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I tried to post a link but i couldn't remember how
Simms was smoking pot like a common street Negro, huh? Chris must have inherited the "wigger gene"Â￾ from daddy. God, what a loser.Edited by: Thrashen
It's against the law to be stoned walking down the street??!! Geez, what a country, negroes going wild raping and killing and robbing and valuable police time and jail space is used on a guy who smoked some pot.

And re the Al Gore story above, can't he ask a woman to have sex? Is that against the law too? I know she says he fondled her but isn't that what she was doing to him (massage). I know people hate the guy but WTF he's 62 and divorced. Let him get some tail, maybe he'll lighten up on the enviro wackiness.
jcolec02 said:
Apparently our former vice president is in a bit of hot water...

Police Reopen Al Gore Case


Police in Portland, Ore., are reopening an investigation over allegations that former Vice President Al Gore fondled a masseuse in a hotel in 2006.

The city's Police Bureau disclosed the move in a brief statement Wednesday, but did not explain the decision to reopen the investigation. The police said they would not comment further.

Allegations in the case were described by the National Enquirer last week. After the article was published, the Police Bureau said it "does not consider this an ongoing investigation unless new evidence is received in this case."

The Enquirer followed up with more details this week, stating among other things that the masseuse has hotel video footage and DNA evidence that could be used in the investigation.

A spokeswoman for Mr. Gore said the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize winner denies the allegations.

"Further investigation into this matter will only benefit Mr. Gore," said spokeswoman Kalee Kreider. "The Gores cannot comment on every defamatory, misleading, and inaccurate story generated by tabloids. Mr. Gore unequivocally and emphatically denied this accusation when he first learned of its existence three years ago. He stands by that denial."

The alleged victim could not be reached for comment.

Portland police spokeswoman Mary Wheat said a lawyer for the masseuse contacted authorities after the incident in 2006. Police set up three interviews with the accuser, but the lawyer canceled each interview, Ms. Wheat said.

The masseuse contacted police again in January 2009 and police interviewed her, Ms. Wheat said. According to a 67-page transcript of the conversation that the police posted online, the masseuse said that on Oct. 24, 2006, Mr. Gore hired her for a massage in his room at the upscale Hotel Lucia in downtown Portland.

The masseuse told police that Mr. Gore groped her and tried to get her to have sex with him before she could leave, she said, according to the transcript.

Mr. Gore, 62 years old, narrowly lost the 2000 presidential election and since then has become a champion of climate-change issues. He announced in early June that he was separating from Tipper, his wife of 40 years.

Write to Stu Woo at
Well this story doesn't have the happy ending that Gore wanted....
Maybe his lawyers can blame this on the hanging chad.....
Seriously this might be the reason why the marriage from heaven is now on the rocks. Seeking sex from strange women has destroyed many marriages. Especially when the story can be played out in the criminal or civil courts.
whiteathlete33 said:
Here is something on South Africa.  A white American was shot and robbed.  Hmm!!  I wonder what race the perps were? article also mentions that about 50 people are killed in the country every day.  I'm willing to bet almost all of them are white.
Whites have little contact with the poorest South Africans in the ghetto shanty towns that surround major cities. Unless it's situations like this or car jackings. South Africa was the country that invented the car with a built in flame thrower because car jackings were out of control in the mid 90's. It looked similar to the car that killed Corral in Dr No.
I told you it was the hanging chad...
Also Mr. Roboto openly speculated about the Clinton marriage....
Here is the AP story...Updated: Thu Jul. 01 2010 7:23:52 PM

The Associated Press

PORTLAND, Ore. â€" Police explained Thursday why they reopened a sexual assault investigation into Al Gore, saying an extra review was needed because detectives looking into the matter last year failed to notify high-ranking officials of their decision to drop the case.

A massage therapist to the stars has accused the former vice-president of repeatedly groping and kissing her during a late-night, alcohol-fueled attack in a luxury hotel suite in October 2006. Gore adamantly denies the allegations.

Detectives investigated the claims in 2006 and 2009 but decided not to pursue the case amid a lack of co-operation and erratic behaviour by the accuser, police said. The story re-emerged last week after she told her story to the National Enquirer, and police this week said they would reopen the case.

Police Chief Michael Reese said Thursday "we have determined there were procedural issues with the 2009 investigation that merit reopening the case." Officers took the accuser's statement but didn't proceed further and didn't clear that decision with higher-ups. In addition, prosecutors were not made aware of the 2009 investigation until recently.

Police would not say whether they would interrogate Gore or examine a pair of black pants the accuser wore on the night in question that became stained during the massage.

Gore has said through a spokeswoman that he "unequivocally and emphatically denies" the accusations and believes he will be fully exonerated once the investigation is complete.

"Further investigation into this matter will only benefit Mr. Gore," said the spokeswoman, Kalee Kreider.

A longtime Gore friend and former campaign and political consultant, Mark McNeely, said in a telephone interview Thursday that the allegation seems like an "utterly ridiculous" attempt by the accuser to enrich herself.

Reese promised a thorough, fair and expedited investigation.

"We ask for the public's patience as we let the facts of the investigation guide us and ensure the integrity of the investigation," Reese said. "I have asked Detectives to assign appropriate resources in the interest of conducting a complete investigation in an expedited manner."

The investigation threatens to engulf Gore in a sex scandal once unthinkable for the Nobel prize winner who built up an image as a doting husband and family man who fell in love with his wife at the high school prom and lived happily ever after. The Gores' squeaky clean public image always stood in sharp contrast to the troubled marriage of the Clintons during their time in the White House.

But Gore and his wife, Tipper, announced in June that they were breaking up, saying they had grown apart after 40 years of marriage. Associates and family friends said there was no affair involved.

Not long after the split became public, police announced that they had investigated Gore on sexual assault charges over the encounter with massage therapist Molly Hagerty in October 2006.

Police decided in 2006 not to pursue a case after her lawyer told them she would file a civil complaint. She came back to police in early 2009 and asked that they bring the case again, providing them a statement that spelled out in precise detail how Gore allegedly assaulted her.

She showed up at Gore's 9th-floor executive suite late on the night of Oct. 24 while he was in town for a speech on global warming. "Call me Al," she quoted Gore as saying as he gave her a big hug.

She said he was finishing up a beer when she entered the room, and it wasn't long before an innocent massage turned into a series of unwanted sexual advances.

Hagerty said he dimmed the lights and asked her to massage the inside muscles of his thigh -- a request she viewed as inappropriate. She refused and he allegedly put her hands on his genital area. Hagerty said Gore became angry when she pushed back.

Once the massage was complete and she began packing up her table, massage butters and other materials, Hagerty said Gore began to grope her.

"I squirmed to try and get out of his grasp, telling him to stop, don't, several times, and I finally told him and said, 'You're being a crazed sex poodle,"' she told investigators.

She said she distracted Gore, and he stopped. Later, he tried to ply her with cognac and fondle her again, Hagerty alleges.

The Associated Press does not generally identify people who say they are victims of sex crimes, but Hagerty has made her identity public by giving an interview to the National Enquirer.

Hagerty said they engaged in several random conversations over the course of the night, including his lingering bitterness over losing the 2006 presidential election, the marital situation of Bill Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton and his ties to Apple board of directors.

At one point, Hagerty said Gore pinned her on the bed as he played Pink's anti-Bush screed, "Dear Mr. President," on an iPod.

She says she finally got away at around 1:30 a.m., went home, and called a friend about the ordeal. The woman said she was initially dissuaded from contacting the police by liberal friends, whom she refers to as "The Birkenstock Tribe," and of which she counts herself a member.

One friend "was basically asking me to just suck it up, otherwise the world's going to be destroyed from global warming," she said.

The latest edition of the National Enquirer identified the masseuse by name and said she wants a full investigation of Gore because "I want justice served."

"He turned from Mr. New Age into a pervert," Hagerty told the tabloid newspaper.

A photo with the article shows Hagerty holding a plastic bag containing a pair of pants from the night. She said she kept the pants because she wondered whether the stain might be Gore's semen, although she has also said no actual sex act took place.

She told the Enquirer, "I thought the stain could have occurred while Mr. Gore leaned on me while he was wearing an open robe." She said she paid to have the pants tested, but the findings were "inconclusive."

Hagerty, 54, lives in an apartment in southeast Portland. She didn't answer her door Thursday morning or return calls to The Associated Press.
Another celebrity brought down ala Tiger Woods. The woman is no victim - if you're doing out-call massage at 1:00 a.m., you're a prostitute. This is only important because it exposes Gore as a hypocrite regarding his alleged family values. We already knew he was a hypocrite while he roamed the earth burning jet fuel and making millions lying about global warming. We already knew he was a sore loser who held up the nation filing lawsuits and trying to steal the election. It's funny how these so-called great men, world leaders, nobel prize winning global icons are no different than the guy in the trailer park.
Jenny Thompson, an Olympic gold medalist, was assaulted by two blacks while ridingher scooter.

the link contains a video news story, as well.

BOSTON - An Olympic gold medalist was attacked Monday while riding a scooter in Brookline.

Jenny Thompson, 37, was riding a Vespa scooter on Verndale Street when a dark-colored car approached her from behind, according to the police report.

She pulled over and the car stopped. Two "dark-skinned black males" got out of the vehicle.

Thompson said to them, "Did you know your lights are out?"

One of the men said, "Your lights are out," and punched her in the face, the police report noted.

Thompson was knocked to the ground. The men started to grab the scooter, but Thompson yelled for help and the men fled on foot toward Harvard Street. She suffered cuts to her nose and was treated at the scene.

Police said officers arrested three teenagers who were riding around on stolen scooters later that night.

Officers were encouraging residents to lock up scooters.

Thompson, who won 12 medals in four Olympics, is currently working as a resident anesthesiologist at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston.
Jimmy Chitwood said:
Police said officers arrested three teenagers who were riding around on stolen scooters later that night.

Officers were encouraging residents to lock up scooters.
First, they assault someone and steal a scooter, and then are out riding around on it in plain sight. How stupid do you have to be & sheeeeeit??

Then, the officers are encouraging folks to lock up their scooters while they are out riding them, apparently. That's the only way that this theft could have been prevented, according to this genius police force.
Wow, talk about blaming the victim. Lock up your scooters? That's the modern day answer for crime I guess. It's why they often tout how crime rates have gone down while the streets are quite obviously more dangerous than ever before. Minor crimes aren't even reported anymore and people/victims are forced to move out of their once safe neighborhood. The rest that stay have to lock themselves inside their own home.
Kaptain Poop, excellent points. there's only one problem ... the cop's urging is "racist." at least that is the story according to the folks over at ESPN.

according to the black female "reporter" who is on location covering the World Cup for ESPN, all the White people in South Africa who defend themselves and their property (from the most violently criminalpopulation in the world) by locking things up, putting up defensive walls, etc. are "racist" for not living openly with their black fellows.

so, once again, we see the ridiculous nature of these multi-cultists. no matter what a White person does, it is "racist," even when it is the exact opposite behavior from itself.
When Cedric Benson was arrested the other day (again) after punching a club employee and spitting blood on another one, he was yelling "Da White boys [sic] did this to me" or something to that affect. It was reported matter of factly and buried in news articles on the incident, and not even mentioned in others, as the Cultural Marxist media was too busy spinning Benson's attorney's story that Benson was a "victim." That's the automatic fallback position of most blacks when Whites don't put up with their antics, criminal or otherwise. Benson must think it's a racist conspiracy that prevents him from breaking whatever laws he feels like breaking whenever he feels like breaking them.
It's a good bet that Benson and just about every other black "professional" football and basketball playeris filledwith barely disguised animosity and hatred toward Whitey in spite of their incredibly good fortune and privileged lives. Edited by: Don Wassall
They always make racial comments when a white is involved. It's like a few years ago when black cornerback Brian Williams from Jacksonville was arrested and made racist remarks to the white officers that arrested him. It was mentioned and then it somehow "magically" slipped through the cracks and was never heard about again. Compare that to Kerry Collins who was called a racist for years for making a joke.
We knew this was going to happen sooner rather than later. Judufus Russell former supa affelet supreme got caught with cocaine syrup! WTF is that? Seems Narco cops were following him. He was arrested in Mobile Alabama. Guess this affelet need to satify his sweet tooth as well as get high. Jumbo dummy.
Westside said:
We knew this was going to happen sooner rather than later. Judufus Russell former supa affelet supreme got caught with cocaine syrup! WTF is that? Seems Narco cops were following him. He was arrested in Mobile Alabama. Guess this affelet need to satify his sweet tooth as well as get high. Jumbo dummy.

Cocaine syrup? It's codeine syrup and it's illegal without a prescription.
Roger WA 33. It is called "Purple Drank" typical negro speak for this illegal potion. Man the things negros think up. Guess Jadufus had to get his "drank on." Fricking hilarious.
Westside said:
Roger WA 33. It is called "Purple Drank" typical negro speak for this illegal potion. Man the things negros think up. Guess Jadufus had to get his "drank on." Fricking hilarious.

Maybe he can play the race card in court and say he was set up by evil white cops. He can also say he though it was purple Kool-Aid.

This is nothing. Just be patient. His date with the gutter, and or jail is already fixed. What isn't known is just what he'll do to louse himself up completely.

Tom Iron...
Several sources now say that he has zero chance of being signed by the Jets. Why the Jets would wan't him in the first place even before this incident is beyond me. The guy has absolutely no upside.
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