Crime Thread

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If Chancey Luna is "white", then I'm an albino.
Football dad, this photo is incorrect. Michael Jones pictured in this photo(on the right) is another James Edwards pic, that Fox News incorrectly ran when the story was breaking. And of course the corrupt media outlets are all over Foxnews for posting it.
Soon-to-be 94 year old woman and her 65 year old daughter were savagely attacked by another one of Obama's sons in Kosher cesspool, New York $hity.

Actually, I'm amazed this poor 94 year old woman was not only able to survive, but was strong enough to tell her story to every TV station that showed up to talk to her. Just when you think blacks can't sink any lower, they always do find ways to surprise? Check out the story, with video, below:

Arrest in attacks on elderly women in Washington Heights
The 93 year old is a tough old bird. She definately is somebody that grew up in Harlem and isn't scared of street thugs........:icon_mrgreen:
He's probably a light skinned black going by this country's still extant "one drop rule," which is actually quite "racist" even though "anti-racist" liberals continue to enforce it. He has some Negro features, a White mother/black father would be my guess.

His name is Michael DEWAYNE JONES. With a middle name like that he's got to have a black or mulatto father. Further evidence is that we have not seen photos of Dewayne's parents. If his parents were both white by now our jews media would have splatter their photos on every publication on the planet. Just like they splattered Luna's white mother's photo everywhere, but no photos of his black father.

Notice the facial similarities between Michael Jones and the one in the middle.

Notice the facial similarities between Michael Jones and the one in the middle.

That punk is NOT White! He's an ugly mongrel (like his champion 0b0ng0). They need to publicly whip these untermenschen & string their hides up!
That punk is NOT White! He's an ugly mongrel (like his champion 0b0ng0). They need to publicly whip these untermenschen & string their hides up!
This looks like those ads from the early 2000's about the Benetton colors. Quadroon, Mulatto and full blooded African.....:thumbdown:
Despite all the media propaganda about blacks being alpha males the fact of the matter is that they are cowards at heart. Weak, and inferior creatures with hatred in their souls. Hatred not based on wrongs they have suffered, but on the instinctive knowledge that they are in fact an inferior breed of mankind. This deep rooted knowledge is denied, and buried, but its there.

Its why they need big rims, flashy jewelery, ridiculous clothes, and all the other compensations they so often flaunt. That instinctive knowledge is the reason for bizarre claims of ancient black civilizations. Its why they always choose women, and elderly for robberies. They know they are inferior.
Despite all the media propaganda about blacks being alpha males the fact of the matter is that they are cowards at heart. Weak, and inferior creatures with hatred in their souls. Hatred not based on wrongs they have suffered, but on the instinctive knowledge that they are in fact an inferior breed of mankind. This deep rooted knowledge is denied, and buried, but its there.

Its why they need big rims, flashy jewelery, ridiculous clothes, and all the other compensations they so often flaunt. That instinctive knowledge is the reason for bizarre claims of ancient black civilizations. Its why they always choose women, and elderly for robberies. They know they are inferior.

Thou hast well stated good sir!
Former linebacker turned Tennessee Titans broadcaster Keith Bulluck drunkenly managed to get charged with a felony following the Titans-Falcons game:

Former Titans linebacker Keith Bulluck was only hours removed from the team’s preseason broadcast when he was arrested Sunday morning.

And as a result, he appears to have been removed from future broadcasts.

According to Jim Wyatt of the Tennesseean, the Titans list former quarterback Kerry Collins, not Bulluck, as the analyst for Thursday’s broadcast in the team’s press release.

The initial report said Bulluck was “very intoxicatedâ€￾ at the time when he allegedly took a $100 bill from a man in a cab. He was charged with class C felony robbery.

And now, a part-time job has apparently been taken from him.

* * * * * * * *

I couldn't help noticing that the Titans employ not one but two of the World's Greatest Race in their broadcast booth, Eddie George joining Bulluck before his escapades of the other night, along with a token honky. It's no surprise to me that blacks are being hired in wildly disproportionate numbers to be announcers and broadcasters, given their amazing mastery of the English language. For example, I know when I watched the following interview of Keith Bulluck, I immediately thought to myself "future broadcaster!"

For example, I know when I watched the following interview of Keith Bulluck, I immediately thought to myself "future broadcaster!"


:lol:LMAO!! Man thats funny Don. Just think this mumbling Bubba Gump has a degree from Syracuse University. I highly doubt he could pass a test designed for 6th graders, but he holds a degree from a prestigious northeastern university!
[h=3]Notorious French serial rapist tells court that his motivation was racial hatred[/h]
The extreme left, such as the SPLC, claim that rape is motivated by sexual gratification and not hatred. The black on white rape rate is 115 times the white on black rape rate. However, the SPLC claims that they have no reason to believe that any white rape victims are ever targeted because of their skin color.

“it’s unclear how many, if any, of the black-on-white rapes were hate crimes” – SPLC responding to rape statistics from the FBI’s Uniform Crime Victim Statistics.

Reasonable people beg to differ. All violent rapes are motivated by hatred. Racial hatred is a major factor in violent rape.

In France a notorious serial rapist actually tried to use his racial hatred as a “defense.” He claimed that he was justified in raping white women to get revenge for what he claims is the exploitation of Africa by the white race.

He is accused of raping or attempting to rape at least fifteen white female victims. One of his victims was held captive and raped nine times. she testified in court that the perpetrator told her that he “wanted to humiliate white people.”
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Despite all the media propaganda about blacks being alpha males the fact of the matter is that they are cowards at heart. Weak, and inferior creatures with hatred in their souls. Hatred not based on wrongs they have suffered, but on the instinctive knowledge that they are in fact an inferior breed of mankind. This deep rooted knowledge is denied, and buried, but its there.

Its why they need big rims, flashy jewelery, ridiculous clothes, and all the other compensations they so often flaunt. That instinctive knowledge is the reason for bizarre claims of ancient black civilizations. Its why they always choose women, and elderly for robberies. They know they are inferior.

They should have been left to their own vices on the dark continent. Biggest mistake in world history is trying to domesticate and tame these creatures. Epic fail.
White great-grandmother commits suicide:

Well, not in the purest sense of the term. The 71 yr old retiree fought for and won custody of her granddaughter's mulatto son. He was getting on so swimmingly with her in Oregon that she decided to fly his cousin (father's side) out from Kansas City for a visit. The two criminal masterminds bashed her head in with a baseball bat and sped away in her Lexus, eventually pulled over doing 135mph (but not yet under suspicion for the murder).


A search engine query for "Joda Cain", the accused 17 yr old negro, returns many indignant quotes from friends and relatives, assuring the reader that he was just a good boy, misunderstood, and was even playing football at school. For good measure, some investigative reporter should uncover a story about the dead woman muttering something that could have been perceived as ambiguously racist.


What child is this?
That's what happens when you mate with primates - they mistake your head for a coconut and dig in.

So Adrian Peterson may or may not have had an illegitimate son with some mudshark. One thing for certain though is that the kid was murdered by what appears to be a Polynesian/Black mix?
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