Crime Thread

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Highlander said:
Teen thugs in north NJ charged with beating an immigrant to death, videotaping it, and showing it to their friends. Nurse steals $640 from the corpse:

Here's a video of a local news report of it at the bottom of this page...some unbelievable reactions to of the "kids" may not even be charged and another only with manslaughter. Check out the black neighbor's reaction to it and justification of the thugs actions:

Why such low bails for these negroes? 250,000 dollars and 100,000 dollars? That's more like a bail for an armed robbery and not murder.
Ex-NBA player Lorenzo Wright found shot to death. He's just one of the many folks gunned down by gang and riff-raff violence every month in the multicultural paradise known as Memphis, TN. I'm always locked-and-loaded whenever I have to go there.

I can guarantee that Lo wasn't murdered by marauding bands of Tea Party Activists, either.
FootballDad said:
Ex-NBA player Lorenzo Wright found shot to death.  He's just one of the many folks gunned down by gang and riff-raff violence every month in the multicultural paradise known as Memphis, TN.  I'm always locked-and-loaded whenever I have to go there.
<div> </div>
<div>I can guarantee that Lo wasn't murdered by marauding bands of Tea Party Activists, either.</div>

...probably a crack deal gone awry.
3 negro teens murder a White man when he asks them for directions, and the District Attorneymourns the lossofthe 3 murderers' future. furthermore, the victim's mother feelssympathy for the youngest murderer's family.

you can read the full story here, but i'll post the poignant quotes below.

Beverly Ann Porter, Michael Porter's mother, said, "I may have lost my son on Oct. 23, 2008, but today another mother lost her son, and she won't ever have him again either. My heart goes out to his family."

District Attorney Tony Lawrence said justice was served.

"The jury made the right decision, but, it was bittersweet," Lawrence said. "I'm not proud of what we had to do to these young members of society. I don't know how we -- as a society -- stop losing our young people to such violent crimes."
what the hell is wrong with these White idiots?!?
thanks to the guys at the Council of Conservative Citizens for spotting this ... per their blog:

A black teenage thug shot a man in the chest while making racially charged comments. He said he shot him because the man had a Confederate flag.

The thug plea bargained to aggravated battery and was given only ten years. The light sentence appears to violate Florida state law mandating a minimum of twenty for discharging a firearm while committing a crime.

The radical left-wing Herald-Tribune ran a propaganda article Wednesday blaming the victim. The paper claimed the victim "taunted"Â￾ the perpetrator. This claim is not supported by the police and seems to be an invention of the newspaper. Two female friends of the shooter told police that he initiated the confrontation and then shot the victim in the chest.

See article.

Imagine if the races were reversed in this story. This would be a major national news story with politicians denouncing the crime and demonstrations by black race hustlers. Instead it is quarantined to local press only and purposely distorted.
Jimmy Chitwood said:
3 negro teens murder a White man when he asks them for directions, and the District Attorney mourns the loss of the 3 murderers' future. furthermore, the victim's mother feels sympathy for the youngest murderer's family. 

<div>what the hell is wrong with these White idiots?!?

Jimmy, I find myself asking the same question almost every single day.
JC, thanks for posting. The CofCC does a great job of exposing cultural marxism (double-standards, propaganda, etc.). This is yet another example of cultmarx hypocrisy.
whiteathlete33 said:
Highlander said:
Teen thugs in north NJ charged with beating an immigrant to death, videotaping it, and showing it to their friends.  Nurse steals $640 from the corpse:'s a video of a local news report of it at the bottom of this page...some unbelievable reactions to of the "kids" may not even be charged and another only with manslaughter.  Check out the black neighbor's reaction to it and justification of the thugs actions:
Why such low bails for these negroes?  250,000 dollars and 100,000 dollars?  That's more like a bail for an armed robbery and not murder.
If they grew up on welfare or minimum wage jobs the bail is effectively high enough. It's not like their immediate family can put 10 percent down on either amount or they wouldn't live in hood. I think if the judge thought they would see the light of day the bail would have been 4 times that.
white is right said:
whiteathlete33 said:
Highlander said:
Teen thugs in north NJ charged with beating an immigrant to death, videotaping it, and showing it to their friends. Nurse steals $640 from the corpse:'s a video of a local news report of it at the bottom of this page...some unbelievable reactions to of the "kids" may not even be charged and another only with manslaughter. Check out the black neighbor's reaction to it and justification of the thugs actions:
Why such low bails for these negroes? 250,000 dollars and 100,000 dollars? That's more like a bail for an armed robbery and not murder.
If they grew up on welfare or minimum wage jobs the bail is effectively high enough. It's not like their immediate family can put 10 percent down on either amount or they wouldn't live in hood. I think if the judge thought they would see the light of day the bail would have been 4 times that.

Funny you bring this up white is right. A few weeks ago a negro a few towns over from me was charged with three counts of attempted murder. He was from the ghetto and he somehow managed to make the $400,000 bail. A few days after making bail he shot and killed a black woman who was supposedly going to testify against him in the attempted murder trial.
I have absolutely now sympathy for the 17 to 19 year olds. As my definition of a man starts at about 16. For the 14 year old I have minimal sympathy as he was probably led astray by the older maggots. Even at 14 you have to know right and wrong about robbery.....
I guess the gray economy is more powerful than I thought.....
I have heard in the past the ACLU has fought high bail requirements for minorities in court. Something had to be up with case you brought up, because what ghetto dweller has 40k in legal tangible assets. Also if they do they are hard workers that aren't a blight on society.
white is right said:
I guess the gray economy is more powerful than I thought.....
I have heard in the past the ACLU has fought high bail requirements for minorities in court. Something had to be up with case you brought up, because what ghetto dweller has 40k in legal tangible assets. Also if they do they are hard workers that aren't a blight on society.

Here is the article.
White law student gunned down by negroes. the news reports following thiscase clearly show the agenda of the blatantly liberal media outlets.

this article doesn't even mention the race of the perpetrator. additionally, the district attorney seems to think it was just a case of bad luck for the White victim.
there are some good comments, though. this is one example:

Another expendable white kid, huh? What's one less privledged white male in the world? I mean, white people have had their turn. It's now time for minorities to take over, right? You know, spread the wealth around.

Hey Media...Where's your responsibility in this? Why is it only a story when Blacks are victimized by White suspects? Your refusal to print facts because they fail to meet your liberal agenda is disgusting and unacceptable. Minorities have figured out Whites are easy prey....and no one cares. They don't carry guns. They don't carry knives. They don't grow up in the hood having to fight frequently and are not as apt to defend themselves. They are not as street wise as potential Black victims and don't use their common sense often enough to avoid danger. They work...which means they have...unlike their unemployed brethern.

Hey Justice Department...Where's the civil rights inquiry which would have followed if roles had been reveresed? Oh that's right...Eric Holder. An AG appointed by Mr. Hope and Change himself.

Hey Neighbors...Where's the outrage? Not just outrage against violent crime and the loss of promising youth but outrage against forced divirsity that puts our kids at risk. The outrage at the System for allowing Minorities to always use the "R" word against us when we speak truth about public safety. The outrage against Blacks not just stealing our property and our lives (in this case) but taking jobs from more deserving Whites, taking home mortages they can't afford, corrupting our culture with uneducated language, lazy work ethic and poor morals, ect.

This Country needs an enema.

this article is more straight forward. it shows a picture of the 15-year old trigger man, points out that he was one of a 4-member group who targeted the White victim, and includes video of the police discussing the case.

finally, this one shows a video picture of a second negro charged in the crime. it also points out that this second negro was already in police custody for another crime when he was charged.

with the ever-diligent and fair-minded Attorney General Eric Holder on the watch, i am "completely surprised" that i didn't see a single reference to prosecuting this murder as a hate crime ... i am sure that correction will be made shortly.

this should be a wake-up call for anyone who isn't already awake. ANY time you are in the vicinity of a negro (especially more than one), you had better be alert ... because you are in the midst of potential criminals.
whiteathlete33 said:
Has anyone heard of the situation in Staten Island, NY? Mexicans are being attacked by groups of blacks and this is the 10th such incident since April. There was actually another attack last night which was mentioned on the radio station today. Of course the race of the perps wasn't mentioned though they did say it was bias attack.
Haven't heard anything about that, and I'm not surprised, either. This behavior has now become so commonplace in the United States that it's now probably considered culturally-accepted by the MSM and law long as blacks are doing it (which is probably 80-90% of the cases.) I'm sure Holder will make sure that it will not be investigated, since prosecuting blacks for "hate crimes" (err, now called "bias" crimes since blacks are now the prevalent instigators) is not a priority.

Thirty-one Whites and some hispanics were brutally assaulted in LODO in Denver last Summer and Fall by blacks. The blacks videotaped the violent assaults and showed other blacks at various parties, where they all got a good laugh out of it, probably while imbibing some "purple drank". A bunch of them were finally busted by a joint FBI/Police investigation, but I don't believe many "bias" charges were filed...and it made only scant news.
Look two posts up. That video/article mentions that "Omar Thornton" is black. May he burn in hell.
Because the shooter is black, don't expect this atrocity to be reported much in Europe.

Because of Hollywood movies, Europeans think that White Americans are doing all of the killings, when, in reality, it's the blacks and browns that do the most.
This really should be considered a hate crime since the shooter is black and I'm almost definite that all the victims are white. He was supposedly discriminated against and took his rage out on his white co-workers. That's not the angle the media is taking though. They want us to believe that all the racism he endured at work caused him to explode and take matters into his own hands. What else was this affirmative action reject supposed to do?
He probably just couldn't take "constructive criticism." To blacks, any critique (of them) will be internalized as "racism and oppression."
An article form the LA Times states that he was stealing beer from his employer. Maybe he felt that he had a right to all the free alcohol he wanted?
I wonder who hired this animal, and under which affirmative action/diversity policy? I did see a few pictures from the shooting, and it does appear that everyone of the victims is white.

The accusations of racism appear to be coming from the mudshark girlfriend and her mother, and I'm 100% sure they are completely bogus. This was a black-on-white hate crime, plain and simple. I have already seen some quotes about what a good man he was and how he'd never do something like this, which is typical. He was indeed stealing beer, so all this crap about him not being a drinker or smoker sounds like garbage to me.

The problem with these negroes is that once they leave their comfort zone ('da hood), they become insecure about their surroundings. Every look, every glance, every word is taken and interpreted the wrong way. Being around well-behaved and civilized white people is not something they handle well, and eventually, they react the only way they know how, which is violence.

The list of victims is extremely sad. Fathers, husbands, grandfathers, just good, honest, hard-working white people murdered by a black thug because they caught him stealing.
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