. Just another brainwashed girl, unaware of her surroundings.
I am sad to report that this young lady has been found dead in a shallow grave in someone's back yard. Let's hope they find the perpetrator(s) that did this.
A woman should know that it’s never ok to leave a bar with multiple men you don’t know, especially after drinking. She should also have considered the fact that black men commit the large majority of violent crime.
Negro videos himself kicking a cat like a football


In Atlanta, Georgia, a cruel man who videoed himself kicking a cat like a football and then posted the disturbing scene on Instagram was sentenced to jail on Monday.

According to AJCNews, Jamari Leon Davenport, 23, was sentenced to six-months in jail followed by 240 hours of community service for the misdemeanor conviction. The video showed Davenport kicking the cat outside of a gas station in July 2019.

The cat has never been found and how badly the cat’s injuries were is still unknown, however it is feared the cat did not survive. Prosecutors stated:

“… experts opine that the cat was struck and hit the ground with such force as to have lethal consequences.”

Judge Jane Morrision stated the attack on the cat by Davenport warranted jail time. Davenport is not to be with animals or children until after his jail sentence and community service hours have been completed.
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