Crime Thread

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Cornelius Haney, released in April from a Colorado prison due to COVID-19, arrested for murder of 21-year-old woman in Denver

Like I keep saying, don't get wound up in all this type of malarkey. There should only be one idea left to us now. We're with the White men no matter what the "facts." All this type of talk is meaningless now. It even hurts us. Don't think anything except the survival of our White people/race.
Spot on TomIron361. We must support our own at whatever cost. Nothing matters more than the survival of the White race.
White Michigan cop caught on camera allegedly punching black woman
You can get this story anywhere. It's just another case of blacks moving beyond the law and getting physically "corrected." But the main point is there is really no correction. The "woman" and her "husband" will do the same thing again, given the opportunity. It's at a point now that I question whether or not blacks are humans? Possibly, some of them are and others haven't made the move over to being human beings yet.

Years ago, I was in a restaurant on a very cold morning in Brooklyn and everybody was happy to be having breakfast in a warm place but one black prostitute was carrying on something awful. At last, she threw something at one of the counter workers and a cop who'd been sitting there having his breakfast got up and took her by the throat and walked/carried her to the swinging doors and threw her through the doors out on the street (I felt a bit sorry for her for a second but she'd been repeatedly told to stop carrying on). Everybody in the place cheered (Whites, blacks and Red Indians) and the cop went back to his breakfast. That was in a world long gone.
Gentleman it looks like we have a likely Cat. 3 chimpout touching down in Minneapolis/St Paul. The ever racist liquor store once again has been sacrificed along with a Target who is anti-hate while letting men crap in Ladies restrooms. The liquor store going up in flames is similiar to the start of an olympic with the torch ceremony. It might get a little whacky up there.

Also apparently the (((Soro’s))) types have given tge agitators quite the arsenal of big firecrackers. Savages blowing up firecrackers on a downtown street is ok, 4th of July Celebrations in Bend Oregon not cool.
Same old story. A criminal Black resists arrest. Cops that deal with that type daily overuse force and the criminal thug dies. Blacks riot and go shopping for free stuff and kill people in the process. Jews controlling media rub hands and cheer and Jew-run networks ratings and shekels increase. Rinse. Repeat.
The police stood down in Minneapolis other than guarding their precinct station and let the criminals do their thing, much like they were given free rein in Baltimore a few years ago by that city's black establishment. The mayor of Minneapolis is 38 year old (((Jacob Frey))) who looks and acts like the classic leftist social justice warrior type.
The police stood down in Minneapolis other than guarding their precinct station and let the criminals do their thing, much like they were given free rein in Baltimore a few years ago by that city's black establishment. The mayor of Minneapolis is 38 year old (((Jacob Frey))) who looks and acts like the classic leftist social justice warrior type.
From what I know of policing when rioting engulfs a section of the city, police are instructed to secure the most valuable areas and let the chaos happen in the other areas. So generally they protect city hall, the business district and police stations and the homes of the well to do.

I have noticed the idiot looters seem to be a mixed crowd but these could be opportunists that are getting the left overs as the rioting last night could have been deadly for any non Black when zero police presence was in the area.

PS, scratch that it was edited fake news as I saw one old white woman looting and she was made fun of because she was looting by the overwhelmingly Black crowd.
So from what I hear now on the radio apparently these riots are spreading across the nation. Opportunity knocks and thugs take it.
Negroes just want an excuse to loot, steal and burn.

These two innocent white people were murdered while in black custody, and there was no riot. But because one whole black man allegedy died while in police custody in Minneapolis, thousands of black people rioted, and it was a national news story. Black privilege and egotism.

You guys have already covered just about everything I could possibly say. Sick of this ****!
One was a mulatto (as far as I can tell) he also led the suspect off camera and we have no clue what led to the fired officer pinning him with a knee to the neck. At this point if he tried any form of violence against any of the officers will be totally lost in the story.

When you have a snowflake for a mayor he all but enabled rioters, the mayor of the city should have been neutral until he had definitive proof of police abuse, his rush to snowflake judgement was pandering to the rioters.

So one is mixed and one is Hmong. When you check the newest surveillance video of the arrest which has now come out, there's a store or building across the street where you can see the word "Islam" and what looks to be Arabic writing.

American Renaissance has been running a series called The Great Replacement, documenting how Whites are being replaced in large U.S. cities. A recent one just happened to be about Minneapolis:

As recently as 1970 Minneapolis was still 94% White, but is now just 60% White. Minneapolis and Saint Paul and the state of Minnesota have been flooded with Hmong and Somalis. The population of Saint Paul is now 10% Hmong! Most people have probably never even heard of them and yet a big city now has that many. The same type of thing is happening to Maine, Iowa and other "too-White" states not to mention every major urban area. But of course it's a "conspiracy theory" to notice the rapid replacement of Whites taking place.
The system should be that any time an cop kills a black man, the local Target has to give everything away. We'd save the dangerous window breaking in between.
When you have a snowflake for a mayor he all but enabled rioters, the mayor of the city should have been neutral until he had definitive proof of police abuse, his rush to snowflake judgement was pandering to the rioters.
When you have a (((mayor like that))), the chances are he will do anything he can to make life miserable for the White Gentiles, even stirring up the Negroes to go on a looting and burning rampage. But I'm sure his own neighborhood is safe.
So one is mixed and one is Hmong. When you check the newest surveillance video of the arrest which has now come out, there's a store or building across the street where you can see the word "Islam" and what looks to be Arabic writing.

American Renaissance has been running a series called The Great Replacement, documenting how Whites are being replaced in large U.S. cities. A recent one just happened to be about Minneapolis:

As recently as 1970 Minneapolis was still 94% White, but is now just 60% White. Minneapolis and Saint Paul and the state of Minnesota have been flooded with Hmong and Somalis. The population of Saint Paul is now 10% Hmong! Most people have probably never even heard of them and yet a big city now has that many. The same type of thing is happening to Maine, Iowa and other "too-White" states not to mention every major urban area. But of course it's a "conspiracy theory" to notice the rapid replacement of Whites taking place.

Very interesting and good for Amren having the balls to notice the obvious. Regarding Hmongs, in a lot of cities in Northern Wisconsin(Wausau) they are the biggest minority group. You may remember about 15 years ago when a Hmong Hunter went whacko in the woods during deer season and massacred a group of White Hunters..

Also just posted in The CFB News section how even Fargo ND is getting flooded with African immigrants!

I've known about Maine and Minnesota getting blessed with Somali immigration, but now even states like Nebraska, Kansas, and North Dakota are being targeted. Hell Wichita, Kansas is a notorious dumping ground for 3rd worlders. Over 70+languages being spoken in Public School's, same in Nashville Tennessee..
When you have a (((mayor like that))), the chances are he will do anything he can to make life miserable for the White Gentiles, even stirring up the Negroes to go on a looting and burning rampage. But I'm sure his own neighborhood is safe.
He didn't know the sh*& storm he would stir up would be so out of control that he would have to beg the governor to call in the National Guard. This is why mayors in the recent past have been always very even handed in dealing with possible police misconduct.

Also having "Reverend" Al Charlatan jetting into town to stir up crap was bound to lead to the proverbial match lighting a dry powder keg.

The next mayor should be a law in order mayor if the citizens of Minneapolis still have brains in their head after this storm blows over. The snowflake should go and teach a civics class at some liberal arts school far away from Minneapolis.
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They arrested that policeman out in Minneapolis. Like I said gentlemen, don't worry anymore about "law." It's all about standing with our White people - right or wrong. The powers that be are out to bury White people.
I've been telling people in Rochester Minnesota that this could easily happen in this city. They have all told me "no way" for one reason or another. Just now alerts are going out and businesses are boarding up their shops in anticipation of something tonight. ****'s finally come home to roost. I hope it hits home to all the ****-libs on facebook and the rioters screw up their neighborhoods and houses. I'll have my guns loaded for mine.
Now they have arrested the officer who captured the black criminal. Trial, judge, and jury all by the media spinmeisters. Police shouldn't arrest any more negroes. They might not treat them gently enough. Let them and the antifas burn down all the cities in Zogistan.

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