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Here is an article about a local murder a few towns over from me. I believe the lady is Chinese. Her husband was sick and she hated taking care of him so she decided to choke him to death. He was too weak to defend himself. What shocked me is that several days later the media released 911 tapes which showed she also tried to kill her two children too. Thankfully they were able to fight her off.
Ex-Jaguar arrested again.

HOUSTON, April 7 (UPI) -- Former Jacksonville Jaguars star receiver Reggie Williams was arrested in Houston this weekend on felony cocaine possession charges, police say.

The arrest, Williams' second in less than three months, happened Sunday after an alleged altercation between the former NFL player and two off-duty police officers working security at the Open City lounge in Houston, the (Jacksonville) Florida Times-Union reported Tuesday.

"Williams appeared to be impaired and causing problems," Houston police spokesman Kese Smith told the newspaper. "According to witnesses, an officer approached Williams and gave him several orders to leave and he refused."

Smith said Williams, 25, struggled with the two officers, who subdued him with a Taser, arrested him, took to jail and searched him, when authorities allegedly found a bag containing suspected cocaine in his possession.

Williams remained free Tuesday on $2,000 bond after an initial court hearing, the Houston Chronicle reported.

The Florida newspaper said Williams, an NFL free agent, also was arrested in Houston in February on charges of driving while intoxicated and marijuana possession, with those charges later being dropped.

how many felonies and arrests does this make for this worthless thug? but you'll notice, once again how a previous charge was dropped...

this repeat-offending negro assaults two people, has cocaine in his possession, and drives while drunk and high. but's it Matt Jones who is an embarrassment to the NFL... riiiiiiight...
This is so damn annoying! Why is there more uproar when a black man is killed by a white cop, as opposed to 4 white cops getting killed by a black sicko?

This just doesn't make any sense. Racial tensions seem to have really flared ever since Obama got elected. This is the change alright for America, change for the worse.

Black man killed by white cop
A Detroit couple accused of trying to cremate their dead 2-year-old son on a barbecue grill, and then hiding the remains while collecting welfare benefits for the child, were both sentenced to prison today.

Nickella Reid, 23, pleaded guilty last month in Wayne County Circuit Court to involuntary manslaughter and welfare fraud in connection with the death of her son, Deuntay Miller. She was sentenced today by Judge Michael Callahan to 10 to 15 years.

Joseph Miller, 28, pleaded guilty last month to second-degree murder for Deuntay's death. Callahan sentenced him to 22 to 50 years.

The case broke when Reid and her mother took Deuntay's 1-year-old brother, Nicholas Miller, to Children's Hospital of Michigan in Detroit on Nov. 11, 2007, for second- and third-degree burns. Prosecutors said at the time that 35% of Nicholas' body had been burned, and he is still recovering.

Miller also pleaded guilty to first-degree child abuse for the burns Nicholas sustained.

The toddler, who needs additional surgery, is in foster care, Miller's attorney, Gabi Silver, previously said. There have been no family visits.

Police said Reid told investigators that Miller scalded their son with water in their home on Lillibridge in Detroit.

Reid then told police of Deuntay's death and directed them to Miller's sister's home on Lappin, where the toddler's remains had been sealed in the ceiling. Officers from the Violent Crimes Task Force made the discovery.

Reid and Miller told police that they tried to cremate Deuntay in a barbecue grill to avoid funeral costs.

Prosecutors previously said that Deuntay had been dead for nine months to a year when police found his remains.

Police later learned that Reid had been collecting welfare and food stamps in the names of Deuntay and four other children.

Medical experts said examination of Deuntay's skeletal remains showed healed breaks in both of his legs and signs of malnutrition in the development of his bones.

Video of immigrants attacking a white man enfuriate French, meanwhile the victim's pussified, politically correct response to the attack sparks further outrage.

the link includes video of the attack, a discussion of the incident, and an interview with the white pussy victim who, among other things, had this drivel to say...

Figaro: Internet sites say that racial slurs were shouted at you . . .

Victim: I didn't hear anything like that. If such things were said it would have been in the context of my attackers being drunk or on drugs. In any case, they were not all immigrants. The video of my attack looks like a stereotype because I was dressed conservatively and was faced by four people who were making a lot of noise. I do not want at all to be considered an example of a certain social image of someone singled out by foreigners. I didn't take it that way.

the comments were justifiably vehement with both the situation and the victim's response. some excerpts:

"Halleluiah! I was worried France had a race problem."

"I'm a miserable little petit bourgeois white man, responsible for all the evils of the world and I got just what I deserved."

"Without the Internet this would never have been known. Whenever it's a white who is attacked, the media go silent."

"Next time this young man will be knifed. All he is doing is encouraging more violence."

"When I read the feeble reaction of this victim to that attack I can think only one thing: He took too many blows to the head and has lost all sense of reality."

"This interview is nothing more than an attempt to by the media to calm the sheep that we have become."

"He could have been killed, but he seems to have learned nothing!"

"This is what you get after 20 years of just one point of view, of obsessive anti-racism, and of denying reality. Disturbing. Surrealist."

"This attack on the bus is nothing compared to what happened to Delphine, a young woman who was raped for months by some 30 swine from North Africa."

"If he's trying to quiet the buzz, his idiot interview hasn't worked."

Grow some balls, like the kid who tried to help him. That's what we need, not more loudmouths."

"He'll end up as a minister in someone's government! He has already mastered the finer points of mealy-mouthed political correctness."
Jimmy Chitwood said:
Video of immigrants attacking a white man enfuriate French, meanwhile the victim's pussified, politically correct response to the attack sparks further outrage.

the link includes video of the attack, a discussion of the incident, and an interview with the white pussy victim who, among other things, had this drivel to say...

Figaro: Internet sites say that racial slurs were shouted at you . . .

Victim: I didn't hear anything like that. If such things were said it would have been in the context of my attackers being drunk or on drugs. In any case, they were not all immigrants. The video of my attack looks like a stereotype because I was dressed conservatively and was faced by four people who were making a lot of noise. I do not want at all to be considered an example of a certain social image of someone singled out by foreigners. I didn't take it that way.

the comments were justifiably vehement with both the situation and the victim's response. some excerpts:

"Halleluiah! I was worried France had a race problem."

"I'm a miserable little petit bourgeois white man, responsible for all the evils of the world and I got just what I deserved."

"Without the Internet this would never have been known. Whenever it's a white who is attacked, the media go silent."

"Next time this young man will be knifed. All he is doing is encouraging more violence."

"When I read the feeble reaction of this victim to that attack I can think only one thing: He took too many blows to the head and has lost all sense of reality."

"This interview is nothing more than an attempt to by the media to calm the sheep that we have become."

"He could have been killed, but he seems to have learned nothing!"

"This is what you get after 20 years of just one point of view, of obsessive anti-racism, and of denying reality. Disturbing. Surrealist."

"This attack on the bus is nothing compared to what happened to Delphine, a young woman who was raped for months by some 30 swine from North Africa."

"If he's trying to quiet the buzz, his idiot interview hasn't worked."

Grow some balls, like the kid who tried to help him. That's what we need, not more loudmouths."

"He'll end up as a minister in someone's government! He has already mastered the finer points of mealy-mouthed political correctness."

Sprouting a set of grapefruits in long overdue for the many of the candy@$$es in Europe (and here). The French are learning (too late) the ill effects of unchecked immigration...especially of untermenshen.
jaxvid said:
A Detroit couple accused of trying to cremate their dead 2-year-old son on a barbecue grill, and then hiding the remains while collecting welfare benefits for the child, were both sentenced to prison today.

Nickella Reid, 23, pleaded guilty last month in Wayne County Circuit Court to involuntary manslaughter and welfare fraud in connection with the death of her son, Deuntay Miller. She was sentenced today by Judge Michael Callahan to 10 to 15 years.

Joseph Miller, 28, pleaded guilty last month to second-degree murder for Deuntay's death. Callahan sentenced him to 22 to 50 years.

The case broke when Reid and her mother took Deuntay's 1-year-old brother, Nicholas Miller, to Children's Hospital of Michigan in Detroit on Nov. 11, 2007, for second- and third-degree burns. Prosecutors said at the time that 35% of Nicholas' body had been burned, and he is still recovering.

Miller also pleaded guilty to first-degree child abuse for the burns Nicholas sustained.

The toddler, who needs additional surgery, is in foster care, Miller's attorney, Gabi Silver, previously said. There have been no family visits.

Police said Reid told investigators that Miller scalded their son with water in their home on Lillibridge in Detroit.

Reid then told police of Deuntay's death and directed them to Miller's sister's home on Lappin, where the toddler's remains had been sealed in the ceiling. Officers from the Violent Crimes Task Force made the discovery.

Reid and Miller told police that they tried to cremate Deuntay in a barbecue grill to avoid funeral costs.

Prosecutors previously said that Deuntay had been dead for nine months to a year when police found his remains.

Police later learned that Reid had been collecting welfare and food stamps in the names of Deuntay and four other children.

Medical experts said examination of Deuntay's skeletal remains showed healed breaks in both of his legs and signs of malnutrition in the development of his bones.

If I was a cop I would give this turd a blanket party. Also I would torture him by putting him on the standard 2000 calorie a day diet. He would probably be in the infirmary in 2 days. After that I would tell whatever gang that ran the prison what crime this POS did. He wouldn't make it to sunset...
Let the AB/"Brand" run some shanks in these vermin!
Another interracial romance ends in murder

From the blog of James Edwards

Gee, who woulda thunk it? I mean he's black, she's white...what could
go wrong? The media and the churches make miscegenation out to be the
greatest thing since sliced bread, so it sounds like the perfect match.
And last week there were only 5 or 6 horrific murders involving black/white couples. But interracial romance proved fatal for Dawn Brooks of South Bend, Indiana. And cops "want to talk to" Julius Gerard Anderson.

Oh well, I'm sure her preacher will say some real nice things at her funeral.

Police, friends say South Bend woman may have been murdered

By Kelli Cheatham (

SOUTH BEND â€â€￾ Police say a woman found dead in a South Bend house
after a fire early Tuesday morning may have been murdered. The woman's
friends believe their friend may have died at the hands of an abusive

Just before 3:30 a.m., police got a 911 call from a house in the
1700 block of Catalpa, about a man "covered in blood." Minutes after
that first call, firefighters were called to another nearby home in the
2000 block of Kendall Street.

While fighting the fire, they found 29-year-old Dawn Brooks. St.
Joseph County Metro Homicide detectives said medics discovered injuries
on her body they don't think came from the fire.

Brooks' friends are remembering a kind, outgoing woman and wondering if they could have done more to prevent her death.

"I couldn't, I don't know how to explain it," said Misty Mann. "[I'm] still shocked."

Shocked and saddened at the loss, Brooks' friends tried to piece together her final hours.

"I spoke with her at 12:30 [this morning]," said Mikelle Jaquish.
"She said she was in a car with her boyfriend. She seemed pretty happy."

Police said the first 911 call came from the home on Catalpa Street.
A man who lives there told WSBT he knew the young man who knocked on
his door. He also said one of the man's arms was bloody.

South Bend Police Capt. Phil Trent said another 911 call came in a short time later for the fire at the Kendall Street address.

Both police and Brooks' friends said they don't think the fire
killed her. Police records show there may have been a history of
violence and abuse.

"It's a boyfriend of a few months," explained Cindy Mann.
"I had been there to witness him beating her on multiple occasions
and we always had to stop him," said Jaquish. "And the reason she stuck
with him was because he said he was going to kill her if she decided to
leave him."
The Colonel's comment-Cindy Mann, you are a really great friend for knowing and doing nothing. Sickening!

Police were called to Brooks' house March 19. They say a man Brooks
called her ex-boyfriend was arrested for assault and battery after
allegedly slapping her across the face. Then on April 2, police filed a
report saying the ex-boyfriend held Brooks at gunpoint.

"Guns to the head, knives to the throat, he actually held her down
one time and beat her with his knees in her chest," Jaquish said.</blockquote>

Watch the video here.
Edited by: Colonel_Reb
More savage behavior dished out to the miscegenating White woman. Still, notice isn't taken & warnings not heeded (as to the dangers of miscegnation). The (Globalist Elite funded) Cultural Marxists continue to relentlessly attack morals, values & traditions.
While none of these folks deserved what happened to them, any white woman who hooks up with a black man really needs to have their head examined. By doing that, you exponentially increase your odds of something very bad happen to you and/or your family.

It's really that simple, and it's beyond me how more people cannot see this obvious fact.
Read this entire article linked below to get a feel for what Dennis Rodman has been getting away with in Las Vegas (and elsewhere) for so long. This repulsive looking scumbag is a danger to society, but because of his black skin privilege gets away with one screw-up after another, including from feminists while Rodman harrasses one white woman after another. Not only does he get away with it, but for a number of years the Cultural Marxist elites turned him into a major celebrity because of his perverse appearance and character.

If you want definitive evidence of what a sick society America has become, Exhibit A is Dennis Rodman, celebrity.

Rodman ordered to pay $225,000

Judge says ex-NBA star owes woman punitive damages


Edited by: Don Wassall
I thought those places had bouncers that busted people up for doing that stuff to the employees? Rodman needs some ass kicking to get his head straight.
The idea of seeing people like Rodman, Iverson, and Eminem hit their 50's and 60's just scares me!

In years past, people who hit their 50's and 60's are usually some of the nicest people around, conservative in many ways. But now, look at what's happening in society, 20 to 30 years from now, you will see dirty old freaks like Rodman, Eminem, Iverson roaming the streets of America. Even worse are all the gays and lesbians hitting their 50's and 60's someday. Everyone gets old, but to grow old in this kind of a manner? The very thought of it just makes me sick!
I am going to miss the days when there were honorable old folks like Bill O'Reilly.

Barack Obama is no different from these soon to be dirty old freaks. He too will be a dirty old freak.
Edited by: j41181
Rodman has always been a brat. I remember very vividly as a young kid, he was on Conan O'Brien, talking about some cross country race in his souped up car, and how he kept getting speeding tickets in every state. He said the cops must've been radioing ahead and saying"Dennis Rodman is coming to your state, be sure to harass him." Conan ask him if it could have had anything to do with him speeding? He got defensive, and played the race card. I was like 8 or 9 years old, but I remember thinking " this dude is an idiot"!Edited by: P-NutLane
Negro makes daughter help him dismember mother.

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (April 27) - A young girl who told police her father forced her to help as he cut up her mother's body with an electric saw said she could only look away when the head fell to the floor.
<DIV ="articleTxt smallText" id=articleTxt2>The girl is the chief witness against James Hawkins, 31, a prison parolee charged with first-degree murder in the death of Charlene Gaither, 28, a longtime companion with whom he had three children. His trial is scheduled for September and prosecutors are seeking the death penalty.
Hopefully this monster will effectively be doing life if convicted of these charges:

Phillips accused in 2 assaults

Former NFL running back Lawrence Phillips will go to trial on charges that he attacked his girlfriend in 2005.

A San Diego judge ruled Wednesday that the 33-year-old Phillips must stand trial on eight felony charges for two alleged assaults.

He could face up to 25 years in prison if convicted.

A call to his public defender on Thursday was not immediately returned.

Phillips already is serving a 10-year sentence for hitting three teenagers with his car in Los Angeles.
Phillips was once one of the nation's top college football players at Nebraska. The St. Louis Rams released him in 1997 and he went on to play for a number of teams.
Colonel_Reb said:
Jimmy Chitwood said:
Negro attacker threatened White woman's baby during Rosedale rape.
The woman told detectives she was worried because the man looked like a thug, but she didn't want to seem racist.

What a stupid woman!
Those who want to be perceived as tolerant deserve to be treated this way, imho. Some people can only learn the hard way. This whole thing just makes me sick!

Another example of wussified White culture bowing down to the cultural Marxists.
You can indeed usually judge a book by the cover!

BTW, Rodman is a piece of trash who was caste pushed in the NBA (1 dimisional player) & glorified by MSM post-career because he's a vile, degenerate!
Negro kills over 30 women over two decades, all of them white. But don't expect to hear the media ever mention the race angle.

Police Call Man LA's 'Largest Ever' Serial Killer

Police believe a 72-year-old insurance claims adjuster arrested earlier this month is the most prolific serial killer in the city's history, having raped and strangled as many as 30 older women over two decades.

The break in the cold case came in October when John Floyd Thomas Jr., who had twice been convicted of sexual assault, had a DNA sample taken as part of an effort to build an offender database.

Thomas was charged April 2 with murdering 68-year-old Ethel Sokoloff in 1972 and 67-year-old Elizabeth McKeown in 1976, both of whom were sexually assaulted and strangled. DNA matching Thomas' was found at three other crime scenes in the 1970s and '80s, police robbery-homicide Capt. Denis Cremins said.

Detectives now consider Thomas a suspect in at least 25 other killings, and the number could grow as detectives probe unsolved cases going back to the 1950s, Cremins said. It could not immediately be determined where the other killings took place.

"If he turns out to be the guy, he probably would be the largest ever (serial killer) in the city of Los Angeles," Cremins said.

Deputy Chief Charlie Beck said police "believe that Thomas is likely connected to many more sexually motivated murders."

Thomas was being held on $1 million bond in a county jail and could not be reached for comment. The public defender's office said he had yet to be assigned an attorney.

If convicted, Thomas faces life in prison without parole because the killings occurred before the 1977 reinstatement of the death penalty. Prosecutors may seek capital punishment if Thomas is charged in later cases.

Thomas was sentenced to six years in 1957 for burglary and attempted rape in Los Angeles. Two parole violations sent him back behind bars until 1966.

The victims in all 30 cases under review were older white women, mostly of lower incomes and often widows living alone, Cremins said. All had been sexually assaulted and most were strangled.

In the first wave of killings in Los Angeles in the mid-1970s, a man police dubbed "The Westside Rapist" entered the homes of dozens of elderly women who lived alone, raped them and choked them until they passed out or died. The 17 people killed were found with pillows or blankets over their faces.

During that time, Thomas was a social worker, hospital employee and salesman. The attacks stopped in 1978 â€â€￾ the year Thomas went back to prison for the rape of a Pasadena woman.

After his 1983 release, he moved to Chino in San Bernardino County and took a job as a hospital peer counselor in nearby Pomona. That year, a series of attacks on elderly women began, including five slayings in the nearby Los Angeles County town of Claremont. The attacker also used blankets or pillows over his victims' faces.

Despite some 20 survivors, detectives didn't connect the two cases. There were conflicting descriptions from victims, a lack of communication between agencies and an absence of DNA technology.

Investigators said the attacks stopped in 1989, when Thomas began working at the State Compensation Insurance Fund in Glendale. He was arrested at his South Los Angeles apartment on March 31 and resigned shortly afterward.

"As far as why he stopped, we don't know for sure if he stopped," Detective Rick Jackson said. "Who knows? It could be age-related, we just don't know enough about him at this time."

Earl Ofari Hutchinson, a commentator and host of the Los Angeles Urban Policy Roundtable, said he was shocked by the allegations against his friend, whom he described as "very engaging, very involved, seemed very informed."

Hutchinson said Thomas is married and has children.

Associated Press writers John Antczak and Robert Jablon contributed to this report.
Copyright © 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
<DIV =clickable id=ss-image-container>
Black serial killers tend to target white women. It is never mentioned as a hate crime though. The media also likes to make it look like only whites are serial killers. However when you factor in the difference between the black and white populations blacks are serial killers at a higher percentage.

I can't tell you how many white women have been raped by blacks here in the north jersey area. It happens every day.
whiteathlete33 said:
I can't tell you how many white women have been raped by blacks here in the north jersey area. It happens every day.

according to the FBI's own statistics, almost 100 White women a day are raped by black men in the USA. that's 100 WHITE WOMEN EVERY DAY!

of course, not only is this factual information NOT common knowledge, the obvious racial angle is never addressed. this is just one of the so-called "hate facts" the Obama administration is trying to suppress. Edited by: Jimmy Chitwood
Jimmy Chitwood said:
whiteathlete33 said:
I can't tell you how many white women have been raped by blacks here in the north jersey area. It happens every day.

according to the FBI's own statistics, almost 400 White women a day are raped by black men in the USA. that's 400 WHITE WOMEN EVERY DAY!

of course, not only is this factual information NOT common knowledge, the obvious racial angle is never addressed. this is just one of the so-called "hate facts" the Obama administration is trying to suppress.

Are you sure Jimmy? I just did the math and that would equal 146000 rapes a year. That is much higher than the 35000 I read about.
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