Crime Thread

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Upside down is right Jimmy. It is sickening.
Jimmy Chitwood said:
edited to add: this guy has turned over 12,000 illegals to the Border Patrol since 1998, yet "he" is the bad guy.
where the f@*k is the Border Patrol if this guy by himself has had this many problems?!?

our country is completely upside down.

Our government is illegitimate! It has turned against the common White man. We live in fear of the minorities because our leaders have sold us out. I wish we could organize something, somehow,to take this country back... by any means necessary. Enough of this garbage.
I agree Bart, when a government refuses to protect its citizens, i.e. won't protect its borders, it is a non-functioning and illegitimate entity. I share your frustration and wish there was some way we could stop this mess from happening. I have a feeling it will take several more years before enough of us are ticked off to the point of being willing to organize and do something about it.
King WIllie faces Grand Jury
<DIV itxtvisited="1">
<DIV =textMedBlackBold itxtvisited="1">By WOODY BAIRD

<DIV =textTimestamp itxtvisited="1">updated 1:34 a.m. MT, Tues., Feb. 10, 2009

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MEMPHIS, Tenn. - Mayor Willie Herenton is accustomed to mixing it up, be it in a boxing ring or in politics.
A talented Golden Gloves fighter in his youth, the 6-foot-6-inch Herenton has climbed between the ropes to exchange a few polite blows with former heavyweight champ Joe Frazier to raise money for the city's drug court. He also used an aggressive political style to become Memphis' first elected black mayor in 1992.
Five terms later, he still holds the title, though his latest bout could be his last.
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<DIV ="textSmallGrey w320" itxtvisited="1">Herenton, 68, is fending off federal prosecutors, who have impaneled a grand jury that is scrutinizing how city contracts are awarded and whether Herenton used his office to benefit financially through a real estate company he owns.
Grand juries work in secret, but the investigation appears to involve the mayor's dealings with Elvin W. Moon, a friend and businessman whose civil engineering firm has gotten road-design contracts with the city worth more than $700,000 over the past several years.
Based on who has been called to testify, questions by the 23-member panel also seem to be focusing on a plan to move a downtown Greyhound bus station to city-owned land near Memphis International Airport.
Records uncovered by The Commercial Appeal newspaper show Herenton acquired rights in 2004 to buy the land Greyhound would vacate and made more than $90,000 when the option was sold in 2006 with Moon's help.
Herenton won't talk about whether there even is an investigation but has sought to reassure his constituents by playing up his administration's honesty. He has asked top aides to swear in writing they haven't been improperly pressured in awarding city contracts.
In a letter published in The Commercial Appeal, Herenton said he hasn't let his private business conflict with his duties as mayor.
It isn't illegal, he wrote, "for the city mayor to own a business or to invest private capital in a private venture."
He told the Memphis Rotary Club that he knows how to balance his private and public dealings.
"I think I know where the line is," Herenton said. "I feel confident I have not crossed that line."
He declined an interview request from The Associated Press, saying his attorneys have counseled him not to comment.
Herenton squeaked out his first mayoral victory by 142 votes over the incumbent when black voter registration outpaced white registration in Memphis for the first time.
Since that election, the closest mayor's race in Memphis history, the voters have returned Herenton to office four times. While he's built a strong following across racial lines in a city of 650,000 that is now 63 percent black, he has also created a large core of detractors who accuse him of arrogance and derisively call him "King Willie."
Personable and friendly in private, Herenton the fighter has not suffered his detractors quietly in public.
One of his campaign slogans in 2007 was "Shake the Haters Off," and he set off a citywide stir by announcing that a group of rich, white businessmen tried to set him up for a sex scandal with a former wienertail waitress.
He accused federal prosecutors of siding with his enemies by failing to have a grand jury look into the woman's claims that she was paid to entice him.
After bribery charges were dismissed last year against Herenton's appointee to lead the city utility company, the mayor accused prosecutors, the news media and political enemies of trying to get him out of office "by any means necessary."
"You can't beat Willie Herenton in an election, so let's use the justice system and ink in the paper," he said.
Herenton has long been a champion of downtown revitalization, and the Greyhound move would clear prime real estate for development. It would be part of a $16.5 million project to build a new central station for the Memphis Area Transit Authority, which runs the city bus system.
Among witnesses called before the grand jury are Moon, top officers of the transit authority and Pete Aviotti, a special assistant to the mayor who has been involved in the Greyhound project. The mayor's son, financial consultant Rodney Herenton, has also testified.
Aviotti has refused to talk about his testimony, and phone calls to the mayor's son were not returned.
City Council Chairman Myron Lowery, who has not testified before the grand jury, said he was questioned by the FBI about the transit project and the Herenton administration's interest in getting it approved.
Lowery said the FBI wanted to know if anyone had pointed out any potential conflict of interests with the project. "That's what this is all about," he said. "We all knew what they were talking about."
Moon's lawyer, Robert Hutton, said his client testified before the grand jury in November.
"He's been assured he's not a target. He's a cooperating witness," Hutton said, declining to discuss Moon's testimony.
<DIV =textBlack itxtvisited="1"><I itxtvisited="1">Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.[/I]
People accuse White ethnic politicians of being on the take(Irish, Italian, Cajun). They got nothing on Black mayors of decaying cities. Every city contract is reason to pork barrel and siphon off cash. If they get caught they scream racism or federal harassment..
Here's another black mayor trial. If he's found guilty, it will be the end of the politicalline for the truly strange mayor of Jackson, Mississippi.

[url] 1001/NEWS[/url]
<H1>Jackson mayor owes $14K in property tax</H1>
By Heather Civil - - February 11, 2009
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Jackson Mayor Frank Melton, who is currently on trial for alleged civil rights violations, has not paid his 2008 property taxes, which were due 10 days ago.


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The mayor owes $13,098.43 on his property at 2 Carter's Grove and $1,340 on several other parcels he owns, according to the Hinds County Tax Collector's Web site.

Property owners have until the last week of August to pay their taxes and all late fees and penalties. After that, properties go to the county tax sale.

Melton paid his 2007 taxes last August just days before his property was to go up for auction. He owed $6,501.58.
white is right said:
People accuse White ethnic politicians of being on the take(Irish, Italian, Cajun). They got nothing on Black mayors of decaying cities. Every city contract is reason to pork barrel and siphon off cash. If they get caught they scream racism or federal harassment..
having worked in politics not blacks, whites, rural, urban, democrat or republican have a monopoly on corruption. it's pretty crazy sometimes. When I first got involved I thought corruption was exaggerated. I was wrong. Way wrong.
Edited by: Fightingtowin
2 Illegals confess to raping 11-year old girl (with pics of the mexican child molesters)

Construction workers Richard Morales-Marin, 23, and Juan Hernandez-Munzalvo, 24, were arrested late Wednesday on charges of armed sexual battery on a child, kidnapping of a child and lewd molestation and were being booked into the Orange County Jail early today.

Every member of the sex-crimes unit had worked on the case since shortly after the child reported the attack Feb. 5. She was pulled into a car at knifepoint about 6:40. a.m. at South Orange Blossom Trail and Lancaster Road, taken to a vacant pink house several blocks away and raped by the men ...

Both men confessed, saying they were "stupid" and had been drinking ...

this is just the latest example of the "benefits of diversity."
Jimmy Chitwood said:
2 Illegals confess to raping 11-year old girl (with pics of the mexican child molesters)

Construction workers Richard Morales-Marin, 23, and Juan Hernandez-Munzalvo, 24, were arrested late Wednesday on charges of armed sexual battery on a child, kidnapping of a child and lewd molestation and were being booked into the Orange County Jail early today.

Every member of the sex-crimes unit had worked on the case since shortly after the child reported the attack Feb. 5. She was pulled into a car at knifepoint about 6:40. a.m. at South Orange Blossom Trail and Lancaster Road, taken to a vacant pink house several blocks away and raped by the men ...

Both men confessed, saying they were "stupid" and had been drinking ...

this is just the latest example of the "benefits of diversity."

Also it's a "benefit" of open borders & the illegal invasion!
This is a minor deal compared to the adventures of most affletes, but the pandering and excuse making by Williams' attorney is so reminiscent of the media Caste clowns. I'm sure countless announcers and journalists are also willing to proclaim how "nice" Williams is when they have interviewed him for a few minutes. He undoubtedly has a thousand watt smile to boot.

Police: Williams not allowed on campus

BOSTON -- New Jersey Nets forward Sean Williams was arrested at Boston College last weekend for allegedly violating a no-trespassing order.

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The 22-year-old former BC player was arrested Sunday shortly before the Eagles played Duke for violating an order issued in May, according to the campus police report.

Williams' Boston-based lawyer, Howard Fisher, said the player was invited to Sunday's game by a member of Boston College's coaching staff and blamed the arrest on "lack of communication" between the staffer and campus police.

The police report said Williams was belligerent when police tried to arrest him and wrote obscenities instead of his name on the fingerprint card and trespass warning.

"Maybe it's just human nature to act that way when someone is invited to an event and then placed under arrest," Fisher said.

The 6-foot-10 Williams was dismissed from the Boston College team in January 2007 for multiple rules violations that included an arrest for marijuana possession in 2005. That charge was dropped after he completed a rehabilitation program.

Williams posted $40 bail but failed to show for arraignment Tuesday. Prosecutors asked the judge to issue an arrest warrant, but the arraignment was rescheduled for March 5 -- the day after the Nets play the Celtics in Boston.

Williams and Nets coach Lawrence Frank had no comment in Houston, where the Nets played Tuesday night. Williams was the Nets' first-round pick in the 2007 NBA draft.
Atlanta cancer researcher Dr.Eugenia "Jeanne" Calle robbed & killed by untermensch Shamal Thompson who posed as a buyer for Calle's Atlanta condo.

Eugenia Calle

***Reference article...
Something would have been up with me. He looks to "New Money". What was he going to pay for the condo with cash.....
white is right said:
Something would have been up with me. He looks to "New Money". What was he going to pay for the condo with cash.....

My condolences to the Dr's family for their loss. However, I suspect she was one of these folks who bought into the "White guilt" indoctrination, and let down her (natural) guard because she didn't want to give way to "intolerant" (yet accurate) stereotypes. Atlanta (specifically Midtown) is full of the brainwashed pinkos. With the rash of violence lately (a club bartender was shot & killed a few weeks ago), some of these castrated Whites are awakening (I hope) to the fallacy of "embracing multiculturalism".
I tell anyone who will listen and practice what I preach:

1. To increase your chances of remaining alive and not becoming a victim, simply stay away from young black men at all costs, all the time. Avoid them like the plague.

2. If you're unlucky enough to be around them, whether it's at the mall or grocery store, or whatever, never, ever, ever let your guard down. Ever.

What can I say, may God bless this poor woman's soul. Edited by: foobar75
foobar75 said:
I tell anyone who will listen and practice what I preach:

1. To increase your chances of remaining alive and not becoming a victim, simply stay away from young black men at all costs, all the time. Avoid them like the plague.

2. If you're unlucky enough to be around them, whether it's at the mall or grocery store, or whatever, never, ever, ever let your guard down. Ever.

What can I say, may God bless this poor woman's soul.
Tell that to all the stupid white women of America!!!

May that poor woman rest in peace.

sh*t ass to that blackie!!

Proportionately, there are MORE black criminals than white criminals in the USA.
Check out the video of these African thugs beating up a white man in Melbourne, Australia.

They look like East Africans (most likely Somalians) to me.
LenDale White and some homies beat a white man to the point he had to be hospitalized after a minor car accident in Denver, but the city's district attorney refused to prosecute the case because "there is evidence which contradicts these statements,'' Murray said of the report . "The reason the case got dismissed is the evidence contradicts the statements.''

Isn't a jury supposed to sift through the evidence, including statements,and decide if there is enough evidence, beyond a reasonable doubt, to convict? Yet another black affletelooks to have committeda serious crime but isn't charged or prosecuted. It's too bad there's no clearinghouse in this country to keep track of how often black athletes charged with crimes, often very serious crimes, end up with all charges dropped before trial, or with tiny slap on the wrist punishments that equate to no real deterrent punishment at all, much less fairness to the victims and their families. For every Rae Carruth convicted and doing hard time, there seems to bedozens anddozens of Ray Lewises who essentially walk away from felony charges.

[url] /1027[/url]Edited by: Don Wassall
parents of black thug (16 years old) say he's not to blame for brutally beating his white female bus driver... the link includes a detailed video which shows the attack and the parents' pathetic defense. the video also points out that the punk has been charged with at least 6 separate incidents of assault and battery, yet he's never even served a single day in juvenile detention.

KALAMAZOO, Mich. (NEWSCHANNEL 3) - On Tuesday, a bus driver for the Kalamazoo Public School system was brutally beaten by a teenager on her bus.

as stated by the thug's parents in the "good boy's" defense... "He a good boy, he don't do nuffin wrong. He got twins in he head. He provoked."

once again, we have a repeat offender who is really a good person who just happens to routinely attack the weak, though it's never his fault.
<H1>Cleveland man sought in killing of 5 found dead</H1>

By THOMAS J. SHEERAN, Associated Press Writer Thomas J. Sheeran, Associated Press Writer

CLEVELAND - A man suspected of killing his newlywed wife, his sister-in-law and three young children killed himself Friday after police forced their way into the home he had fled to and found him hiding in a bathroom, authorities said.

Across the street from the home where Davon Crawford shot himself in the head, several dozen people lined up behind yellow police tape and cheered as a sheet-covered stretcher was removed from the house.

Crawford's wife, Lechea, was killed about four miles away in the couple's home Thursday night, along with her sister and the sister's 4-year-old daughter and 2-year-old twins. Another child was wounded.
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<CITE =caption>AP-In this undated photo released by the Cleveland Police Department, Davon Crawford is shown.</CITE>
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<DIV =photo><CITE =caption> [url] ve_dead[/url]</CITE>
One look at the crowd in this pic shows what happened and why.
Aren't you supposed to have your curlers out before your audition?
I guess the Al Sharpton straight haired look still in.....
foobar75 said:
One look at the crowd in this pic shows what happened and why.

America's Next Top Model??!!...of what?? paper sacks?
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