Crime Thread

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This is why the White race is going extinct in about 80 years, and deservedly so:

Holy God, what a wretched tale. Picture this happening to you…

A drunken, drugged-up Negress, Paula Cooper, breaks into your 78-year old grandmother’s home with the intent to rob her…


CAPTION: Paula Cooper

She ascertains $10 in the heist. But it wasn’t good enough to merely steal from your grandmother, no, Ms. Cooper decided to viciously slash her arms and legs, then stab her 33 times, fatally wounding her…


CAPTION: Murder Victim, Ruth Pelke

Despite being 16 years old at the time of the heinous murder, the Negress is rightfully sentenced to death. Immediately subsequent to the justice-sodden sentence, 2 million random turds in Indiana (probably all white), along with the negro-adoring, Marxist Urchin himself, Pope John Paul II, sign petitions and implore the courts and politicians to have her death penalty overturned. Several years later, they capitulate, reducing her sentence to 60 years in prison.

The entire time, you, Ruth Pelke’s Jesus-doting ****** of a “grandson,†make every attempt to have her released early from prison, and plan to “wine and dine†the homicidal Negress who robbed you of your own grandmother in the most vicious of manners…

"I hope that we're able to go out and have a meal. I've told her when she got out of prison I'd like to buy her a computer and I have a friend that would like to buy her some clothes. Hopefully we'll get together within the next few days and go shopping," he said.


CAPTION: Gaylord Grandson, Bill Pelke

Why would anyone do this? To impress God, Jesus and angels? To prove that they’re the “bigger person?†To show that they can rid their spirit of animosity for those who have so unequivocally wronged them? For the advancement racial harmony?

If such a terrible fate befell anyone I knew, let alone one of my precious grandmothers, I wouldn’t be concerned with any of that vacuitous filth. Long ago, I arrived at the conclusion that a certain percentage of whites unquestionably deserve the horrors that other tribes inflict upon them.
This story is infuriating. First off, if life was fair it would have been the grandson on the receiving end of the 33 stabs instead of the grandmother. Maybe "karma" will strike if this eunuch is actually foolish enough to "hangout" with the violent murderer. Second, what kind of Liberal, feminized "justice" system do we have today that a mentally deranged person capable of stabbing a stranger 33 times can have their death sentence reduced to the point of release after 27 years? I mean, at worst this filthy pig should serve the majority of her (again) reduced 60 year sentence, no?
The other day, a local dullard radio DJ in my area was raving about a mother in Texas who valiantly fended off a thief that was waiting inside her van. Apparently, after the mother and her two kids were seated, the villain spring forth and attacked them with a knife. The mother managed to punch the man, throw him out of the van and run him over.

Of course, the DJ didn’t mention names, let alone race. It turns out that the assailant was a Mexican (formerly convicted of rape and theft) named Ismael Martinez…


CAPTION: Mexican Fairy Overpowered By a Woman

The mother was a portly white woman named Dorothy Baker…


CAPTION: Dorothy

Ahh, but there was a reason this “inspirational” yarn was “selected” to be national news by American’s resident media crime syndicate of Ancient ZioMarx Parasites. That reason is depicted in the grotesque image below...


CAPTION: Spic-Smashing Succubus Smooches Spook Son

So, to be clear…a white mudshark with a black husband and bi-racial children pummeled a Mexican criminal who should have been in prison...the harrowing tale is then hand-picked by the Judeo-Bolshevik corporate media and re-packaged to make this race-trading, sewer-level mud-wrester appear “heroic” to the socially-inert white masses. Yes, the bliss that is racial harmony hath surely enveloped Americ-nt to its very core...


CAPTION: “Yes, Our Plan Is Working to Perfection!”

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If such a terrible fate befell anyone I knew, let alone one of my precious grandmothers, I wouldn’t be concerned with any of that vacuitous filth. Long ago, I arrived at the conclusion that a certain percentage of whites unquestionably deserve the horrors that other tribes inflict upon them.

I think there are plenty of people that feel the way you do and many of them are victims of such crimes. I know of one family that had a horrible tragedy befall them because of some psycho negro and to this day they swear death upon virtully all black people. However the MSM is in the brain-washing business so the only stories you will hear are about retards like this guy.

The media has a difficult job to do. Destroy White racial consciousness. I know it seems like they have finished the job but they know there are a lot of people not on board. They see the comments after their articles posted on line. Thus they have to dig up stuff like this to throw in our face. For one, to give comfort to those other Whites that end up acting this way, and for another to frustrate the large amount of White people still sickened by these nauseating displays of surrender.

They may not realize how it steels people against their agenda but let them build up the pressure high enough and see what happens.
Holy God, what a wretched tale. Picture this happening to you…

A drunken, drugged-up Negress, Paula Cooper, breaks into your 78-year old grandmother’s home with the intent to rob her…


CAPTION: Paula Cooper

She ascertains $10 in the heist. But it wasn’t good enough to merely steal from your grandmother, no, Ms. Cooper decided to viciously slash her arms and legs, then stab her 33 times, fatally wounding her…


CAPTION: Murder Victim, Ruth Pelke

Despite being 16 years old at the time of the heinous murder, the Negress is rightfully sentenced to death. Immediately subsequent to the justice-sodden sentence, 2 million random turds in Indiana (probably all white), along with the negro-adoring, Marxist Urchin himself, Pope John Paul II, sign petitions and implore the courts and politicians to have her death penalty overturned. Several years later, they capitulate, reducing her sentence to 60 years in prison.

The entire time, you, Ruth Pelke’s Jesus-doting ****** of a “grandson,” make every attempt to have her released early from prison, and plan to “wine and dine” the homicidal Negress who robbed you of your own grandmother in the most vicious of manners…


CAPTION: Gaylord Grandson, Bill Pelke

Why would anyone do this? To impress God, Jesus and angels? To prove that they’re the “bigger person?” To show that they can rid their spirit of animosity for those who have so unequivocally wronged them? For the advancement racial harmony?

If such a terrible fate befell anyone I knew, let alone one of my precious grandmothers, I wouldn’t be concerned with any of that vacuitous filth. Long ago, I arrived at the conclusion that a certain percentage of whites unquestionably deserve the horrors that other tribes inflict upon them.

Excellent post, one of the best Ive read on this site, and fully agree with all of your sentiments, Thrashen.

Maybe you will remember a while back, you made a comment that sometimes black-on-white crime can be good for liberal whites (because it forces them to confront the racial reality of crime). Unfortunately, as I told you, liberal whites are too much of last causes for your assumption to be correct.

Liberal whites always find a way to blame the white man, in every situational problem in life. Even when their own families are murdered by Negroes, they will find some sort of perverted way of blaming themselves, or other whites. For example;

- We didn't alarm our house properly, so its actually our own fault that Negroes broke in and murdered the grandmother.

- We lived in a bad neighbourhood or area so its actually our own fault that we were a victim of or murdered by Negro crime.

- White police officers didn't respond fast enough or do their job properly to stop crime.

- Slavery and the history of systematic oppression of blacks by whites causes wealth inequality, social inequality, and hatred of whites amongst blacks which fuels black crime.

In other words, white liberals will use any explanation possible to avoid putting blame on the Negro murderer.

What you see here is a white man (and I use the word "man" liberally here) apologizing, making excuses for, and befriending Negro who has murdered his own family member. He probably blames whites and systematic white oppression for the crime and sees it as a form of reparation for slavery and institutionalized racism against blacks. He probably justifies his grandmother's murder through this rationale.

As a racially aware white man, I have no sense of commonality with white liberals (even moderate ones) and quite frankly I recognize them as a large part of the problem. I once said that I don't think we should consider liberals, leftists, and progressives as being "white". In my view, when you're this far down the leftist rabbit hole you should forfeit your "white" label.
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Wow! I was just going to post that video. That happened about 15 miles from my home in NJ. What a savage black beast!

There's something off about this video. Like the negro has been there before? Notice the child and how she doesn't react to him like a stranger? He also leaves her downstairs while going up for a little bit, which is odd. His primary goal appears to be delivering a beat down to the woman, like a pimp handling one of his hoes.

Maybe there's some mudsharkery going on here and the husband should ask some serious questions about why this negro is beating up his wife while doing little else.
There's something off about this video. Like the negro has been there before? Notice the child and how she doesn't react to him like a stranger? He also leaves her downstairs while going up for a little bit, which is odd. His primary goal appears to be delivering a beat down to the woman, like a pimp handling one of his hoes.

Maybe there's some mudsharkery going on here and the husband should ask some serious questions about why this negro is beating up his wife while doing little else.

Good god I hope so. Anywherr know where in Jersey it took place? I actually just flew in and Newark airport is a cellpool.
Good god I hope so. Anywherr know where in Jersey it took place? I actually just flew in and Newark airport is a cellpool.

Millburn, NJ. Same county as Newark. It's a nice town in Essex county. About 80 percent white and the rest Asian. These savage beasts are committing more and more anti-white crimes. Also, there was a white guy killed by a negro attempting to buy an SUV in Philadelphia. The comments were quickly shut down on after the slightest mention of race. This country is disgusting.
Millburn, NJ. Same county as Newark. It's a nice town in Essex county. About 80 percent white and the rest Asian. These savage beasts are committing more and more anti-white crimes. Also, there was a white guy killed by a negro attempting to buy an SUV in Philadelphia. The comments were quickly shut down on after the slightest mention of race. This country is disgusting.
The video has gone viral on facebook and other social media. That is an excellent thing for obvious reasons. Not saying what happended to that women is good, but since it already happended, let it have some positive effects on peoples outlook. At the same time though if you don't understand racial differences by now you must be living under a rock.
Newark airport is a cellpool.

Lol, not sure if that's a typo or a brilliant new word, but either way it has staying power. Newark Airport is indeed a cesspool full of degenerates who belong in jail cells.

In other news, a lustful young pair of lovebirds were arrested for failing to contain their carnal imperatives with polite discretion. They were nabbed and cited by 25 (!!!) police officers who were riding through a public park in Philly on bicycles as part of a training exercise.

At about 4:30 p.m. the police rode into the park and saw kids on swings, people on a tennis court and the alleged sexual intercourse on the baseball field.

"There they are, on the first base line. There's a bench, she is bent over the bench and our friend is behind her with his pants down to his ankles, banging away," Chitwood described.

Hahaha, Jimmy Chitwood, do you know that guy??

Here is a picture of the handsome couple:

There is a certain diffusive quality to this story that alleviates my instinctive anger from the Millburn, NJ footage. Our decrepit society can endure such a series of bold-faced lies that we can grind through two terms of an Obama presidency. But it's all a joke because the real archetype mixed-race couple is right here. Lol forever.
Lol, not sure if that's a typo or a brilliant new word, but either way it has staying power. Newark Airport is indeed a cesspool full of degenerates who belong in jail cells.

In other news, a lustful young pair of lovebirds were arrested for failing to contain their carnal imperatives with polite discretion. They were nabbed and cited by 25 (!!!) police officers who were riding through a public park in Philly on bicycles as part of a training exercise.

Hahaha, Jimmy Chitwood, do you know that guy??

Here is a picture of the handsome couple:

There is a certain diffusive quality to this story that alleviates my instinctive anger from the Millburn, NJ footage. Our decrepit society can endure such a series of bold-faced lies that we can grind through two terms of an Obama presidency. But it's all a joke because the real archetype mixed-race couple is right here. Lol forever.

Haha no I didn't even notice it and it wasn't intentional but it is funny. I don't really understand the rest of the post however. That woman is beautiful! What a fox! Classy broad too obviously. Seriously though the negroes are funny with that. Could anyone imagine the relentless ball-busting you would receive if you got caught banging that heifer? You would have to leave the state. I guess that is the result in living in a culture with no sense of shame...or responsibility...self-worth...I could go on forever here.
Here's another one, without a doubt a hate crime:

Is it me, or has there been a very noticible increase in black-on-white crimes recently? These are all vicious, racially motivated attacks. And what really angers me is that if the races were reversed, these would all be national stories. And if any of these white victims dare defend themselves against these animals, there's a good chance they'll get "Zimmermanned".

This is all so f&@$ed up, I wonder if white people watching these videos are finally starting to wake up to the realities of this new world in which we live in. A world where feral negro animals can run wild, do whatever they want and get away with it because they have the support and backing of the corrupt worthless government. It all makes sense now, doesn't it? Segregation and Jim Crow laws were put in place for a reason, to protect white people from blacks. These sub-humans are simply not meant to live amongst other civilized people.
Here's another one, without a doubt a hate crime:

Is it me, or has there been a very noticible increase in black-on-white crimes recently? These are all vicious, racially motivated attacks. And what really angers me is that if the races were reversed, these would all be national stories. And if any of these white victims dare defend themselves against these animals, there's a good chance they'll get "Zimmermanned".

This is all so f&@$ed up, I wonder if white people watching these videos are finally starting to wake up to the realities of this new world in which we live in. A world where feral negro animals can run wild, do whatever they want and get away with it because they have the support and backing of the corrupt worthless government. It all makes sense now, doesn't it? Segregation and Jim Crow laws were put in place for a reason, to protect white people from blacks. These sub-humans are simply not meant to live amongst other civilized people.

And the animals laugh about trhese beatings on websites such as Worldstarhiphop. Try and bring up the racial aspect of these crimes and they look at you like you are a racist.

BTW, anyone following the Zimmerman trial. The young thug called Zimmerman a cracker who looks like a child molester. This stuff makes me so angry I think I'll just stop following it.
Congratulations wa33, you have the 2,000th post in this thread! Anyway the brain-dead ho on the stand in the Zimmerman trial (as the star prosecution witness, natch) said that thug Treyvon referred to Zimmerman as a "crazy-ass cracker". When the attorney asked her is that was a racial slight, she said "no". Of course not. "Crazy-ass cracker" is not derogatory, it's a "statement of fact" to these people. Us crazy-ass crackers can't say "ni--er", however.
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