Craig Pickering

If Williamson is slinking off to Jamaica to train he is probably juicing. But his body doesn't look like an obvious juicer. From the form Pickering had this year he looked like he was battling for the third spot on the team. Is he doing the deuce ?
No deuce. Never been anything more than 60/100 guy. It's going to be hard to get up for the rest of the season.
Still time for Craig to prove he's a great sprinter, and white. He should forget about falwe starting and try to go sub 10. 2012 is his calling anyway.
he needs to finish out the season with a PR.
Well, Craig is too old for the u23s, as he is 23 this year. <div>
</div><div>So to conclude the above posts, because he is running what would have been personal best times this weekend with a wind of about +1.5, and same as the run in Milan, where he had a minus 1.7 and ran 10.33, and in Ostrava, where he would have gone sub 10.10 legal, and so is probably in more or less the best shape of his life, he needs to:</div><div>
</div><div>* Change coach. To who, exactly?</div><div>* Start better (even though he is usaually at worst 3rd at 20m)</div><div>* Skip the indoor season (even though this would allow him to work on the start)?</div><div>
</div><div>Any more brilliant advice to pass on?</div>
james81, you seem like such a smart ass you tell us.I love this kid like a brother, but .08 improvement over 4 years and something has to change. maybe he should train in warm climate instead of burning himself out during the indoor season. the members at caste football want nothing but the best for Craig and it upsets us almost as much as it does him when he doesn't run well.
james81 said:
Well, Craig is too old for the u23s, as he is 23 this year. <div></div><div>So to conclude the above posts, because he is running what would have been personal best times this weekend with a wind of about +1.5, and same as the run in Milan, where he had a minus 1.7 and ran 10.33, and in Ostrava, where he would have gone sub 10.10 legal, and so is probably in more or less the best shape of his life, he needs to:</div><div></div><div>* Change coach. To who, exactly?</div><div>* Start better (even though he is usaually at worst 3rd at 20m)</div><div>* Skip the indoor season (even though this would allow him to work on the start)?</div><div></div><div>Any more brilliant advice to pass on?</div>

The best 100 meter sprinters usually don't do an indoor season, such as Asafa Powell, yet he is one of the best starters in the sport. My advice, after years of an indoor season for Craig that has NOT helped his reaction time or accelleration, is indeed knowledgable and common sense. Therefore, I have no more advice to add. He should think about giving up indoor track if his goal is to be a 100m specialist. If he likes the 60 more, then more power to him.
This just might happen. This article talks about how only Williamson is guaranteed to go to the worlds for the individual 100 meters. The panel could still pick both Edgar and Pickering. The reason would be that Chambers can't participate in the relay and also won't be there in 2012 so they need their younger guys there. It's still a possibility that he makes the individual squad. That would be amazing but I'm not going to hold my breath. Let's see what happens. Keeping my fingers crossed. Here is the link to the article. by: white lightning
white lightning said:
This just might happen. This article talks about how only Williamson is guaranteed to go to the worlds for the individual 100 meters. The panel could still pick both Edgar and Pickering. The reason would be that Chambers can't participate in the relay and also won't be there in 2012 so they need their younger guys there. It's still a possibility that he makes the individual squad. That would be amazing but I'm not going to hold my breath. Let's see what happens. Keeping my fingers crossed. Here is the link to the article.

Last time they shafted Chaimbers. I hope they do again because he makes T&F look dirty, even if it is. He's a bad image to show, not to mention Williamson is better.
Wasn't sure if I should tell you guys about today in France. No one is really talking about it but it was another win for Craig against a quality field. The time was average but againt it was with very little rest, body fatigued from the rounds at the UK Trials and it was run against a negative wind. I figure I would tell you guys. Thought about not saying anything but figured you guys would want to know. At the end of the day, a win is a win! Here is a link to the results with some sub 10 guys losing again to my boy! by: white lightning
white lightning, always keep us posted! you're the bloodhound of track info. not a great time, but it was into a head wind. a win is a win. and he beat allot of brothers in the process and that's what counts!
Another fantastic race. Craig needs some wind behind him now. I hope he makes Berlin over Chambers.
Again I repeat, he was still hurting from the UK Trials. When I say hurting, I'm talking about being sore as his body hadn't totally recovered from running 3 rounds in 2 days. He didn't care and despite this ran a good race into a negative wind. It would have been way faster if he was rested and with no wind or a positive wind. I will go so far as to say he would have probably ran a 10.15 fresh with just a little wind or no wind. I'm not making this up. Running angry and running with a vengence. Craig needs to run another eye popping time to impress the selectors. There is not much time left to try to make an impression.

My opinion is that the UK should take all 4 guys for the individual squad. They are not going to have huge traveling expenses. It's very close to England. It's not the Worlds in Osaka or the Olympics in Beijing. Take all four. Also, I hope they wait till the last minute to make a final decision. If it comes down to the usual 3 guys, cheats should not be included. Even if he doesn't deserve it from finishing 4th, he deserves to be there due to being honest and not cheating. A cheat in my opinion should not knock out a non cheat who isn't even in his prime yet. Your talking about denying a kid who will be there for the next 7-8 years vs an old man cheater. It's not even that hard a decision in my book. Dwain is making enough money off his book and the random meets he enters. Let the cards be dealt. Let Craig compete in the individual 100 at Berlin. It is the right thing to do!
There is a lot of politics involved in the selection of spots. Craig will need to run a near ten flat to be chosen. Too many cries of racism in the past will allow anything but a time in that range.
don't get down, man. Craig is awesome, and he's representing himself (and us) with pride and class. no one is at their best every time they perform, no matter how badlythey want it. Craig has nothing to be ashamed about. i can only imagine how disappointed he is, but i am very proud of him.

keep your head up, man. and i hope Craig knows he should do the same!

and Craig, if you're reading this, keep running angry!
I hope a more rested Craig can catch a break with a wind and run a very fast time to catch the attention of the selectors. Good luck Craig, you will always be my favorite sprinter, and stay focussed for 2012.
I wasnt meaning to be a smart-ass - my main point was that it seems like you guys get on his back when he doesnt run a PB, but love him when he does PB. Its impossible to PB all the time.<div>
</div><div>And I dont think his start is that bad, its just inconsistent. Watch Ostrava, who is winning at 40m? Reaction time isnt that great a component over 100m either, so I wouldnt get too caught up in all that.</div>

we love him all the time, it just we want to see him run the race we know he is capable of. I truthfully feel that he needs to handle pressure better. the race against Bolt showed that he is up to run with the best there is, but the big meet pressure seems to get to him.
You have a point but you do have to remember that he made the 2007 World Champs in the individual and 2008 Olympics in the Individual. He has also won a silver medal at the 2007 Euro Indoor Champs. So to be fair, it has been a more rescent setback that he is dealing with. In my opinion, it is a combo of the injuries last year and the drama with Chambers. His head hasn't been right since. I do know though that he is trying to stay positive and is far from giving up. He's flippin 22 years of age. It's better he goes through this now so he will be ready for 2012! I see no reason why he won't be a regular sub 10 runner by 2012. Just a few minor changes here and there.
The best change would be Chambers's retirement. If Craig wants to keep doing the 60, then Chambers being gone should help his confidence. Btw Craig's wikipedia page was updated and it has a picture and all his accolades. I don't like the picture though. I'm hoping Craig goes to Berlin.
With Usain Bolt And Asafa Powell entered in next weeks Aviva London Grand Prix, hopefully they will let Craig run. It is usually one of the biggest meets of the year in Europe. England puts on quite a show. There are almost always two heats and one final heat. He is going to be there unless the UK denies him. There are only so many spots open and they want the biggest names. S. Williamson will be there and he is the talk of England at the moment. Regardless of how he got there, he has run the times needed and deserves to be there. Just give Craig a lane and I have a feeling we could be in for a show. He sounds ready and willing but will he get the chance.

I personally think Craig should skip indoors next year. Run some 200's and focus on the outdoor season. It's hard to pass up the prize money though. Some of those indoor meets pay quite nicely. It's hard to be an athlete with out the proper funding or enough sponsors. To get more sponsors you have to perform better. It's not easy to do when your struggling. The only bright side is his family and friends are there for him all the way. I think he knows that.

Here is to next weekend. I really belive he will be there and it will be like a second national champs. Go out and beat Sim! That's all I ask my friend. Put a perfect race together and believe. You have to belive before you acheive! I predict a new p.b. next weekend. I don't care what anyone says. My boy is way overdue!
some 200m's is the way to go. the endurance would improve his already great closing speed, and help with running rounds. If he doesn't go to Berline(keeping my fingers crossed), I really hope he ends his season with a PB.
Count Craig in for this Friday at Crystal Palace. This meet has 5 sub 10 guys in in and alot of guys one the verge of that. I'm so happy he got invited. This meet is Craig's last shot to impress the selection committee. There is still a chance if my boy can run the race of his life, that he could be included on the individual team. In my opinion, Craig would need to run in the 10.05 range for them to even consider it. At least the door is still slightly a jar. We need him to run the perfect race and shock some people. No one is expecting him to do much. He has the chance to be a sleeping tiger and pounce on some people. Good luck Craig. Belive it & acheive it! Here is the list of sprinters in the mens 100. They haven't decided the two heats yet but he is in one of them for sure.

It's not working right. Just click on timetable. Edited by: white lightning
Change that to seven sub 10 guys between the two races although they may put them in the same race. It's still going to be Bolt or Powell winning most likely. With only 5 days to go until the meet, the anticipation is sky high. Craig needs to get alot of sleep this week. Get his body rested and hope for the best on Friday. As it gets closer, we will have to make some predictions. by: white lightning
Craig needs to break 10.10 if he wants to go to Berlin. Hopefully he will be in Usain Bolt's heat, because he ran 10.08w against him in Ostrava. Good luck, Craig. Friday will be a day to remember.
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