Craig Pickering

I have no comment. You guys will never know what I know. Who cares. Back to track.

This Friday is the start of the UK Trials. The quarterfinals are on Friday. The semi finals and finals for the 100 meters will be on Saturday. Also the 200 quarterfinals starts later Saturday Afternoon. It should be interesting with all the big names there with the exception of Dasalou who is hurt. There are going to be some fireworks if the weather is nice!
I can't wait. This is thhe moment we've been waiting for. Run swift, Craig!

Actually Don could probably check your IP WL to tell when and where you sign on, figure out the timezones you're in, and see your traveling patterns. That could give an accurate prediction of who you are. But like you said it doesn't matter. All that matters is that we are in the know, lol. Thanks for all the info.
Lay off White Lightning a little bit guys, he's been here at CF just about from the beginning and I admire his passion for white sprinters and their eventual success in breaking a sub 10. When Pickering does break that sub 10 I am sure I will hear White Lightning's shout all the way from his house in Arizona to mine in Ohio. The little jokes and ribbing may or may not be good natured but he doesn't appear to be laughing, so give him the respect he's earned at this site. Just saying....
Hey! Don't be messin' with white lightning.
white lightings my boy! when Pickering breaks 10, I'm taking him out for hookers & beers! that is if he doesn't die of a heart attack.
These are all just computer names somewhere out there...

There does seem to be a quite a few white sprinters knocking on the 10 second door. Eventually it is going to happen. When it does, it will for some pyschological reason ease the minds of all the other white sprinters and many thereafter will eventually break it too. As their success spreads in the media, more and more white kids will go back to track and the black monopoly will end. Blacks will still be a force but they will not own track as they do now. All it takes is participation and dedication. That is what happened to boxing and that is what will happen in track.

But what I would really like to see is a 9.8 white sprinter come out of some speedster that was told he was too slow to compete in the NFL!!
Thanks for the guys who support me but this whole discussion is stupid as hell. Jimmy Chitwood is one of the only members that knows the truth. I don't owe anyone an explanation as to who I am. Do I ask who you guys are? First off, I am a moderator as long as a member. I have power to control the board like Don. He is the main guy here and I also have alot of power. I can delete posts or have people banned. Why should I unless someone is a real jerk. It is no ones business who I am or where I live. I will only tell people if I want. Be careful what you guys do when you try to go after the people who help run and control the board! It's like coming into my house and telling me what to say or do!

Again thanks to the guys who have my back. To the others, back off. I don't owe anyone my life story.

That being said, I have always considered most of you guys here a second family. It is the hilite of my day to post here and read my many friends posts. I love all of my white brothers and don't care who you are or where you live. If we ever have a bunch of us meet up in Vegas, I will most likely go. I would like to meet some of you guys. Other than that, I feel like I already know many of you. You guys are my friends. I would hope that I am yours as well. Let's stop the attacks on each other. We need unity in our fight in sports and in life. We are all brothers.

That is all I have to say on the topic unless anyone has anything to add. Other than that, let's get back to track. This weekend is going to be exciting. I noticed Nick Smith of Scottland entered both the 100 & 200. It's too bad he has never lived up to his potential but I give him credit for still living his dream of sprinting. Most guys do it for the pure love of running. Nothing like it in the world!Edited by: white lightning
I was really curious to who you were a couple weeks ago. You can't blame them for being curious, because it's just like when Dallas Robinson was here, it excites people. I guess I don't HAVE to attach names to people to know I'm not alone in my beliefs, but it helps. The idiots can get to you.
What would be wrong is to keep hounding WL though. I don't think anyone did that, and WL would never do that to anyone else. Privacy is a good thing. We should meet in Vegas or somewhere either before an event or after a white man breaks ten. Maybe we could make some money for CF too. Attaching a face and name to the people here, even just a first name, definitely helps us know we aren't alone.

Back to Craig Pickering. Friday is the final test. A chance to compete without jet lag and on home turf. I think he will run a 10.10 or close.
count me in for Vegas! I think we will see a wind legal 10.09 out of CP this Friday. good weather + good competition + good start = PR!
Maple Leaf,

UK National Champs
here is a list of what CP is up against. listed in threat order

Dwain Chambers9.97 10.06
Simeon Williamson10.03 10.09
Tyrone Edgar10.06 10.11
Harry Aikines Aryeetey 10.10 10.17
Mark Lewis-Francis10.04 10.38
Christian Malcolm10.11 10.47
Leevan Yearwood 10.22 10.34
James Ellington 10.27 10.27
Jeffrey Lawal Balogun10.28 10.28
You forgot Devonish. He is old though. The only loss should be to Chaimbers. Williamson will be a good fight. Edgar and Ayreety close behind. 10.10ish final.
Friday will be slower times guys. Every body will be conserving their energy for Saturday's Races. Both the 100 semis and finals are on Saturday. So basically by Saturday Night, we will know who is going where and who is staying home or relegated to the Relay Squad. On Friday, you will see guys just go fast enough to get them into the semis. Very common in Championships. Running a p.b. on Friday doesn't get you anywhere. You need to do it in the semis or finals. I sense at least one if not two sub 10's in the finals!
The quality of the average sprinter is poor on Friday. For the team contenders they only need to run about 10.4 or so to make it to the second round and a sub 10.4 to make it to the semis. So nobody should get eliminated until the (semis barring injury).
Chambers and Williamson look like likely cheats, all the others look clean. If that's an all black field you can bet your last dollar it burns their asses to lose to a white sprinter.
from what I saw, Devonish is only running the 200m. I'm really hoping to see a PR out of CP. more then anything I would like to see him take first.
Maple Leaf said:
Chambers and Williamson look like likely cheats, all the others look clean. If that's an all black field you can bet your last dollar it burns their asses to lose to a white sprinter.

You have got to be joking. Have a look at Harry Areetey. He has more muscles in his neck than the average sprinter does in their thighs. I'l try and find a pic and post it here
devans said:
Maple Leaf said:
Chambers and Williamson look like likely cheats, all the others look clean. If that's an all black field you can bet your last dollar it burns their asses to lose to a white sprinter.
<div> </div>
<div>You have got to be joking. Have a look at Harry Areetey. He has more muscles in his neck than the average sprinter does in their thighs. I'l try and find a pic and post it here</div>

You may be right. I don't know. I guessed based on times as I wouldn't know Areetey if I saw him. If he is a drugie it's not doing that much for him.
Maple Leaf,

try to imagine Arnold Schwarzenegger as a sprinter, that's what Areetey looks like. he is so big for a sprinter that he makes Ben Johnson look like a skinny little wimp. just Google his name and see for yourself.
American Freedom News