Crime Thread

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I was watching what used to be referred to as CourtTV, and they mentioned that Williams' doesn't have any assets - even though he signed an 86-million dollar contract in 1999!

Why are basketball players' so damn OVERPAID?
I'm guessing he spent that money on hoes at da strip club. William's black buddies giving high fives after he was acquitted on several charges tells a lot.
I think KARMA is going to hit Williams' hard.

Most (former) b-ballers don't know how to function in a modern economy..
<a href="" target="_blank">TAB= typical aborigine behavior?

</A>Edited by: Menelik
Another white being framed by a "minority." What else is new. Pretty soon whites will be the minority and this will be the norm.
DixieDestroyer said:
NYC Latina jailed for lying about being raped by a White man.

Latina Sentenced to Jail for Framing Man of (Bogus) "Rape"

The unjustly accused...


....The lying Latina

I hope he gets a 6 to low 7 figure settlement. No different than if he was Black or Puerto Rican. I can't blame the prosecution that much as this man has violent criminal past. I do know that if he was Black or Puerto Rican he would be made a poster child for malicious government prosecution.
I don't really consider either of these stories crimes, but here goes..

Another "English man" kills his Wifey

Giving evidence via video link, the girl told the court she had met Downer while he was still in prison and visited him with her mother for a year prior to his release.

They married the day after he was released in April 2009 and were 'very happy together', the court heard.

CLASSIC Guilter. Some of them have even come to the USA to marry sweet Afro-American prisoners. If you have a deathwish, perhaps the guillotine would be a better option?

Turd World(Sure looks older than 7)

Pardon my French.. F-in hideous ALIENS, with gigantic black bug-eyes. Gross as hell! Starve them ALL!

From the name "Ishaq" - I thought the story was going to be about Arabs or Pakis..

It seems this guy has hit his stride - criminal. It's interesting how these guys come apart once their playing days are over. I guess Robertson is broke. There's nothing else with so many of these people. They're all about the "game," whatever one it is. Once they're cut loose, unless they're very, very rich, they have the ability to p*ss it all away and end up in the gutter. He probably doesn't even have it in him to mop floors for a living.

Tom Iron...
Tom, good assessment. My buddy's Dad (who was All-Conference at Kansas (TE), & played in the NFL) calls the syndrome "n188er rich"...where these afroletes rake in millions, then seemingly blow it all (post prime). Many of these affletes don't possess the basic intelligence to grasp/understand basic financial management, and/or lack the discipline to not make these unnecessary, huge purchases (a fleet of high-end sports cars, "bling-bling", overly opulent homes, etc).

BTW, my friend's Dad leveraged the $ he made in the NFL to launch (& sustain) a very successful real estate/mortgage business...from the mid 70s & still going.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Deputies: Citadel coach robbery 'strikingly similar' to other crime
Posted: Feb 28, 2010 12:45 PM EST
Updated: Mar 02, 2010 3:53 PM EST


Reggie Rice

WTF? Eel mouth? Piranha mouth?

I think I saw a picture of a similar afflete on some forum a few months back...

Police: Woman in Nightgown, Shower Cap Shoots Husband (DEAD) on Midtown Street

Give the lady a medal! Then, maybe, there will be a trend..
I saw the noose incident story on TV. All these students "of color" with angry faces pumping their fists. I knew the whole thing was ********. It's become so predictable. Noose incident. Outrage. Handwringing. Hoax exposed.

Never mind.Edited by: The Hock
These types of incidents are sickening. Blacks commit astronomical amounts of crimes against whites every single year and have been doing so for decades now. Yet the bruvas get upset over a noose and act like it's such a big deal. Gimme a break.
Black skin privilege wins again, this timefor the out of control model Naomi Campbell:

No charges for Naomi Campbell in NYC driver flap

NEW YORK (AP) - Police say model Naomi Campbell likely won't face criminal charges in New York City after her driver said she hit him from the back seat of her luxury SUV.

The driver told police Campbell hit him from behind and his head struck the steering wheel, causing bruising under his right eye. He pulled over and got out to speak to a traffic agent, who alerted police.

Police on Tuesday issued a harassment report in consultation with the district attorney's office because no officer witnessed what took place in the black Cadillac Escalade. The move came after the driver decided not to pursue the matter. The report doesn't carry any penalty.

Campbell spokesman Jeff Raymond says the 39-year-old model will cooperate with police.

Campbell previously pleaded guilty to assaulting people hired to work for her.

THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.

NEW YORK (AP) - A man hired to drive Naomi Campbell told police the supermodel assaulted him from the back seat of a luxury SUV on Tuesday before hopping out and running away.

Police were looking to speak with Campbell, who is known for her feisty temper, and were weighing whether to charge her.

A spokesman for Campbell, who has previously pleaded guilty to assaulting people hired to work for her, said she'll cooperate with police.

"There shouldn't be a rush to judgment," spokesman Jeff Raymond said. "Naomi will cooperate voluntarily, and there is more to the story than meets the eye."

The driver, whose name wasn't immediately released, told police he pulled the black Cadillac Escalade over in midtown Manhattan after Campbell hit him from behind and his head struck the steering wheel, causing bruising under his right eye. He spoke to a traffic agent, who alerted police. Campbell was not at the scene when officers arrived, police said.

The 27-year-old driver, apparently hired just for the day, told police he picked Campbell up at a Manhattan hotel and was taking her to Astoria Studios, a TV and film studio complex in Queens, New York Police Department spokesman Paul Browne said.

Campbell's assistant spoke to police, but authorities were still looking to talk to the 39-year-old model Tuesday night. The driver was at a police precinct.

Campbell has faced a series of lawsuits and criminal cases accusing her of attacking her household employees and two police officers at London's Heathrow Airport.

She pleaded guilty in the Heathrow case in June 2008 after prosecutors said she cursed, kicked and spat at police in a rage over a missing piece of luggage; she was sentenced to 200 hours of community service.

She also did a week of community service sweeping floors and scrubbing toilets in a Manhattan garbage-truck garage in 2007 after pleading guilty to misdemeanor assault for hurling a cell phone at her maid because of a vanished pair of jeans.

In 2000, Campbell pleaded guilty in Toronto to an assault charge for beating an assistant who said the model whacked her on the head with a phone.

A few of Campbell's former aides and maids have sued her, accusing her of violent outbursts; some cases have been settled on undisclosed terms.

Campbell, of Britain, became one of the world's highest-paid models after being discovered at age 15.
You can take a sistah out of the jungle, but you cant take the jungle out of the sistah
Deadlift said:
Police: Woman in Nightgown, Shower Cap Shoots Husband (DEAD) on Midtown Street

Give the lady a medal! Then, maybe, there will be a trend..

Woman charged with killing husband is lobbyist (against domestic violence)

The buck was 19 years younger than her, so even better.


Ex-wife testifies that husband impregnated their daughters
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Last updated: Wednesday March 3, 2010, 8:15 PM

"Black inbreeding?" I just don't believe it. The racist press and prosecutors are just making all of this up - to make God's Chosen look bad. Shame on Whitey!
Edited by: Deadlift
Hey WA33, I also posted this on the college basketball post under "chimping out" hahahahaha!
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