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That last story is the saddest yet. The dumb MF could have made more panhandling in front of a liquor store. Typical of the violent US underclass.
I will take that back the killing of the 4 policeman is probably sadder.
Edited by: white is right
negro high school football player goes on a stabbing spree.
A Randallstown High School football player has been charged with stabbing one person and robbing three others at gunpoint in Baltimore County in the past two weeks, according Baltimore County police.

Police say that Vaschon Gilmer, 18, randomly walked up to three people on the street March 19 and March 20, displayed a handgun and robbed them of money, iPods and cell phones. The first robbery occurred near the 4400 block of Old Court Road.

Police believe he stabbed a man March 23, as he walked down the street near Offutt and Liberty roads, said Baltimore County spokesman Bill Toohey ...

When asked why he did it, Toohey said,Gilmer told police, "I needed the money and I didn't have anything to do."

Gilmer has gang tattoos and has been seen flashing gang signs, but police have not determined whether he was a member of a gang.

but he's not a bad kid... really.all heneeds isfor whiteyto quit holding him down.
Not your typical thug or dysfunctional whack job. But this story is out there. Vince the Shamwow guy was in the news..... Here is the Chicago Sun Times story...ShamWow pitchman Vince Shlomi arrested for punching prostitute

March 28, 2009

He's known for hawking a super-absorbent towels on in commercials, but this pitch man found himself in hot water -- without the aid of a ShamWow -- last month.

ShamWow pitchman Vince Shlomi was arrested Feb. 7 on felony battery charges for allegedly punching a stripper, according to the Web site

Police reports obtained by the site claim that Shlomi met 26-year-old prostitute Lenea Harris at a Miami nightclub, and subsequently brought her back to his room at Setai Hotel. Shlomi allegedly paid Harris $1,000 for "straight sex."

That's went things took a turn.

Shlomi told police "that he kissed [Harris] when all of a sudden [Harris] bit his tongue and would not let go," according to the report.

Shlomi then punched Harris several times until she released his tongue, and then ran to the lobby to call police. Harris suffered several cuts and fractures to her face. Pictures obtained by the celebrity gossip Web site show what appears to be Harris battered and bruised following the incident.
The following story would be hard to believe a couple of years ago. Not so anymore

After looking at Jimmy Chitwood's article three or so posts up it struck me that the media seems to like to emphasize that those involved in murders, whether victim or assailant, are high school football players. When that illegal immigrant murdered a black teenager in California and O'Reilly kept talking about it, he seemed to bring the victim's association with high school football up in as many sentences as he could.
This is just an observation and I can't pretend to have the slightest clue on what psychology might have brought it to bear. But I'm befuddled about the question of why being on a football team--especially a high school football team--has so much significance in the reporting of murders. In most cases I honestly don't see why it would have any newsworthy significance at all.
I do understand why it might be emphasized in college or pro players, who are part of a pool that go through progressive bottlenecks and, considering their wealth, power, and aberrant behavior, might be worth a higher level of examination than the "average" person. But what the hell does playing high school football, where just about any male can ride a bench, have to do with anything whatsoever?
DWFan said:
After looking at Jimmy Chitwood's article three or so posts up it struck me that the media seems to like to emphasize that those involved in murders, whether victim or assailant, are high school football players. When that illegal immigrant murdered a black teenager in California and O'Reilly kept talking about it, he seemed to bring the victim's association with high school football up in as many sentences as he could.
This is just an observation and I can't pretend to have the slightest clue on what psychology might have brought it to bear. But I'm befuddled about the question of why being on a football team--especially a high school football team--has so much significance in the reporting of murders. In most cases I honestly don't see why it would have any newsworthy significance at all.
I do understand why it might be emphasized in college or pro players, who are part of a pool that go through progressive bottlenecks and, considering their wealth, power, and aberrant behavior, might be worth a higher level of examination than the "average" person. But what the hell does playing high school football, where just about any male can ride a bench, have to do with anything whatsoever?

That's a good point. it's brought up often. It reminds me of schools forbidding kids to play sports if they commit some kind of infraction like drugs or drinking. What is so special about being a high school athlete? Like DWF says almost anybody can ride the pine on a high school team.

My guess is that it is a leftover remnant of ancient white american society when athletes were considered special and tried to behave as school role models. Even in the 60's and 70's the jocks were held in higher esteem because of the impression that they would be less likely to use drugs (and have long hair etc. etc.).

None of that applies to high school athletes anymore of course and even less so among black high schoolers. Maybe the MSM likes to present some kind of positive spin on the black players that commit these crimes by insinuating that they are really just "nice" boys. You know, like OJ Simpson was.
jaxvid said:
DWFan said:
After looking at Jimmy Chitwood's article three or so posts up it struck me that the media seems to like to emphasize that those involved in murders, whether victim or assailant, are high school football players. When that illegal immigrant murdered a black teenager in California and O'Reilly kept talking about it, he seemed to bring the victim's association with high school football up in as many sentences as he could.
This is just an observation and I can't pretend to have the slightest clue on what psychology might have brought it to bear. But I'm befuddled about the question of why being on a football team--especially a high school football team--has so much significance in the reporting of murders. In most cases I honestly don't see why it would have any newsworthy significance at all.
I do understand why it might be emphasized in college or pro players, who are part of a pool that go through progressive bottlenecks and, considering their wealth, power, and aberrant behavior, might be worth a higher level of examination than the "average" person. But what the hell does playing high school football, where just about any male can ride a bench, have to do with anything whatsoever?

That's a good point. it's brought up often. It reminds me of schools forbidding kids to play sports if they commit some kind of infraction like drugs or drinking. What is so special about being a high school athlete? Like DWF says almost anybody can ride the pine on a high school team.

My guess is that it is a leftover remnant of ancient white american society when athletes were considered special and tried to behave as school role models. Even in the 60's and 70's the jocks were held in higher esteem because of the impression that they would be less likely to use drugs (and have long hair etc. etc.).

None of that applies to high school athletes anymore of course and even less so among black high schoolers. Maybe the MSM likes to present some kind of positive spin on the black players that commit these crimes by insinuating that they are really just "nice" boys. You know, like OJ Simpson was.

The idea of athletes being positive role models really started to change with Joe Namath, especially after the Jets won Super Bowl III. From 1968 on, Namath was lavishly praised in the media for being the agent of this cultural shift.
sport historian, I saw a documentary once about Namath/Disney/hippie paradigms vs. Unitas. This was far before my time. If you were around, was it recognized at the time as a cultural battle?Edited by: DWFan
I remember the time pretty well. I was just a kid but Broadway Joe was an exciting guy. He had a lot of flair and the skill to back it up. The "hair" thing was big too, in a way kids probably don't understand today.

I came from a pretty liberal household and guys like Namath were considered cool. I remember the backlash though, long hair and talking tough were one thing, but fur coats and wearing nylons was pushing it. When Roger Staubach made national news by saying he liked sex, but he liked it with his wife, the lines were clearly drawn.

You had to back Roger as he had been a Navy grad--served his 4 years in 'Nam--and went to the NFL to star, against Joe who was 4F (twice!) and had such a hedonistic rep. My neighborhood was liberal but bluecollar ("Reagan democrats") and by then hippies and such were wearing thin. It was too late by then though. The wheels were in motion towards the hell hole we got now.

Even Namath, who is probably somewhat conservative, had been passed up by other flashier guys who pushed the limits even further. Especially the black guys who hated whitey and didn't just want to change white culture the way guys like Namath did, but instead wanted to kill it. Mission accomplished as far as I can see. So yeah Namath kinda started it but he was just a tool.
Hello Gentlemen,

Interesting subject. Namath was the first guy to come along with a rocket arm. Up until then, nobody ever threw the ball like Namath. Even Bear Bryant put up with some of Namath's BS because of his arm. but once, Namath threw his helmet o the ground on the sidelines because of a bad play and Bryant told him that if he ever did it again, he was through at Alabama.

sport historian,

I've been trying to catch up with you. Off topic, but could you tell me what you know of the calibre of the Negro League players, compared to the Big Leagues of the time. I've heard conflicting stories and just want o get it straight. What I've heard is that the Negro Leagues were about equal to AA-AAA ball.

Thanks for looking into this for me. It's very hard to get an answer about this. If you could recommned a book about it, I'd appreciate it.

Tom Iron...
jaxvid said:
You had to back Roger as he had been a Navy grad--served his 4 years in 'Nam...

Actually he only did one year and that was as a supply officer. Great quarterback and role model but not hooah.
Great responses. These kind of appraisals from you old-schoolers really help comparatively new football/caste observers like myself. Thanks.
Menelik said:
jaxvid said:
You had to back Roger as he had been a Navy grad--served his 4 years in 'Nam...

Actually he only did one year and that was as a supply officer. Great quarterback and role model but not hooah.

He did a tour of duty in Viet Nam at the height of the war when he could have had stateside duty. A year as a supply officer in a battle zone is nothing to laugh about. He also completed his 4 year hitch.
2 slain at the apartment of New Orleans Saints linebacker Jonathan Vilma.
NEW YORK - Investigators suspect two African immigrants slain at a Long Island condo owned by an NFL player may have been killed as revenge for an Internet scam, police said Tuesday.

Sekou Sakor and Ansu Keita were each shot in the head sometime Thursday night at a condominium in Woodbury, N.Y., owned by Jonathan Vilma. There were no arrests.

The New Orleans Saints linebacker and former New York Jets player was not there at the time and not believed to be involved, said New York Police Department spokesman Paul Browne.

Browne said investigators believe the victims may have been mixed up in a so-called "black money" scheme. Victims are sent e-mails saying that cash smuggled from overseas â€â€￾ stained black to avoid detection â€â€￾ can be purchased at a discount; what they receive is a trunk full of worthless paper.

It was unclear how Sakor, 31, and Keita, 32, both originally from Liberia, ended up at Vilma's home. Sakor's body was found Friday dumped in Queens; that of Keita was found in Brooklyn.

Browne said various members of Vilma's family had access to the condominium.
Negro pirates make a BIG mistake when they thought they were attacking a merchant ship... but it was a German naval vessel.

i'd love to see some video of this deal!

A group of pirates got a nasty surprise when they attacked a merchant ship - that turned out to be a German naval vessel.
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Pirates' Shock As They Pick On The Wrong Ship
The pirates fired at the FGS Spessart in the Gulf of Aden, under the impression they were striking a commercial carrier but were met with return fire from German sailors.

The German naval ship then pursued the pirate boat along with other vessels including Greek, Dutch and Spanish naval ships as well as a Spanish marine aircraft and US marine choppers.

A Nato spokesman said: "Poor judgment by the pirates turned out to be a real opportunity for seven nations representing three task forces to work together and strike a momentous blow for maritime safety and security."

After five hours of pursuit, Greek sailors reached the pirates, boarded their boat and seized their weapons.

The seven pirates on the ship were transferred onto the German frigate Rheinland-Pfalz and Nato says they will remain there until a decision has been made about prosecution.

German Ministry spokesman Christian Dienst said the attack "showcased the incredible international naval capabilities" and "highlighted the complexity of counter-piracy operations".

Somali pirates currently hold 11 ships hostage, with the oldest pirate hijacking dating back to last August.

The expanse between Somalia and Yemen is one of the world's busiest waterways with thousands of ships passing through each year.
jaxvid said:
I remember the time pretty well. I was just a kid but Broadway Joe was an exciting guy. He had a lot of flair and the skill to back it up. The "hair" thing was big too, in a way kids probably don't understand today.

I came from a pretty liberal household and guys like Namath were considered cool. I remember the backlash though, long hair and talking tough were one thing, but fur coats and wearing nylons was pushing it. When Roger Staubach made national news by saying he liked sex, but he liked it with his wife, the lines were clearly drawn.

You had to back Roger as he had been a Navy grad--served his 4 years in 'Nam--and went to the NFL to star, against Joe who was 4F (twice!) and had such a hedonistic rep. My neighborhood was liberal but bluecollar ("Reagan democrats") and by then hippies and such were wearing thin. It was too late by then though. The wheels were in motion towards the hell hole we got now.

Even Namath, who is probably somewhat conservative, had been passed up by other flashier guys who pushed the limits even further. Especially the black guys who hated whitey and didn't just want to change white culture the way guys like Namath did, but instead wanted to kill it. Mission accomplished as far as I can see. So yeah Namath kinda started it but he was just a tool.

Yes, it was something of a cultural battle, and Namath was indeed a tool. Broadway Joe probably didn't know what some of the left-wing writers were talking about but he enjoyed the ride. There was a biography of Joe Namath a few years ago, in which the author wrote that if anything, Namath was something of a "long-haired hardhat," and not the liberal many writers made him out to be.
Tom Iron said:
Hello Gentlemen,

Interesting subject. Namath was the first guy to come along with a rocket arm. Up until then, nobody ever threw the ball like Namath. Even Bear Bryant put up with some of Namath's BS because of his arm. but once, Namath threw his helmet o the ground on the sidelines because of a bad play and Bryant told him that if he ever did it again, he was through at Alabama.

sport historian,

I've been trying to catch up with you. Off topic, but could you tell me what you know of the calibre of the Negro League players, compared to the Big Leagues of the time. I've heard conflicting stories and just want o get it straight. What I've heard is that the Negro Leagues were about equal to AA-AAA ball.

Thanks for looking into this for me. It's very hard to get an answer about this. If you could recommned a book about it, I'd appreciate it.

Tom Iron...

I started following football in 1958, age 8. Joe Namath had the best arm anybody had seen when he entered the pros in 1965. Sonny Jurgensen was considered the best pure passer circa 1964, but his arm wasn't as strong as Namath's. Johnny Unitas was said to have the best overall skill of any QB in the NFL's first 50 years.

I'm not an expert on the Negro Leagues, but their caliber of play was good, comparable to AAA. The best Negro Leaguers made it in the Majors. That would be the best objective opinion I have seen.
"Ex-sailor in terror case sentenced"

"A former Navy sailor convicted of leaking details about ship movements and the best ways to attack them was sentenced Friday to the maximum 10 years in prison.

U.S. District Judge Mark Kravitz said Hassan Abu-Jihaad betrayed his country and endangered his fellow sailors."

I guess Mr. Jihaad declared holy war on "his country."

Another worthless piece of crap.
The second killer might have been a sick gambler on a bad gambling bender. The economy might not have had anything to do with the killing. Then again a lot of desperate people on unemployment or even welfare think they can win job money at roulette and other rigged games when money is tight.
With Asian males murdering left and right the past few years, I think it's time for a recap of some of their most horrific crimes:

Jiverly Wong blasting away in Binghamton, NY the other day, killing 13 and wounding several others.

We keep hearing sob stories about his poor English skills and that people made fun of him. Well, I've lived in two other countries and struggled to learn their respective languages, but I never considered mass murder just because somebody laughed at my broken sentences and strange pronunciation.

Thanks for taking your own life, Mr. Wong/Voong.

Of course, Korean Seung Hi-Cho, who annihilated 32 students at Virginia Tech and wounded two dozen others.

We're glad you're no longer among us, Mr. Cho.

Indian Devan Kalathat slaughtered 5 family members and wounded his wife before taking his own life a week ago.

Sayonara, Mr. Kalathat.

A Chinese named Haiyang Zhu chopped off the head of a female Chinese student at Virginia Tech in January.

Good-bye and good riddance, Mr. Zhu, you sick bastard.

Laotian Cha Vang's brutal cold-blooded murders of 6 white people in Wisconsin a few years ago.

But it goes without saying that he had been mistreated by white people all his life, or at least that was part of his so-called defense. Racism, racism, racism!!!

Chinese immigrant Weiguang Li's unspeakably horrible murder of a white man in Canada on a bus last year.

What kind of monster severs another's head and eats some of his body parts? But of course the insanity defense worked at his trial which finished last month.

Here's an interesting link about some related news in California a few years back: tm
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