Crime Thread

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according to a certain poster here, if white folks want to be safe from negroes, whites should move to a safer place like Utah, or Idaho ... or Colorado.

his idea, of course, doesn't work. because negroes will always show up when white folks don't keep 'em out.

like ticks on a dog.

Suspects arrested in a string of robberies... in Colorado Springs.
Police said the group would typically go to homes that appeared unoccupied, knock or ring the doorbell and, if there wasn't an answer, kick in the front door or break windows to get in.


Kate Puzey is another white victim who was killed because she thought helping savages would make them be more like people.

when will white people wake up?

Kate Puzey was a Peace Corps Volunteer in West Africa. but, even after her death, and likely rape, at the hands of those same negroes she had vowed to help, her liberal idiot parents who were probably the ones who had instilled her love affair with multiculturalism STILL can't admit the reason their daughter is dead.

Her family doesn't believe politics played a role, and said they don't want their daughter's death to put a negative spotlight on West Africa.

"It was a murder that could have happened right here in Atlanta ... I don't want her legacy to be that people think it is Africa ... they're barbaric. She wasn't killed because she was American," said Lois Puzey.

well, they got at least one thing right. now that Atlanta looks like New West Africa, this loss of white life very well could have happened there.


Kate Puzey thought that blacks just needed some help in order to become good people. now, she's dead.

her parents' reaction brings to mind another white woman who was killed by blacks in Africa while trying to help the "oppressed" negroes who exist there. Amy Biehl was killed by negroes in South Africa while volunteering and trying to help them as an anti-apartheid activist. of course, under apartheid Amy would still be alive...

some time after his daughter's murder by savage negroes, Amy's father actually shook hands with the four negro murderers (who had all been pardoned for their crimes by Nelson Mandela's black gov't,) and gave them jobs.

it also brings up a well-documented atrocity that the Peace Corps tries to keep hidden: the rampant numbers of rapes and murders that white Peace Corps Volunteers suffer at the hands of the very blacks they're trying to help.
QUOTE:/ her parents' reaction brings to mind another white woman who was killed by blacks in Africa while trying to help the "oppressed" negroes who exist there. Amy Biehl was killed by negroes in South Africa while volunteering and trying to help them as an anti-apartheid activist. of course, under apartheid Amy would still be alive...

some time after his daughter's murder by savage negroes, Amy's father actually shook hands with the four negro murderers (who had all been pardoned for their crimes by Nelson Mandela's black gov't,) and gave them jobs.

This kind of thing is really strong evidence for the fact that the White self-loathing and veneration of all things non-White of western culture has reached a point of legitimate mental disease.
Jimmy Chitwood said:
according to a certain poster here, if white folks want to be safe from negroes, whites should move to a safer place like Utah, or Idaho ... or Colorado.

his idea, of course, doesn't work. because negroes will always show up when white folks don't keep 'em out.

like ticks on a dog.

Suspects arrested in a string of robberies... in Colorado Springs.
Police said the group would typically go to homes that appeared unoccupied, knock or ring the doorbell and, if there wasn't an answer, kick in the front door or break windows to get in.

The photos look like a mug shot. OMG I was convicted.....
20 years later I have been mollified by the system...
Edited by: white is right
white man gunned down in his home while trying to defend himself and his daughter from three blacks.

Cameron Harinarain, 19, and Justin Culver, 20, are on trial, charged with second-degree murder, in the Aug. 24, 2007, burglary-turned-gunfight at Saw Creek Estates in Lehman Township.
Police contend that in the middle of the night, Harinarain, Culver and Marquis Keeys, 19, broke into the home of Barry Rose, 46, a retired New York City corrections officer, to steal guns. When Rose used his gun to defend himself and his daughter from the intruders, a hail of bullets left Rose dead. Police believe Keeys was the trigger man. He will be tried on first-degree murder charges later.
The courtroom fell silent as a crime-scene video roamed the rooms in the Rose home, showing the aftermath of the violent night. A broken window where police say the three men entered the home, blood spatter on the wall, bullet holes in walls, windows, ceiling and doors and spent shells on the floors.
Some family and friends wept as the video zoomed in on Rose's body, lying on the floor of his bedroom, wrapped in a blue-striped bathrobe soiled with white dust on the side. The dust is drywall blasted by bullets that came through the bedroom wall, according to witness Joseph Coco of the state police Forensic Services Unit. From the evidence, it appears a shooter fired at Rose through the wall from the adjoining bedroom.

Cameron Harinarain (far left) and Justin Culver (far right) don't appear too upset about murdering an innocent white man.
third negro, Marquis Keeys, isn't pictured.
I doubtful I am about the criminal justice system today, I hope these scum-sucking negroes get what they deserve!!!
Three officers dead, one critically wounded in shootout with black thug. i should point out that every article i've seen thus far pointedly does not mention the race of the shooter. we all know what this means... he was "good kid" whose "room-brightening smile" brought the wonders of diversity to white people, because he was black. fortunately, the shooter (who was on parole for assault with a deadly weapon) was shot dead.

Three Oakland police officers were shot to death, one is in critically injured in two separate incidents involving one suspect near the Eastmont police substation this afternoon, a police spokesperson said.

in a previous article that has since been edited, they wrote this:
Back at the original crime scene people taunted police near the scene of the first shooting. Tensions between the community and members of the police department has been high since the New Year's Day shooting of an unarmed man by a BART police officer. A protest following that deadly shooting lead to a violent and fiery protest in the streets of Oakland.

notice that race isn't mentioned anywhere... it was just "people." of course, these "people" were black...

furthermore, in addition to already having been on parole for assault with a deadly weapon, notice that he is said to have used an "assault rifle." California has laws banning assault rifles, yet this criminal used one. GUN CONTROL LAWS FAIL AGAIN.somehow i'm certain that the gun control liberals are silently cheering this latest shooting.


criminal Lovelle Mixon, 26


murdered victim Sgt. Mark Dunakin


murdered victim Sgt. Daniel Sakai


murdered victim Sgt. Ervin Romans


gunshot victim Officer John Hege is currently on life support
I have been noticing lately that the media refuses to name the race of a criminal in their articles. I read several articles about the shooting of these 4 officers and the suspect's race wasn't mentioned or anything.
Here in New Jersey 5 black thugs robbed a 33 year old white man at gunpoint in Totowa the other day. The article mentioned that these 5 are fugitives and are wanted by police but no descriptions of the suspects were given. Today the same paper feautured mugshots of 3 of the 5 which were captured.
Here's an article reporting on a race-based attack on a husband and wife, but never mentioning the race of the criminal or the victims (though only someone brain dead could fail to figure it out):
<DIV =story_line _counted="undefined">Couple attacked on South Side
<DIV =story_lastupdate>Saturday, March 21, 2009
<DIV =story_byline>By Sadie Gurman, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
<DIV =story_>
A man was jailed yesterday after, police said, he attacked a couple in broad daylight on the South Side, shouting a racial slur before stabbing a man in the face.
Robert King, 50, whose last known address was unknown, was being held in the Allegheny County Jail on $50,000 bond, charged with two counts of ethnic intimidation and aggravated assault.
Patricia Bryant and her husband, Norman, were walking in the 800 block of East Carson Street yesterday afternoon when Mr. King approached them and shouted an ethnic slur, police wrote in a criminal complaint.
As Mrs. Bryant was talking to Mr. King, he pushed her to the ground, then "took a swing at Mr. Bryant and cut him on the face with a knife," which police later found in his right coat pocket, the complaint says.
Mr. Bryant suffered a 2-inch cut on the left side of his face near his eye. His wife was unhurt. Both were taken to UPMC Mercy and were released.
Other witnesses confirmed the couple's story, police said.

<DIV =story_first_published>First published on March 21, 2009 at 12:10 am
<DIV =story_first_published>
<DIV =story_first_published>
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Also 2 years ago in neighboring Garfield several Polish men attacked a black man. They came out of a bar and the black guy was leaning on their car. They asked him to move and he refused. One of men kicked the black and he fell backwards fracturing his skull.
I did post this article 2 years ago but I can't find it. There were several articles following this one about how race played a part in the assault. The victim's girlfriend was threatening to call Sharpton down to protest. What followed next was several random attacks of Polish men in Garfield by blacks as "revenge" for what happened. Nothing was ever mentioned of these attacks in the news, though I do know they occured and were reported to police. Justice for all. Edited by: whiteathlete33
We're clearly seeing an unmistakable increase of black on white crime. I don't know what it's going to take for some of the stupid liberal white people out there to realize this and start protecting themselves.

Don't ever let your guard down around these animals, and do the best you can not to come into any sort of contact with them.

BTW, here's the disturbing story of Seattle's tuba-man:
[url] ubaman22m.html[/url]

Look at what the brother says:

Kelsey McMichael said his own rage over his brother's death has subsided.

At first, McMichael said, he wanted the killers executed. But in the memorials and tributes to his brother, friends and fans focused on his fun-loving life, not how it was cut short.

"It helped me get over my anger and deal with it in a more mature way. That was really cathartic to me. I went from total punishment, to let's rehabilitate these kids if possible. I did a 180-degree turn," he said.

If you notice, there's no mention of race anywhere in the article, but all the kids involved were black.

Regarding the murder of all four Oakland police officers (all succumbed to their gunshot wounds)Fox News showed the photo of this scum bag negro. I wonder if the other MSM outlets are showing his disgusting face? If anyone has seen the photo I would be mildly surprised.
Westside said:
Regarding the murder of all four Oakland police officers (all succumbed to their gunshot wounds)Fox News showed the photo of this scum bag negro. I wonder if the other MSM outlets are showing his disgusting face? If anyone has seen the photo I would be mildly surprised.

Westside, the black murderer is pictured above in this thread.
black firefighter starts fire that kills mother and 3 children on purpose so he can be a "hero" when he puts it out. un-freaking-believable.

<H1>Volunteer firefighter charged with arson in blaze that killed mom and three children on Long Island</H1>
BY Tim Persinko And Samuel Goldsmith
Updated Saturday, March 21st 2009, 11:20 AM
<DIV ="image-large ">
Barcelo for News
Volunteer firefighter Caleb Lacey (below) has been charged with arson in a Lawrence, Long Island fire (scene above) that killed a mother and three children.
<DIV =article-sidebar>
<DIV =image-medium>
Barcelo for News
Prosecutors allege Lacey set the blaze, which was around the corner from his own home, so he could be a hero.
<DIV =image-medium>
Barcelo for News
Morena Vanegas, 46, (bottom) and daughters Andrea, 13, and Susanna, 9, along with teenage son Saul Preza, 19, were all killed in the fire.

A Long Island volunteer firefighter doused an apartment staircase with gasoline and set the building ablaze - killing four - in a twisted attempt to become a hero, prosecutors charged Saturday.

Caleb Lacey, 19, a new recruit to the Lawrence-Cedarhurst Fire Department, was charged Saturday with arson and four counts of murder in the Feb. 19 fire, which killed a North Lawrence woman and three of her children.

Immediately after he set the early morning inferno, Lacey raced to the firehouse a half-mile away and waited for the emergency call to come in.

"He was one of the first responders on the fire truck," said Nassau County detective John Azzata.

"The suspected motive is what arson experts call 'hero' or 'vanity' - to be the savior and appear to have saved individuals," Azzata said.

But Lacey started the fire in the building's only staircase, blocking the escape route and dooming Morena Vanegas, 46; her son, Saul Preza, 19, and her two daughters, Andrea, 13, and Susanna, 9.

Lacey - who reportedly made a videotaped confession - lived just 100 feet from where he set the fire and knew the kids.

"I can't believe that he did this because he was a friend of the family," said Vanegas' sister, America Chavez.

Chavez said he even attended the wake, shook family members' hands and offered his support.

"How can someone be so cold-blooded?" she said.

Vanegas' two other children - Leonel, 9 and Eddie, 12 - as well as their father, Edit, 42, survived by jumping out a window as flames engulfed the building.

"I am very, very sad," said Leonel. "Why would he do a stupid thing like that?"

Lacey was held without bail Saturday after his arraignment, where a brief altercation occurred between his family and the Vanegases, witnesses said.

Lacey started as a probationary firefighter in May 2008. His duties included assisting other firefighters by rolling out hoses.

"Mr. Lacey's background check indicated no activity which would have disqualified him from service," the Lawrence-Cedarhurst Fire Department said in a statement.

Lacey was suspended shortly after the fire for an unrelated incident, said cops, who would not provide specific details.

The fire took place just doors away from the Outreach Church of God in Christ, where Lacey's father is the pastor.

After the fire, the Rev. Richard Lacey helped residents of the damaged building collect their belongings. He was not available for comment Saturday.
Fire bugs typically love to watch their work. Also many wannabee policemen/fire fighters have a hero complex. This mental case had one or two of those traits.
Years ago, all newspapers mentioned the race of criminals and suspects. Now its against the PC police's policy. Doing so (and actually discussing black on white crime on national TV) would crack the facade that the cultural Marxists have created to try to drive the white race into extinction.

Here's another horrible black on white murder. You won't hear about this on the national news, or probably anywhere outside of the immediate vicinity of Cincinnati. 49


Walter Sartory


Willa Blanc-murdering negress


Louis Wilkinson-murdering negro and son of above female

March 21, 2009

Detectives detail Sartory case

By Brenna R. Kelly

BURLINGTON - Walter Sartory was suspicious of the woman who drove a fast car, wore flashy clothes and would stop by his home to chat and stay for hours.

He told a friend early last month that he was worried that Willa Blanc was planning to con him or rob him.

He was so concerned he changed his locks, but it didn't matter.

Less than three weeks later, he was dead.

In an affidavit filed Friday, Boone County detectives detail what they think happened to the 73-year-old reclusive millionaire who disappeared from his Hebron home last month, and why they think Blanc and her son are responsible for his death.

What detectives think are Sartory's charred remains were recovered from an Indiana forest last week.

A single bullet and a pair of burned metal-frame glasses were found with the remains, according to the affidavit filed by Detective Coy Cox in connection with a search warrant.

Willa Blanc, 47, and her son Louis Wilkinson, 27, both of Union, are scheduled to appear in court Monday on charges that they kidnapped Sartory, stole at least $200,000 from him and abused his corpse. If convicted of kidnapping, they could face the death penalty.

Sartory, a mathematician who retired from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, suffered from paranoid schizophrenia.

He also had a severe social phobia that kept him from interacting with most people, said Ann Cartee, a Virginia woman who has been friends with Sartory for more than 15 years and asked authorities to check on him when he did not return calls for several days.

"You could not want a better friend than Walt," said Cartee, who often visited Sartory. "He was the best friend anybody could have."

Sartory was so worried about interacting with people, he had to take a Xanax just to be able to eat at a restaurant, she said. "He was extremely concerned about being socially correct," she said. "He felt very socially inept and that's why he was afraid to be around people."

But Sartory had three or four close friends, in addition to Cartee, that he talked to frequently. On Feb. 5, Sartory e-mailed one of those friends about Blanc, according the affidavit.

"I do not trust her. I might be paranoid, but I suspect she might be running some sort of confidence racket, or she might be casing my house," Sartory wrote. "This evening I even had a locksmith change all the locks on the outside of this house on the possibility that she had picked up a key."

Sartory met Blanc about a year ago soon after he moved into his home on Campaign Drive in Hebron. Blanc cleaned for a neighbor and offered to clean for Sartory. He declined.

He told his friend Cartee that she drove a fast car - a red Corvette - and wore flashy clothes.

"She barged into his house and talked to him for hours, and he didn't like it," Cartee said.

On Feb. 26, after Cartee could not reach her friend for several days, she called the sheriff's office.

"At first I was just worried because he had a bad heart," she said. "We got really worried when it went on for several days and he wasn't returning calls, because that was totally unlike him. He always returned calls."

Sheriff's deputies checked the house several times, and neighbors told deputies that Molly Maids cleaned for Sartory, which led deputies to Blanc.

Molly Maids' owner told deputies that a woman named Willa met them at the house and said she had moved in with Sartory. She said she and Sartory were going on a trip and she didn't know when they would be back, the affidavit states. Molly Maids gave deputies Blanc's phone number.

When deputies went to the Union home where Blanc lived with her husband Paul on March 9, Willa Blanc said she was Sartory's friend and had seen him March 7 at a Hebron grocery store.

Two days later, deputies were back at Willa Blanc's home, where they interviewed her for two hours and she told deputies that she had a power of attorney for Sartory.
From there the affidavit details an investigation that led deputies in several directions.

At least 25 deputies were working on the case, said sheriff's spokesman Tom Scheben. Some were chasing financial records, others were staking out homes, and others were searching for Sartory, hoping to find him alive.

Deputies learned on March 11, Fifth Third Bank in Florence told deputies that Blanc's name was added to Sartory's account on Feb. 18 and she began making transactions on the account. Fidelity Investments told deputies she transferred $210,000 from Sartory's Fidelity account to his Fifth Third account.

On March 5, she used the Fifth Third account to buy cashiers checks for $17,300 for her attorney Phil Combs, $16,600 for Citimortgage and $3,600 to the Boone County Sheriff's Office which went to the sheriff's office $3,600 she owed in property taxes on her $290,000 Union home.

Blanc's mortgage company had filed suit to foreclose on the home on Feb. 12. Deputies also learned Blanc transferred $40,000 to her husband's account and $60,000 to their joint account, the affidavit states. On March 10, she bought a $49,000 cashier's check made payable to herself.

While investigating Blanc's financial transactions, deputies also learned of a trip Blanc made to Indiana. Paul Blanc told deputies that his wife totaled his Chevrolet Trailblazer on Feb. 22 while driving to Indianapolis.

Blanc was driving alone when she wrecked along Interstate 74 in Ripley County, Ind. Sheriff's deputies there told Boone County investigators that Blanc told them she was delivering firewood to her sister.

A tow truck driver told deputies that there was a 50-gallon plastic trash can in the back of the SUV that Blanc said contained the firewood. Instead of towing the SUV to a local garage, she demanded it be towed back Tom Gill Chevrolet in Florence.

At the lot, Wilkinson, Blanc's son, arrived and put the plastic garbage can into a minivan. Blanc then got in the van and said she was going back to Indiana, the affidavit states.

Blanc's friends in Indianapolis told deputies Blanc and Wilkinson arrived at their home Feb. 22 with a large garbage can that she said contained the body of a large dog owned by an elderly man she cared for. She offered to pay $1,000 to help burn the trash can.

While the pile was burning, the friend told Blanc and Wilkinson: "That had better be a dog," the affidavit states.

On March 13, the same day that Blanc's friends in Indiana told deputies about the trash can, Paul Blanc told deputies that his wife brought Sartory to their home Feb. 19, according to the affidavit.

Willa Blanc took Sartory to the basement and told her husband not to go down there because Sartory was ill and did not like people. Paul Blanc told deputies that Wilkinson stayed in the basement with Sartory, who he never saw leave the house. Paul Blanc has not been charged.

Later the same day, Willa Blanc's friends in Indiana led authorities to two spots in a wooded area near Morgan State Forest. Indiana forensic anthropologists are still trying to identify the remains, Scheben said.

Blanc and her son were arrested the next day at a Sharonville motel.
When deputies searched Willa and Paul Blanc's home on Wednesday they seized tape, a chair, a cell phone and her red Corvette.

They also searched a safe that Willa Blanc had installed in her home on March 9. Though the safe was empty, the deputy noticed books on the shelf, the affidavit states, with subjects "including legal topics, medical topics and a book the title of which was along the lines of 'How to Choose Your Prey.'"

Additional Facts
<DIV ="sidebar-related">Case Timeline

- March 2008: Walter Sartory buys and moves into home on Campaign Drive in Hebron.

- Late March early April 2008: Sartory meets Willa Blanc when she sees him while cleaning a neighbor's home.

- January 2009: Saatory comes home to find his driveway cleared of snow. Blanc comes to the house tells him she and her son did it.

- Feb. 5, 2009: Sartory e-mails a friend and tells her he changed the locks because of Blanc.

- Feb. 12: Citimortgage files suit in Boone Circuit Court to foreclose on Willa and Paul Blanc's $290,000 home on U.S. 42.

- Feb. 15 or 16: Cartee last talked to Sartory.

- Feb. 17: He last talked to another friend. And was seen in Fifth Third Bank in Florence.

- Feb. 18: Blanc adds her name to Sartory's Fifth Third Bank Account. Begins making transactions.

- Feb. 19: Sartory is brought to Willa and Paul Blanc's basement. He is never seen alive again
- Feb. 22: Willa Blanc totals her husband's SUV while driving to Indianapolis. She has the SUV towed back to Florence, moves the trash can into a minivan and drives back to Indianapolis.
Willa Blanc comes to her friend's house in Indiana where she tells the friends that she had the remains of a large dog in a trash can. She offers $1,000 to help her burn the can. It is burned.

- Feb. 23: Blanc transfers $10,000 from the Fidelity account to Fifth Third. She later transfers $200,000.

- March 4: Deputies get into the house, the mailbox is empty. Sartory's medication is inside the home. His car is gone. Neighbors say Molly Maids comes to the home. Molly Maids give deputies Blanc's name and number.

- March 5: Blanc buys $37,000 worth of cashier checks with Fifth Third account. The checks are to her lawyer, mortgage company and the Boone County Sheriff's Office for property taxes.

- March 6: Willa Blanc pays $3,600 to the sheriff's office for property taxes.

- March 10: Paul Blanc tells deputies that Willa totalled his Trailblazer while driving to Indianapolis.

- March 13: Deputies interview Blanc's friends in Indiana. Paul Blanc tells deputies he saw his wife bring Sartory to their basement. Blanc's friend's in Indianapolis take deputies and Indiana state police to two burn sites. Human remains are recovered. Deputies obtain warrants for Blanc.

- March 14: Blanc and son Wilkinson are arrested at a Sharonville motel.
Source: Boone County Sheriff's detective affidavit, court records, Sartory's friends.
<DIV ="clear">

Edited by: Colonel_Reb
I think we need to bring back the event of public hangings. They should hang these sub-human ******** from traffic lights, and leave them for a day or two, so the rest of these animals will think twice before acting out on the hate they ALL have inside them on some level. If thats harsh Im sorry, Ill edit the post, I just get SO Angry when I read all this stuff.
I'm not sure what this NY state senator's racial background is from looking at his picture. According to Wikipedia he used to bethe "Co-chair of[New York]City Council's Black, Latino and Asian Caucus." We'll have more and more political"leaders" of this stripe as the country continues to rapidly become non-White.

Senator Monserrate Is Indicted in Slashing of Companion

A Queens grand jury on Monday handed up a felony assault indictment against State Senator Hiram Monserrate, charging that he stabbed his companion in December with a drinking glass, leaving a gash that required 20 stitches to close, prosecutors announced.

The six-count indictment charges Mr. Monserrate, 41, a Democrat, with three counts of second-degree assault, a felony, and three counts of third-degree assault, a misdemeanor, according to a press release from the office of the Queens district attorney, Richard A. Brown, which is prosecuting the case.

On Monday, Mr. Monserrate denied again that he had assaulted the woman, Karla Giraldo, 30, saying it was an accident. He has said previously that he fell while bringing her a glass of water.

full article: ?ref=nyregion



His victim:

Edited by: Don Wassall
the negro who murdered 4 cops was being pursued for raping a 12-year old girl. the article doesn't mention the age of the victim, but the included video does.
Wiley said the victim had been raped in Oakland and did not know her attacker. She helped police produce a composite sketch of the attacker, but police would not reveal other details of the case.

"police wouldn't reveal other details of the case." we know what that means... she was a white girl.

and now, it looks like the murdering negro was a serial rapist.
Lovelle Mixon was linked by DNA to the February rape of a 12-year-old girl who was dragged off the street at gunpoint in the East Oakland neighborhood where Mixon's sister lived, police said Tuesday.

Mixon, 26, a fugitive parolee who shot four Oakland police officers to death Saturday before he was killed as he hid inside his sister's apartment, might have committed as many as five other rapes in the same neighborhood in recent months, investigators said.

All the victims of those rapes were attacked in the early-morning hours, as was the girl who was raped Feb. 5, and the assailant's behavior was similar in all the assaults, police said.

of course, we've been assured by his family that this worthless negro was "a good kid" and that "he's not a monster."
Colonel_Reb said:
Years ago, all newspapers mentioned the race of criminals and suspects. Now its against the PC police's policy. Doing so (and actually discussing black on white crime on national TV) would crack the facade that the cultural Marxists have created to try to drive the white race into extinction.

Here's another horrible black on white murder. You won't hear about this on the national news, or probably anywhere outside of the immediate vicinity of Cincinnati. 49


Walter Sartory


Willa Blanc-murdering negress


Louis Wilkinson-murdering negro and son of above female

&lt;FONT face=Verdana size=1&gt;March 21, 2009</font>

&lt;FONT face="Times New Roman, serif" size=5&gt;Detectives detail Sartory case</font></font>&lt;FONT face="Times New Roman, serif" size=2&gt;By Brenna R. </font>

BURLINGTON - Walter Sartory was suspicious of the woman who drove a fast car, wore flashy clothes and would stop by his home to chat and stay for hours.

He told a friend early last month that he was worried that Willa Blanc was planning to con him or rob him.

He was so concerned he changed his locks, but it didn't matter.

Less than three weeks later, he was dead.

In an affidavit filed Friday, Boone County detectives detail what they think happened to the 73-year-old reclusive millionaire who disappeared from his Hebron home last month, and why they think Blanc and her son are responsible for his death.

What detectives think are Sartory's charred remains were recovered from an Indiana forest last week. A single bullet and a pair of burned metal-frame glasses were found with the remains, according to the affidavit filed by Detective Coy Cox in connection with a search warrant. Willa Blanc, 47, and her son Louis Wilkinson, 27, both of Union, are scheduled to appear in court Monday on charges that they kidnapped Sartory, stole at least $200,000 from him and abused his corpse. If convicted of kidnapping, they could face the death penalty. Sartory, a mathematician who retired from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, suffered from paranoid schizophrenia. He also had a severe social phobia that kept him from interacting with most people, said Ann Cartee, a Virginia woman who has been friends with Sartory for more than 15 years and asked authorities to check on him when he did not return calls for several days. "You could not want a better friend than Walt," said Cartee, who often visited Sartory. "He was the best friend anybody could have." Sartory was so worried about interacting with people, he had to take a Xanax just to be able to eat at a restaurant, she said. "He was extremely concerned about being socially correct," she said. "He felt very socially inept and that's why he was afraid to be around people." But Sartory had three or four close friends, in addition to Cartee, that he talked to frequently. On Feb. 5, Sartory e-mailed one of those friends about Blanc, according the affidavit. "I do not trust her. I might be paranoid, but I suspect she might be running some sort of confidence racket, or she might be casing my house," Sartory wrote. "This evening I even had a locksmith change all the locks on the outside of this house on the possibility that she had picked up a key." Sartory met Blanc about a year ago soon after he moved into his home on Campaign Drive in Hebron. Blanc cleaned for a neighbor and offered to clean for Sartory. He declined. He told his friend Cartee that she drove a fast car - a red Corvette - and wore flashy clothes. "She barged into his house and talked to him for hours, and he didn't like it," Cartee said. On Feb. 26, after Cartee could not reach her friend for several days, she called the sheriff's office. "At first I was just worried because he had a bad heart," she said. "We got really worried when it went on for several days and he wasn't returning calls, because that was totally unlike him. He always returned calls."Sheriff's deputies checked the house several times, and neighbors told deputies that Molly Maids cleaned for Sartory, which led deputies to Blanc. Molly Maids' owner told deputies that a woman named Willa met them at the house and said she had moved in with Sartory. She said she and Sartory were going on a trip and she didn't know when they would be back, the affidavit states. Molly Maids gave deputies Blanc's phone number. When deputies went to the Union home where Blanc lived with her husband Paul on March 9, Willa Blanc said she was Sartory's friend and had seen him March 7 at a Hebron grocery store. Two days later, deputies were back at Willa Blanc's home, where they interviewed her for two hours and she told deputies that she had a power of attorney for Sartory. From there the affidavit details an investigation that led deputies in several directions. At least 25 deputies were working on the case, said sheriff's spokesman Tom Scheben. Some were chasing financial records, others were staking out homes, and others were searching for Sartory, hoping to find him alive. Deputies learned on March 11, Fifth Third Bank in Florence told deputies that Blanc's name was added to Sartory's account on Feb. 18 and she began making transactions on the account. Fidelity Investments told deputies she transferred $210,000 from Sartory's Fidelity account to his Fifth Third account. On March 5, she used the Fifth Third account to buy cashiers checks for $17,300 for her attorney Phil Combs, $16,600 for Citimortgage and $3,600 to the Boone County Sheriff's Office which went to the sheriff's office $3,600 she owed in property taxes on her $290,000 Union home. Blanc's mortgage company had filed suit to foreclose on the home on Feb. 12. Deputies also learned Blanc transferred $40,000 to her husband's account and $60,000 to their joint account, the affidavit states. On March 10, she bought a $49,000 cashier's check made payable to herself. While investigating Blanc's financial transactions, deputies also learned of a trip Blanc made to Indiana. Paul Blanc told deputies that his wife totaled his Chevrolet Trailblazer on Feb. 22 while driving to Indianapolis.Blanc was driving alone when she wrecked along Interstate 74 in Ripley County, Ind. Sheriff's deputies there told Boone County investigators that Blanc told them she was delivering firewood to her sister. A tow truck driver told deputies that there was a 50-gallon plastic trash can in the back of the SUV that Blanc said contained the firewood. Instead of towing the SUV to a local garage, she demanded it be towed back Tom Gill Chevrolet in Florence. At the lot, Wilkinson, Blanc's son, arrived and put the plastic garbage can into a minivan. Blanc then got in the van and said she was going back to Indiana, the affidavit states.Blanc's friends in Indianapolis told deputies Blanc and Wilkinson arrived at their home Feb. 22 with a large garbage can that she said contained the body of a large dog owned by an elderly man she cared for. She offered to pay $1,000 to help burn the trash can. While the pile was burning, the friend told Blanc and Wilkinson: "That had better be a dog," the affidavit states. On March 13, the same day that Blanc's friends in Indiana told deputies about the trash can, Paul Blanc told deputies that his wife brought Sartory to their home Feb. 19, according to the affidavit. Willa Blanc took Sartory to the basement and told her husband not to go down there because Sartory was ill and did not like people. Paul Blanc told deputies that Wilkinson stayed in the basement with Sartory, who he never saw leave the house. Paul Blanc has not been charged. Later the same day, Willa Blanc's friends in Indiana led authorities to two spots in a wooded area near Morgan State Forest. Indiana forensic anthropologists are still trying to identify the remains, Scheben said.Blanc and her son were arrested the next day at a Sharonville motel. When deputies searched Willa and Paul Blanc's home on Wednesday they seized tape, a chair, a cell phone and her red Corvette. They also searched a safe that Willa Blanc had installed in her home on March 9. Though the safe was empty, the deputy noticed books on the shelf, the affidavit states, with subjects "including legal topics, medical topics and a book the title of which was along the lines of 'How to Choose Your Prey.'"

&lt;FONT face="Times New Roman, serif" size=5&gt;Additional Facts</font>
&lt;DIV ="sidebar-related"&gt;&lt;FONT face="Times New Roman, serif" size=2&gt;Case Timeline</font>

- March 2008: Walter Sartory buys and moves into home on Campaign Drive in Hebron. - Late March early April 2008: Sartory meets Willa Blanc when she sees him while cleaning a neighbor's home. - January 2009: Saatory comes home to find his driveway cleared of snow. Blanc comes to the house tells him she and her son did it. - Feb. 5, 2009: Sartory e-mails a friend and tells her he changed the locks because of Blanc. - Feb. 12: Citimortgage files suit in Boone Circuit Court to foreclose on Willa and Paul Blanc's $290,000 home on U.S. 42.- Feb. 15 or 16: Cartee last talked to Sartory. - Feb. 17: He last talked to another friend. And was seen in Fifth Third Bank in Florence. - Feb. 18: Blanc adds her name to Sartory's Fifth Third Bank Account. Begins making transactions. - Feb. 19: Sartory is brought to Willa and Paul Blanc's basement. He is never seen alive again. - Feb. 22: Willa Blanc totals her husband's SUV while driving to Indianapolis. She has the SUV towed back to Florence, moves the trash can into a minivan and drives back to Indianapolis.Willa Blanc comes to her friend's house in Indiana where she tells the friends that she had the remains of a large dog in a trash can. She offers $1,000 to help her burn the can. It is burned. - Feb. 23: Blanc transfers $10,000 from the Fidelity account to Fifth Third. She later transfers $200,000. - March 4: Deputies get into the house, the mailbox is empty. Sartory's medication is inside the home. His car is gone. Neighbors say Molly Maids comes to the home. Molly Maids give deputies Blanc's name and number.- March 5: Blanc buys $37,000 worth of cashier checks with Fifth Third account. The checks are to her lawyer, mortgage company and the Boone County Sheriff's Office for property taxes. - March 6: Willa Blanc pays $3,600 to the sheriff's office for property taxes. - March 10: Paul Blanc tells deputies that Willa totalled his Trailblazer while driving to Indianapolis. - March 13: Deputies interview Blanc's friends in Indiana. Paul Blanc tells deputies he saw his wife bring Sartory to their basement. Blanc's friend's in Indianapolis take deputies and Indiana state police to two burn sites. Human remains are recovered. Deputies obtain warrants for Blanc. - March 14: Blanc and son Wilkinson are arrested at a Sharonville motel. Source: Boone County Sheriff's detective affidavit, court records, Sartory's friends.
&lt;DIV ="clear"&gt;</div></div>

Back when networks made movies of the week this murder would have been a candidate for this. Only the stupidity of the criminals made this case easy to solve.
Don Wassall said:
I'm not sure what this NY state senator's racial background is from looking at his picture.  According to Wikipedia he used to be the "Co-chair of [New York] City Council's Black, Latino and Asian Caucus."  We'll have more and more political "leaders" of this stripe as the country continues to rapidly become non-White.

Senator Monserrate Is Indicted in Slashing of Companion </font>

A Queens grand jury on Monday handed up a felony assault indictment against State Senator &lt;A title="More articles about Hiram Monserrate." href=" ople/m/hiram_monserrate/index.html?inline=nyt-per"&gt; Hiram Monserrate</font>&lt;/A&gt;, charging that he stabbed his companion in December with a drinking glass, leaving a gash that required 20 stitches to close, prosecutors announced.

The six-count indictment charges Mr. Monserrate, 41, a Democrat, with three counts of second-degree assault, a felony, and three counts of third-degree assault, a misdemeanor, according to a &lt;A title="The release, in pdf format." href=" nserrate_03_23_2009_ind.pdf"&gt; press release</font>&lt;/A&gt; from the office of the Queens district attorney, &lt;A title="More articles about Richard A. Brown." href=" ople/b/richard_a_brown/index.html?inline=nyt-per"&gt; Richard A. Brown</font>&lt;/A&gt;, which is prosecuting the case.

On Monday, Mr. Monserrate denied again that he had assaulted the woman, Karla Giraldo, 30, saying it was an accident. He has said previously that he fell while bringing her a glass of water.

full article: ?ref=nyregion


His victim:

QUOTE] He looks like he is a white or a predominately white Puerto Rican.
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